17 research outputs found

    Determinants of Savings Rate in Rural Nigeria: A Micro Study of Kwara State

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    The inability of households to save over time has significant influence on the rate of capital accumulation and economic growth in developing countries. In order to understand this trend, this research assesses savings rates and its correlates in rural Kwara state, Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used to obtain data from 120 households. This was then analyzed using two descriptive statistics: the generalized linear model and the Tobit regression model. Results show that majority of the rural households were male-headed (81.0 percent) and combined farming with other non-farming activities (73.5 percent). The Tobit regression model reveals that age squared (

    Spatial Decomposition of Poverty in Rural Nigeria: Shapley Decomposition Approach

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    Poverty is largely a rural phenomenon in sub-Saharan Africa. The contribution of mean income and inequality to spatial variations in rural poverty were investigated in this study using the 2003/04 National Living Standard Survey by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Shapley Decomposition (SD) techniques. Results showed that across the GPZs, the contribution of mean income to poverty was higher than inequality (Ly) for both P0 and P1.The contribution of mean income to severity of  poverty (P2) was higher than Ly in North-East (µ = -0.0530; Ly = -0.0334); North-West (µ = -0.0844; Ly =0.0429); South-East (µ = 0.0505; Ly = 0.0136); South-South (µ=0.0254; Ly=0.0048); South-West (µ = 0.0450; Ly = 0.0201). However, inequality contributed more than mean income in North-Central (µ = -0.0184; Ly = 0.0240). The marginal contribution of within-GPZs inequality to poverty indices were higher than between-GPZs inequality. Keywords: Poverty, inequality, decomposition, Shapley and rura

    Maize Biodiversity and Food Security Status of Rural Households in the Derived Guinea Savannah of Oyo State, Nigeria

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    The incidences of food insecurity and loss of crop biodiversity are devastating in the developing countries including Nigeria. The continued loss of genetic diversity of agricultural crops has major negative consequences on food security. This study examined the effects of maize biodiversity on household food security status of rural maize farm households in the southern guinea savannah of Oyo State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used to select 200 maize-farm households. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics, recommended daily calorie approach, Logit model, agro-biodiversity indices (Margalef, Shannon and Simpson) and the two-stage least Square. Based on the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recommended daily energy requirement of 2260 Kcal, about 76.5% of the rural households were food secure. The highest proportion of the farmers with abundance of maize cultivars were within 30 to 49 years old, with five to nine household members, had formal education and 10-19 years of farming experience and cultivated five to nine hectares of farmland. Food security headcount increases with maize richness, cultivar evenness and relative abundance. Most of the farmers grow improved varieties such as \u27Tsolo\u27, \u27NS-1\u27, \u27N.S 5\u27, \u27TZB\u27, \u27TZBP\u27, \u27OBA Supper\u27 (Yellow and White) and Popcorn varieties. Farmers growing Tsolo had the highest percentage of abundance, while the least abundant species were \u27NS-1\u27, \u27N.S 5\u27, \u27TZB\u27, \u27TZBP\u27, \u27OBA Supper\u27 (Yellow and White) and Popcorn varieties. Disaggregation of maize diversity into its components showed that its effect on household food security status was based on the age of the farmer and the annual gross farm income. Maize diversity is positively related and truly endogenous to household food security status without reverse causality

    Determinants of Savings Rate in Rural Nigeria: A Micro Study of Kwara State

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    The inability of households to save over time has significant influence on the rate of capital accumulation and economic growth in developing countries. In order to understand this trend, this research assesses savings rates and its correlates in rural Kwara state, Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used to obtain data from 120 households. This was then analyzed using two descriptive statistics: the generalized linear model and the Tobit regression model. Results show that majority of the rural households were male-headed (81.0 percent) and combined farming with other non-farming activities (73.5 percent). The Tobit regression model reveals that age squared (

    Ocena odziva ponudbe/oskrbe s kasavo v Nigeriji z uporabo modela za vektorsko popravljanje napak (VECM)

