788 research outputs found

    Supernova Remnants, Pulsars and the Interstellar Medium - Summary of a Workshop Held at U Sydney, March 1999

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    We summarise the proceedings of the SRCfTA workshop on ``Supernova Remnants, Pulsars and the Interstellar Medium'' that was held at the University of Sydney on Mar 18 and 19, 1999.Comment: 13 pages, Latex. To be published in the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 2000, Vol 17, No

    technology aided programs for persons with severe profound and multiple disabilities a selective review

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    This paper represents a brief, selective review of technology-aided programs for persons with severe/profound and multiple disabilities. Specifically, the paper provides detailed summaries of a number of illustrative studies conducted by these authors for the assessment of (a) microswitch-based programs aimed at promoting response engagement and control of environmental stimulation, (b) speech-generating devices and computer-aided programs directed at promoting communication and stimulus choice, (c) orientation technology solutions for promoting indoor travel, and (d) visual- and verbal-instruction technology for promoting performance of complex, multi-step tasks. The studies included in the review provide a specific picture of the technological instruments adopted within the programs, of the participants involved, and of the outcomes obtained. Questions of practical importance left unanswered by those studies and others in the field are also discussed as possible targets of new research

    Heterologous expression and functional characterization of a GH10 endoxylanase from \u3ci\u3eAspergillus fumigatus\u3c/i\u3e var. \u3ci\u3eniveus\u3c/i\u3e with potential biotechnological application

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    Xylanases decrease the xylan content in pretreated biomass releasing it from hemicellulose, thus improving the accessibility of cellulose for cellulases. In this work, an endo-β-1,4-xylanase from Aspergillus fumigatus var. niveus (AFUMN-GH10) was successfully expressed. The structural analysis and biochemical characterization showed this AFUMN-GH10 does not contain a carbohydrate-binding module. The enzyme retained its activity in a pH range from 4.5 to 7.0, with an optimal temperature at 60°C. AFUMN-GH10 showed the highest activity in beechwood xylan. The mode of action of AFUMNGH10 was investigated by hydrolysis of APTS-labeled xylohexaose, which resulted in xylotriose and xylobiose as the main products. AFUMN-GH10 released 27% of residual xylan from hydrothermally-pretreated corn stover and 14% of residual xylan from hydrothermally-pretreated sugarcane bagasse. The results showed that environmentally friendly pretreatment followed by enzymatic hydrolysis with AFUMN-GH10 in low concentration is a suitable method to remove part of residual and recalcitrant hemicellulose from biomass

    Genetic sex separation of the malaria vector, Anopheles arabiensis, by exposing eggs to dieldrin

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    BACKGROUND: The sterile insect technique (SIT) has been used with success for suppressing or eliminating important insect pests of agricultural or veterinary importance. In order to develop SIT for mosquitoes, female elimination prior to release is essential as they are the disease-transmitting sex. A genetic sexing strain (GSS) of Anopheles arabiensis was created based on resistance to dieldrin, and methods of sex separation at the egg stage were developed. The use of this strain for SIT will require sexually sterile males: useful radiation doses for this purpose were determined for pupae and adults. METHODS: For the creation of the sexing strain, dieldrin-resistant males were irradiated with 40 Gy using a (60)Co source and were subsequently crossed to homozygous susceptible virgin females. Individual families were screened for semi-sterility and for male resistance to dieldrin. For sex separation, eggs of a resulting GSS, ANO IPCL1, were exposed to varying concentrations of dieldrin for different durations. Percent hatch, larval survival, and male and female emergence were recorded. Radiation induced sterility was determined following adult and pupa exposure to gamma rays at 0–105 Gy. Mortality induced by dieldrin treatment, and levels of sterility post radiation were investigated. RESULTS: ANO IPCL1 contains a complex chromosome aberration that pseudo-links the male-determining Y chromosome and dieldrin resistance, conferring high natural semi-sterility. Exposure of eggs to 2, 3, and 4 ppm dieldrin solutions resulted in complete female elimination without a significant decrease of male emergence compared to the controls. A dose of 75 Gy reduced the fertility to 3.8 and 6.9% when males were irradiated as pupae or adults respectively, but the proportions of progeny of these males reaching adulthood were 0.6 and 1.5% respectively CONCLUSION: The GSS ANO IPCL1 was shown to be a suitable strain for further testing for SIT though high semi-sterility is a disadvantage for mass rearing

