33,029 research outputs found

    The Triassic-Jurassic boundary in eastern North America

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    Rift basins of the Atlantic passive margin in eastern North America are filled with thousands of meters of continental rocks termed the Newark Supergroup which provide an unprecedented opportunity to examine the fine scale structure of the Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction in continental environments. Time control, vital to the understanding of the mechanisms behind mass extinctions, is provided by lake-level cycles apparently controlled by orbitally induced climate change allowing resolution at the less than 21,000 year level. Correlation with other provinces is provided by a developing high resolution magnetostratigraphy and palynologically-based biostratigraphy. A large number of at least local vertebrate and palynomorph extinctions are concentrated around the boundary with survivors constituting the earliest Jurassic assemblages, apparently without the introduction of new taxa. The palynofloral transition is marked by the dramatic elimination of a relatively high diversity Triassic pollen assemblage with the survivors making up a Jurassic assemblage of very low diversity overwhelmingly dominated by Corollina. Based principally on palynological correlations, the hypothesis that these continental taxonomic transitions were synchronous with the massive Triassic-Jurassic marine extinctions is strongly corroborated. An extremely rapid, perhaps catastrophic, taxonomic turnover at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary, synchronous in continental and marine realms is hypothesized and discussed

    Mathematical models for cell-matrix interactions during dermal wound healing

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    This paper contains a review of our recent work on the mathematical modeling of cell interaction with extracellular matrix components during the process of dermal wound healing. The models are of partial differential equation type and allow us to investigate in detail how various mechanochemical effects may be responsible for certain wound healing disorders such as fibrocontractive and fibroproliferative diseases. We also present a model for wound healing angiogenesis. The latter has several features in common with angiogenesis during cancer tumour growth and spread so a deeper understanding of the phenomenon in the context of wound healing may also help in the treatment of certain cancers

    Travelling waves in wound healing

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    We illustrate the role of travelling waves in wound healing by considering three different cases. Firstly, we review a model for surface wound healing in the cornea and focus on the speed of healing as a function of the application of growth factors. Secondly, we present a model for scar tissue formation in deep wounds and focus on the role of key chemicals in determining the quality of healing. Thirdly, we propose a model for excessive healing disorders and investigate how abnormal healing may be controlled

    Single-particle levitation system for automated study of homogeneous solute nucleation

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    We present an instrument that addresses two critical requirements for quantitative measurements of the homogeneous crystal nucleation rate in supersaturated aqueous solution. First, the need to perform repeated measurements of nucleation incubation times is met by automating experiments to enable programmable cycling of thermodynamic conditions. Second, the need for precise and robust control of the chemical potential in supersaturated aqueous solution is met by implementing a novel technique for regulating relative humidity. The apparatus levitates and weighs micron-sized samples in an electric field, providing access to highly supersaturated states. We report repeated observations of the crystal nucleation incubation time in a supersaturated aqueous sodium chloride droplet, from which we infer the nucleation rate

    A mathematical model for the capillary endothelial cell-extracellular matrix interactions in wound-healing angiogenesis

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    Angiogenesis, the process by which new blood capillaries grow into a tissue from surrounding parent vessels, is a key event in dermal wound healing, malignant-tumour growth, and other pathologic conditions. In wound healing, new capillaries deliver vital metabolites such as amino acids and oxygen to the cells in the wound which are involved in a complex sequence of repair processes. The key cellular constituents of these new capillaries are endothelial cells: their interactions with soluble biochemical and insoluble extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins have been well documented recently, although the biological mechanisms underlying wound-healing angiogenesis are incompletely understood. Considerable recent research, including some continuum mathematical models, have focused on the interactions between endothelial cells and soluble regulators (such as growth factors). In this work, a similar modelling framework is used to investigate the roles of the insoluble ECM substrate, of which collagen is the predominant macromolecular protein. Our model consists of a partial differential equation for the endothelial-cell density (as a function of position and time) coupled to an ordinary differential equation for the ECM density. The ECM is assumed to regulate cell movement (both random and directed) and proliferation, whereas the cells synthesize and degrade the ECM. Analysis and numerical solutions of these equations highlights the roles of these processes in wound-healing angiogenesis. A nonstandard approximation analysis yields insight into the travel ling-wave structure of the system. The model is extended to two spatial dimensions (parallel and perpendicular to the plane of the skin), for which numerical simulations are presented. The model predicts that ECM-mediated random motility and cell proliferation are key processes which drive angiogenesis and that the details of the functional dependence of these processes on the ECM density, together with the rate of ECM remodelling, determine the qualitative nature of the angiogenic response. These predictions are experimentally testable, and they may lead towards a greater understanding of the biological mechanisms involved in wound-healing angiogenesis

    Fuzzy Nambu-Goldstone Physics

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    In spacetime dimensions larger than 2, whenever a global symmetry G is spontaneously broken to a subgroup H, and G and H are Lie groups, there are Nambu-Goldstone modes described by fields with values in G/H. In two-dimensional spacetimes as well, models where fields take values in G/H are of considerable interest even though in that case there is no spontaneous breaking of continuous symmetries. We consider such models when the world sheet is a two-sphere and describe their fuzzy analogues for G=SU(N+1), H=S(U(N-1)xU(1)) ~ U(N) and G/H=CP^N. More generally our methods give fuzzy versions of continuum models on S^2 when the target spaces are Grassmannians and flag manifolds described by (N+1)x(N+1) projectors of rank =< (N+1)/2. These fuzzy models are finite-dimensional matrix models which nevertheless retain all the essential continuum topological features like solitonic sectors. They seem well-suited for numerical work.Comment: Latex, 18 pages; references added, typos correcte

    Quantum field effects in coupled atomic and molecular Bose-Einstein condensates

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    This paper examines the parameter regimes in which coupled atomic and molecular Bose-Einstein condensates do not obey the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Stochastic field equations for coupled atomic and molecular condensates are derived using the functional positive-P representation. These equations describe the full quantum state of the coupled condensates and include the commonly used Gross-Pitaevskii equation as the noiseless limit. The model includes all interactions between the particles, background gas losses, two-body losses and the numerical simulations are performed in three dimensions. It is found that it is possible to differentiate the quantum and semiclassical behaviour when the particle density is sufficiently low and the coupling is sufficiently strong.Comment: 4 postscript figure
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