310 research outputs found
Pornography, the Internet, and Student-to-Student Sexual Harassment: A Dilemma Resolved with Title VII and Title IX
The electronic market is continually moving towards higher power densities. As a result, the demand on the cooling is increasing. Focus has to be put on the whole thermal management chain, from the component to be cooled to the ambient. Thermal interface materials are used to efficiently transfer heat between two mating surfaces or in some cases across larger gaps. There are several different thermal interface materials with various application areas, advantages and disadvantages. This study aimed to evaluate thermal and mechanical properties of graphite sheets and graphite gap pads. The work was done in cooperation with Ericsson AB. A test rig based on the ASTM D5470 standard was used to measure the thermal resistance and thermal conductivity of the materials at different pressures. It was found that several graphite sheets and gap pads performed better than the materials used in Ericssonâs products today. According to the tests, the thermal resistance could be reduced by about 50 % for the graphite sheets and 90 % for the graphite gap pads. That was also verified by placing the materials in a radio unit and comparing the results with a reference test. Both thermal values and mechanical values were better than for the reference materials. However, the long term reliability of graphite gap pads could be an issue and needs to be examined further.Elektronikbranschen rör sig mot högre elektriska effektertĂ€theter, det vill sĂ€ga högre effekt per volymenhet. Som en följd av detta ökar ocksĂ„ efterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ god kylning. Kylningen mĂ„ste hanteras pĂ„ alla nivĂ„er, frĂ„n komponenten som ska kylas, Ă€nda ut till omgivningen. Termiska interface material (TIM) anvĂ€nds för att förbĂ€ttra vĂ€rmeöverföringen mellan tvĂ„ ytor i kontakt med varandra eller för att leda vĂ€rmen över större gap. Det finns flera olika TIM med olika tillĂ€mpningsomrĂ„den, fördelar och nackdelar. Denna studie gick ut pĂ„ att utvĂ€rdera termiska och mekaniska egenskaper hos grafitfilmer och sĂ„ kallade âgraphite gap padsâ dĂ„ de anvĂ€nds som TIM. Projektet gjordes i sammarbete med Ericsson AB. En testuppstĂ€llning baserat pĂ„ ASTM D5470-standarden anvĂ€ndes för att utvĂ€rdera vĂ€rmeledningsförmĂ„gan och den termiska resistansen hos de olika materialen vid olika trycknivĂ„er. Resultaten visade att flera grafitfilmer och âgap padsâ presterade bĂ€ttre Ă€n materialen som anvĂ€nds Ericssons produkter idag. Enligt testerna skulle den termiska resistansen kunna minskas med 50 % för grafitfilmerna och 90 % för âgap padsenâ. Materialens fördelaktiga egenskaper verifierades i en radioenhet dĂ€r temperaturerna kunde sĂ€nkas i jĂ€mförelse med ett referenstest med standard-TIM. De nya materialen var mjukare Ă€n referensmaterialen och skulle dĂ€rför inte orsaka nĂ„gra mekaniska problem vid anvĂ€ndning.  Den lĂ„ngsiktiga tillförlitligheten för grafitbaserade âgap padsâ mĂ„ste dock undersökas vidare eftersom de elektriskt ledande materialen skulle kunna skapa kortslutningar pĂ„ kretskorten
Measuring the Effects of âOpportunistic Defenseâ of the Bracken Fern, \u3ci\u3e(Pteridium Aquilinum)\u3c/i\u3e by Patrolling Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) at Pierce Cedar Creek Institute in South Central Michigan
In this study we show that in South Central Michigan (Pierce Cedar Creek Institute) eight ant species patrol bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) during the sensitive crozier growth stage. At times these ants remove herbivorous insects from rapidly expanding fronds. A new method for analyzing herbivory of bracken fern is employed to measure chewing damage to the fronds. Our results show that ants do in fact remove some herbivores from bracken fronds during the crozier stage; however, statistical analyses comparing the amount of chewing damage between treated and untreated fronds at the end of the growing season show no statistical difference
Inspection of individual sprayers - recommendation Paper
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Guide to Low Cost Electronic Data Capture Systems for Clinical Trials
There are many ways to use computer systems to record the information generated during the course of clinical trials. The Electronic Data Capture, or EDC, systems have a range of features from a simple basic functionality to sophisticated and complex specialty systems. The costs of these systems also vary from very expensive proprietary products to a recent trend of Open Source software that is distributed without a license fee. Traditionally, academic projects have made use of existing software resources like spreadsheets and Microsoft Access databases. This guide will present information on the low cost options using existing software or Open Source systems that are supported by the Institute for Translational Health Sciences. The description of the features of each option is intended to help an investigator select appropriate software. Additional proprietary and free software options will be described on in future reports
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