    Mass of the Southern Black Hole in NGC 6240 from Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics

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    NGC 6240 is a pair of colliding disk galaxies, each with a black hole in its core. We have used laser guide star adaptive optics on the Keck II telescope to obtain high-resolution (∼0.06\sim 0.06") near-infrared integral-field spectra of the region surrounding the supermassive black hole in the south nucleus of this galaxy merger. We use the K-band CO absorption bandheads to trace stellar kinematics. We obtain a spatial resolution of about 20 pc and thus directly resolve the sphere of gravitational influence of the massive black hole. We explore two different methods to measure the black hole mass. Using a Jeans Axisymmetric Multi-Gaussian mass model, we investigate the limit that a relaxed mass distribution produces all of the measured velocity dispersion, and find an upper limit on the black hole mass at 2.0 \pm 0.2 \times 10^9 M_{\sun}. When assuming the young stars whose spectra we observe remain in a thin disk, we compare Keplerian velocity fields to the measured two-dimensional velocity field measured and fit for a mass profile containing a black hole point mass plus a radially-varying spherical component, which suggests a lower limit for the black hole mass of 8.7 \pm 0.3 \times 10^8 M_{\sun}. Our measurements of the stellar velocity dispersion place this AGN within the scatter of the MBHM_{BH}-σ∗\sigma_{*} relation. As NGC 6240 is a merging system, this may indicate that the relation is preserved during a merger at least until the final coalescence of the two nuclei.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures; accepted to Ap

    Pseudobulges in the Disk Galaxies NGC 7690 and NGC 4593

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    We present Ks-band surface photometry of NGC 7690 (Hubble type Sab) and NGC 4593 (SBb). We find that, in both galaxies, a major part of the "bulge" is as flat as the disk and has approximately the same color as the inner disk. In other words, the "bulges" of these galaxies have disk-like properties. We conclude that these are examples of "pseudobulges" -- that is, products of secular dynamical evolution. Nonaxisymmetries such as bars and oval disks transport disk gas toward the center. There, star formation builds dense stellar components that look like -- and often are mistaken for -- merger-built bulges but that were constructed slowly out of disk material. These pseudobulges can most easily be recognized when, as in the present galaxies, they retain disk-like properties. NGC 7690 and NGC 4593 therefore contribute to the growing evidence that secular processes help to shape galaxies. NGC 4593 contains a nuclear ring of dust that is morphologically similar to nuclear rings of star formation that are seen in many barred and oval galaxies. The nuclear dust ring is connected to nearly radial dust lanes in the galaxy's bar. Such dust lanes are a signature of gas inflow. We suggest that gas is currently accumulating in the dust ring and hypothesize that the gas ring will starburst in the future. The observations of NGC 4593 therefore suggest that major starburst events that contribute to pseudobulge growth can be episodic.Comment: 10 pages, 3 Postscript figures; requires emulateapj.cls, apjfonts.sty, and psfig.sty; accepted for publication in ApJ; for a version with full resolution figures, see http://chandra.as.utexas.edu/~kormendy/n7690.pd

    Heterologous expression and functional characterization of a GH10 endoxylanase from \u3ci\u3eAspergillus fumigatus\u3c/i\u3e var. \u3ci\u3eniveus\u3c/i\u3e with potential biotechnological application

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    Xylanases decrease the xylan content in pretreated biomass releasing it from hemicellulose, thus improving the accessibility of cellulose for cellulases. In this work, an endo-β-1,4-xylanase from Aspergillus fumigatus var. niveus (AFUMN-GH10) was successfully expressed. The structural analysis and biochemical characterization showed this AFUMN-GH10 does not contain a carbohydrate-binding module. The enzyme retained its activity in a pH range from 4.5 to 7.0, with an optimal temperature at 60°C. AFUMN-GH10 showed the highest activity in beechwood xylan. The mode of action of AFUMNGH10 was investigated by hydrolysis of APTS-labeled xylohexaose, which resulted in xylotriose and xylobiose as the main products. AFUMN-GH10 released 27% of residual xylan from hydrothermally-pretreated corn stover and 14% of residual xylan from hydrothermally-pretreated sugarcane bagasse. The results showed that environmentally friendly pretreatment followed by enzymatic hydrolysis with AFUMN-GH10 in low concentration is a suitable method to remove part of residual and recalcitrant hemicellulose from biomass

