103 research outputs found
Gradient echo-based quantitative MRI of human brain at 7T : Mapping of T1, MT saturation and local flip angle
Quantitative MRI (qMRI) refers to the process of deriving maps of MR contrast parameters, such as relaxation times, from conventional images. If the qMRI maps have a high degree of precision and a low degree of bias, they can be compared longitudinally, across subjects, and (ideally) between measurement protocols and research sites. They also provide a more direct biophysical interpretation of the pixel intensities. The increased magnetization of spins at ultra-high field (UHF) strengths of 7T and above could potentially be translated into higher spatial resolution and/or reduced scan time. This thesis tackles UHF-related challenges in qMRI, namely the increased inhomogeneity of the radio frequency (RF) field (B1) and increased specific absorption rate (SAR). The changing relaxation times (i.e. prolonged T1 and shortened T2) also needs to be accounted for.Here, spoiled gradient-recalled echo (GRE) techniques are employed to map (primarily) two structural MR parameters, i.e. the longitudinal relaxation time (T1) and the magnetization transfer (MT) saturation (MTsat). Because of its influence at UHF, emphasis is also put on mapping of the local flip angle. Primarily, qMRI is performed by the inversion of analytical signal equations, as opposed to numerical approaches.The process of implementing and modifying the dual flip angle (DFA) technique in conjunction with an MT-weighted GRE for 7T is described. Implementation is performed within the well-established multi-parameter mapping (MPM) framework and special attention is afforded to the reduction of biases as well as overcoming saftey restrictions imposed by SAR. An approach to obtain high-SNR low-bias flip angle maps at 7T, using the dual refocusing echo acquisition mode (DREAM) technique is also presented. This is important since high fidelity flip angle maps are a prerequisite in DFA-based T1-mapping and recommended for correcting MTsat at UHF. Furthermore, MPRAGE-based techniques are discussed. Firstly, it is demonstrated how to most effectively obtain B1-corrected MPRAGE images of âpureâ T1 contrast using a sequential protocol This is followed by a description of T1-mapping using MP2RAGE. Finally, an innovative technique for simultaneous mapping of T1 and the local flip angle is introduced, dubbed âMP3RAGEâ
Cultural and socio-political development in south Etruria. : The Biedano region in the 5th to 1st centuries BC
The town of Blera is situated in the southern parts of Etruria and has a history spanning more than 2,500 years. Its location between the two important Etruscan cities of Tarquinii and Caere has meant that Blera, for the entire Etruscan period (c. 750â50 BC), alternatively has found itself in either cityâs sphere of interest. When Rome begins her expansion into Etruria, following the fall of the south Etruscan city of Veii in 396 BC, Blera is to be found in a conflict area between Tarquinii and Rome. The view of the Romanisation of Italy has shifted since the imperialistic interpretations of the early 20th century. According to this view, Roman culture and the Latin language were imposed on the native populations, considered part of an inevitable process. However, later scholarship has begun to question and challenge this view, developing alternative models for how to interpret the development. Rather than treating the Roman expansion on imperialistic grounds, it should be seen as a very complex political and social game, which in the end brought about the political unification of the Apennine peninsula under Rome. The driving mechanisms behind the development were the ambitions of Italyâs Ă©lite families. Their primary focus was to create and preserve power, influence, wealth and prestige for their own lineage. Their cities of origin, with belonging territories, became the tools with which they could achieve this. The consequence of this power struggle was that the city-states on the peninsula united in a federation, led by Rome. However, the creation of this new federal state did not immediately substitute the earlier local identities and cultures; the Ă©lite families of Etruria did not consider themselves âRomanâ, because of their new alliances with Rome, but they could foresee that if they wanted to remain important and influential, Rome was the horse to bet on. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the cultural and socio-political development in the region where we find Blera when Rome and Tarquinii sought to expand their political influence. The main material groups studied for this thesis consist of the settlement types uncovered in earlier field surveys, tombs and necropoleis, the road network, epigraphic material, and the works of ancient authors
Marknadsmissbruksförordningen - FörhÄllandet till sanktionsavgifter och yttrandefriheten
