44 research outputs found

    Universal Reference RNA as a standard for microarray experiments

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    BACKGROUND: Obtaining reliable and reproducible two-color microarray gene expression data is critically important for understanding the biological significance of perturbations made on a cellular system. Microarray design, RNA preparation and labeling, hybridization conditions and data acquisition and analysis are variables difficult to simultaneously control. A useful tool for monitoring and controlling intra- and inter-experimental variation is Universal Reference RNA (URR), developed with the goal of providing hybridization signal at each microarray probe location (spot). Measuring signal at each spot as the ratio of experimental RNA to reference RNA targets, rather than relying on absolute signal intensity, decreases variability by normalizing signal output in any two-color hybridization experiment. RESULTS: Human, mouse and rat URR (UHRR, UMRR and URRR, respectively) were prepared from pools of RNA derived from individual cell lines representing different tissues. A variety of microarrays were used to determine percentage of spots hybridizing with URR and producing signal above a user defined threshold (microarray coverage). Microarray coverage was consistently greater than 80% for all arrays tested. We confirmed that individual cell lines contribute their own unique set of genes to URR, arguing for a pool of RNA from several cell lines as a better configuration for URR as opposed to a single cell line source for URR. Microarray coverage comparing two separately prepared batches each of UHRR, UMRR and URRR were highly correlated (Pearson's correlation coefficients of 0.97). CONCLUSION: Results of this study demonstrate that large quantities of pooled RNA from individual cell lines are reproducibly prepared and possess diverse gene representation. This type of reference provides a standard for reducing variation in microarray experiments and allows more reliable comparison of gene expression data within and between experiments and laboratories

    Cross-species genomic and functional analyses identify a combination therapy using a CHK1 inhibitor and a ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor to treat triple-negative breast cancer

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    INTRODUCTION: Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive subtype of breast cancer that is diagnosed in approximately 15% of all human breast cancer (BrCa) patients. Currently, no targeted therapies exist for this subtype of BrCa and prognosis remains poor. Our laboratory has previously identified a proliferation/DNA repair/cell cycle gene signature (Tag signature) that is characteristic of human TNBC. We hypothesize that targeting the dysregulated biological networks in the Tag gene signature will lead to the identification of improved combination therapies for TNBC. METHODS: Cross-species genomic analysis was used to identify human breast cancer cell lines that express the Tag signature. Knock-down of the up-regulated genes in the Tag signature by siRNA identified several genes that are critical for TNBC cell growth. Small molecule inhibitors to two of these genes were analyzed, alone and in combination, for their effects on cell proliferation, cell cycle, and apoptosis in vitro and tumor growth in vivo. Synergy between the two drugs was analyzed by the Chou-Talalay method. RESULTS: A custom siRNA screen was used to identify targets within the Tag signature that are critical for growth of TNBC cells. Ribonucleotide reductase 1 and 2 (RRM1 and 2) and checkpoint kinase 1 (CHK1) were found to be critical targets for TNBC cell survival. Combination therapy, to simultaneously attenuate cell cycle checkpoint control through inhibition of CHK1 while inducing DNA damage with gemcitabine, improved therapeutic efficacy in vitro and in xenograft models of TNBC. CONCLUSIONS: This combination therapy may have translational value for patients with TNBC and improve therapeutic response for this aggressive form of breast cancer

    Global expression analysis of cancer/testis genes in uterine cancers reveals a high incidence of BORIS expression

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    Abstract Purpose: Cancer/testis (CT) genes predominantly expressed in the testis (germ cells) and generally not in other normal tissues are aberrantly expressed in human cancers. This highly restricted expression provides a unique opportunity to use these CTgenes for diagnostics, immunotherapeutic, or other targeted therapies. The purpose of this study was to identify those CT genes with the greatest incidence of expression in uterine cancers. Experimental Design: We queried the expression of known and putative CT gene transcripts (representing 79 gene loci) using whole genome gene expression arrays. Specifically, the global gene expressions of uterine cancers (n = 122) and normal uteri (n = 10) were determined using expression data from the Affymetrix HG-U133A and HG-U133B chips. Additionally, we also examined the brother of the regulator of imprinted sites (BORIS) transcript by reverse transcription-PCR and quantitative PCR because its transcript was not represented on the array. Results: Global microarray analysis detected many CT genes expressed in various uterine cancers; however, no individual CT gene was expressed in more than 25% of all cancers. The expression of the two most commonly expressed CT genes on the arrays, MAGEA9 (24 of 122 cancers and 0 of10 normal tissues) and Down syndrome critical region 8 (DSCR8)/MMA1 (16 if 122 cancers and 0 of 10 normal tissues), was confirmed by reverse transcription-PCR methods, validating the array screening approach. In contrast to the relatively low incidence of expression of the other CTgenes, BORIS expression was detected in 73 of 95 (77%) endometrial cancers and 24 of 31 (77%) uterine mixed mesodermal tumors. Conclusions: These data provide the first extensive survey of multiple CT genes in uterine cancers. Importantly, we detected a high frequency of BORIS expression in uterine cancers, suggesting its potential as an immunologic or diagnostic target for these cancers. Given the high incidence of BORIS expression and its possible regulatory role, an examination of BORIS function in the etiology of these cancers is warranted