    A multi-dating approach to age-modelling long continental records: The 135 ka El Cañizar de Villarquemado sequence (NE Spain)

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    Under embargo until: 2021-06-23We present a multidisciplinary dating approach - including radiocarbon, Uranium/Thorium series (U/Th), paleomagnetism, single-grain optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), polymineral fine-grain infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and tephrochronology - used for the development of an age model for the Cañizar de Villarquemado sequence (VIL) for the last ca. 135 ka. We describe the protocols used for each technique and discuss the positive and negative results, as well as their implications for interpreting the VIL sequence and for dating similar terrestrial records. In spite of the negative results of some techniques, particularly due to the absence of adequate sample material or insufficient analytical precision, the multi-technique strategy employed here is essential to maximize the chances of obtaining robust age models in terrestrial sequences. The final Bayesian age model for VIL sequence includes 16 AMS 14C ages, 9 single-grain quartz OSL ages and 5 previously published polymineral fine-grain IRSL ages, and the accuracy and resolution of the model are improved by incorporating information related to changes in accumulation rate, as revealed by detailed sedimentological analyses. The main paleohydrological and vegetation changes in the sequence are coherent with global Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6 to 1 transitions since the penultimate Termination, although some regional idiosyncrasies are evident, such as higher moisture variability than expected, an abrupt inception of the last glacial cycle and a resilient response of vegetation in Mediterranean continental Iberia in both Terminations.acceptedVersio

    Macromarketing Pedagogy:Empowering Students to Achieve a Sustainable World

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    The United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are challenging the world to work towards a more sustainable future. Its 17 goals are ambitious, requiring concerted and system-based efforts driven by critical and socially aware thinking. However, marketing education is largely falling short of teaching students to think that way. Given macromarketing's unique perspective on the interactions among markets, marketing, and society, macromarketers are poised to contribute to marketing pedagogy and to commit students to realizing the SDGs. This article first looks back at the previous 40 years of macromarketing pedagogy, before offering contemporary approaches to teaching macromarketing through four illustrative case studies found in an online repository called Pedagogy Place. It then looks forward, setting an aspiring vision for macro-oriented classrooms in the coming years

    Exploratory use of fluorescent SmartProbes for the rapid detection of microbial isolates causing corneal ulcer

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    PURPOSE:To explore the use of optical SmartProbes for the rapid evaluation of corneal scrapes from patients with suspected microbial keratitis, as a clinical alternative to Gram stain. DESIGN:Experimental study with evaluation of a diagnostic technology. METHODS:Corneal scrapes were collected from 267 patients presenting with microbial keratitis at a referral cornea clinic in South India. Corneal scrapes were flooded with SmartProbes (BAC One or BAC Two) and evaluated by fluorescence microscopy (without the need for sample washing or further processing). The SmartProbe labelled samples were scored as bacteria/fungi/none (BAC One) or gram-negative bacteria/none (BAC Two) and compared to Gram stain results. RESULTS:Compared to Gram stain, BAC One demonstrated sensitivity and specificity of 80.0 and 87.5 percent respectively, positive and negative predictive values (PPV, NPV) of 93.8 and 65.1 percent, and an accuracy of 82.2. BAC Two demonstrated sensitivity and specificity of 93.3 and 84.8 percent respectively, a NPV of 99.2 percent and an accuracy of 85.6 percent. When the corresponding culture results were compared to the Gram stain result, the sensitivity and specificity were 73.4 and 70.7 percent, the PPV and NPVs were 86.5 and 51.0 percent, and an overall accuracy of 72.6. CONCLUSIONS:Fluorescent SmartProbes offer a comparative method to Gram stain for delineating gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria or fungi within corneal scrapes. We demonstrate equivalent or higher sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPVs, and accuracy than culture to Gram stain. Our approach has scope for point-of-care clinical application to aid in the diagnosis of microbial keratitis
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