12 research outputs found

    Solar-Cycle Variation of quiet-Sun Magnetism and Surface Gravity Oscillation Mode

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    The origin of the quiet Sun magnetism is under debate. Investigating the solar cycle variation observationally in more detail can give us clues about how to resolve the controversies. We investigate the solar cycle variation of the most magnetically quiet regions and their surface gravity oscillation (ff-) mode integrated energy (EfE_f). We use 12 years of HMI data and apply a stringent selection criteria, based on spatial and temporal quietness, to avoid any influence of active regions (ARs). We develop an automated high-throughput pipeline to go through all available magnetogram data and to compute EfE_f for the selected quiet regions. We observe a clear solar cycle dependence of the magnetic field strength in the most quiet regions containing several supergranular cells. For patch sizes smaller than a supergranular cell, no significant cycle dependence is detected. The EfE_f at the supergranular scale is not constant over time. During the late ascending phase of Cycle 24 (SC24, 2011-2012), it is roughly constant, but starts diminishing in 2013, as the maximum of SC24 is approached. This trend continues until mid-2017, when hints of strengthening at higher southern latitudes are seen. Slow strengthening continues, stronger at higher latitudes than at the equatorial regions, but EfE_f never returns back to the values seen in 2011-2012. Also, the strengthening trend continues past the solar minimum, to the years when SC25 is already clearly ascending. Hence the EfE_f behavior is not in phase with the solar cycle. The anticorrelation of EfE_f with the solar cycle in gross terms is expected, but the phase shift of several years indicates a connection to the poloidal large-scale magnetic field component rather than the toroidal one. Calibrating AR signals with the QS EfE_f does not reveal significant enhancement of the ff-mode prior to AR emergence.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Shapes of stellar activity cycles

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    Context.Magnetic activity cycles are an important phenomenon both in the Sun and other stars. The shape of the solar cycle is commonly characterised by a fast rise and a slower decline, but not much attention has been paid to the shape of cycles in other stars. Aims.Our aim is to study whether the asymmetric shape of the solar cycle is common in other stars as well, and compare the cycle asymmetry to other stellar parameters. We also study the differences in the shape of the solar cycle, depending on the activity indicator that is used. The observations are also compared to simulated activity cycles. Methods.We used the chromospheric Ca II H&K data from the Mount Wilson Observatory HK Project. In this data set, we identified 47 individual cycles from 18 stars. We used the statistical skewness of a cycle as a measure of its asymmetry, and compared this to other stellar parameters. A similar analysis has been performed for magnetic cycles extracted from direct numerical magnetohydrodynamic simulations of solar-type convection zones. Results.The shape of the solar cycle (fast rise and slower decline) is common in other stars as well, although the Sun seems to have particularly asymmetric cycles. Cycle-to-cycle variations are large, but the average shape of a cycle is still fairly well represented by a sinusoid, although this does not take its asymmetry into account. We find only slight correlations between the cycle asymmetry and other stellar parameters. There are large differences in the shape of the solar cycle, depending on the activity indicator that is used. The simulated cycles differ in the symmetry of global simulations that cover the full longitudinal range and are therefore capable of exciting non-axisymmetric large-scale dynamo modes, and wedge simulations that cover a partial extent in longitude, where only axisymmetric large-scale modes are possible. The former preferentially produce positive and the latter negative skewness.Peer reviewe

    Multiperiodicity, modulations and flip-flops in variable star light curves II. Analysis of II Pegasus photometry during 1979–2010

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    Aims. According to previously published Doppler images of the magnetically active primary giant component of the RS CVn binary II Peg, the surface of the star was dominated by one single active longitude that was clearly drifting in the rotational frame of the binary system during 1994-2002; later imaging for 2004–2010, however, showed decreased and chaotic spot activity, with no signs of the drift pattern. Here we set out to investigate from a more extensive photometric dataset whether this drift is a persistent phenomenon, in which case it could be caused either by an azimuthal dynamo wave or be an indication that the binary system’s orbital synchronization is still incomplete. On a differentially rotating stellar surface, spot structures preferentially on a certain latitude band could also cause such a drift, the disruption of which could arise from the change of the preferred spot latitude. Methods. We analyzed the datasets using the carrier fit (CF) method, which is especially suitable for analyzing time series in which a fast clocking frequency (such as the rotation of the star) is modulated with a slower process (such as the stellar activity cycle). Results. We combined all collected photometric data into one single data set and analyzed it with the CF method. We confirm the previously published results that the spot activity has been dominated by one primary spotted region almost through the entire data set and also confirm a persistent, nearly linear drift. Disruptions of the linear trend and complicated phase behavior are also seen, but the period analysis reveals a rather stable periodicity with Pspot = 671054 ± 000005. After removing the linear trend from the data, we identified several abrupt phase jumps, three of which are analyzed in more detail with the CF method. These phase jumps closely resemble what is called a flip-flop event, but the new spot configurations do not persist for longer than a few months in most cases. Conclusions. There is some evidence that the regular drift without phase jumps is related to the high state, while the complex phase behavior and disrupted drift pattern are related to the low state of magnetic activity. The most natural explanation of the drift is weak anti-solar (pole rotating faster than the equator) differential rotation with a coefficient k ≈ 0.002 combined with the preferred latitude of the spot structure