Uppsatsen behandlar i tvĂ„ delar de nya reglerna om marknadsmanipulation och investeringsrekommendationer i Europeiska unionens förordning 596/2014 och svenska utredningen SOU 2014:46. Den ena delen behandlar bestĂ€mmelserna i förhĂ„llande till yttrandefriheten som den stadgas i yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen, regeringsformen och Europakonventionen. Den andra delen behandlar bestĂ€mmelserna i förhĂ„llande till Europakonventionen artikel 6, ifrĂ„ga om huruvida de ska anses utgöra en anklagelse om brott eller ligga utanför definitionen. Det hela görs med utgĂ„ngspunkt i tvĂ„ vanliga typer av inlĂ€gg om aktier pĂ„ internet; rekommendationer i skrift samt podcasts med innehĂ„ll om aktier.This essay deals with the two parts of the new rules on market abuse and investment recommendations in EU Regulation 596/2014 and SOU 2014:46. The first part deals with the provisions in relation to the publication and freedom of expression as stipulated in the fundamental Law, the constitution and the ECHR. The second part deals with the provisions in relation to article 6 ECHR, as to whether they should be considered as a criminal charge or to be outside the definition. Itâs all made on the basis of two common types of posts about stocks on the Internet; recommendations in writing as well as podcasts with content about stocks
ErkÀnnandet av stater politik eller juridik? ErkÀnnande teorier och dess effekter
This essay will debate the topic of state recognition in public international law. The purpose of the essay is to explore state recognition and determine the legal effects of recognition. The following questions aim to pinpoint the purpose of this essay: which state recognition theories exist and how does one differ from the other? And what legal effects does recognition have? Before discussing state recognition it is essential to examine what a state actually is. The common ground is generally found in the Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States, where the basic requirements for an entity to achieve statehood is defined. The requirements consist of the following four criteria: a permanent population; a defined territory; government and a capacity to enter into relations with other states. If an entity fulfil these prerequisites the question arises what impact recognition has on an entityâs statehood? The two primary theories in state recognition are the constitutive theory and the declaratory theory. The constitutive theory emphasise the view that a state exist only when recognized by other states, and before recognition the state is solely an entity. The declaratory theory has a different point of view, this theory suggests that recognition only is a confirmation on the statehood of a state. And thus the entity already before the recognition exist as a sate, but with the recognition confirmation of statehood is given. Neither of these two theories have been able to extinguish the other, and there is no unanimous practice in public international law. Maybe this diversity in state recognition depends on the political part of recognition, and the fact that states are the legislative power and at the same time should be the law abiding citizens in public international law, thus having a foot in both camps. This makes the line of illegal acts and developing public international law somewhat hazy. The effects of recognition does not necessarily have to be limited to a certain effect, a state recognition may be declaratory in some cases and constitutive in other. This is noted in collective-recognitions by admission of an entity as a new member of the UN and collective non-recognitions for instance from the UN. The conclusion is that recognition may have declaratory and constitutive effects, and the reason for both these theories survival are that both are needed in todayâs public international law to create stability in the international community.Uppsatsen behandlar Ă€mnet erkĂ€nnandet av stater, vilket Ă€r en folkrĂ€ttslig disciplin. Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att försöka avgöra om erkĂ€nnandet Ă€r deklaratoriskt eller konstitutivt, samt se vilka juridiska effekter ett erkĂ€nnande har. Syftet genomförs med följande frĂ„gestĂ€llningar: vilka erkĂ€nnande teorier existerar och hur skiljer sig de sig Ă„t? Samt utröna vilka juridiska effekter ett erkĂ€nnande har. För att kunna diskutera erkĂ€nnandet av stater behövs en översiktlig redogörelse för vad som faktiskt Ă€r en stat. Den gĂ€ngse meningen brukar vara att Montevideokonventionen frĂ„n 1933 innehĂ„ller de kriterier som Ă€r grundlĂ€ggande för att en entitet ska kunna utgöra en stat. Konventionens första artikel uppstĂ€ller fyra stycken grundlĂ€ggande kriterier: kravet pĂ„ en permanent befolkning, ett styre, ett definierat territorium och en förmĂ„ga att ingĂ„ och upprĂ€tthĂ„lla mellanstatliga relationer. Uppfyller en entitet dessa kriterier övergĂ„r sedan frĂ„gan vilken betydelse ett erkĂ€nnande har för en entitet status som stat. De tvĂ„ primĂ€ra teorierna om erkĂ€nnande Ă€r den deklaratoriska teorin och den konstitutiva teorin. Den konstitutiva teorin menar att en stat blir en stat i och med sjĂ€lva erkĂ€nnandet frĂ„n en annan stat inte innan. Den deklaratoriska teorin gĂ„r till skillnad frĂ„n den konstitutiva ut pĂ„ att ett erkĂ€nnande endast har bekrĂ€ftande effekt, det vill sĂ€ga entiteten Ă€r redan en stat men det blir nu bekrĂ€ftat av en stat. Inte nĂ„gon av de tvĂ„ teorierna Ă€r dominant inom folkrĂ€tten, möjligen bottnar det i att staterna Ă€r inkonsekventa i sina erkĂ€nnanden, vilka till viss del Ă€r politiska. Staterna skapar de lagar de sjĂ€lva ska leva under, och grĂ€nsen mellan en orĂ€tt och en utveckling av folkrĂ€tten Ă€r vĂ€ldigt diffus dĂ„ staterna sitter pĂ„ dubbla stolar. Och effekten av erkĂ€nnandet behöver inte begrĂ€nsas av teorierna till en bestĂ€md effekt, ett erkĂ€nnande kan ha konstitutiva effekter i vissa fall och deklaratoriska i ett annat. Vilket noteras vid kollektiva erkĂ€nnanden genom inval i FN, och icke-erkĂ€nnanden frĂ„n exempelvis FN. Slutsatsen blir att ett erkĂ€nnande kan bĂ„de ha konstitutiva och deklaratoriska effekter och anledningen till att inte nĂ„gon av erkĂ€nnande teorierna har slagit ut den andra Ă€r dĂ„ bĂ„da behövs i dagens folkrĂ€tt för att skapa ett stabilt internationellt plan
