58 research outputs found

    Scanning probe microscopy studies on the adsorption of selected molecular dyes on titania

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    Titanium dioxide, or titania, sensitized with organic dyes is a very attractive platform for photovoltaic applications. In this context, the knowledge of properties of the titania–sensitizer junction is essential for designing efficient devices. Consequently, studies on the adsorption of organic dyes on titania surfaces and on the influence of the adsorption geometry on the energy level alignment between the substrate and an organic adsorbate are necessary. The method of choice for investigating the local environment of a single dye molecule is high-resolution scanning probe microscopy. Microscopic results combined with the outcome of common spectroscopic methods provide a better understanding of the mechanism taking place at the titania–sensitizer interface. In the following paper, we review the recent scanning probe microscopic research of a certain group of molecular assemblies on rutile titania surfaces as it pertains to dye-sensitized solar cell applications. We focus on experiments on adsorption of three types of prototypical dye molecules, i.e., perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA), phtalocyanines and porphyrins. Two interesting heteromolecular systems comprising molecules that are aligned with the given review are discussed as well

    Recruitment and retention of participants in UK surgical trials : survey of key issues reported by trial staff

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    Source of Funding This research was supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) (NIHR-BRC-1215-20008) and by the Medical Research Council (MRC) Network of Hubs for Trials Methodology Research (MR/L004933/1-N66), as part of the wider PIRRIST project. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health. The Health Services Research Unit, University of Aberdeen, receives core funding from the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health Directorates. The funders had no input into the study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation or manuscript writing. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to all survey respondents and to PIRRIST study collaborators and advisers who helped to promote survey. We thank Caroline Jordan and Liz Woolliams for providing administrative support; Rebecca Harmston for providing valuable advice from a patient perspective; Murat Akkulak at the Royal College of Surgeons for providing the RCS portfolio of surgical trials; Amadea Turk for helping to identify potential participants; and colleagues who kindly piloted and helped to improve the survey including Kerry Avery, Karen Barnett, Helen Bulbeck, Marloes Franssen, Nicola Higgins, Jennifer Hirst, Lynne Maddocks, Peter McCulloch, James Shepperd, Jean Simmonds and Sharon Tonner. Anonymised survey data can be made available on request. Please contact the corresponding author. This study was not preregistered. The authors declare no potential competing interests.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Patient and public involvement (PPI) in UK surgical trials: a survey and focus groups with stakeholders to identify practices, views, and experiences

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    Background and aims Historically, patient and public involvement (PPI) in the design and conduct of surgical trials has been absent or minimal, but it is now routinely recommended and even required by some research funders. We aimed to identify and describe current PPI practice in surgical trials in the United Kingdom, and to explore the views and experiences of surgical trial staff and patient or public contributors in relation to these practices. This was part of a larger study to inform development of a robust PPI intervention aimed at improving recruitment and retention in surgical trials. Methods Our study had two stages: 1) an online survey to identify current PPI practice in active UK-led, adult surgical trials; and 2) focus groups and interviews with key stakeholders (surgical trial investigators, administrators, and patient or public contributors) to explore their views and experiences of PPI. Results Of 129 eligible surgical trial teams identified, 71 (55%) took part in the survey. In addition, 54 stakeholders subsequently took part in focus groups or interviews. Sixty-five (92%) survey respondents reported some kind of PPI, most commonly at the design and dissemination stages and in oversight or advisory roles. The single most common PPI activity was developing participant information sheets (72%). Participants reported mixed practice and views on a variety of issues including the involvement of patients versus lay members of the public, recruitment methods, use of role descriptions and payment for the time of PPI contributors. They suggested some solutions, including the use of written role descriptions and databases of potential PPI contributors to aid recruitment. Conclusions UK surgical trials involve patients and members of the public in a variety of different ways, most commonly at the beginning and end of the trial lifecycle and in oversight or advisory roles. These are not without challenges and there remain uncertainties about who best to involve, why, and how. Future research should aim to address these issues

    Incorrect work of Common Rail system injectors despite a positive results of the test

