33 research outputs found

    Corn rootworm insecticide consistency 7-year tests

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    Labeled rates of corn rootworm insecticides have been tested in conventional-till (chisel plowed and field cultivated) fields over the last 7 years. For the last 4 years, these same insecticides have been examined in no-till fields. In all data presented, insecticides went head-to-head in their ability to protect corn roots from corn rootworm larval feeding. Tests were conducted throughout the state in various soil types and under various moisture conditions

    Seedcorn maggots love manured fields

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    Seedcorn maggots are occasional pests of both corn and soybean seeds prior to germination and can cause stand loss. Because this damage occurs below the soil surface, it may be difficult to determine the need for an insecticide. There are no rescue treatments for this insect, so you must apply an insecticide at planting time if economic damage is anticipated. When making your decision, consider field history, previous crop or cover, heavy manuring during the winter or spring, and possible delays in germination due to cool and wet soil conditions

    Corn rootworm insecticides evaluated

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    Two integrated pest management strategies are used widely to protect corn roots from corn rootworm injury: crop rotation and insecticides. If corn is not rotated, or if extended diapause has been documented to occur in a particular field, then a soil insecticide might be necessary to protect the roots in 2000. The reason we say it might be necessary is because many fields do not have a rootworm population of a sufficient size to cause economic damage. Believe it or not, there are thousands of continuous cornfields across the state in which a rootworm insecticide is not necessary

    Corn rootworm insecticide consistency

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    Labeled rates of corn rootworm insecticides have been tested in conventional-till (chisel plowed then field cultivated) fields over the past six years. For the past three years, these same insecticides have been examined in no-till fields. In all tests, insecticides went head-to-head in their ability to protect corn roots from corn rootworm larval injury. Roots from untreated check rows, in both tillages, averaged about 1.5 nodes (circles) of roots destroyed. Any tests that did not challenge an insecticide\u27s performance (no obvious root pruning in the untreated rows) were not included in the analysis

    Design Concepts for a Small Space-Based GEO Relay Satellite for Missions Between Low Earth and near Earth Orbits

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    The main purpose of the Small Space-Based Geosynchronous Earth orbiting (GEO) satellite is to provide a space link to the user mission spacecraft for relaying data through ground networks to user Mission Control Centers. The Small Space Based Satellite (SSBS) will provide services comparable to those of a NASA Tracking Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) for the same type of links. The SSBS services will keep the user burden the same or lower than for TDRS and will support the same or higher data rates than those currently supported by TDRS. At present, TDRSS provides links and coverage below GEO; however, SSBS links and coverage capability to above GEO missions are being considered for the future, especially for Human Space Flight Missions (HSF). There is also a rising need for the capability to support high data rate links (exceeding 1 Gbps) for imaging applications. The communication payload on the SSBS will provide S/Ka-band single access links to the mission and a Ku-band link to the ground, with an optical communication payload as an option. To design the communication payload, various link budgets were analyzed and many possible operational scenarios examined. To reduce user burden, using a larger-sized antenna than is currently in use by TDRS was considered. Because of the SSBS design size, it was found that a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket could deliver three SSBSs to GEO. This will greatly reduce the launch costs per satellite. Using electric propulsion was also evaluated versus using chemical propulsion; the power system size and time to orbit for various power systems were also considered. This paper will describe how the SSBS will meet future service requirements, concept of operations, and the design to meet NASA users' needs for below and above GEO missions. These users' needs not only address the observational mission requirements but also possible HSF missions to the year 2030. We will provide the trade-off analysis of the communication payload design in terms of the number of links looking above and below GEO; the detailed design of a GEO SSBS spacecraft bus and its accommodation of the communication payload, and a summary of the trade study that resulted in the selection of the Falcon 9 launch vehicle to deploy the SSBS and its impact on cost reductions per satellite. ======================================================================== Several initiatives have taken place within NASA1 and international space agencies2 to create a human exploration strategy for expanding human presence into the solar system; these initiatives have been driven by multiple factors to benefit Earth. Of the many elements in the strategy one stands out: to send robotic and human missions to destinations beyond Low Earth Orbit (LEO), including cis-lunar space, Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs), the Moon, and Mars and its moons.3, 4 The time frame for human exploration to various destinations, based on the public information available,1,4 is shown in Figure 1. Advance planning is needed to define how future space communications services will be provided in the new budget environment to meet future space communications needs. The spacecraft for these missions can be dispersed anywhere from below LEO to beyond GEO, and to various destinations within the solar system. NASA's Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) program office provides communication and tracking services to space missions during launch, in-orbit testing, and operation phases. Currently, SCaN's space networking relay satellites mainly provide services to users below GEO, at Near Earth Orbit (NEO), below LEO, and in deep space. The potential exists for using a space-based relay satellite, located in the vicinity of various solar system destinations, to provide communication space links to missions both below and above its orbit. Such relays can meet the needs of human exploration missions for maximum connectivity to Earth locations and for reduced latency. In the past, several studies assessed the ability of satellite-based relays working above GEO in conjunction with Earth ground stations. Many of these focused on the trade between space relay and direct-to-Earth station links5,6,7. Several others focused on top-level architecture based on relays at various destinations8,9,10,11,12. Much has changed in terms of microwave and optical technology since the publication of the referenced papers; Ka-band communication systems are being deployed, optical communication is being demonstrated, and spacecraft buses are becoming increasingly more functional and operational. A design concept study was undertaken to access the potential for deploying a Small Space-Based Satellite (SSBS) relay capable of serving missions between LEO and NEO. The needs of future human exploration missions were analyzed, and a notional relay-based architecture concept was generated as shown in Fig. 1. Relay satellites in Earth through cis-Lunar orbits are normally located in stable orbits requiring low fuel consumption. Relay satellites for Mars orbit are normally selected based on the mission requirement and projected fuel consumption. Relay satellites have extreme commonalities of functions between them, differing only in the redundancy and frequencies used; therefore, the relay satellite in GEO was selected for further analysis since it will be the first step in achieving a relay-based architecture for human exploration missions (see Fig.Figure 2). The mission design methodology developed by the Collaborative Modeling for Parametric Assessment of Space Systems (COMPASS) team13 was used to produce the satellite relay design and to perform various design trades. At the start of the activity, the team was provided with the detailed concept of the notional architecture and the system and communication payload drivers

