283 research outputs found

    Epidemiología de las consultas respiratorias de adultos en Santiago de Chile desde 2003 a 2008

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    Background: Respiratory diseases are the third cause of death, and the second cause of hospitalization among people aged 65 years or more in Chile. Aim: To analyze the distribution of consultations due to respiratory diseases among adults living in Metropolitan Santiago. Material and Methods: A daily registry of all consultations of patients older than 15 years old in seven public primary care centers, was carried out between January 2003 and December 2008. Consultations were classified as having non-respiratory or respiratory causes. The latter were broke down in upper or lower respiratory diseases, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. Results: A total of 1,170,941 consultations were registered and 19% were due to respiratory diseases. Of these, 46% were due to upper respiratory diseases, 31% due to lower respiratory diseases, 8% due to COPD, 6% due to pneumonia, 5% due to asthma and 4% due to other respiratory causes. Pneumonia and COPD were more frequent among consultants older than 65 years. Conclusions: Consultations due to respiratory diseases are approximately one fifth of all primary care consultations. Older people often have more chronic and severe diseases. Key words: Adult; Epidemiology; Morbidity; Respiratory tract diseases

    Orientaciones para la intervención ante los factores de riesgo asociados al fracaso escolar de los jóvenes en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria

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    El incremento de las cifras de fracaso escolar apunta a una situación problemática que moviliza a centros educativos, agentes e instituciones sociales, y conlleva la necesidad de crear una red socioeducativa que trabaje interdisciplinarmente. Como respuesta a esta creciente demanda, se articulan proyectos de intervención comunitarios para el estudio y prevención del fracaso y abandono escolar. "Bellvís" es un ejemplo; en el marco de este proyecto destinado al estudio y prevención del fracaso escolar en los niveles de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO), de cuatro centros educativos de la ciudad catalana de Hospitalet de Llobegat, se crea una comisión pedagógica integrada por agentes educativos y sociales con un objetivo: elaborar soluciones y propuestas para la mejora ante la situación de fracaso y abandono escolar. Siguiendo una metodología cualitativa, con una dinámica de grupo focal, la comisión articula y analiza los principales factores de riesgo asociados al fracaso y abandono escolar del alumnado, que ha orientado actuaciones de intervención para incidir y prevenir esta situación. El fracaso escolar obliga a considerar el contexto en el que se produce y el perfil cognitivo y socio-emocional de los sujetos en riesgo. Asimismo, es una situación que exige una respuesta de todos los agentes socioeducativos implicado

    A catalytic highly enantioselective direct synthesis of 2-bromo-2-nitroalkan-1-ols through a Henry reaction

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    Highly enantiomerically enriched 2-bromo-2-nitroalkan-1-ols are prepared by direct condensation of aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes with bromonitromethane in the presence of a catalytic amount of copper(II) acetate and a C1-symmetric camphorderived amino pyridine ligand.Blay Llinares, Gonzalo, [email protected] ; Hernandez Olmos, Victor, [email protected] ; Pedro Llinares, Jose Ramon, [email protected]

    Homogeneous Metal-Based Catalysis in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide as Reaction Medium

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    Above 31.1 degrees C and 73.8 bar, carbon dioxide reaches the supercritical state, being transformed into a fluid (scCO(2)) that has attracted interest in the last few decades as reaction medium for several transition-metal-catalyzed organic transformations. The main feature of this fluid rests on its capability to dissolve large amounts of other gases such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, ethylene, or even methane and light alkanes. In this manner, very high concentrations of these reactants are available for catalysis. In this contribution a review of the main achievements of the use of transition-metal complexes as catalysts in scCO(2) is presented.Support for this work was provided by the MINECO (CTQ2014-52769-CO3-1-R and CTQ2014-52769-CO3-2-R) and the Junta de Andalucia (P10-FQM-06292). A.O. thanks the MINECO for a Juan de la Cierva fellowship (JCI-2011-09184)

    Competências da União Federal no setor de saneamento básico frente à Lei n. 14.026/2020 : um estudo sobre as normas de referência da Agência Nacional de Águas