Bias field correction of MPRAGE by an external reference - The poor man's MP2RAGE
Purpose: To implement and evaluate a sequential approach to obtain semi-quantitative T1-weighted MPRAGE images, unbiased by B1 inhomogeneities at 7T.Methods: In the reference gradient echo used for normalization of the MPRAGE image, flipangle (αGE) and acquisition voxel size (Vref) was varied to optimize tissue contrast and acquisition time (Tacq). The finalized protocol was implemented at three different resolutions and the reproducibility was evaluated. Maps of T1 were derived based on the normalized MPRAGE through forward signal modelling.Results: A good compromise between tissue contrast and SNR was reached at αGE=3°. Areduction of the reference GE Tacq by a factor of 4, at the cost of negligible bias, was obtained by increasing Vref with a factor of 8 relative the MPRAGE resolution. The coefficient-ofvariation in segmented WM was 9±5% after normalization, compared to 24±12% before. The T1 maps showed no obvious bias and had reasonable values with regard to literature, especially after optional B1 correction through separate flip angle mapping.Conclusion: A non-interleaved acquisition for normalization of MPRAGE offers a simplealternative to MP2RAGE to obtain semi-quantitative purely T1-weighted images. Theseimages can be converted to T1 maps analogously to the established MP2RAGE approach. Scan time can be reduced by increasing Vref which has a miniscule effect on image quality
Radiofrequency bias correction of magnetization prepared rapid gradient echo MRI at 7.0 Tesla using an external reference in a sequential protocol
At field strengths of 7 T and above, T1-weighted imaging of human brain suffers increasingly from radiofrequency (RF) B1 inhomogeneities. The well-known MP2RAGE (magnetization prepared two rapid acquisition gradient echoes) sequence provides a solution but may not be readily available for all MR systems. Here, we describe the implementation and evaluation of a sequential protocol to obtain normalized magnetization prepared rapid gradient echo (MPRAGE) images at 0.7,0.8, or 0.9-mm isotropic spatial resolution. Optimization focused on the reference gradient-recalled echo (GRE) that was used for normalization of the MPRAGE. A good compromise between white-gray matter contrast and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was reached at a flip angle of 3° and total scan time was reduced by increasing the reference voxel size by a factor of 8 relative to the MPRAGE resolution. The average intra-subject coefficient-of-variation (CV) in segmented white matter (WM) was 7.9 ±3.3% after normalization, compared to 20 ±8.4% before. The corresponding inter-subject average CV in WM as 7.6 ±7.6% and 13 ±7.8%. Maps of T1 derived from forward signal modelling showed no obvious bias after correction by a separately acquired flip angle map. To conclude, a non-interleaved acquisition for normalization of MPRAGE offers a simple alternative to MP2RAGE to obtain semi-quantitative purely T1-weighted images. These images can be converted to T1 maps, analogously to the established MP2RAGE approach. Scan time can be reduced by increasing the reference voxel size which has only a miniscule effect on image quality
Glucuronoyl Esterase Screening and Characterization Assays Utilizing Commercially Available Benzyl Glucuronic Acid Ester
Research on glucuronoyl esterases (GEs) has been hampered by the lack of enzyme assays based on easily obtainable substrates. While benzyl d-glucuronic acid ester (BnGlcA) is a commercially available substrate that can be used for GE assays, several considerations regarding substrate instability, limited solubility and low apparent affinities should be made. In this work we discuss the factors that are important when using BnGlcA for assaying GE activity and show how these can be applied when designing BnGlcA-based GE assays for different applications: a thin-layer chromatography assay for qualitative activity detection, a coupled-enzyme spectrophotometric assay that can be used for high-throughput screening or general activity determinations and a HPLC-based detection method allowing kinetic determinations. The three-level experimental procedure not merely facilitates routine, fast and simple biochemical characterizations but it can also give rise to the discovery of different GEs through an extensive screening of heterologous Genomic and Metagenomic expression libraries
Optimering över finita diskreta mÄtt
Artificiell intelligens och neurala nÀtverk Àr just nu ett mycket omdebatterat Àmne. I denna rapport undersöks metoder för optimering av mÄtt, vilka kan anvÀndas i implementationen av bayesianska neurala nÀtverk.
