1,464 research outputs found

    Bacteriophage Mu DNA replication in vitro

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    Journal ArticleAn in vitro system for bacteriophage Mu DNA replication using lysates on cellophane discs is described. Mu replication was monitored by DNA hybridization. Using a thermoinducible Mu Iysogen, 30-50% of all DNA synthesis in vitro was Mu-specific

    DNA-topoisomerase modification

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    Journal ArticleThe first reports of topoisomerase modification were published in 1982 and 1983 (Mills et al. 1982; Durban et al. 1983; Ferro et al. 1983; Jongstra-Bilen et al. 1983). Although a wide variety of posttranslational modifications of DNA topoisomerases may occur, this chapter focuses only on phosphorylation and poly(ADP-ribosylation), which have been observed both in vitro and in vivo. The experimental data suggest a regulatory role, but the precise cellular functions of these DNA topoisomerase modifications remain undefined at the present time

    El acompa?amiento pedag?gico como estrategia de cualificaci?n de los docentes de b?sica primaria

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    110 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa investigaci?n ?El acompa?amiento pedag?gico como estrategia de cualificaci?n de los docentes de b?sica primaria? tuvo como horizonte hacer visibles las incidencias del apoyo en el aula frente a los procesos de mejoramiento en cuatro aspectos fundamentales, el primero de ellos relacionado con la gesti?n, el segundo con el clima escolar, el tercero con las pr?cticas pedag?gicas y el fortalecimiento del conocimiento did?ctico de contenido y finalmente, el seguimiento y la progresi?n de aprendizajes. En este sentido, la poblaci?n seleccionada estuvo compuesta por tres docentes de primaria de la Instituci?n Educativa T?cnica Guasimal del Municipio de El EspinalTolima, establecimiento focalizado por el Programa Todos a Aprender 2.0 (PTA). Es v?lido resaltar, que el enfoque que sustent? el proceso investigativo fue el cualitativo, por cuanto permiti? comprender el campo de la realidad social desde la obtenci?n de diversas representaciones y puntos de vista de los copart?cipes, para ello el dise?o descriptivo se ajust? a la interpretaci?n de la informaci?n simb?lica, verbal y escrita recolectada a trav?s de Planeaciones de clase, Entrevistas, listas de chequeo y observaciones participantes y no participantes (Bit?cora). De este modo, el apoyo de los registros y formatos del PTA, sirvieron como insumo conceptual y pr?ctico frente a las cuatro fases que se desarrollaron en el estudio, es decir, la muestra, la recolecci?n, el an?lisis y la interpretaci?n. Palabras Claves: Acompa?amiento pedag?gico, conocimiento did?ctico, planeaci?n y seguimiento al aprendizaje.The research "The pedagogical accompaniment as a strategy of qualification of teachers of primary school" had as a horizon to make visible the incidences of support in the classroom compared to the processes of improvement in four fundamental aspects, the first of them related to the management, the second with the school climate, the third with the practices and the strengthening of the didactic knowledge of content in the area of the Castilian language and finally, the formative evaluation and the progression of learning. In this sense, the selected population was made up of four teachers from the Guasimal Educational Institution of the Municipality of El Espinal-Tolima, an establishment focused on the Todos a Aprender 2.0 (PTA) Program. It is worth highlighting that the approach that supported the research process was the qualitative one, as it allowed to understand the field of social reality from the obtaining of diverse representations and points of view of the partners, for this the descriptive design was adjusted to the interpretation of the symbolic, verbal and written information collected through class planning, interviews, questionnaires and participant observations. In this way, the support of the PTA records and formats served as a conceptual and practical input to the four phases that were developed in the study, that is, the sample, the collection, the analysis and the interpretation. Keywords: pedagogical accompaniment, didactic knowledge, formative evaluation, plannin