    Multiperiodicity, modulations and flip-flops in variable star light curves II. Analysis of II Peg photometry during 1979-2010

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    According to earlier Doppler images of the magnetically active primary giant component of the RS CVn binary II Peg, the surface of the star was dominated by one single active longitude that was clearly drifting in the rotational frame of the binary system during 1994-2002; later imaging for 2004-2010, however, showed decreased and chaotic spot activity, with no signs of the drift pattern. Here we set out to investigate from a more extensive photometric dataset whether such a drift is a persistent phenomenon, in which case it could be due to either an azimuthal dynamo wave or an indication of the binary system orbital synchronization still being incomplete. We analyse the datasets using the Carrier Fit method (hereafter CF), especially suitable for analyzing time series in which a fast clocking frequency (such as the rotation of the star) is modulated with a slower process (such as the stellar activity cycle). We combine all collected photometric data into one single data set, and analyze it with the CF method. As a result, we confirm the earlier results of the spot activity having been dominated by one primary spotted region almost through the entire data set, and the existence of a persistent, nearly linear drift. Disruptions of the linear trend and complicated phase behavior are also seen, but the period analysis reveals a rather stable periodicity with P(spot)=6.71054d plus/minus 0.00005d. After the linear trend is removed from the data, we identify several abrupt phase jumps, three of which are analyzed in more detail with the CF method. These phase jumps closely resemble what is called flip-flop event, but the new spot configurations do not, in most cases, persist for longer than a few months.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Method of frequency dependent correlations

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    This paper contributes to the field of modeling and hindcasting of the total solar irradiance (TSI) based on different proxy data that extend further back in time than the TSI that is measured from satellites. We introduce a simple method to analyze persistent frequency-dependent correlations (FDCs) between the time series and use these correlations to hindcast missing historical TSI values. We try to avoid arbitrary choices of the free parameters of the model by computing them using an optimization procedure. The method can be regarded as a general tool for pairs of data sets, where correlating and anticorrelating components can be separated into non-overlapping regions in frequency domain. Our method is based on low-pass and band-pass filtering with a Gaussian transfer function combined with de-trending and computation of envelope curves. We find a major controversy between the historical proxies and satellite-measured targets: a large variance is detected between the low-frequency parts of targets, while the low-frequency proxy behavior of different measurement series is consistent with high precision. We also show that even though the rotational signal is not strongly manifested in the targets and proxies, it becomes clearly visible in FDC spectrum. The application of the new method to solar data allows us to obtain important insights into the different TSI modeling procedures and their capabilities for hindcasting based on the directly observed time intervals.Peer reviewe

    A Knee-Point in the Rotation-Activity Scaling of Late-type Stars with a Connection to Dynamo Transitions

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    | openaire: EC/H2020/824135/EU//SOLARNET | openaire: EC/H2020/818665/EU//UniSDynThe magnetic activity of late-type stars is correlated with their rotation rates. Up to a certain limit, stars with smaller Rossby numbers, defined as the rotation period divided by the convective turnover time, have higher activity. A more detailed look at this rotation-activity relation reveals that, rather than being a simple power law relation, the activity scaling has a shallower slope for the low-Rossby stars than for the high-Rossby ones. We find that, for the chromospheric CaII H&K activity, this scaling relation is well modelled by a broken two-piece power law. Furthermore, the knee-point of the relation coincides with the axisymmetry to non-axisymmetry transition seen in both the spot activity and surface magnetic field configuration of active stars. We interpret this knee-point as a dynamo transition between dominating axi- and non-axisymmetric dynamo regimes with a different dependence on rotation and discuss this hypothesis in the light of current numerical dynamo models.Peer reviewe

    Common dynamo scaling in slowly rotating young and evolved stars

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    One interpretation of the activity and magnetism of late-type stars is that these both intensify with decreasing Rossby number up to a saturation level(1-3), suggesting that stellar dynamos depend on both rotation and convective turbulence(4). Some studies have claimed, however, that rotation alone suffices to parametrize this scaling adequately(5,6). Here, we tackle the question of the relevance of turbulence to stellar dynamos by including evolved, post-main-sequence stars in the analysis of the rotation-activity relation. These stars rotate very slowly compared with main-sequence stars, but exhibit similar activity levels(7). We show that the two evolutionary stages fall together in the rotation-activity diagram and form a single sequence in the unsaturated regime in relation only to Rossby numbers derived from stellar models, confirming earlier preliminary results that relied on a more simplistic parametrization of the convective turn-over time(8,9). This mirrors recent results of fully convective M dwarfs, which likewise fall on the same rotation-activity sequence as partially convective solar-type stars(10,11). Our results demonstrate that turbulence plays a crucial role in driving stellar dynamos and suggest that there is a common turbulence-related dynamo mechanism explaining the magnetic activity of all late-type stars. Uniform analysis of both main-sequence and evolved, post-main-sequence stars shows that a common, turbulence-dependent, dynamo mechanism operates throughout these stages of stellar evolution.Peer reviewe

