4 research outputs found

    An analysis of interplanetary solar radio emissions associated with a coronal mass ejection

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    Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are large-scale eruptions of magnetized plasma that may cause severe geomagnetic storms if Earth-directed. Here we report a rare instance with comprehensive in situ and remote sensing observa- tions of a CME combining white-light, radio, and plasma measurements from four different vantage points. For the first time, we have successfully applied a radio direction-finding technique to an interplanetary type II burst detected by two identical widely separated radio receivers. The derived locations of the type II and type III bursts are in general agreement with the white light CME recon- struction. We find that the radio emission arises from the flanks of the CME, and are most likely associated with the CME-driven shock. Our work demon- strates the complementarity between radio triangulation and 3D reconstruction techniques for space weather applications

    Magnetic connectivity of the ecliptic plane within 0.5 AU : PFSS modeling of the first PSP encounter

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    We compare magnetic field measurements taken by the FIELDS instrument on Parker Solar Probe (PSP) during its first solar encounter to predictions obtained by Potential Field Source Surface (PFSS) modeling. Ballistic propagation is used to connect the spacecraft to the source surface. Despite the simplicity of the model, our results show striking agreement with PSPs first observations of the heliospheric magnetic field from 0.5 AU (107.5 Rs) down to 0.16 AU (35.7 Rs). Further, we show the robustness of the agreement is improved both by allowing the photospheric input to the model to vary in time, and by advecting the field from PSP down to the PFSS model domain using in situ PSP/SWEAP measurements of the solar wind speed instead of assuming it to be constant with longitude and latitude. We also explore the source surface height parameter (RSS) to the PFSS model finding that an extraordinarily low source surface height (1.3-1.5Rs) predicts observed small scale polarity inversions which are otherwise washed out with regular modeling parameters. Finally, we extract field line traces from these models. By overlaying these on EUV images we observe magnetic connectivity to various equatorial and mid-latitude coronal holes indicating plausible magnetic footpoints and offering context for future discussions of sources of the solar wind measured by PSP