    Optical Relay for Future NASA Geosynchronous Orbiting Satellite for High Data Rate Links to NASA User Missions

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    NASA is exploring options for its Next Generation Relay (NGR) architecture while the current Tracking Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) completes its mission. The plan is to start implementation of the NGR beginning around 2025. The new system of proposed relay satellites will greatly increase the data rates between low Earth orbiting (LEO) satellite missions and the NASA TDRSS relay satellites. This increase in data rates will allow an unprecedented increase in data throughput from the LEO satellite missions back to the principal investigators (PI). This can be accomplished at Ka-band frequencies with high order modulation or at optical frequencies using Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK). The first satellite in the next set of relay satellites will have to be backward compatible with current technology to support ongoing and planned missions. The new set of satellites will be launched over a 10-year period with design lifetimes of at least 15 years. To meet these requirements, we analyzed various architectures and designed both the communication payloads on the relay satellite and candidate payloads on the user spacecraft by utilizing optical heads already designed. From this analysis, a demonstration optical satellite named the Next Generation Optical Relay Pathfinder with Ka-band capabilities was proposed to be built and launched with the purpose of evaluating an integrated high-speed optical and Ka-band communication system. Given a cost limit for the demonstration satellite, various satellite configurations were developed by varying the number of optical communication payloads. The communication payload on the relay satellite consisted of three major sub-systems: 1) Optical communication payload, 2) Ka-band communication payload, 3) Digital processing and routing of signals. The size, mass (weight), and power (SWaP) of the communication payload and other sub-systems of the satellite were obtained. The NASA Glenn Research Center COMPASS team designed the Pathfinder satellite and performed a cost analysis for its build and launch. In this paper, we first describe the needs, drivers, and the associated challenges for the Next Generation Optical Relay Pathfinder to be capable of connecting multiple LEO and GEO satellites at high data rates. Second, we detail the concept of operations (ConOps) and the system architecture, including the satellite configurations considered, their attributes and limitations, and the size of the satellite needed for each configuration. Third, we provide a summary of the Next Generation Optical Relay Pathfinder satellite design trades and its key elements. Finally, we present the path needed for implementation and operations

    Evaluation of corn rootworm hybrids

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    This past summer, we evaluated corn rootworm technologies in side-by-side experiments at four locations in Iowa (Ames, Crawfordsville, Nashua, and Sutherland). The objective was to measure the degree of root protection and standability provided by the corn rootworm Cry proteins in each of three technologies, and then to compare them to a standard soil insecticide--Aztec® 2.1G. These field trials measured performance in protecting corn roots under a wide range of environmental conditions. Performance was measured as root injury, product consistency, and plant lodging. All tests were planted on continuous corn ground that was planted late the previous year to attract egg-laying females into the plots. Plots were replicated four times for each treatment at each location, and the same hybrids were planted at all four locations