    Multiple dynamo modes as a mechanism for long-term solar activity variations

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    Context. Solar magnetic activity shows both smooth secular changes, such as the modern Grand Maximum, and quite abrupt drops that are denoted as grand minima, such as the Maunder Minimum. Direct numerical simulations (DNS) of convection-driven dynamos off er one way of examining the mechanisms behind these events. Aims. In this work, we analyze a solution of a solar-like DNS that was evolved for roughly 80 magnetic cycles of 4.9 years and where epochs of irregular behavior are detected. The emphasis of our analysis is to find physical causes for such behavior. Methods. The DNS employed is a semi-global (wedge-shaped) magnetoconvection model. For the data analysis tasks we use Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and phase dispersion methods, as they are well suited for analyzing cyclic (non-periodic) signals. Results. A special property of the DNS is the existence of multiple dynamo modes at different depths and latitudes. The dominant mode is solar-like (equatorward migration at low latitudes and poleward at high latitudes). This mode is accompanied by a higher frequency mode near the surface and at low latitudes, showing poleward migration, and a low-frequency mode at the bottom of the convection zone. The low-frequency mode is almost purely antisymmetric with respect to the equator, while the dominant mode has strongly fluctuating mixed parity. The overall behavior of the dynamo solution is extremely complex, exhibiting variable cycle lengths, epochs of disturbed and even ceased surface activity, and strong short-term hemispherical asymmetries. Surprisingly, the most prominent suppressed surface activity epoch is actually a global magnetic energy maximum; during this epoch the bottom toroidal magnetic field obtains a maximum, demonstrating that the interpretation of grand minima-type events is non-trivial. The hemispherical asymmetries are seen only in the magnetic field, while the velocity field exhibits considerably weaker asymmetry. Conclusions. We interpret the overall irregular behavior as being due to the interplay of the different dynamo modes showing different equatorial symmetries, especially the smoother part of the irregular variations being related to the variations of the mode strengths, evolving with different and variable cycle lengths. The abrupt low-activity epoch in the dominant dynamo mode near the surface is related to a strong maximum of the bottom toroidal field strength, which causes abrupt disturbances especially in the differential rotation profile via the suppression of the Reynolds stresses.Peer reviewe

    Multiperiodicity, modulations, and flip-flops in variable star light curves - III. Carrier fit analysis of LQ Hydrae photometry for 1982-2014

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    VK: ReSoLVE; Karhunen, J.Aims. We study LQ Hya photometry for 1982–2014 with the carrier fit (CF) method and compare our results to earlier photometric analysis and recent Doppler imaging maps. Methods. As the rotation period of the object is not known a priori, we utilize different types of statistical methods first (least-squares fit of harmonics, phase dispersion statistics) to estimate various candidates for the carrier period for the CF method. Secondly, a global fit to the whole data set and local fits to shorter segments are computed with the period that is found to be optimal. Results. The harmonic least-squares analysis of all the available data reveals a short period, of close to 1.6 days, as a limiting value for a set of significant frequencies. We interpret this as the rotation period of the spots near the equatorial region. In addition, the distribution of the significant periods is found to be bimodal, hinting of a longer-term modulating period, which we set out to study with a two-harmonic CF model. A weak modulation signal is, indeed retrieved, with a period of roughly 6.9 yr. The phase dispersion analysis gives a clear symmetric minimum for coherence times lower than and around 100 days. We interpret this as the mean rotation pattern of the spots. Of these periods, the most significant and physically most plausible period statistically is the mean spot rotation period 1 60514, which is chosen to be used as the carrier period for the CF analysis. With the CF method, we seek any systematic trends in the spot distribution in the global time frame, and locally look for previously reported abrupt phase changes in rapidly rotating objects. During 2003–2009, the global CF reveals a coherent structure rotating with a period of 1 6037, while during most other times the spot distribution appears somewhat random in phase. Conclusions. The evolution of the spot distribution of the object is found to be very chaotic, with no clear signs of an azimuthal dynamo wave that would persist over longer timescales, although the short-lived coherent structures occasionally observed do not rotate with the same speed as the mean spot distribution. The most likely explanation of the bimodal period distribution is attributed to the high- and low-latitude spot formation regions confirmed from Doppler imaging and Zeeman Doppler imaging.Peer reviewe