5,498 research outputs found

    Risk factors for infection with Giardia duodenalis in pre-school children in the city of Salvador, Brazil.

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    A cross-sectional study of 694 children aged 2 to 45 months selected from 30 clusters throughout the city of Salvador, Bahia (pop. 2.3 million) was carried out as part of a longitudinal study of diarrhoea in order to identify risk factors for infection with Giardia duodenalis. Variables studied included three social and demographic factors (such as mother's education and marital status), five relating to the peri-domestic environment (rubbish disposal, open sewers, paving of the street), seven relating to the home itself (house construction, susceptibility to flooding, water supply and sanitation) as well as a score for hygiene behaviour based on structured observation. After multivariate analysis using a hierarchical model, only four significant risk factors were found: (a) number of children in the household under five years (b) rubbish not collected from the house (c) presence of visible sewage nearby, and (d) absence of a toilet. All four were significant at the 1% level

    Validation of a food frequency questionnaire for children and adolescents aged 4 to 11 years living in Salvador, Bahia.

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the validity of a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) by applying it to children and adolescents living in Salvador, Bahia. METHODS: The validity of this FFQ with 98 food items was investigated among 108 children and adolescents who were selected from a sample of 1445 that had been planned for a study on the risk factors for asthma and other allergic diseases. The adults responsible for these children and adolescents gave responses for a 24-hour recall (R24h) and an FFQ. The average energy and nutrient values from the FFQ were compared with those from the R24h by means of the paired t test and Pearson correlation coefficients. The concordance was evaluated using the Bland-Altman method and kappa statistics. RESULTS: The energy and nutrient intake estimated using the FFQ was significantly higher than what was obtained using the R24h. The correlation coefficients adjusted for energy were statistically significant for protein, fat, vitamin C and zinc. The weighted kappa values ranged from 0.06 for vitamin A (p = 0.24) to 0.34 for energy (p < 0.00). The results from the Bland-Altman plots for lipid, protein and zinc showed the most significant validity parameters, and zinc was found to show the best concordance. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the FFQ showed satisfactory validity for use in studies involving children and adolescents

    Experiments on enlarging a lexical ontology

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    This paper presents two simple experiments performed in order to enlarge the coverage of PULO, a Lexical Ontology, based and aligned with the Princeton WordNet. The first experiment explores the triangulation of the Galician, Catalan and Castillian wordnets, with translation dictionaries from the Apertium project. The second, explores Dicionário-Aberto entries, in order to extract synsets from its definitions. Although similar approaches were already applied for different languages, this document aims at documenting their results for the PULO case

    Adaptação transcultural para o idioma português do método de triagem nutricional Determine your nutritional health (R) para idosos domiciliados / Cross-cultural adaptation to the Portuguese language of the Determine Your Nutritional Health (R) screening method for the elderly in assisted living accommodation

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    ABSTRACT IN PORTUGESE: O objetivo deste artigo é descrever o processo de adaptação transcultural do método de triagem nutricional, Determine Your Nutritional Health® (DNH), para utilização na população idosa brasileira. O DNH consiste de 10 questões com enunciados afirmativos, às quais são atribuídas pontuações específicas e cuja soma corresponde ao escore final, que classifica os indivíduos de acordo com a presença ou a ausência de risco nutricional. O processo de adaptação transcultural do método DNH envolveu as seguintes etapas: tradução; retrotradução; equivalência semântica; avaliação dos especialistas; pré-teste e versão final do método. Foram realizadas adaptações de palavras e expressões do método DNH, para a realidade brasileira. A versão final do método foi definida para o Brasil como “Verifique a condição nutricional do idoso”, apresentando as mesmas questões da versão original do DNH, contudo, em formato mais claro, por meio de perguntas, consideradas acessíveis e de fácil entendimento, segundo a avaliação de profissionais de saúde e de idosos. A versão brasileira do método de triagem nutricional, “Verifique a condição nutricional do idoso”, encontra-se traduzida e adaptada para uso em idosos brasileiros domiciliados. ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This article aims to describe the process of cross-cultural adaptation of the Determine Your Nutritional Health® (DNH) screening method for the elderly Brazilian population. The DNH consists of 10 questions with affirmative statements, to which specific scores are assigned and when added up correspond to the final score, which classifies individuals according to the presence or absence of nutritional risk. The process of cross-cultural adaptation of the DNH method involved the following stages: translation; back translation; semantic equivalence; evaluation by the experts; pre-test and final version of the method. Adjustments were made in words and expressions of the DNH method for the Brazilian reality. The final version of the method has been defined for Brazil as “Verify the nutritional conditions of the elderly,” presenting the same questions as in the original version of the DNH. It was in a clearer format, through questions, considered accessible and easy to understand, according to the assessment of health professionals and the elderly. The Brazilian version of the nutritional screening method, “Verify nutritional conditions of the elderly,” was translated and adapted, for use in Brazilian elderly in assisted living accommodation