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    The response of agricultural commodities to changes in price is an important factor in the success of any reform programme in agricultural sector of Nigeria. The producers of traditional agricultural commodities, such as cassava, face the world market directly. Consequently, the producer price of cassava has become unstable, which is a disincentive for both its production and trade. This study investigated cassava supply response to changes in price. Data collected from FAOSTAT from 1966 to 2010 were analysed using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) approach. The results of the VECM for the estimation of short run adjustment of the variables toward their long run relationship showed a linear deterministic trend in the data and that Area cultivated and own prices jointly explained 74% and 63% of the variation in the Nigeria cassava output in the short run and long-run respectively. Cassava prices (P<0.001) and land cultivated (P<0.1) had positive influence on cassava supply in the short-run. The short-run price elasticity was 0.38 indicating that price policies were effective in the short-run promotion of cassava production in Nigeria. However, in the long-run elasticity cassava was not responsive to price incentives significantly. This suggests that price policies are not effective in the long-run promotion of cassava production in the country owing to instability in governance and government policies.Odziv kmetijske proizvodnje na spremembe cen je pomemben dejavnik pri uspehu kateregakoli programa reform v kmetijskem sektorju v Nigeriji. Proizvajalci tradicionalnih kmetijskih proizvodov, kot je na primer kasava, se neposredno soočajo s svetovnim trgom. Posledica je nestabilna cena kasave, kar neugodno vpliva na pridelavo in trženje/prodajo kasave. Cilj raziskave je bil preučiti odziv ponudbe/oskrbe s kasavo na spremembe v ceni. Podatki, zbrani iz baze FAOSTAT za obdobje 1966 do 2010, so bili analizirali z modelom za vektorsko popravljanje napak (VECM). Rezultati analize VECM za oceno kratkoročne prilagoditve spremenljivk v smeri njihove dolgoročne povezanosti/razmerja so pokazali linearno deterministični trend v podatkih ter da obdelane površine in lastna cena skupaj kratkoročno in dolgoročno razložita 74% in 63% variabilnosti proizvodnje kasave v Nigeriji. Cene kasave (P < 0,001) in obdelana zemljišča (P < 0,1) imajo pozitiven vpliv na kratkoročno oskrbo s kasavo. Kratkoročna elastičnost cene je bila 0,38, kar kaže na to, da je bila cenovna politika učinkovita pri kratkoročnem spodbujanju proizvodnje kasave v Nigeriji. Po drugi strani pa pri dolgoročni elastičnosti ni bila ugotovljena značilna odzivnost kasave na cenovne spodbude. Na osnovi rezultatov domnevamo, da cenovna politika ni učinkovita pri dolgoročnem vzpodbujanju pridelave kasave v državi zaradi nestabilnosti vlade in vladne politike

    Rural livelihood and food poverty in Ekiti State, Nigeria

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    The study examined the effect of livelihood activities on food security status of rural households in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Primary data were collected from 150 households through a multi-stage sampling procedure. The majority of the rural residents were in their economic active years, had diversified their livelihood activities so as to increase their income stream and also mitigate against shocks. The highest food poverty headcount was observed among female crop farming non-farming households with one to six members while all households with more than 12 members were food poor. Severity of food poverty decreased with years of farming experience, educational status and farm size of crop farmers and those engaged in non-farm activities. The probability of a rural household being food poor reduced with household head’s attainment of primary education and land ownership but increases with being headed by a woman and having high dependency ratio

    Demand for white meats among working households of a tertiary institution in Nigeria

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    White meat is associated with lower cholesterol level, reduction in cardiovascular diseases and more protein content than red meat. Owing to a paucity of empirical studies on its demand in Nigeria, this study assessed household demand for selected white meats among the staff of University of Ibadan. Elasticities of demand were estimated with Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS). Chicken, turkey and snail meats were necessity goods, while fish, duck, rabbit, guinea fowl and quail meats were luxury goods. All the white meat types were normal goods with the exception of snail and duck meats that were considered as inferior goods. The selected white meats were mainly gross complements but a few were substitutes. Own- and cross- prices, age, gender, educational attainment and household size explained demand for white meat among the working households. Price reduction and income policies that would increase the purchasing power of the working households are viable policy thrusts to enhance their demand for white meats

