21 research outputs found


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    В статье поднимается проблема негативного влияния условий проживания с риском техногенно-экологической угрозы на качество жизни населения.Цель исследования заключается в изучении связи экологического стресса и качества жизни населения юношеского возраста, проживающего в зоне металлургического производства Кузбасса.Методы: опросник субъективного качества жизни Р. Элиота, адаптированная под задачи исследования методика незаконченных предложений для выявления и раскрытия содержания экологического стресса; опросник выявления экологической установки «Экологический аттитюд» (Калмыков А.А.) с введенной шкалой переживания экологической угрозы.Полученные результаты позволили определить уровень качества жизни, наиболее стресснапряженные и удовлетворяющие сферы жизни, интенсивность экологического стресса населения юношеского возраста, проживающего в зоне металлургического производства. Экологический стресс может проявляться в виде переживания экологической угрозы, угрозысобственного здоровья, снижения работоспособности и возможностей самореализации, негативного отношения к металлургическому производству в настоящее время и для своего будущего, формирования миграционной готовности. Показаны негативное влияние экологического стресса на субъективную оценку качества жизни и необходимость ранней диагностики и профилактики снижения психологического здоровья. Определены основные направления информационного-просветительской работы с населением в возрасте юности с целью профилактики негативного влияния техногенно-экологической угрозы.The article deals with the problem of negative influence of living conditions with the risk of technogenic and ecological threats on the quality of life of the population.The purpose of the study is to explore connection of ecological stress and quality of life among the population of youth age living in the area of metallurgical production in Kuzbass.Methods: the questionnaire of subjective quality of life R. Eliot, adapted to the objectives of the study unfinished sentences to identify and disclose the content of ecological stress; the questionnaire to the identification of the ecological setting «Ecological attitude» (Kalmy-kov A.A.) with the entered scale of ecological threats experiences.The obtained results allowed determining the level of quality of life, the most stressmediated and satisfying areas of life, the intensity of the ecological stress among the adolescences, living in the area of metallurgical production. Ecological stress can manifest as the form of experiencing of ecological threats, threats to health, reduced performance and opportunities, the negative attitude to metallurgical production in the present and for the future, the formation of migration readiness. The negative impact of ecological stress on the subjective assessment of quality of life and the need to early diagnosis and prevention of reduction in mental health are shown. The basic directions of informational-educational work with adolescence for the purpose of prevention of negative influence of technogenic-ecological threats are determined

    Factors of negative psycho-emotional states among women undergoing IVF treatment. .

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    Open access publication In Russian (Abstract and References in English) The article presents the results of a study of clinical and psychological factors of mental and emotional states among women (N=127) with the extracorporal fertilization (IVF) treatment. There are analyzed data from clinical interviews (type of infertility (female, male), cause of infertility, the planning time of pregnancy, number of attempts and the kind of IVF experiences of relationships in the parent family and with husband, self-relationship and health) and socio-demographic indicators (nature of work, type of marriage and number of marriages, the availability and scheduling of children). There are analyzed the relationship of these indicators with personal and situational anxiety. In the group among women with a female infertility a personal and situational anxiety were higher. Personal anxiety is higher among women with negative mental states (apathy, depression, emotional fatigue, high anxiety, and sleep disturbance, obsessive thoughts about pregnancy, fears, panic attacks), than among women with somatic problems (physical fatigue, lack of sexual desire, hormonal imbalance, endocrine disorders, vascular dystonia, cystitis, eye problems, problems with the musculoskeletal system). There is a need in further research to clarify causal relationships between personal characteristics and negative mental states, and other risk factors, such as problems in the relationship. Personal anxiety is higher among women who indicated relationship problems with their husbands. More severe anxiety among women with children (their own, husband’s) can indicate the complexity of personal experiences and the system of motives of pregnancy that requires a differentiated approach in the psychological support to this category of women with the treatment on the IVF program. The obtained data testify that the characteristics and dynamics of the mental states among women in the program of IVF treatment can be associated with the causes of infertility; negative experience of relationships in the parent family, especially the authoritarian and emotionally cold relationship with the mother; the personal qualities among women, the nature of the dominant reproductive motives, which in turn are connected with the peculiarities of the social situation (marriage, children); the time of pregnancy planning, which may be due to the type (female, male) reproductive health problems and the number of IVF attempts. The identification of the relationships and interdependency of these factors, the nature of their impact on the treatment process, the course and outcome of pregnancy in cases of external reproductive technologies need further study in longitudinal and comparative studies on larger samples of respondents. The obtained data allow: to carry out early diagnostics of social and psychological factors that impede the process of infertility treatment methods of assisted reproduction; to carry out psychological prevention of the formation of negative mental states and targeted psychological assistance in medical treatment with the IVF program

    The Impact of Maternal Overweight on Hair Essential Trace Element and Mineral Content in Pregnant Women and Their Children

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate hair essential trace elements and mineral levels in 105 pregnant normal-weight (control) and 55 overweight and obese women in the third trimester of pregnancy, as well as in their children at the age of 9 months. The hair essential trace elements and mineral levels were assessed using inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry. Overweight pregnant women had significantly reduced Cr (- 24%; p = 0.047) and Zn (- 13%; p = 0.008) content, as well as elevated hair Na and K levels as compared to the controls. Children from overweight and obese mothers had lower hair Mo (- 18%; p = 0.017), Se (- 8%; p = 0.043), and V (- 24%; p = 0.028) levels, as well as elevated Sr content (19%; p = 0.025). Correlation analysis revealed a significant relationship between maternal and child hair levels of Co (r = 0.170; p = 0.038), Cu (r = 0.513; p < 0.001), Mn (r = 0.240; p = 0.003), and Na (r = 0.181; p = 0.027) in the whole sample. Pre-pregnancy maternal body mass index (BMI) positively correlated with maternal hair K (r = 0.336; p < 0.001) and Na (r = 0.212; p = 0.008) and negatively correlated with V (r = - 0.204; p = 0.011) and Zn (r = - 0.162; p = 0.045) levels. The results indicate that impaired trace element and mineral metabolism may play a role in the link between maternal obesity, complications of pregnancy and child's postnatal development. Hypothetically, dietary improvement may be used as a tool to reduce these risks. However, further experimental and clinical studies are required to investigate the relationship between obesity and trace element metabolism in pregnancy

    The impact of lifestyle factors on age-related differences in hair trace element content in pregnant women in the third trimester

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    BACKGROUND: Trace elements play a significant role in the regulation of human reproduction, while advanced age may have a significant impact on trace element metabolism. The objective of the present study was to assess the impact of lifestyle factors on age-related differences in hair trace element content in pregnant women in the third trimester. METHODS: A total of 124 pregnant women aged 20&ndash;29 (n = 72) and 30&ndash;39 (n = 52) were ex- amined. Scalp hair trace element content was assessed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry at NexION 300D (Perkin Elmer, USA) after microwave digestion. RESULTS: The results showed that the elder pregnant women had 36% (p = 0.009), 14% (p = 0.045), and 45% (p = 0.044) lower hair Zn, V, and Cd content, and 16% (p = 0.044) higher hair B levels &ndash; in comparison to the respective younger group values. Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that the age of the women had a significant influence on hair V and Zn levels. B content was also significantly influenced by age at first intercourse, smoking status, and specific dietary habits. None of the lifestyle factors were associated with hair Cd content in pregnant women. Hair V levels were also affected by following a special diet. Interestingly, alcohol intake did not have a significant impact on hair trace element content. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that lifestyle factors have a significant influence on age-related changes in hair trace elements during pregnancy that may impact the outcome of pregnancy

    Spouses’ Psychological States and Family Relations in Families with Natural and Induced Pregnancies

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    Background. Psychological tension in the family, along with stress and mental and physical illness,are linked tothe reproductive health of parents, as well as to the outcomes of infertility treatments and pregnancy overall. Objective. To compare stress and negative affect (depression, irritability, and anxiety) in families with induced pregnancies (in-vitro fertilization, IFV) vs. natural pregnancies. The relationship between negative affect and stress in pregnant women was explored in both groups. Finally, the study investigated links between negative affect and partner relationships. Design.The sample included 308 women and 278 men from couples with natural conception, and 131 women and 102 men from couples with an IVF pregnancy. Results. Relatively low levels of negative affective states and stress were found in families with both natural and induced pregnancies. Moderate correlations were found between women’s negative affect and their stress level in both groups. Significant correlations were found in both groups between negative psychological states of the spouses, as well as between negative psychological states and warmth/hostility in marital relations. Conclusion. The results suggest that psychological states, stress levels, and links between psychological states and quality of family relations are similar in families with IVF and those with natural pregnancies. Further longitudinal research is needed to explore the direction of causal links between the psychological states of the spouses, and between their psychological states and the quality of family relations

    Toxicological and nutritional status of trace elements in hair of women with in vitro fertilization (IVF) pregnancy and their 9-month-old children

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    The objective of the present study was to assess toxic and nutritional trace element and mineral status in hair of women with IVF pregnancy and their children. Inductively-coupled plasma mass-spectrometry was used to as-sess hair trace element levels of 50 women with IVF pregnancy and 158 controls with spontaneous pregnancy and their children. Women with IVF pregnancy were characterized by significantly elevated hair As, Hg, Li, K, Na, and reduced Fe, Si, and Zn contents. Children from IVF pregnancy had significantly lower values of hair Cr, Fe, Mg, Sr, and Al content when compared to the control values, whereas hair Hg and Mo levels were higher. Hair trace element levels were associated with pregnancy complications and infertility, but not newborn characteristics. The results suggest the need for preconceptional monitoring and correction of the levels of toxic and essential elements in women in order to improve the course pregnancy and child development

    Hair Trace Element and Electrolyte Content in Women with Natural and In Vitro Fertilization-Induced Pregnancy

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    The objective of the present study was to perform comparative analysis of hair trace element content in women with natural and in vitro fertilization (IVF)-induced pregnancy. Hair trace element content in 33 women with IVF-induced pregnancy and 99 age- and body mass index-matched control pregnant women (natural pregnancy) was assessed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The results demonstrated that IVF-pregnant women are characterized by significantly lower hair levels of Cu, Fe, Si, Zn, Ca, Mg, and Ba at p < 0.05 or lower. Comparison of the individual levels with the national reference values demonstrated higher incidence of Fe and Cu deficiency in IVF-pregnant women in comparison to that of the controls. IVF pregnancy was also associated with higher hair As levels (p < 0.05). Multiple regression analysis revealed a significant interrelation between IVF pregnancy and hair Cu, Fe, Si, and As content. Hair Cu levels were also influenced by vitamin/mineral supplementation and the number of pregnancies, whereas hair Zn content was dependent on prepregnancy anthropometric parameters. In turn, planning of pregnancy had a significant impact on Mg levels in scalp hair. Generally, the obtained data demonstrate an elevated risk of copper, iron, zinc, calcium, and magnesium deficiency and arsenic overload in women with IVF-induced pregnancy. The obtained data indicate the necessity of regular monitoring of micronutrient status in IVF-pregnant women in order to prevent potential deleterious effects of altered mineral homeostasis