214 research outputs found

    Sequential effects of increasing propofol sedation on frontal and temporal cortices as indexed by auditory event-related potentials

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    BACKGROUND: It is an open question whether cognitive processes of auditory perception that are mediated by functionally different cortices exhibit the same sensitivity to sedation. The auditory event-related potentials P1, mismatch negativity (MMN), and early right anterior negativity (ERAN) originate from different cortical areas and reflect different stages of auditory processing. The P1 originates mainly from the primary auditory cortex. The MMN is generated in or in the close vicinity of the primary auditory cortex but is also dependent on frontal sources. The ERAN mainly originates from frontal generators. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of increasing propofol sedation on different stages of auditory processing as reflected in P1, MMN, and ERAN. METHODS: The P1, the MMN, and the ERAN were recorded preoperatively in 18 patients during four levels of anesthesia adjusted with target-controlled infusion: awake state (target concentration of propofol 0.0 microg/ml), light sedation (0.5 microg/ml), deep sedation (1.5 microg/ml), and unconsciousness (2.5-3.0 microg/ml). Simultaneously, propofol anesthesia was assessed using the Bispectral Index. RESULTS: Propofol sedation resulted in a progressive decrease in amplitudes and an increase of latencies with a similar pattern for MMN and ERAN. MMN and ERAN were elicited during sedation but were abolished during unconsciousness. In contrast, the amplitude of the P1 was unchanged by sedation but markedly decreased during unconsciousness. CONCLUSION: The results indicate differential effects of propofol sedation on cognitive functions that involve mainly the auditory cortices and cognitive functions that involve the frontal cortices

    Sequential effects of propofol on functional brain activation induced by auditory language processing: an event‐related functional magnetic resonance imaging study

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    Background. We have investigated the effect of propofol on language processing using event‐related functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Methods. Twelve healthy male volunteers underwent MRI scanning at a magnetic field strength of 3 Tesla while performing an auditory language processing task. Functional images were acquired from the perisylvian cortical regions that are associated with auditory and language processing. The experiment consisted of three blocks: awake state (block 1), induction of anaesthesia with 3 mg kg-1 propofol (block 2), and maintenance of anaesthesia with 3 mg kg-1 h-1 propofol (block 3). During each block normal sentences and pseudo‐word sentences were presented in random order. The subjects were instructed to press a button to indicate whether a sentence was made up of pseudo‐words or not. All subjects stopped responding during block two. The data collected before and after the subjects stopped responding during this block were analyzed separately. In addition, propofol plasma concentrations were measured and the effect‐site concentrations of propofol were calculated. Results. During wakefulness, language processing induced brain activation in a widely distributed temporofrontal network. Immediately after unresponsiveness, activation disappeared in frontal areas but persisted in both temporal lobes (block 2 second half, propofol effect‐site concentration: 1.51 µg ml-1). No activation differences related to the task were observed during block 3 (propofol effect‐site concentration: 4.35 µg ml-1). Conclusion. Our findings suggest sequential effects of propofol on auditory language processing networks. Brain activation firstly declines in the frontal lobe before it disappears in the temporal lobe. Br J Anaesth 2004; 92: 641-5

    Experimental and computational characterization of a modified GEC cell for dusty plasma experiments

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    A self-consistent fluid model developed for simulations of micro- gravity dusty plasma experiments has for the first time been used to model asymmetric dusty plasma experiments in a modified GEC reference cell with gravity. The numerical results are directly compared with experimental data and the experimentally determined dependence of global discharge parameters on the applied driving potential and neutral gas pressure is found to be well matched by the model. The local profiles important for dust particle transport are studied and compared with experimentally determined profiles. The radial forces in the midplane are presented for the different discharge settings. The differences between the results obtained in the modified GEC cell and the results first reported for the original GEC reference cell are pointed out

    Implementation of Vascularized Composite Allografts in the United States: Recommendations From the ASTS VCA Ad Hoc Committee and the Executive Committee