    Gender and Returns to Marketing of Non-Timber Forest Products in Southwest Nigeria

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    Marketing of commercially important Non-timber Forest Products (NTFPs) can be a potential source of livelihoods and a major source of rural income for both men and women. Many of these NTFPs have market demand, so they offer an opportunity to earn cash income especially in cash-constrained rural economies where alternative sources of cash-income generating employments arc very limited. The study assessed gender and returns to non-timber forest products marketing in Omo Forest Reserve in Ogun State. Data was obtained from 192 respondents through a multistage sampling process to select four villages each of the four administrative areas (JI, J3, J4 and J6) of the forest reserve. Results showed that a majority of the respondents were female with a mean age of 4 7±9 .41 years and an average household size of7±3.22 members. A typical household had an average mean dependency ratio of 1.1±0.83. About 83.3% of the respondents had at least primary education and there was a significant difference in the means of total cost, gross margin, profit and marketing efficiency from marketing ofNTFPs among the male and female extractors. High transaction cost was the most severe constraint faced during the collection of NTFPs. Marketing of these NTFPs was profitable and highly efficient

    Czy wiejskie gospodarstwa domowe są skłonne płacić za czystą energię? Przykład południowo-zachodniej Nigerii

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    Modern energy services such as electricity offer social, economic and health benefits, particularly for rural households that depend wholly and solely on traditional fuels. Insight into rural household preferences and willingness to pay for clean energy is a key variable for suppliers to become more competitive in the retail market and for government to design energy policies. Therefore, this study was carried out to assess consumers’ willingness to pay for renewable energy source(s) in Kajola Local Government Area of Oyo State. A multistage sampling procedure was employed to sample 200 household in the study area. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics, Likert scale and the logit model. Results showed that a majority of the respondents were willing to pay for improved hydro-electricity (71%) and solar lamps (58.5%) while about 13% and 27.5% of them were willing to pay for solar PV and biomass respectively. Further, the logit models revealed that bid, age, sex, marital status, household size, per capital expenditure and year of education were the prime drivers of respondents’ willingness to pay for clean energy. The respondents were willing to pay for clean energy source given that the prices were not too high.Nowoczesne usługi operatorów energetycznych, takie jak dostawa elektryczności, zapewniają korzyści w wymiarze społecznym, gospodarczym i zdrowotnym. Ma to szczególne znaczenie dla wiejskich gospodarstw domowych, których funkcjonowanie jest oparte wyłącznie i w całości na paliwach tradycyjnych. Wiedza o preferencjach tych gospodarstw oraz o ich skłonności do płacenia za czystą energię to kluczowy czynnik, dzięki któremu dostawcy będą mogli poprawiać swoją konkurencyjność na rynku detalicznym, a instytucje rządowe – opracowywać politykę energetyczną. Niniejsze badanie zostało przeprowadzone, aby ocenić skłonność do płacenia za energię ze źródeł odnawialnych w okręgu samorządowym Kajola w stanie Oyo. Procedurą wieloetapowego pobierania próbek objęto 200 gospodarstw domowych z badanego obszaru. Do analizy danych wykorzystano metody statystyki opisowej, skalę Likerta i model logitowy. Otrzymane wyniki wykazały, że respondenci są w większości skłonni zapłacić za energię pozyskiwaną z usprawnionych systemów hydroenergetycznych (71%) oraz za lampy solarne (58,5%). Ponadto około 13% respondentów wyraziło chęć płacenia za słoneczną energię fotowoltaiczną, a 27,5% – za energię uzyskiwaną z biomasy. Z modeli logitowych wynika również, że najważniejszymi czynnikami decydującymi o skłonności respondentów do płacenia za czystą energię są cena zakupu, wiek, płeć, stan cywilny, wielkość gospodarstwa domowego, wydatki w przeliczeniu na osobę oraz wykształcenie. Respondenci wyrażali skłonność do płacenia za energię z czystych źródeł pod warunkiem, że ceny nie będą zbyt wysokie