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    Os serviços públicos de saneamento básico compõem um setor dotado de grande complexidade jurídica, alavancada com a publicação da Lei nº 14.026 de 2020, conhecida como o “Novo Marco do Saneamento Básico”, que trouxe várias alterações instrumentais para, acima de tudo, alcançar a universalização desses serviços. Dentre essas alterações, o presente trabalho se propõe a analisar a competência inédita atribuída à Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA) para instituir “normas de referência” para a regulação dos serviços públicos de saneamento básico por seus titulares e suas entidades reguladoras. Para tanto, é feita a seguinte pergunta: a edição de normas de referência por parte da ANA é ato constitucional e legítimo? No intuito de responder a questão, será verificada primeiro a constitucionalidade desse poder normativo. Após, será analisada a capacidade das normas em alcançar os objetivos propostos conforme seu desenho legal, o que deve lhes conferir juridicidade e legitimidade. Utiliza-se de metodologia dedutiva, partindo das competências que a Constituição Federal conferiu à União Federal em matéria de saneamento básico, para estudar a constitucionalidade do papel de instituir normas de referência por meio de uma autarquia federal, realizando, para esse fim, uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental e um estudo de caso do julgamento único proferido pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal no âmbito das ações diretas de inconstitucionalidade ajuizadas contra a Lei nº 14.026/2020. Por fim, analisa-se se as normas de referência, caso apresentem conformidade constitucional em primeiro juízo, serão capazes de cumprir os objetivos para qual foram desenhadas, por meio de extensa pesquisa bibliográfica sobre suas características e suas limitações. Conclui-se que é incontroversa a conformidade constitucional do poder normativo da ANA, porém a legitimidade desse papel perante a Constituição Federal está atrelada à efetividade das normas produzidas, que, por seu turno, dependerá de um balanço adequado entre a profundidade e a apropriada produção da norma nos ditames da lei.The public services of basic sanitation make up a sector filled with legal complexity, which has been increased by the publication of Law n. 14.026 from 2020, known as the "New Landmark of Basic Sanitation", which introduced various instrumental changes in order to, above all, achieve the universalisation of these services. Among these changes, this paper intends to analyse the unprecedented competence atributed to the National Agency of Waters [Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA)] to establish "referential norms" for the regulation of the public services of sanitation by their titular and regulatory entities. Therefore, the following question is posed: is the creation of referential norms by ANA a constitutional and legitimate act? To answer the question, first the constitutionality of this normative power will be verified. Then, an analysis is done regarding the capacity of these norms in achieving its objectives according to their legal design, which should grant them legitimacy. A deductive methodology is employed, based on the competencies which the Federal Constitution granted to the Federal Union in matters of basic sanitation, in order to examine the constitutionality of the power of creating reference norms through a federal autarchy, conducting a bibliographical and documentary research and a case study of the Federal Supreme Court's judgement of the direct unconstitutionality actions filed against Law n. 14.026/2020. Finally, it is analysed whether the reference norms, in case they present constitutional compliance in the first instance, will be capable of accomplishing the objectives for which they were designed, by means of extensive bibliographical research regarding their characteristics and limitations. It is concluded that the constitutional conformity of this normative power is evident. However, its legitimacy before the Federal Constitution is tied to the effectiveness of the produced norms, which, in turn, depend on an adequate balance between the depth and the appropriate production of the norm in the dictates of the law

    Measuring the Relative Reactivity of the Carbon-Hydrogen Bonds of Alkanes as Nucleophiles

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    We report quantitative measurements of the relative reactivities of a series of C-H bonds of gaseous or liquid CnH2n+2 alkanes (n = 1-8, 29 different C-H bonds) towards insitu generated electrophiles (copper, silver, and rhodium carbenes), with methane as the reference. This strategy surpasses the drawback of previous model reactions of alkanes with strong electrophiles suffering from C-C cleavage processes, which precluded direct comparison of the relative reactivities of alkane C-H bonds.We thank MINECO for support with Grants CTQ2014-52769-C03-01, CTQ2014-52769-C03-02, CTQ2017-82893-C2-1-R, CTQ2014-62234-EXP, CTQ2015-73693-JIN, CTQ2017-87792-R, Severo Ochoa Excellence Accreditation 2014-2018 (SEV-2013-0319), and Red Intecat (CTQ2016-81923-REDC). Junta de Andalucia is also acknowledged for Grant P12-FQM-1765. R.G. and A.O. thank MINECO for FPI and Juan delaCierva fellowships, respectively. B.N. thanks MEC for a FPU fellowship. The CNRS is thanked for support

    Multigram Synthesis of Thallium Trispyrazolylborate Compounds

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    A multigram method for the preparation of thallium trispyrazolylborate complexes is described.The authors wish to thank MINECO for financial support (CTQ2014-52769-C03-01 and CTQ2015-73693-JIN). A.P. thanks MEC for the FPU fellowship