    miRNA signature associated with outcome of gastric cancer patients following chemotherapy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Identification of patients who likely will or will not benefit from cytotoxic chemotherapy through the use of biomarkers could greatly improve clinical management by better defining appropriate treatment options for patients. microRNAs may be potentially useful biomarkers that help guide individualized therapy for cancer because microRNA expression is dysregulated in cancer. In order to identify miRNA signatures for gastric cancer and for predicting clinical resistance to cisplatin/fluorouracil (CF) chemotherapy, a comprehensive miRNA microarray analysis was performed using endoscopic biopsy samples.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Biopsy samples were collected prior to chemotherapy from 90 gastric cancer patients treated with CF and from 34 healthy volunteers. At the time of disease progression, post-treatment samples were additionally collected from 8 clinical responders. miRNA expression was determined using a custom-designed Agilent microarray. In order to identify a miRNA signature for chemotherapy resistance, we correlated miRNA expression levels with the time to progression (TTP) of disease after CF therapy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A miRNA signature distinguishing gastric cancer from normal stomach epithelium was identified. 30 miRNAs were significantly inversely correlated with TTP whereas 28 miRNAs were significantly positively correlated with TTP of 82 cancer patients (<it>P</it><0.05). Prominent among the upregulated miRNAs associated with chemosensitivity were miRNAs known to regulate apoptosis, including let-7g, miR-342, miR-16, miR-181, miR-1, and miR-34. When this 58-miRNA predictor was applied to a separate set of pre- and post-treatment tumor samples from the 8 clinical responders, all of the 8 pre-treatment samples were correctly predicted as low-risk, whereas samples from the post-treatment tumors that developed chemoresistance were predicted to be in the high-risk category by the 58 miRNA signature, suggesting that selection for the expression of these miRNAs occurred as chemoresistance arose.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We have identified 1) a miRNA expression signature that distinguishes gastric cancer from normal stomach epithelium from healthy volunteers, and 2) a chemoreresistance miRNA expression signature that is correlated with TTP after CF therapy. The chemoresistance miRNA expression signature includes several miRNAs previously shown to regulate apoptosis <it>in vitro</it>, and warrants further validation.</p

    Conditional Inactivation of Brca1, p53 and Rb in Mouse Ovaries Results in the Development of Leiomyosarcomas

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    Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is thought to arise in part from the ovarian surface epithelium (OSE); however, the molecular events underlying this transformation are poorly understood. Germline mutations in the BRCA1 tumor suppressor gene result in a significantly increased risk of developing EOC and a large proportion of sporadic EOCs display some sort of BRCA1 dysfunction. To generate a model in which Brca1-mediated transformation can be studied, we previously inactivated Brca1 alone in murine OSE, which resulted in an increased accumulation of premalignant changes, but no tumor formation. In this study, we examined tumor formation in mice with conditionally expressed alleles of Brca1, p53 and Rb, alone or in combination. Intrabursal injection of adenovirus expressing Cre recombinase to inactivate p53 resulted in tumors in 100% of mice. Tumor progression was accelerated in mice with concomitant inactivation of Brca1 and p53, but not Rb and p53. Immunohistologic analyses classified the tumors as leiomyosarcomas that may be arising from the ovarian bursa. Brca1 inactivation in primary cultures of murine OSE cells led to a suppression of proliferation that could be rescued by concomitant inactivation of p53 and/or Rb. Brca1-deficient OSE cells displayed an increased sensitivity to the DNA damaging agent cisplatin, and this effect could be modulated by inactivation of p53 and/or Rb. These results indicate that Brca1 deficiency can accelerate tumor development and alter the sensitivity of OSE cells to chemotherapeutic agents. Intrabursal delivery of adenovirus intended to alter gene expression in the ovarian surface epithelium may, in some strains of mice, result in more rapid transformation of adjacent cells, resulting in leiomyosarcomas

    Properties of Switch-like Bioregulatory Networks Studied by Simulation of the Hypoxia Response Control System

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    A complex bioregulatory network could be more easily comprehended if its essential function could be described by a small ā€œcoreā€ subsystem, and if its response characteristics were switch-like. We tested this proposition by simulation studies of the hypoxia response control network. We hypothesized that a small subsystem governs the basics of the cellular response to hypoxia and that this response has a sharp oxygen-dependent transition. A molecular interaction map of the network was prepared, and an evolutionarily conserved core subsystem was extracted that could control the activity of hypoxia response promoter elements on the basis of oxygen concentration. The core subsystem included the hypoxia-inducible transcription factor (HIFĪ±:ARNT heterodimer), proline hydroxylase, and the von Hippel-Lindau protein. Simulation studies showed that the same core subsystem can exhibit switch-like responses both to oxygen level and to HIFĪ± synthesis rate, thus suggesting a mechanism for hypoxia response promoter element-dependent responses common to both hypoxia and growth factor signaling. The studies disclosed the mechanism responsible for the sharp transitions. We show how parameter sets giving switch-like behavior can be found and how this type of behavior provides a foundation for quantitative studies in cells