10 research outputs found

    Профіль сироваткових цитокінів у щурів з експериментальним виразкоутворенням на тлі лікувального введення пролінвмісної сполуки

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    The purpose was to study the therapeutic properties of the low molecular weight organic compound sodium 2-(2-hydroxyphenoxy) acetyl)-L-prolinate in the conditions of gastric ulceration in rats caused by stress, ethanol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (indomethacin and aspirin). The test substance is administered in a dose of 1 mg/kg three times for three days after the ulcerogenic stimulus. It was established a considerable acceleration of the gastric mucosa healing of rats under the influence of studied compound. Its antiulcer properties was associated with a decrease of the proinflammatory cytokines content in blood and increase of the content of anti-inflammatory cytokines and prostaglandin E2.Досліджено терапевтичні властивості нової сполуки 2-(2-гідроксифенокси)ацетил)-L-пролінату натрію при стресовій, етаноловій, індометациновій та аспіриновій моделях виразкоутворення в слизовій оболонці шлунка щурів. Антивиразкові властивості сполуки були асоційовані зі зменшенням вмісту прозапальних цитокінів у крові та збільшенням вмісту антизапальних цитокінів і простагландину Е2

    Pharmacological Correction of Stress-Induced Gastric Ulceration by Novel Small-Molecule Agents with Antioxidant Profile

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    This study was designed to determine novel small-molecule agents influencing the pathogenesis of gastric lesions induced by stress. To achieve this goal, four novel organic compounds containing structural fragments with known antioxidant activity were synthesized, characterized by physicochemical methods, and evaluated in vivo at water immersion restraint conditions. The levels of lipid peroxidation products and activities of antioxidative system enzymes were measured in gastric mucosa and correlated with the observed gastroprotective activity of the active compounds. Prophylactic single-dose 1 mg/kg treatment with (2-hydroxyphenyl)thioacetyl derivatives of L-lysine and L-proline efficiently decreases up to 86% stress-induced stomach ulceration in rats. Discovered small-molecule antiulcer agents modulate activities of gastric mucosa tissue superoxide dismutase, catalase, and xanthine oxidase in concerted directions. Gastroprotective effect of (2-hydroxyphenyl)thioacetyl derivatives of L-lysine and L-proline at least partially depends on the correction of gastric mucosa oxidative balance

    State Regulation of Land Relations under Conditions of Formation of the Market of Agricultural Land Государственное регулирование земельных отношений в условиях формирования рынка земель сельскохозяйственного назначения

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    The article studies the essence of the state regulation of land relations and specifies main instruments of the agrarian regulatory policy of the state. It takes into account the existing problems and disproportions in the agrarian production and also shortcomings of enforceability of land relations, justifies the necessity of state interference into the land owning and land using sphere. On the basis of the study of foreign experience in reformation of land relations, the article makes a conclusion on the necessity of significant limitation of market self-regulation of land relations, especially during the first years of functioning of the market of agricultural lands. The article also marks the ecologic component of the land policy of the state and specifies main instruments of ecologic and economic state regulation of land relations, which include standardisation and normalisation, licensing, monitoring, ecologic expertise of projects, ecologic audit and certification.<br>В статье исследована сущность государственного регулирования земельных отношений и выделены основные инструменты аграрной регуляторной политики государства. С учётом существенных проблем и диспропорций в аграрном производстве, а также недостатков правового обеспечения земельных отношений, обоснована необходимость государственного вмешательства в сферу землевладения и землепользования. На основании исследования иностранного опыта реформирования земельных отношений сделаны выводы о необходимости существенного ограничения рыночного саморегулирования земельных отношений, особенно в первые годы функционирования рынка сельскохозяйственных земель. Также обозначена экологическая составляющая земельной политики государства и выделены основные инструменты эколого-экономического государственного регулирования земельных отношений, среди которых стандартизация и нормирование, лицензирование, мониторинг, экологическая экспертиза проектов, экологический аудит и сертификация

    Light Increases Astaxanthin Absorbance in Acetone Solution through Isomerization Reactions