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    Like all other areas of transplantation, vascularized composite allografts (VCA) has the capacity to transform the lives of patients, for the better or for the worse. It is this duality that mandates VCA be performed in centers prepared for the intricacies accompanying other transplant procedures. Similarly, the complexities of VCA require that the procedures be driven by surgeons and physicians with experience in the multidisciplinary management of immunocompromised postsurgical patients. Furthermore, the grafts should be considered as organs rather than tissues from a regulatory and a biological standpoint. The ASTS supports the field of VCA and has demonstrated its support and leadership by actively formulating a strategy for its systematic development. The goal of this document is to provide a framework for the prospective, thoughtful realization of VCA in the United States from the American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) perspective.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/79113/1/j.1600-6143.2010.03374.x.pd

    Collisional kinetics of non-uniform electric field, low-pressure, direct-current discharges in H2_{2}

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    A model of the collisional kinetics of energetic hydrogen atoms, molecules, and ions in pure H2_2 discharges is used to predict Hα_\alpha emission profiles and spatial distributions of emission from the cathode regions of low-pressure, weakly-ionized discharges for comparison with a wide variety of experiments. Positive and negative ion energy distributions are also predicted. The model developed for spatially uniform electric fields and current densities less than 10310^{-3} A/m2^2 is extended to non-uniform electric fields, current densities of 10310^{3} A/m2^2, and electric field to gas density ratios E/N=1.3E/N = 1.3 MTd at 0.002 to 5 Torr pressure. (1 Td = 102110^{-21} V m2^2 and 1 Torr = 133 Pa) The observed far-wing Doppler broadening and spatial distribution of the Hα_\alpha emission is consistent with reactions among H+^+, H2+_2^+, H3+_3^+, and HH^-H ions, fast H atoms, and fast H2_2 molecules, and with reflection, excitation, and attachment to fast H atoms at surfaces. The Hα_\alpha excitation and H^- formation occur principally by collisions of fast H, fast H2_2, and H+^+ with H2_2. Simplifications include using a one-dimensional geometry, a multi-beam transport model, and the average cathode-fall electric field. The Hα_\alpha emission is linear with current density over eight orders of magnitude. The calculated ion energy distributions agree satisfactorily with experiment for H2+_2^+ and H3+_3^+, but are only in qualitative agreement for H+^+ and H^-. The experiments successfully modeled range from short-gap, parallel-plane glow discharges to beam-like, electrostatic-confinement discharges.Comment: Submitted to Plasmas Sources Science and Technology 8/18/201

    The Development of Practice Recommendations for Drug-Disease Interactions by Literature Review and Expert Opinion

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    Background Drug-disease interactions negatively affect the benefit/risk ratio of drugs for specific populations. In these conditions drugs should be avoided, adjusted, or accompanied by extra monitoring. The motivation for many drug-disease interactions in the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) is sometimes insufficiently supported by (accessible) evidence. As a consequence the translation of SmPC to clinical practice may lead to non-specific recommendations. For the translation of this information to the real world, it is necessary to evaluate the available knowledge about drug-disease interactions, and to formulate specific recommendations for prescribers and pharmacists. The aim of this paper is to describe a standardized method how to develop practice recommendations for drug-disease interactions by literature review and expert opinion. Methods The development of recommendations for drug-disease interactions will follow a six-step plan involving a multidisciplinary expert panel (1). The scope of the drug-disease interaction will be specified by defining the disease and by describing relevant effects of this drug-disease interaction. Drugs possibly involved in this drug-disease interaction are selected by checking the official product information, literature, and expert opinion (2). Evidence will be collected from the official product information, guidelines, handbooks, and primary literature (3). Study characteristics and outcomes will be evaluated and presented in standardized reports, including preliminary conclusions on the clinical relevance and practice recommendations (4). The multidisciplinary expert panel will discuss the reports and will either adopt or adjust the conclusions (5). Practice recommendations will be integrated in clinical decision support systems and published (6). The results of the evaluated drug-disease interactions will remain up-to-date by screening new risk information, periodic literature review, and (re)assessments initiated by health care providers. Actionable Recommendations The practice recommendations will result in advices for specific DDSI. The content and considerations of these DDSIs will be published and implemented in all Clinical Decision Support Systems in the Netherlands. Discussion The recommendations result in professional guidance in the context of individual patient care. The professional will be supported in the decision making in concerning pharmacotherapy for the treatment of a medical problem, and the clinical risks of the proposed medication in combination with specific diseases

