219 research outputs found

    The relationship of personnel management and competitiveness of the organization

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    This paper tries to emphasize why in the era of globalization human resources are viewed as a source of competitive advantage. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to reveal that human resources management is essential to ensure success of any organization, which is based on the belief that the organization gains a competitive advantage by using its people effectively and efficientl

    Захист прав дітей в Україні, Азербайджані та Туреччині

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    One of the most pressing issues in the world today is the protection of children's rights. A major event in this area was the adoption of the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. At the time of the development and adoption of the Convention, Ukraine and Azerbaijan were part of the USSR. However, the Ukrainian SSR, unlike the Azerbaijani SSR, was the primary founding member of the United Nations and therefore participated in the development and adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, like Turkey, whose observers also participated in this process. This article examines the participation of Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Turkey in the development and adoption of the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. However, the adoption and ratification of the Convention is only the first step in the realization of children's rights at the national level. The national special laws of Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Turkey in the field of protection of children's rights are also studied. This article concludes on the different direction of the special laws of these countries. Moreover, there are some differences in the content of the laws, namely some of them includes not only rights, but also the duties of the child. The state of protection of children's rights in Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Turkey is a priority and urgent issue in the state policy of these countries and needs to be improved. The conclusions provide recommendations for improving the legislation of these countries.Исследуется участие Украины, Азербайджана и Турции в разработке и принятии Конвенции ООН о правах ребенка 1989 г. Анализируется деятельность представителей и наблюдателей Украины и Турции в деятельности рабочей группы комитета ООН по правам человека по подготовке текста Конвенции. Также исследуются национальные специальные законы Украины, Азербайджана и Турции в сфере защиты прав детей. В выводах даются рекомендации по усовершенствованию законодательства этих стран.Досліджено участь України, Азербайджану та Туреччині у розробленні й прийнятті Конвенції ООН про права дитини 1989 р. Проаналізовано діяльність представників та спостерігачів України і Туреччини у діяльності робочої групи комітету ООН з прав людини з підготовки тексту Конвенції. Також досліджено національні спеціальні закони України, Азербайджану та Туреччини щодо захисту прав дітей. Надано рекомендації щодо удосконалення законодавства цих країн

    Synthesis and characterizations of NaFePO4/Na2FePO4Fcathode materials for Na-ION based AQUEOUS battery

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    Rechargeable Li-ion batteries have dominated the market for twenty years. However, the increasing demand for energy storage creates new challenges for further use of lithium-ion batteries mainly due to the problems associated with lithium sources and safety issues [1]. Na-ion based battery is an appealing alternative with comparable energy density to Li-ion based technologies [2]. Moreover, the fast ion intercalation/deintercalation in the aqueous electrolyte media could allow for the operations under high electric current conditions required especially for high power supply and eliminate safety issue [3]

    Synthesis and characterizations of NaFePO4/Na2FePO4Fcathode materials for Na-ION based AQUEOUS battery

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    Rechargeable Li-ion batteries have dominated the market for twenty years. However, the increasing demand for energy storage creates new challenges for further use of lithium-ion batteries mainly due to the problems associated with lithium sources and safety issues [1]. Na-ion based battery is an appealing alternative with comparable energy density to Li-ion based technologies [2]. Moreover, the fast ion intercalation/deintercalation in the aqueous electrolyte media could allow for the operations under high electric current conditions required especially for high power supply and eliminate safety issue [3]