    Minimally processed fruit salad enriched with Lactobacillus acidophilus: Viability of anti-browning compounds in the preservation of color

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    Minimal processing promotes browning of some vegetal tissues due to cell membrane disruption, which results in the release of oxidative enzymes. This study evaluated the efficiency of citric acid, ascorbic acid, sodium metabisulfite and L-cysteine hydrochloride to retard enzymatic browning of minimally processed fruit salad and enriched this product with Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5. Control treatment was fruit salad immersed in water. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and color (L*, a*, b*, index color - CI, browning index - BI, c*, and h°) were analyzed. The viability of L. acidophilus was also evaluated using Rogosa agar in fruit salads containing anti-browning compounds in higher concentrations. PPO presented a significant difference among control and fruit salad treated with ascorbic acid and L-cysteine hydrochloride, indicating the highest anti-browning activity of these compounds. The fruit color was affected by processing and storage time, with a reduction in the values of L* over time. Values of a*, c*, h° angle and CI indicated a predominance of red color in the fruit salad. Salads containing anti-browning compounds in higher concentrations presented viability of L. acidophilus above 7.43 log CFU/g up to the fifth day of storage, indicating that the product can be promised as probiotic. Thus, the fruit salad treated with anti-browning compounds has potential use as a probiotic carrier.Keywords: Fresh-cut fruits, color, ascorbic acid, vegetable matrix, probiotic culture

    Laser Monotherapy in Plantar Fasciitis

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    Introdução: A fasceíte plantar (FP) constitui a causa mais frequente de dor no retropé. Está recomendada uma prova terapêutica inicial conservadora. Objetivos: Caraterizar fatores demográficos e sintomáticos, terapêutica prévia e resultados de monoterapia com laser. Material e Métodos: Estudo observacional retrospetivo (12 meses). O tratamento aplicado foi laser infravermelho (AsGa 904nm; densidade de energia 20J/cm2; potência de pico 200mW). Fez-se análise estatística descritiva e comparativa (nível de significância de 0,05). Resultados: Seguiram-se 32 doentes com FP, com idade média de 54,28 anos (24–86; DP 13,95), 66% mulheres, Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) médio de 30,18Kg/m2 (17,91-41,13; DP 5,19), 75% unilaterais, tempo médio de evolução de 6,28 meses (0,2-24; DP 6,82), 21 tinham feito previamente farmacoterapia e 12 outros tratamentos de MFR. O nível de dor inicial (END) médio foi 7,31 (5-10; DP 1,38). Dos 26 doentes tratados (6 perdas), 24 (92,3%) reportaram melhoria. O número médio de sessões foi 28,5 (11– 60; DP 14,01). O nível médio de dor final foi 0,75 (0-5; DP 2,37), com melhoria média de 89,7% (28,6%-100%; DP 0,16) do nível de dor. A intensidade de dor inicial foi maior em doentes com IMC superior (p=0,002). Não se encontraram outras relações estatisticamente significativas. Conclusões: A FP caraterizou-se por um nível de dor significativo (moderado a grave). A obesidade pareceu ser um fator de risco. A taxa de melhoria com o tratamento com laser foi muito satisfatória. A terapia com laser de baixa intensidade IV constitui uma boa opção terapêutica, a justificar avaliação suplementar por ensaios prospetivos controlados e randomizados

    Is It Possible to Simplify Risk Stratification Scores for Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Primary Angioplasty?

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    INTRODUCTION: There are several risk scores for stratification of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), the most widely used of which are the TIMI and GRACE scores. However, these are complex and require several variables. The aim of this study was to obtain a reduced model with fewer variables and similar predictive and discriminative ability. METHODS: We studied 607 patients (age 62 years, SD=13; 76% male) who were admitted with STEMI and underwent successful primary angioplasty. Our endpoints were all-cause in-hospital and 30-day mortality. Considering all variables from the TIMI and GRACE risk scores, multivariate logistic regression models were fitted to the data to identify the variables that best predicted death. RESULTS: Compared to the TIMI score, the GRACE score had better predictive and discriminative performance for in-hospital mortality, with similar results for 30-day mortality. After data modeling, the variables with highest predictive ability were age, serum creatinine, heart failure and the occurrence of cardiac arrest. The new predictive model was compared with the GRACE risk score, after internal validation using 10-fold cross validation. A similar discriminative performance was obtained and some improvement was achieved in estimates of probabilities of death (increased for patients who died and decreased for those who did not). CONCLUSION: It is possible to simplify risk stratification scores for STEMI and primary angioplasty using only four variables (age, serum creatinine, heart failure and cardiac arrest). This simplified model maintained a good predictive and discriminative performance for short-term mortality