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    W artykule omówione zostały szczególne przypadki awarii wtryskiwaczy Common Rail, pomimo spełniania wymaganych kryteriów diagnostycznych producenta i przechodzenia z wynikiem pozytywnym testów na specjalistycznych stołach probierczych. Omówiono nowe możliwości diagnozy i sposoby wykrywania tego nadzwyczajnego stanu. Badania są rozwiązaniem potrzeb występujących w eksploatacji. Rynek usług serwisowych od dawna oczekiwał rozwiązania opisywanego problemu.This article describes the specific case of Common Rail injectors failures, despite meeting the manufacturer's diagnostic criteria and passing tests on specialist testing tables. New possibilities for diagnosis and ways of detecting this extraordinary condition are discussed. The research is the answer to exploitation's needs. The service market has long been waiting for the solution to problem described in this article

    The methods of diagnosis of the innovatory management systems in cars

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    The article describes the methods of diagnosis of the integrated management systems in vehicles. BLIS safety system is presented. The methods of diagnosis which are wider than systems of control in the process of self diagnosis have been prepared and discussed as well. The authoritative method of the punctual diagnosis of the system, which puts theory into practice is discussed. It has been approved and accepted by many car services in the whole country

    The impact of diesel fuel on the condition of injection system common rail

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    W artykule zaprezentowano jedno z możliwych rozwiązań problemów eksploatacyjnych pojazdów z silnikami o zapłonie samoczynnym na skutek pracy na paliwie o obniżonych parametrach. Problemy dotyczyły przedwczesnego uszkodzenia par precyzyjnych ich wtryskiwaczy. Silniki te dominują w przypadku pojazdów użytkowych. Charakteryzują się więc dużymi przebiegami w ciągu krótkiego czasu eksploatacji. Ten duży przebieg, stosunkowo intensywna i niestandardowa eksploatacja (samochody służbowe) powoduje, że usterki, które mogą wystąpić po kilku czy nawet kilkunastu latach eksploatacji statystycznego pojazdu, w samochodach użytkowych ze zrozumiałych względów występują dużo wcześniej. Zastosowanie zaproponowanego rozwiązania może przyczynić się na zwięk-szenie trwałości jednostek napędowych, a szczególnie może mieć wpływ na ekonomię przedsiębiorstwa wykorzystującego to innowacyjne rozwiązanie. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badania silników spalinowych z zastosowaniem dodatku do oleju napędowego Ferro+/ED+.The article presented one of possible solutions for exploitation problems resulting from usage of low quality fuel in vehicles with compression ignition engines. Problems refered to early breakage of precision injector clips. Those engines constitute the majority in utility vehicles and therefore they are characterized by big ratios of mileage per exploitation time. This big mileage along with relatively intensive and uncommon exploitation (company cars) results in faults occuring much earlier than in the case of statistical vehicle. Enforcing proposed solution may increase durability of drive units, and in particular it may influence the company's economy. The article contained results of study done on combustion engines using diesel oil additive Ferro+/ED+

    Diagnostyka nowej generacji silników o zapłonie samoczynnym

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    The article describes the innovative conceptions of diagnoses of injectors in diesel engines with Common Rail system. What is more, the new features of acoustic emission of injectors are described. The correct as well as incorrect oscillograph course of acoustic emission are shown. Some chosen data from the report of the world-wide known leader in the area of the production of the injector systems in the diesel engines as well as some numbers selected from the one of the biggest national services has bead discussed. The analyses as well as the reasons for the need to start the additional research of the direct injector systems in the diesel engines are described.W pracy opisano wybrane przypadki uszkodzeń nowej generacji silników o zapłonie samoczynnym (ZS). Zaprezentowano skutki uszkodzeń oraz omówiono przyczyny ich powstawania. Przedstawiono również zapobiegawczą innowacyjną technikę diagnozowania stanu układu wtryskowego silników z systemem Common Rail (CR) oraz UPS/PLD będącą wynikiem wieloletnich badań interdyscyplinarnego zespołu badawczego. Przedstawiono zestaw nowych cech emisji akustycznej dla prawidłowo działających i uszkodzonych wtryskiwaczy. Zamieszczono wybrane dane raportu światowego lidera w dziedzinie produkcji systemów wtryskowych silników o zapłonie samoczynnym oraz wybrane elementy statystyki jednego z większych serwisów międzynarodowych sieci serwisowych Autodistribution International oraz Bosch Car Service. Przedstawiono analizę i umotywowano konieczność podjęcia dodatkowych badań przez ośrodki naukowo-badawcze w zakresie diagnostyki układów wtryskowych silników o zapłonie samoczynnym z bezpośrednim wtryskiem paliwa