26,088 research outputs found

    Newtonian View of General Relativistic Stars

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    Although general relativistic cosmological solutions, even in the presence of pressure, can be mimicked by using neo-Newtonian hydrodynamics, it is not clear whether there exists the same Newtonian correspondence for spherical static configurations. General relativity solutions for stars are known as the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equations. On the other hand, the Newtonian description does not take into account the total pressure effects and therefore can not be used in strong field regimes. We discuss how to incorporate pressure in the stellar equilibrium equations within the neo-Newtonian framework. We compare the Newtonian, neo-Newtonian and the full relativistic theory by solving the equilibrium equations for both three approaches and calculating the mass-radius diagrams for some simple neutron stars equation of state.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. v2 matches accepted version (EPJC

    Experimentally Witnessing the Quantumness of Correlations

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    The quantification of quantum correlations (other than entanglement) usually entails laboured numerical optimization procedures also demanding quantum state tomographic methods. Thus it is interesting to have a laboratory friendly witness for the nature of correlations. In this Letter we report a direct experimental implementation of such a witness in a room temperature nuclear magnetic resonance system. In our experiment the nature of correlations is revealed by performing only few local magnetization measurements. We also compare the witness results with those for the symmetric quantum discord and we obtained a fairly good agreement

    Environment-induced sudden transition in quantum discord dynamics

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    Non-classical correlations play a crucial role in the development of quantum information science. The recent discovery that non-classical correlations can be present even in separable (unentangled) states has broadened this scenario. This generalized quantum correlation has been increasing relevance in several fields, among them quantum communication, quantum computation, quantum phase transitions, and biological systems. We demonstrate here the occurrence of the sudden-change phenomenon and immunity against some sources of noise for the quantum discord and its classical counterpart, in a room temperature nuclear magnetic resonance setup. The experiment is performed in a decohering environment causing loss of phase relations among the energy eigenstates and exchange of energy between system and environment, resulting in relaxation to a Gibbs ensemble

    Experimental determination of the non-extensive entropic parameter qq

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    We show how to extract the qq parameter from experimental data, considering an inhomogeneous magnetic system composed by many Maxwell-Boltzmann homogeneous parts, which after integration over the whole system recover the Tsallis non-extensivity. Analyzing the cluster distribution of La0.7_{0.7}Sr0.3_{0.3}MnO3_{3} manganite, obtained through scanning tunnelling spectroscopy, we measure the qq parameter and predict the bulk magnetization with good accuracy. The connection between the Griffiths phase and non-extensivity is also considered. We conclude that the entropic parameter embodies information about the dynamics, the key role to describe complex systems.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Operational Classification and Quantification of Multipartite Entangled States

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    We formalize and extend an operational multipartite entanglement measure introduced by T. R. Oliveira, G. Rigolin, and M. C. de Oliveira, Phys. Rev. A 73, 010305(R) (2006), through the generalization of global entanglement (GE) [D. A. Meyer and N. R. Wallach, J. Math. Phys. 43, 4273 (2002)]. Contrarily to GE the main feature of this measure lies in the fact that we study the mean linear entropy of all possible partitions of a multipartite system. This allows the construction of an operational multipartite entanglement measure which is able to distinguish among different multipartite entangled states that GE failed to discriminate. Furthermore, it is also maximum at the critical point of the Ising chain in a transverse magnetic field, being thus able to detect a quantum phase transition.Comment: 14 pages, RevTex4, published versio

    Finite size analysis of a two-dimensional Ising model within a nonextensive approach

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    In this work we present a thorough analysis of the phase transitions that occur in a ferromagnetic 2D Ising model, with only nearest-neighbors interactions, in the framework of the Tsallis nonextensive statistics. We performed Monte Carlo simulations on square lattices with linear sizes L ranging from 32 up to 512. The statistical weight of the Metropolis algorithm was changed according to the nonextensive statistics. Discontinuities in the m(T) curve are observed for q≤0.5q\leq 0.5. However, we have verified only one peak on the energy histograms at the critical temperatures, indicating the occurrence of continuous phase transitions. For the 0.5<q≤1.00.5<q\leq 1.0 regime, we have found continuous phase transitions between the ordered and the disordered phases, and determined the critical exponents via finite-size scaling. We verified that the critical exponents α\alpha , β\beta and γ\gamma depend on the entropic index qq in the range 0.5<q≤1.00.5<q\leq 1.0 in the form α(q)=(10q2−33q+23)/20\alpha (q)=(10 q^{2}-33 q+23)/20, β(q)=(2q−1)/8\beta (q)=(2 q-1)/8 and γ(q)=(q2−q+7)/4\gamma (q)=(q^{2}-q+7)/4. On the other hand, the critical exponent ν\nu does not depend on qq. This suggests a violation of the scaling relations 2β+γ=dν2 \beta +\gamma =d \nu and α+2β+γ=2\alpha +2 \beta +\gamma =2 and a nonuniversality of the critical exponents along the ferro-paramagnetic frontier.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Spin-polarized transport in ferromagnetic multilayered semiconductor nanostructures

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    The occurrence of inhomogeneous spin-density distribution in multilayered ferromagnetic diluted magnetic semiconductor nanostructures leads to strong dependence of the spin-polarized transport properties on these systems. The spin-dependent mobility, conductivity and resistivity in (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs,(Ga,Mn)N/GaN, and (Si,Mn)/Si multilayers are calculated as a function of temperature, scaled by the average magnetization of the diluted magnetic semiconductor layers. An increase of the resistivity near the transition temperature is obtained. We observed that the spin-polarized transport properties changes strongly among the three materials.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure
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