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    Astaxanthin quantitative analysis is prone to high variability between laboratories. This study aimed to assess the effect of light on the spectrometric and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) measurements of astaxanthin. The experiment was performed on four Haematococcus pluvialis-derived astaxanthin-rich oleoresin samples with different carotenoid matrices that were analyzed by UV/Vis spectrometry and HPLC according to the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) monograph. Each sample was dissolved in acetone in three types of flasks: amber glass wrapped with aluminium foil, uncovered amber glass, and transparent glass. Thus, the acetone solutions were either in light-proof flasks or exposed to ambient light. The measurements were taken within four hours (spectrometry) or three hours (HPLC) from the moment of oleoresin dissolution in acetone to investigate the dynamics of changes in the recorded values. The results confirm the logarithmic growth of astaxanthin absorbance by 8–11% (UV/Vis) and 7–17% (HPLC) after 3 h of light exposure. The changes were different in the samples with different carotenoid matrices; for instance, light had the least effect on the USP reference standard sample. The increase in absorbance was accompanied with the change of isomeric distribution, namely a reduction of 13Z and an increase of All-E and 9Z astaxanthin. The greater HPLC values’ elevation was related not only to the increase of astaxanthin absorbance, but also to light-dependent degradation of internal standard apocarotenal. The findings confirm a poor robustness of the conventional analytical procedure for astaxanthin quantitation and a necessity for method revision and harmonization to improve its reproducibility

    Multiprobiotic therapy from childhood prevents the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in adult monosodium glutamate-induced obese rats

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    Considering the association between microflora and obesity, and the significantly higher prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in obese people, the aim of our study was to investigate the preventive effect of multiprobiotics on the monosodium glutamate (MSG) induced NAFLD model, in rats. The work was carried out on 60 rats placed into three groups: the Control group, the MSG-group and the MSG-probiotic group. The MSG-group and the MSG-probiotic group were injected with 4 mg/g of MSG subcutaneously neonatally on the 2nd-10th days of life. The MSG-probiotic rats were also treated with 140 mg/kg of multiprobiotic “Symbiter” from the 4th week of life. In the 4-month-old rats, biochemical and morphological changes in liver were assessed, and steatosis was confirmed by the NAFLD activity score (NAS). Our results reveal that the multiprobiotic lowered total NAS, the degree of steatosis and the liver lobular inflammation caused by MSG. It also brought about decreased liver total lipids and triglycerids content, as well as decreased visceral adipose tissue mass. However, there was no difference in the liver serum biochemical indicators between all experimental groups. The obtained data does suggest the efficacy of probiotics in the prevention of NAFLD

    The Study of Therapeutic Properties of New Low Molecular Weight Organic Compounds on Rat Ulcer Models.

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    На 224 щурах проведений скринінг синтезованих органічних сполук щодо їх ефективності в лікуванні виразок. Показано, що пролінвмісна сполука КУД 259 здійснювала найбільший терапевтичний вплив на ураження в шлунку щурів за усіх моделей експериментального виразкоутворення (стресова, етанолова, індометацинова й аспіринова моделі).The aim was to study the effect of therapeutic administration of novel low molecular weight organic compounds on rat gastric ulcer caused by stress, ethanol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (indomethacin and aspirin). Work was carried out on 224 white laboratory rats, divided into 8 groups in each of four ulcer models. The first two groups were injected intraperitoneally with 2 ml/kg of physiological saline and 1 % DMSO respectively for 3 days after ulcerogenic stimulus. Groups 3-8 were treated with compounds KUD 142, 259, 284, 772, 837, 796 at a dose of 1 mg/kg. It was found that a low molecular weight organic compound KUD 259 dissolved in DMSO has the strongest therapeutic effects in all models of ulcer formation. In the chemical structure of the substance proline and phenolic groups are effectively combined. Gastroprotective, antioxidant and antisecretory action of proline peptides and polyphenols has been discovered. Antiulcer properties of the studied substance KUD259 were more pronounced, that may be due to the presence of the two functional groups in its structure

    Pharmacological Correction of Stress-Induced Gastric Ulceration by Novel Small-Molecule Agents with Antioxidant Profile

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    This study was designed to determine novel small-molecule agents influencing the pathogenesis of gastric lesions induced by stress. To achieve this goal, four novel organic compounds containing structural fragments with known antioxidant activity were synthesized, characterized by physicochemical methods, and evaluated in vivo at water immersion restraint conditions. The levels of lipid peroxidation products and activities of antioxidative system enzymes were measured in gastric mucosa and correlated with the observed gastroprotective activity of the active compounds. Prophylactic single-dose 1 mg/kg treatment with (2-hydroxyphenyl)thioacetyl derivatives of L-lysine and L-proline efficiently decreases up to 86% stress-induced stomach ulceration in rats. Discovered small-molecule antiulcer agents modulate activities of gastric mucosa tissue superoxide dismutase, catalase, and xanthine oxidase in concerted directions. Gastroprotective effect of (2-hydroxyphenyl)thioacetyl derivatives of L-lysine and L-proline at least partially depends on the correction of gastric mucosa oxidative balance