    Breakthrough Capability for the NASA Astrophysics Explorer Program: Reaching the Darkest Sky

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    We describe a mission architecture designed to substantially increase the science capability of the NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Astrophysics Explorer Program for all AO proposers working within the near-UV to far-infrared spectrum. We have demonstrated that augmentation of Falcon 9 Explorer launch services with a 13 kW Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) stage can deliver a 700 kg science observatory payload to extra-Zodiacal orbit. This new capability enables up to ~13X increased photometric sensitivity and ~160X increased observing speed relative to a Sun- Earth L2, Earth-trailing, or Earth orbit with no increase in telescope aperture. All enabling SEP stage technologies for this launch service augmentation have reached sufficient readiness (TRL-6) for Explorer Program application in conjunction with the Falcon 9. We demonstrate that enabling Astrophysics Explorers to reach extra-zodiacal orbit will allow this small payload program to rival the science performance of much larger long development time systems; thus, providing a means to realize major science objectives while increasing the SMD Astrophysics portfolio diversity and resiliency to external budget pressure. The SEP technology employed in this study has strong applicability to SMD Planetary Science community-proposed missions. SEP is a stated flight demonstration priority for NASA's Office of the Chief Technologist (OCT). This new mission architecture for astrophysics Explorers enables an attractive realization of joint goals for OCT and SMD with wide applicability across SMD science disciplines

    The Community Land Model version 5 : description of new features, benchmarking, and impact of forcing uncertainty

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    The Community Land Model (CLM) is the land component of the Community Earth System Model (CESM) and is used in several global and regional modeling systems. In this paper, we introduce model developments included in CLM version 5 (CLM5), which is the default land component for CESM2. We assess an ensemble of simulations, including prescribed and prognostic vegetation state, multiple forcing data sets, and CLM4, CLM4.5, and CLM5, against a range of metrics including from the International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMBv2) package. CLM5 includes new and updated processes and parameterizations: (1) dynamic land units, (2) updated parameterizations and structure for hydrology and snow (spatially explicit soil depth, dry surface layer, revised groundwater scheme, revised canopy interception and canopy snow processes, updated fresh snow density, simple firn model, and Model for Scale Adaptive River Transport), (3) plant hydraulics and hydraulic redistribution, (4) revised nitrogen cycling (flexible leaf stoichiometry, leaf N optimization for photosynthesis, and carbon costs for plant nitrogen uptake), (5) global crop model with six crop types and time‐evolving irrigated areas and fertilization rates, (6) updated urban building energy, (7) carbon isotopes, and (8) updated stomatal physiology. New optional features include demographically structured dynamic vegetation model (Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator), ozone damage to plants, and fire trace gas emissions coupling to the atmosphere. Conclusive establishment of improvement or degradation of individual variables or metrics is challenged by forcing uncertainty, parametric uncertainty, and model structural complexity, but the multivariate metrics presented here suggest a general broad improvement from CLM4 to CLM5

    Data from: Familial social structure and socially-driven genetic differentiation in Hawaiian short-finned pilot whales

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    Social structure can have a significant impact on divergence and evolution within species, especially in the marine environment, which has few environmental boundaries to dispersal. On the other hand, genetic structure can affect social structure in many species, through an individual preference toward associating with relatives. One social species, the short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus), has been shown to live in stable social groups for periods of at least a decade. Using mitochondrial control sequences from 242 individuals and SNPs from 106 individuals, we examine population structure among geographic and social groups of short-finned pilot whales in the Hawaiian Islands, and test for links between social and genetic structure. Our results show that there are at least two geographic populations in the Hawaiian Islands: a Main Hawaiian Islands (MHI) population and a Northwestern Hawaiian Islands/Pelagic population (FST and ΦST P < 0.001), as well as an eastern MHI community and a western MHI community (FST P = 0.009). We find genetically-driven social structure, or high relatedness among social units and clusters (P < 0.001), and a positive relationship between relatedness and association between individuals (P < 0.0001). Further, socially-organized clusters are genetically distinct, indicating that social structure drives genetic divergence within the population, likely through restricted mate selection (FST P = 0.05). This genetic divergence among social groups can make the species less resilient to anthropogenic or ecological disturbance. Conservation of this species therefore depends on understanding links among social structure, genetic structure, and ecological variability within the species