114 research outputs found

    Charge transfer model for the electronic structure of layered ruthenates

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    Motivated by the earlier experimental results and \textit{ab initio} studies on the electronic structure of layered ruthenates (Sr2_2RuO4_4 and Ca2_2RuO4_4) we introduce and investigate the multiband d−pd-p charge transfer model describing a single RuO4_4 layer, similar to the charge transfer model for a single CuO2_2 plane including apical oxygen orbitals in high TcT_c cuprates. The present model takes into account nearest-neighbor anisotropic ruthenium-oxygen d−pd-p and oxygen-oxygen p−pp-p hopping elements, crystal-field splittings and spin-orbit coupling. The intraorbital Coulomb repulsion and Hund's exchange are defined not only at ruthenium but also at oxygen ions. Our results demonstrate that the RuO4_4 layer cannot be regarded to be a pure ruthenium t2gt_{2g} system. We examine a different scenario in which ruthenium ege_g orbitals are partly occupied and highlight the significance of oxygen orbitals. We point out that the predictions of an idealized model based on ionic configuration (with n0=4+4×6=28n_0=4+4\times 6=28 electrons per RuO4_4 unit) do not agree with the experimental facts for Sr2_2RuO4_4 which support our finding that the electron number in the d−pd-p states is significantly smaller. In fact, we find the electron occupation of dd and pp orbitals for a single RuO4_4 unit n=28−xn=28-x, being smaller by at least 1--1.5 electrons from that in the ionic model and corresponding to self-doping with x≃1.5x\simeq 1.5.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Exact spectral function for hole-magnon coupling in the ferromagnetic CuO3_3-like chain

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    We present the exact spectral function for a single oxygen hole with spin opposite to ferromagnetic order within a one-dimensional CuO3_{3}-like spin chain. We find that local Kondo-like exchange interaction generates five different states in the strong coupling regime. It stabilizes a spin polaron which is a bound state of a moving charge dressed by magnon excitations, with essentially the same dispersion as predicted by mean field theory. We then examine in detail the evolution of the spectral function for increasing strength of the hole-magnon interaction. We also demonstrate that the ss and pp symmetry of orbital states in the conduction band are essentially equivalent to each other and find that the simplified models do not suffice to reproduce subtle aspects of hole-magnon coupling in the charge-transfer model.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    A possibility of high spin hole states in doped CoO2_2 layered systems

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    We introduce and investigate an effective five-band model for t2gt_{2g} and ege_g electrons to describe doped cobalt oxides with Co3+^{3+} and Co4+^{4+} ions in two-dimensional CoO2_2 triangular lattice layers, as in Na1−x_{1-x}CoO2_2. The effective Hamiltonian includes anisotropic kinetic energy (due to both direct Co-Co and indirect Co-O-Co hoppings), on-site Coulomb interactions parameterized by intraorbital Hubbard repulsion UU and full Hund's exchange tensor, crystal-field terms and Jahn-Teller static distortions. We study it using correlated wave functions on 6×66\times 6 clusters with periodic boundary conditions. The computations indicate low S=0 spin to high S=2 spin abrupt transition in the undoped systems when increasing strength of the crystal field, while intermediate S=1 spins are not found. Surprisingly, for the investigated realistic Hamiltonian parameters describing low spin states in CoO2_2 planes, doping generates high S=52S=\frac{5}{2} spins at Co4+^{4+} ions that are pairwise bound into singlets, seen here as pairs of up and down spins. It is found that such singlet pairs self-organize at higher doping into lines of spins with coexisting antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic bonds, forming stripe-like structures. The ground states are insulating within the investigated range of doping because computed HOMO-LUMO gaps are never small enough.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    d−pd-p model and spin-orbital order in the vanadium perovskites

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    Using the multi-band d−pd-p model and unrestricted Hartree-Fock approximation we investigate the electronic structure and spin-orbital order in three-dimensional VO3_3 lattice. The main aim of this investigation is testing if simple d−pd-p model, with partly filled 3d3d orbitals (at vanadium ions) and 2p2p orbitals (at oxygen ions), is capable of reproducing correctly nontrivial coexisting spin-orbital order observed in the vanadium perovskites. We point out that the multi-band d−pd-p model has to include partly filled ege_g orbitals at vanadium ions. The results suggest weak self-doping as an important correction beyond the ionic model and reproduce the possible ground states with broken spin-orbital symmetry on vanadium ions: either CC-type alternating orbital order accompanied by GG-type antiferromagnetic spin order, or GG-type alternating orbital order accompanied by CC-type antiferromagnetic spin order. Both states are experimentally observed and compete with each other in YVO3_3 while only the latter was observed in LaVO3_3. Orbital order is induced and stabilized by particular patterns of oxygen distortions arising from the Jahn-Teller effect. In contrast to time-consuming \textit{ab-initio} calculations, the computations using d−pd-p model are very quick and should be regarded as very useful in solid state physics, provided the parameters are selected carefully.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted by Physical Review