    Recovering Ancient Grapevine Varieties: From Genetic Variability to In Vitro Conservation, A Case Study

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    A great number of varieties have been described in grapevine; however, few of them are currently in use. The increasing concern on varietal diversity loss has encouraged actions for recovering and preserving grapevine germplasm, which represents valuable resources for breeding as well as for diversification in grapevine-derived products. On the other hand, it is expected that this important crop, which is distributed in warm areas worldwide, will suffer the climate changes. Therefore, it is also convenient the identification of intravarietal variability and the recovery of accessions well adapted to particular environments. In this chapter, we will contribute to highlight the importance of recovering ancient materials, the usefulness of SSR markers to determine their molecular profile, the importance to analyze their virus status, and the possibilities that offer biotechnological tools for virus sanitation and in vitro storage as a complement of field preservation. In this context, we have evaluated different grapevine accessions and developed in vitro culture protocols for micropropagation, sanitation, and storage grapevine cultivars. In this work, we report the results obtained for the historic variety “Valencí Blanc” (or “Beba”) and the historic and endangered variety “Esclafagerres” (“Esclafacherres” or “Esclafacherris”)

    El dominio público marítimo-terrestre. Los acantilados

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    This article examines the legal definition of the cliff in the Coastal Act. The Coastal Act is not required but a standard applied unnecessarily, what has become a dangerous weapon. An Administration be allowed the luxury of years a permissive stance regarding the public domain of and then a general rule try to solve the problem is, in itself, legitimate, what is not legitimate is to apply extensive criteria against owners of waterfront parcels with an interpretation which, in turn, had the right to do what they did, that is, legally they were supported in their actions, and that, not the rule itself, but by an unsettling performance, lost everything they had.In the articles devoted to the definition of public domain of the Law 28/1969 of 26 April on Costas, and the Ports Act of January 19, 1928, no reference is made to the cliffs, so is a concept embodied in the Law 22/1988 of Coastal, more ambitious and protectionist. However, as is logical, prior to the entry into force of the current Coastal Act, the cliff affected by tidal or waves of storms belong to the public domain by virtue of his sea-land area. The 1988 Act are defined as public domain, substantially vertical cliffs, which are in contact with the sea or space-terrestrial maritime public domain until his coronation. Considering substantially vertical cliffs as those whose average face, can be assimilated to a plane forming an angle with the horizontal equal to or greater than 60 sexagesimal degrees, and including in its definition or infinitely existing berms before his coronation (art. 6.3 RC), which is considered the cliff as a morphological unit.But it is the interpretation of the rule that generates a whole series of problems of great significance, which is discussed in this article.Este artículo estudia la definición legal del acantilado dentro de la Ley de Costas. La Ley de Costas no ha sido sino una norma necesaria aplicada de forma innecesaria, lo que la ha convertido en un arma peligrosa. Que una Administración se permita el lujo de mantener durante años una postura permisiva respecto al demanio y que luego una norma general intente solucionar el problema es, en sí mismo, legítimo; lo que no es legítimo es aplicar criterios extensivos de interpretación en contra de particulares que, en su momento, tuvieron derecho a hacer lo que hicieron, esto es, legalmente se encontraban respaldados en sus actuaciones, y que, no por la norma en sí, sino por una interpretación desquiciante, pierden todo lo que tenían.En el articulado dedicado a la definición de dominio público de la Ley 28/1969, de 26 de abril, sobre Costas, y en el de la Ley de Puertos de 19 de enero de 1928, no se hace referencia alguna a los acantilados, por lo que se trata de un concepto incorporado en la Ley 22/1988 de Costas, más ambiciosa y proteccionista. No obstante, y como resulta lógico, con anterioridad a la entrada en vigor de la actual Ley de Costas, la parte del acantilado afectada por las mareas o las olas de los temporales pertenecía al dominio público, por su condición de zona marítimo-terrestre.La Ley de 1988 define como dominio público, los acantilados sensiblemente verticales, que estén en contacto con el mar o con espacios de dominio público marítimo-terrestre, hasta su coronación. Considerándose acantilados sensiblemente verticales aquellos cuyo paramento como promedio, pueda ser asimilado a un plano que forme un ángulo con el plano horizontal igual o superior a 60 grados sexagesimales, e incluyéndose en su definición las bermas o escalonamientos existentes antes de su coronación (art. 6.3 RC), lo que supone considerar al acantilado como una unidad morfológica.Pero es la interpretación de la norma la que genera toda una serie de problemas de gran calado, que es lo que se analiza en este artículo