Dessa nÀtverk kan potentiellt förhindra överanpassning till trÀningsdata, och möjliggör kvantifiering av osÀkerheten för utdata.
Med hjÀlp av Python och PyTorch har tre modeller designade för bayesiansk regression implementerats: optimering över diskreta mÄtt, polynomisk modell och linjÀrkombination av normalfördelade
stokastiska variabler. Dessa har distinkta tillvÀgagÄngsÀtt att modellera data. I synnerhet undersöks hur effektivt och exakt de kan anpassas till given data.
LinjÀrkombination av stokastiska variabler beskriver ett mÄtt som en summa av stokastiska variabler multiplicerat med en godtycklig funktion. Genom att anta att stokastiska variablerna Àr normalfördelade kan stora förenklingar göras vilket gör algoritmen relativt okomplicerad. Vid testning pÄvisar denna metod god förmÄga att modellera data med hög precision, men konvergerar lÄngsammast.
Det polynomiska neurala nÀtverket efterliknar linjÀrkombinationen vid fallet att funktionerna Àr termer i ett polynom. LösningsgÄngen Àr dock annorlunda dÄ ett neuralt nÀtverk anvÀnds och att stokastiska variablernas parametrar inte berÀknas explicit. IstÀllet matar nÀtverket ut en sammansatt funktion för medelvÀrde respektive standardavvikelse. Denna metod har nÄgot sÀmre precision men snabbare konvergenstid.
Optimeringsalgoritmen över finita diskreta mÄtt Àr tidigare outforskad i samband med neurala nÀtverk och automatisk differentiering. HÀr görs inga antagelser om mÄttets form utan det representeras helt av ett finit antal diskreta atomer. Atomernas massa justeras för att minimera en mÄlfunktion men mÄttet bibehÄller dess totala massa. Med denna metod kan valfri funktion beskrivas och stokastiska variablerna kan antas vara beroende eller oberoende.
Testning tyder pÄ att denna metod krÀver fler datapunkter att trÀna pÄ för att erhÄlla en acceptabel precision men Àr den snabbaste att konvergera av de tre.
Olika mÄlfunktioner undersöks, men det faststÀlls att log-likelihoodfunktionen Àr den bÀsta för stokastiska variabler. Denna anvÀnds sedan för alla tester. Det kvarstÄr att undersöka metodernas effektivitet i större nÀtverk dÄ denna rapport endast behandlar enklare problem med ett fÄ antal parametrar.
Slutsatsen Àr att vidare forskning för optimeringsalgoritmen över finita diskreta mÄtt krÀvs innan metoden Àr tillÀmpbar i stora bayesianska neurala nÀtverk
Combining Substrate Specificity Analysis with Support Vector Classifiers Reveals Feruloyl Esterase as a Phylogenetically Informative Protein Group
Our understanding of how fungi evolved to develop a variety of ecological niches, is limited but of fundamental biological importance. Specifically, the evolution of enzymes affects how well species can adapt to new environmental conditions. Feruloyl esterases (FAEs) are enzymes able to hydrolyze the ester bonds linking ferulic acid to plant cell wall polysaccharides. The diversity of substrate specificities found in the FAE family shows that this family is old enough to have experienced the emergence and loss of many activities. In this study we evaluate the relative activity of FAEs against a variety of model substrates as a novel predictive tool for Ascomycota taxonomic classification. Our approach consists of two analytical steps; (1) an initial unsupervised analysis to cluster the FAEs substrate specificity data which were generated by cultivation of 34 Ascomycota strains and then an analysis of the produced enzyme cocktail against 10 substituted cinnamate and phenylalkanoate methyl esters, (2) a second, supervised analysis for training a predictor built on these substrate activities. By applying both linear and non-linear models we were able to correctly predict the taxonomic Class (âŒ86% correct classification), Order (âŒ88% correct classification) and Family (âŒ88% correct classification) that the 34 Ascomycota belong to, using the activity profiles of the FAEs. The good correlation with the FAEs substrate specificities that we have defined via our phylogenetic analysis not only suggests that FAEs are phylogenetically informative proteins but it is also a considerable step towards improved FAEs functional prediction.published_or_final_versio
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