    Polaron states in a CuO chain

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    We introduce a one-dimensional model for a CuO chain, with holes and S=1/2S=1/2 spins localized in 3dx2−y23d_{x^2-y^2} orbitals, and pσp_\sigma oxygen orbitals without holes in the ground state. We consider a single hole doped at an oxygen site and study its propagation by spin-flip processes. We develop the Green's function method and treat the hole-spin coupling in the self-consistent Born approximation, similar to that successfully used to study polarons in the regular tt-JJ model. We present an analytical solution of the problem and investigate whether the numerical integration is a good approximation to this solution.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, Physics of Magnetism, Pozna\'n 201

    Multiband d−pd-p model and self-doping in the electronic structure of Ba2_2IrO4_4

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    We introduce and investigate the multiband d−pd-p model describing a IrO4_4 layer (such as realized in Ba2_2IrO4_4) where all 3434 orbitals per unit cell are partly occupied, i.e., t2gt_{2g} and ege_g orbitals at iridium and 2p2p orbitals at oxygen ions. The model takes into account anisotropic iridium-oxygen d−pd-p and oxygen-oxygen p−pp-p hopping processes, crystal-field splittings, spin-orbit coupling, and the on-site Coulomb interactions, both at iridium and at oxygen ions. We show that the predictions based on assumed idealized ionic configuration (with n0=5+4×6=29n_0=5+4\times 6=29 electrons per IrO4_4 unit) do not explain well the independent \textit{ab initio} data and the experimental data for Ba2_2IrO4_4. Instead we find that the total electron density in the d−pd-p states is smaller, n=29−x0n=29-x0). When we fix x=1x=1, the predictions for the d−pd-p model become more realistic and weakly insulating antiferromagnetic ground state with the moments lying within IrO2_2 planes along (110) direction is found, in agreement with experiment and \textit{ab initio} data. We also show that: (i) holes delocalize over the oxygen orbitals and the electron density at iridium ions is enhanced, hence (ii) their ege_g orbitals are occupied by more than one electron and have to be included in the multiband d−pd-p model describing iridates.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Orbiton-magnon interplay in the spin-orbital polarons of KCuF3 and LaMnO3

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    We present a quasi-analytical solution of a spin-orbital model of KCuF3_{3}, using the variational method for Green's functions. By analyzing the spectra for different partial bosonic compositions as well as the full solution, we show that hole propagation needs both orbiton and magnon excitations to develop, but the orbitons dominate the picture. We further elucidate the role of the different bosons by analyzing the self-energies for simplified models, establishing that because of the nature of the spin-orbital ground state, magnons alone do not produce a full quasiparticle band, in contrast to orbitons. Finally, using the electron-hole transformation between the ege_g states of KCuF3_3 and LaMnO3_3 we suggest the qualitative scenario for photoemission experiments in LaMnO3_3.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Physical Review

    Orbital Symmetry and Orbital Excitations in High-TcT_c Superconductors

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    We discuss a few possibilities of high-TcT_c superconductivity with more than one orbital symmetry contributing to the pairing. First, we show that the high energies of orbital excitations in various cuprates suggest a simplified model with a single orbital of x2−y2x^2-y^2 symmetry doped by holes. Next, several routes towards involving both ege_g orbital symmetries for doped holes are discussed: (i) some give superconductivity in a CuO2_2 monolayer on Bi2212 superconductors, Sr2_2CuO4−δ_{4-\delta}, Ba2_2CuO4−δ_{4-\delta}, while (ii) others as nickelate heterostructures or Eu2−x_{2-x}Srx_xNiO4_4, could in principle realize it as well. At low electron filling of Ru ions, spin-orbital entangled states of t2gt_{2g} symmetry contribute in Sr2_2RuO4_4. Finally, electrons with both t2gt_{2g} and ege_g orbital symmetries contribute to the superconducting properties and nematicity of Fe-based superconductors, pnictides or FeSe. Some of them provide examples of orbital-selective Cooper pairing.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures; in: Special Issue "From Cuprates to Room Temperature Superconductors", dedicated to the anniversary of Professor K. Alex M\"ulle

    The Green function variational approximation: Significance of physical constraints

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    We present a calculation of the spectral properties of a single charge doped at a Cu(3d3d) site of the Cu-F plane in KCuF3_{3}. The problem is treated by generating the equations of motion for the Green's function by means of subsequent Dyson expansions and solving the resulting set of equations. This method, dubbed the variational approximation, is both very dependable and flexible, since it is a systematic expansion with precise control over elementary physical processes. It allows for deep insight into the underlying physics of polaron formation as well as for inclusion of many physical constraints, such as excluding crossing diagrams and double occupation constraint, which are not included in the Self-Consistent Born Approximation. Here we examine the role and importance of such constraints by analyzing various spectral functions obtained in second order VA.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur
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