22,090 research outputs found

    Experimentally Witnessing the Quantumness of Correlations

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    The quantification of quantum correlations (other than entanglement) usually entails laboured numerical optimization procedures also demanding quantum state tomographic methods. Thus it is interesting to have a laboratory friendly witness for the nature of correlations. In this Letter we report a direct experimental implementation of such a witness in a room temperature nuclear magnetic resonance system. In our experiment the nature of correlations is revealed by performing only few local magnetization measurements. We also compare the witness results with those for the symmetric quantum discord and we obtained a fairly good agreement

    Características agronômicas de genótipos de bananeira em três ciclos de produção em Rio Branco, AC.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar características agronômicas de genótipos de bananeira, em três ciclos de produção. O experimento foi realizado em blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas e cinco repetições, em Rio Branco, AC. Os genótipos Preciosa, Japira, Pacovan Ken, Pacovan, PA42-44, Prata-anã, ST12-31, FHIA 02, Nanicão, Grande Naine, Calipso, Ambrósia e Bucaneiro foram avaliados quanto aos caracteres: altura da planta; diâmetro do pseudocaule; número de folhas vivas na floração e na colheita; ciclo de formação do cacho da floração à colheita; número de pencas por cacho; massa do fruto e do cacho; e produtividade. As cultivares Preciosa e Pacovan Ken apresentaram as maiores alturas, e os híbridos PA42-44 e FHIA 02, e as cultivares Prata-anã, Nanicão e Grande Naine, o porte mais baixo. As cultivares Nanicão, Ambrósia, Bucaneiro, Pacovan, Prata-anã e Grande Naine e o híbrido ST12-31 apresentaram os menores números de folhas vivas na colheita. A cultivar Preciosa e o híbrido FHIA 02 foram os mais produtivos. Os híbridos PA42-44 e FHIA 02 apresentam características agronômicas promissoras e podem ser incorporados ao sistema produtivo, assim como os híbridos de Pacovan, já adaptados e recomendados para o cultivo no Estado do Acre

    Avaliação das projeções de precipitação dos modelos climáticos globais do quarto relatório do IPCC para o Brasil.

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a similaridade das projeções de precipitação dos modelos climáticos globais para o Brasil e suas regiões. Quinze modelos globais do Quarto Relatório do IPCC foram avaliados, considerando suas projeções do período de 2071-2100, cenário A2 de emissão de gases de efeito estufa, e a precipitação observada no período de 1961-1990. Os resultados mostraram que os modelos globais climáticos se comportam de forma diferente para cada região brasileira, indicando tendência de aumento de precipitação em certas áreas geográficas e diminuição em outras. Nos meses de inverno, verifica-se uma tendência de diminuição das precipitações, enquanto no verão a tendência é de aumento das precipitações


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    The main goal of this work is to develop a calculation process, based on the second law of thermodynamic, for evaluating the potential of a small Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) cogeneration (electrical and cooling power) plant using biomass as fuel. Two different configurations and several organic working fluids are presented and assessed. A mathematical model has been developed to find thermodynamically suitable fluids for ORC in biomass cogeneration plants. The main results show that, the family of alkylbenzenes has higher exergetic efficiencies found to be around 16% almost 5 percent higher efficiency than the cycles that use siloxanes as working fluids; in spite of their lower cooling power capacity. The results demonstrate that the cycle efficiency is more dependent on the thermodynamic properties of the working fluids than on the system configuration

    Efficiency of low versus high airline pressure in stunning cattle with a pneumatically powered penetrating captive bolt gun

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    The efficiency of stunning cattle was assessed in 443 animals (304 pure Zebu and 139 crossbred cattle), being mainly mature bulls and cows. Cattle were stunned using a Jarvis pneumatically powered penetrating captive bolt gun operating with low (160–175 psi, N = 82) and high (190 psi, N = 363) airline pressure, which was within the manufactures specifications. Signs of brain function and the position of the shots on the heads were recorded after stunning. Velocity of the captive bolt and its physical parameters were calculated. Cattle shot with low pressures showed more rhythmic respiration (27 vs. 8%, P < 0.001), less tongue protrusion (4 vs. 12%, P = 0.03) and less masseter relaxation (22 vs. 48%, P < 0.001). There was an increased frequency of shots in the ideal position when cattle were shot with the low compared to high airline pressures (15.3 vs. 3.1%). Bolt velocity and its physical parameters were significantly (P < 0.01) higher when using high pressure. Airline pressures below 190 psi are inappropriate when shooting adult Zebu beef cattle with pneumatically powered penetrating captive bolt guns

    Normalization procedure for relaxation studies in NMR quantum information processing

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    NMR quantum information processing studies rely on the reconstruction of the density matrix representing the so-called pseudo-pure states (PPS). An initially pure part of a PPS state undergoes unitary and non-unitary (relaxation) transformations during a computation process, causing a "loss of purity" until the equilibrium is reached. Besides, upon relaxation, the nuclear polarization varies in time, a fact which must be taken into account when comparing density matrices at different instants. Attempting to use time-fixed normalization procedures when relaxation is present, leads to various anomalies on matrices populations. On this paper we propose a method which takes into account the time-dependence of the normalization factor. From a generic form for the deviation density matrix an expression for the relaxing initial pure state is deduced. The method is exemplified with an experiment of relaxation of the concurrence of a pseudo-entangled state, which exhibits the phenomenon of sudden death, and the relaxation of the Wigner function of a pseudo-cat state.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, to appear in QI
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