4 research outputs found


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    The paper gives an analyzes of the indicators of the social-economic situationof the schoolchildren families. The data are gathered by means of a questionnairefilled up by 262 families of the elementary schoolchildren in Niš as a results of thescientific project entitled "Health and Diseases of Schoolchildren". The research hasshown that the schoolchildren live in a nucleus family; regarding the parents'education, the dominant is high school level; the mothers are more often unemployedthan the fathers; the majority of the parents consider Yugoslav society as a "poor" oneand an important part of the family members are forced to turn to additional incomealso counting upon the help of relatives and friends. Regardless of the parents' level ofeducation, the majority of the examined do not go to the cinema, theater or any othercultural program. The majority of the parents think that the school programs have apositive effect upon appropriate childrens behavior


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    Objectives of family planning that are usually mentioned are unwanted pregnancy prevention, extensive population growth reduction, health improvement of women, children and population as a whole.The study objective was to make an assessment about the state of knowledge and characteristics of using methods for family planning in women of diferente age in the Municipality of Nis. The study included 1584 women aged 15-49. The data were collected by conducting the poll.Contraception was defined as the method of family planning mostly by interviewees older than 35 years of age, while this was the least case with interviewees younger than the age of 20. The interviewees younger than the age of 20 usually get information from several sources, the older, from newspapers and media. The interviewees up to 35 years of age think that condom is the most efficient method of contraception. The interviewees aged 36-49 think that the most efficient method of contraception is the intra-uterus spiral. Most of the interviewees (88.8%) estimate their knowledge about contraception as satisfactory. 81.9% of interviewees, having sexual relations protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy permanently or occasionally. Modern means of contraception are used by 72% of interviewees younger than the age of 20. Interviewees of all age categories mostly make the decision on their own about the contraception use. 35% of interviewees estimate their method of contraception as completely safe. The greatest number of interviewees with intentionally interrupted pregnancies came from the age group 36-49 (53.8%).Women’s knowledge about family planning and the use of methods of contraception is unsatisfactory

    Validation of the Study Burnout Inventory and the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory for the use among medical students

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    ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to assess the validity and reliability of the Serbian versions of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) and the Study Burnout Inventory (SBI) among fifth-year medical students at 5 universities in Serbia.Material and MethodsThe study included 573 fifthyear medical students at 5 universities in Serbia. The research instrument consisted of SBI and CBI. The reliability of these instruments was assessed using an internal consistency measure (Cronbach’s α), an intra-class coefficient (ICC) and factor analysis.ResultsCronbach’s α for SBI was 0.83, including for exhaustion 0.73, for cynicism 0.70, and for inadequacy 0.48. The test-retest reliability (ICC) was 0.75. Cronbach’s α for personal burnout on CBI was 0.89, for the faculty-related burnout 0.86, and for the faculty-members-related burnout 0.92. Cronbach’s α for CBI was 0.93. The factor analysis for SBI showed 2 factors and for CBI 3 factors.ConclusionsThis study revealed that the Serbian versions of both SBI and CBI could be used for the assessment of burnout in this population

    Differential involvement of the dorsal hippocampus in passive avoidance in C57bl/6J and DBA/2J mice

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    The inferior performance of DBA/2 mice when compared to C57BL/6 mice in hippocampus-dependent behavioral tasks including contextual fear conditioning has been attributed to impaired hippocampal function. However, DBA/2J mice have been reported to perform similarly or even better than C57BL/6J mice in the passive avoidance (PA) task that most likely also depends on hippocampal function. The apparent discrepancy in PA versus fear conditioning performance in these two strains of mice was investigated using an automated PA system. The aim was to determine whether these two mouse strains utilize different strategies involving a different contribution of hippocampal mechanisms to encode PA. C57BL/6J mice exhibited significantly longer retention latencies than DBA/2J mice when tested 24 h after training irrespective of the circadian cycle. Dorsohippocampal NMDA receptor inhibition by local injection of the selective antagonist DL-2-amino-S-phosphonovaleric acid (AP5, 3.2 μg/mouse) before training resulted in impaired PA retention in C57BL/6J but not in DBA/2J mice. Furthermore, nonreinforced pre-exposure to the PA system before training caused a latent inhibition-like reduction of retention latencies in C57BL/6J, whereas it improved PA retention in DBA/2J mice. These pre-exposure experiments facilitated the discrimination of hippocampal involvement without local pharmacological intervention. The results indicate differences in PA learning between these two strains based on a different NMDA receptor involvement in the dorsal hippocampus in this emotional learning task. We hypothesize that mouse strains can differ in their PA learning performance based on their relative ability to form associations on the basis of unisensory versus multisensory contextual/spatial cues that involve hippocampal processing. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc