8 research outputs found
INTRODUCTION: The recent advance in the area of diagnostic testing is focusing on serologic immune markers: atypical perinuclear anti-neutrophil citoplasmic antibody (pANCA) and anti-Saccharomyces cervisiae antibody (ASCA), and her utility in differentiating between ulcerative colitis (UC), Crohn’s disease (CD) and indeterminate colitis (IC). The aim of this study was to investigate the diagnostic value of pANCA and ASCA in inflammatory bowel diasease (IBD) diagnosis and for the differential diagnosis of UC from CD.MATERIAL AND METHOD: A prospective study was conducted in 31 patients with new or established diagnoses of UC (n=15), CD (n=9) or IC (n=7) and also controls (n=7). Antibodies status has been measured with ELISA. A definitive diagnosis was reached using conventional techniques (colonoscopy or ileoscopy).RESULTS: Sensitivity and specificity of pANCA for UC diagnosis was 66.67% and 77.78%, respectively; and ASCA for CD: 20% and 22.22%, respectively. The combined use of these two markers gave changes in diagnosis accuracy: pANCA+/ASCA- in UC and pANCA-/ASCA+ in CD: 75% and 72.73%, respectively. In phase II, for 23 of 38 patients a definitive diagnosis was reached using conventional techniques (colonoscopy and ileoscopy). In IC group, after 1-year follow-up, a definitive diagnosis was reached in 5 of the 7 patients.CONCLUSION: The combined use of atypical pANCA and ASCA test results substantially affects pretest-posttest probability in distinguishing UC from CD in patients with IBD. This may be of help in patients in whom distinction between CD or UC is not obvious with the classic diagnostic tools. Key words: Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, Indeterminate colitis, perinuclear anti-neutrophil citoplasmic antibody , anti-Saccharomyces cervisiae antibody.INTRODUCERE: Progresele recente în domeniul testelor de diagnostic se concentrează asupra markerilor serologici imuni: anticorpii anti-citoplasmatici neutrofilici perinucleari (pANCA) și anticorpii anti-Saccharomyces cervisiae (ASCA) precum și utilitatea lor în diferențierea colitei ulcerative (CU), de boala Crohn (BC) și de colita nedeterminată (IC). SCOPUL acestui studiu a fost de a investiga valoarea diagnostică a pANCA și ASCA în diagnosticul BII și diferențierea CU de BC.MATERIAL ȘI METODĂ: Am efectuat un studiu prospectiv pe un lot de 31 de pacienți nou-diagnosticați sau cu diagnostic stabilit de CU (n=15), BC (n=9) sau IC (n=7), precum și un grup de control (n=7). Determinarea anticorpilor a fost realizată cu teste ELISA. Diagnosticul definitiv a fost stabilit utilizând metode convenționale (colonoscopie sau ileoscopie).RESULTATE: Sensibilitatea și specificitatea pANCA pentru diagnosticul de CU a fost 66,67%, respectiv 77,78%; pentru ASCA (în BC): 20%, respectiv 22,22%. Determinarea combinată a celor 2 markeri a determinat modificări în acuratețea stabilirii diagnosticului: pANCA+/ASCA- în CU și pANCA-/ASCA+ în BC: 75% și respectiv 72,73%. În faza II, la 23 din 38 pacienți diagnosticul difinitiv a fost stabilit utilizând tehnici convenționale (colonoscopie și ileoscopie). În lotul cu IC, după 1 an de urmărire, diagnosticul difinitiv a fost stabilit la 5 din 7 pacienți.CONCLUZII: Utilizând determinarea combinată a pANCA și ASCA, rezultatele testelor influențează substanțial probabilitatea pretest-postest pentru diferențierea CU de BC la pacienții cu BII. Aceste determinări ar putea fi utile la pacienții la care diferențierea dintre BC și CU nu poate fi stabilită prin metode clasice de diagnostic. Cuvinte cheie: Colită ulcerativă, Boala Crohn, Colită nedeterminată, Anticorpii anti-citoplasmatici neutrofilici perinucleari, Anticorpii anti-Saccharomyces cervisiae
Role of fecal calprotectin as a biomarker of intestinal inflammation in ulcerative colitis: a prospective study
Background: The clinical utility of non-invasive markers in the diagnosis and monitoring of ulcerative colitis (UC) has been intensively studied. The aim of our study was to evaluate the value of fecal calprotectin (FC) in differentiating between UC and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and in estimating inflammatory activity in UC
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Liver Cirrhosis
The human gastrointestinal tract houses a diverse array of probiotic and pathogenic bacteria and any alterations in this microbial composition can exert a significant influence on an individual’s well-being. It is well-established that imbalances in the gut microbiota play a pivotal role in the development of liver diseases. In light of this, a new adjuvant therapy for liver diseases could be regulating the intestinal microbiota. Through fecal microbiota transplantation, patients whose microbiomes are compromised are treated with stool from healthy donors in an attempt to restore a normal microbiome and alleviate their symptoms. A review of cross-sectional studies and case reports suggests that fecal microbiota transplants may offer effective treatment for chronic liver diseases. Adding to the potential of this emerging therapy, recent research has indicated that fecal microbiota transplantation holds promise as a therapeutic approach specifically for liver cirrhosis. By introducing a diverse range of beneficial microorganisms into the gut, this innovative treatment aims to address the microbial imbalances often observed in cirrhotic patients. While further validation is still required, these preliminary findings highlight the potential impact of fecal microbiota transplantation as a novel and targeted method for managing liver cirrhosis. We aimed to summarize the current state of understanding regarding this procedure, as a new therapeutic method for liver cirrhosis, as well as to explain its clinical application and future potential
INTRODUCTION: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease, which is characterized by a chronic recurrent inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Patients with UC have a high risk of developing colorectal cancer (CRC). In the UC, malignization is produced by dysplasia.THE PURPOSE OF THE STUDY was to establish the incidence of adenomatous polyps, stenoses, dysplasia and CRC in patients with UC who were being monitored at Mureş County Clinical Hospital.MATERIAL AND METHOD: We have performed an observational prospective study on a batch of 47 patients who were being monitored at our clinic in the period January 2007 – December 2011. The UC diagnosis was established based on symptomatology, colonoscopy and by histopathological analysis. The data were processed by means of statistic instruments in Excel (Microsoft Excel 2003).RESULTS: In the period January 2007 – December 2011 there were 160 patients with UC under our clinic monitoring. According to the disease evolution, 99 patients (62%) had a < 5 years evolution, 48 patients (30%) between 5 and 10 years, and 13 patients (8%) over 10 years. From the total of 160 patients in the study were included 47. About 27 (57%) were men and 20 (43%) women, with an average age of 47,193 years. The presence of low-grade dysplasia was identified in 2 patients (4.25%), high-grade dysplasia was identified in 1 patient (2.12%) and CRC was identified in 2 patients (4.25%). For these patients the therapeutic indication was surgical intervention.Conclusions: The correct approach in preventing CRC in UC should cover a clinical follow-up with regular visits, an intensive control of the activity of the disease by medical treatment associated with endoscopic monitoring of biopsy sampling. The purpose of the colonoscopic monitoring consists in detecting the preneoplasic lesions before the malign transformation. Thus, the detection and management of dysplastic lesions is a crucial element in reducing death rate by CRC. Keywords: Ulcerative colitis, Low-grade dysplasia, High-grade dysplasia, Colorectal cancer, Endoscopy, Colectomy. INTRODUCERE: Colita ulcerativă (CU) este o afecțiune inflamatorie intestinală idiopatică, care se caracterizează prin inflamaţie cronică recurentă a mucoasei intestinale. Pacienții cu CU au un risc crescut de a dezvolta cancer colorectal (CCR). În CU, malignizarea se produce prin intermediul unei leziuni premaligne – displazia. SCOPUL STUDIULUI a fost de a stabili incidența polipilor adenomatoși, a stenozelor, a displaziei și a CCR la pacienții cu CU aflați în dispensarizarea Spitalului Clinic Județean Mureș.MATERIAL ȘI METODĂ: Am efectuat un studiu prospectiv, observațional, pe un lot de 47 pacienți aflați în dispensarizarea Spitalului Clinic Județean Mureș, în perioada ianuarie 2007 - decembrie 2011. Diagnosticul de CU a fost stabilit în baza simptomatologiei, a colonoscopiei și a examenului histopatologic. Datele au fost procesate cu ajutorul software-ului MO Excel 2003.REZULTATE: În dispensarizarea clinicii noastre, în perioada ianuarie 2007 – decembrie 2011, s-au aflat 160 pacienți cu CU. În funcție de evoluția bolii, 99 (62%) au avut o evoluție < 5 ani, 48 (30%) între 5 și 10 ani, iar 13 (8%) peste 10 ani. Din totalul de 160 pacienți în studiu au fost incluși 47. Circa 27 (57%) au fost bărbați și 20 (43%) femei, cu vârsta medie de 47,2 ani. Prezența displaziei de grad scăzut a fost identificată la 2 pacienți (4,25 %), displazie de grad înalt a fost identificată la 1 pacient (2,12 %), iar CCR a fost identificat la 2 pacienți (4,25 %). La acești pacienți, indicația terapeutică a fost de intervenție chirurgicală.CONCLUZII: Abordarea corectă în prevenirea CCR în CU ar trebui să cuprindă o dispensarizare clinică cu vizite regulate, un control intensiv al activității bolii prin tratament medical în asociere cu o supraveghere endoscopică cu prelevare de biopsii. Scopul supravegherii colonoscopice constă în detectarea leziunilor preneoplazice înaintea transformării maligne. Astfel, depistarea și managementul leziunilor displazice este un element crucial în scăderea mortalității prin CCR. Cuvinte cheie: Colită ulcerativă, displazie de grad jos, displazie de grad înalt, Cancer colorectal, Endoscopie, Colectomie
Atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia (IM) and gastric dysplasia are premalignant states whose proper recognition and monitorization leads to a more frequent detection of early gastric cancer.The aim of the study is to evaluate the contribution of the cromoendoscopy with magnification in diagnosing premalignant gastric lesions.Patients included in the study are among those who addressed the Clinic of Gastroenterology Mures County Hospital, who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (EDS) and cromoendoscopy with magnification (EMC). We used as statistical methods the chi-square test, considering a value of pGastrita atrofică, metaplazia intestinală şi displazia reprezintă stări premaligne gastrice, a căror recunoaştere şi dispensarizare corespunzătoare duce la detectarea mai frecventă a cancerului gastric precoce.Scopul studiului este de a evalua aportul adus de cromoendoscopia cu magnificaţie în diagnosticul leziunilor premaligne gastrice.Pacienţii incluşi în studiu sunt dintre cei care s-au adresat Clinicii de Gastroenterologie, Spitalul Clinic Judeţean Mureş, la care s-a efectuat endoscopia digestivă superioară (EDS) şi cromoendoscopia cu magnificaţie (CEM). Pentru prelucrarea datelor statistice am folosit testul chi pătrat, considerând o valoare a lui p<0,05 care atestă semnificaţia statistică a rezultatelor.Examinând rezultatele histopatologice obtinuţe prin biopsie, atât la EDS, cât şi prin ECM, am obţinut că, în cazul gastritei atrofice la nivel corporeal există între cele 2 metode de investigare o diferenţă statistic semnificativă de detecţie a leziunilor premaligne (p=0,0072). De asemenea, CEM s-a dovedit mai eficientă în decelarea MI la nivel antral (p=0,0325), cât şi la nivel corporeal (p=0,028), datorită prelevării de biopsii ţintite din ariile captante cu pit-pattern tubular.CONCLUZII. Cromoendoscopia cu magnificaţie îmbunătăţeşte decelarea metaplazieiintestinale şi displaziei.Cuvinte cheie: leziuni premaligne, endoscopie digestivă superioară convenţională,cromoendoscopia cu magnificaţie, pit-pattern
miR-155 and miR-21 as Diagnostic and Therapeutic Biomarkers for Ulcerative Colitis: There Is Still a Long Way to Go
(1) Elucidating the role of miRNAs (miRs) in ulcerative colitis may provide new insights into disease pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring We aimed to investigate whether plasma levels of miR-21-5p and miR-155-5p may be used to differentiate between patients with organic disease such as ulcerative colitis (UC) and Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI), and patients with functional disease such as irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea (IBS-D). (2) Serological samples were collected to quantify miR-155 and -21 expression, which was carried out through quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), from 84 patients: 34 with acute UC (group 1), 17 with CDI (group 2), and 33 with IBS-D (control group). (3) In this study, we found that the expression levels of miR-155-5p were almost the same for the two conditions and the control group (UC: 4.22 ± 1.61, CDI: 3.94 ± 1.62, IBS-D: 4.26 ± 1.26), with no significant differences either for ΔCt- or for ΔΔCt-derived parameters (p = 0.74 and p = 0.73, respectively). For miR-21, ΔCt levels presented significantly higher values among the ulcerative colitis group (p < 0.01), but the most important expression fold change was noticed in patients with CDI (UC:4.11 ± 8,46, CDI: 4.94 ± 9.68, IBS-D: 2.83 ± 5.41). (4) Circulating miR-155 and miR-21 were upregulated in UC, CDI, and IBS-D, but differentiation was not possible among them. But their involvement in the pathogenesis of the three diseases makes them suitable for improving the accuracy of diagnosis and facilitating the development of personalized treatment strategies
In Pursuit of Novel Markers: Unraveling the Potential of miR-106, CEA and CA 19-9 in Gastric Adenocarcinoma Diagnosis and Staging
Gastric cancer stands as the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths globally, primarily comprising adenocarcinomas, categorized by anatomic location and histologic type. Often diagnosed at advanced stages, gastric cancer prognosis remains poor. To address the critical need for accurate tumoral markers for gastric cancer diagnosis, we conducted a study to assess classical markers like CEA and CA-19-9 alongside the novel marker miR-106. Our investigation revealed distinct dynamics of these markers compared to non-cancerous groups, although no disparities were observed across different disease stages. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses demonstrated that elevated levels of miR-106, CEA and CA 19-9 were predictive of a positive histopathological exam, with the respective odds ratios of 12.032 (95% CI: 1.948–74.305), 30 (95% CI: 3.141–286.576), and 55.866 (95% CI: 4.512–691.687). Subsequently, we utilized predicted probabilities from regression models to construct receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, identifying CA 19-9 as the optimal predictor for gastric adenocarcinoma diagnosis when considering age and gender, with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.936 (p < 0.001). Hence, classical markers exhibit superior performance compared to the novel marker miR-106 in predicting gastric adenocarcinoma