    Molecular Phylogeny, Classification and Evolution of Conopeptides

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    Conopeptides are toxins expressed in the venom duct of cone snails (Conoidea, Conus). These are mostly well-structured peptides and mini-proteins with high potency and selectivity for a broad range of cellular targets. In view of these properties, they are widely used as pharmacological tools and many are candidates for innovative drugs. The conopeptides are primarily classified into superfamilies according to their peptide signal sequence, a classification that is thought to reflect the evolution of the multigenic system. However, this hypothesis has never been thoroughly tested. Here we present a phylogenetic analysis of 1,364 conopeptide signal sequences extracted from GenBank. The results validate the current conopeptide superfamily classification, but also reveal several important new features. The so-called "cysteine-poorā€ conopeptides are revealed to be closely related to "cysteine-richā€ conopeptides; with some of them sharing very similar signal sequences, suggesting that a distinction based on cysteine content and configuration is not phylogenetically relevant and does not reflect the evolutionary history of conopeptides. A given cysteine pattern or pharmacological activity can be found across different superfamilies. Furthermore, a few conopeptides from GenBank do not cluster in any of the known superfamilies, and could represent yet-undefined superfamilies. A clear phylogenetically based classification should help to disentangle the diversity of conopeptides, and could also serve as a rationale to understand the evolution of the toxins in the numerous other species of conoideans and venomous animals at larg

    Barriers and Enablers for Industry 4.0 in SMEs: A Combined Integration Framework

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    Although Industry 4.0 was introduced a decade ago, many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) still have not adopted several technologies. Therefore, integrating SMEs along horizontal, vertical, and end-to-end engineering dimensions remains challenging. Due to the importance of SMEs for industrial value chains, understanding SMEs' barriers and respective enablers for Industry 4.0 integration is vital. Applying a multiple case study approach, this paper investigates their experience in Industry 4.0 through technological, organizational, and environmental factors. We aggregate the barriers and respective enablers to Industry 4.0 into an integration framework, which helps to understand Industry 4.0 in SMEs from a broader viewpoint inside these firms, upstream and downstream supply chains, and beyond manufacturing. The findings show that the success of Industry 4.0 integration is more oriented toward operational benefits than strategic advantages and depends upon how these technologies are integrated with various stakeholders across the supply chain, such as original equipment manufacturers, R&D agencies, or sub-suppliers

    One, four or 100 genera? A new classification of the cone snails

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    International audienc

    Enzimi zaÅ”tite od oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja u toku klijanja dve linije omorike [Picea omorika (Panč.) Purkyně]

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    dTwo lines of Picea omorika (Pane.) Purkyne were compared with respect to germination percentage as well as specific activity and isoenzyme pattern of catalase, superoxide dismutase, and peroxidase (POD) during germination. Line A had a higher gennination percentage and higher enzyme activities in dry seeds and seedlings compared to line C. Peroxidase activity was not detected in dry seeds, but measured up to 10 U/g and 28 U/g on the 7(th) day of germination in lines C and A, respectively. The most abundant POD basic isoform in seedlings of both lines (pl 8.2) was not found previously in needles of adult Serbian spruce trees of the same lines.Poređeni su procenat klijanja, specifična aktivnost i izoenzimski profil katalaze, superoksid dismutaze i peroksidaze u dve linije omorike [Picea omorika (Panč.) Purkyně] u toku klijanja. Linija A je imala veći procenat klijanja i veće enzimske aktivnosti u suvom semenu i klijancima, u poređenju sa linijom C. Peroksidazna aktivnost nije nađena u suvim semenima, a povećavala se do 10 U/g i 28 U/g sed- mog dana klijanja u linijama C i A, respektivno. Najzastupljenija bazna izoforma peroksidaze u klijancima obe linije (pI 8.2) nije nađena ranije u četinama odraslih jedinki istih linija.

    Ohmic baking of gluten free sponge cake: Analysis of technological and quality characteristics

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    The demand of gluten-free bakery products is worldwide increasing. Simultaneously, ohmic heating is an alternative heating technology that still deserves further research and development. Therefore, the aim of this work was assessing different technological and quality characteristics of gluten free sponge cake baked by ohmic heating. A custom ohmic system was designed and built and different electric field strengths (1500, 2000 and 2500 V/m) were tested. Conventional baking was performed for comparison purposes. The conventional baking time was 24 min, whilst the ohmic heating time ranged from 3.51 min at 2500 V/m to 7.93 min at 1500 V/m. The ohmic system achieved significantly higher energy efficiencies, reaching nearly 60%, compared to only 4.1% for conventional baking. Additionally, specific energy consumption was significantly lower for ohmic heating. Weight loss was higher for ohmically processed samples, showing larger number of pores in their inner spongy structure. Ohmic heating resulted in a larger volume expansion and a cake with lower density. The remaining quality characteristics, such as color, hardness, cohesiveness, and elasticity, were not significantly different. Results demonstrated that ohmic heating is a suitable technology for baking gluten-free sponge cakes and that it is a promising technology for fast industrial baking of such products
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