    The Development of Practice Recommendations for Drug-Disease Interactions by Literature Review and Expert Opinion

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    Background: Drug-disease interactions negatively affect the benefit/risk ratio of drugs for specific populations. In these conditions drugs should be avoided, adjusted, or accompanied by extra monitoring. The motivation for many drug-disease interactions in the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) is sometimes insufficiently supported by (accessible) evidence. As a consequence the translation of SmPC to clinical practice may lead to non-specific recommendations. For the translation of this information to the real world, it is necessary to evaluate the available knowledge about drug-disease interactions, and to formulate specific recommendations for prescribers and pharmacists. The aim of this paper is to describe a standardized method how to develop practice recommendations for drug-disease interactions by literature review and expert opinion. Methods: The development of recommendations for drug-disease interactions will follow a six-step plan involving a multidisciplinary expert panel (1). The scope of the drug-disease interaction will be specified by defining the disease and by describing relevant effects of this drug-disease interaction. Drugs possibly involved in this drug-disease interaction are selected by checking the official product information, literature, and expert opinion (2). Evidence will be collected from the official product information, guidelines, handbooks, and primary literature (3). Study characteristics and outcomes will be evaluated and presented in standardized reports, including preliminary conclusions on the clinical relevance and practice recommendations (4). The multidisciplinary expert panel will discuss the reports and will either adopt or adjust the conclusions (5). Practice recommendations will be integrated in clinical decision support systems and published (6). The results of the evaluated drug-disease interactions will remain up-to-date by screening new risk information, periodic literature review, and (re)assessments initiated by health care providers. Actionable Recommendations: The practice recommendations will result in advices for specific DDSI. The content and considerations of these DDSIs will be published and implemented in all Clinical Decision Support Systems in the Netherlands. Discussion: The recommendations result in professional guidance in the context of individual patient care. The professional will be supported in the decision making in concerning pharmacotherapy for the treatment of a medical problem, and the clinical risks of the proposed medication in combination with specific diseases

    The Gaseous Electronics Conference radio‐frequency reference cell: A defined parallel‐plate radio‐frequency system for experimental and theoretical studies of plasma‐processing discharges

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    A ‘‘reference cell’’ for generating radio‐frequency (rf) glow discharges in gases at a frequency of 13.56 MHz is described. The reference cell provides an experimental platform for comparing plasma measurements carried out in a common reactor geometry by different experimental groups, thereby enhancing the transfer of knowledge and insight gained in rf discharge studies. The results of performing ostensibly identical measurements on six of these cells in five different laboratories are analyzed and discussed. Measurements were made of plasma voltage and current characteristics for discharges in pure argon at specified values of applied voltages, gas pressures, and gas flow rates. Data are presented on relevant electrical quantities derived from Fourier analysis of the voltage and current wave forms. Amplitudes, phase shifts, self‐bias voltages, and power dissipation were measured. Each of the cells was characterized in terms of its measured internal reactive components. Comparing results from different cells provides an indication of the degree of precision needed to define the electrical configuration and operating parameters in order to achieve identical performance at various laboratories. The results show, for example, that the external circuit, including the reactive components of the rf power source, can significantly influence the discharge. Results obtained in reference cells with identical rf power sources demonstrate that considerable progress has been made in developing a phenomenological understanding of the conditions needed to obtain reproducible discharge conditions in independent reference cells.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/70394/2/RSINAK-65-1-140-1.pd