8 research outputs found

    Attitudes, Perceptions and Intimate Partner Violence: A Study of the Nigerian Context

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    Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a major public health issue affecting many women around the world. It is a topic that has attracted a great deal of research over the years, but the dynamics of the issue in some parts of the world, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, is still very vague, necessitating more research in the region. This study uses a cross-sectional population-based survey to explore attitudes of women towards gender roles in a Sub-Saharan African country – Nigeria, as this is one of the factors that is likely to influence IPV occurrence. The results show that attitudes towards gender roles in Nigeria are more supportive of male dominance and women being subservient to their husband/partner, and also suggest that addressing such attitudes may be an important strand of action in tackling IPV issues in the country

    Gender-Based Violence in Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Study of the Magnitude, Likely Risk Factors and Attitudes Towards Intimate Partner Violence Against Women

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    Globally, a common manifestation of Gender-Based abuse is Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) against women. IPV is a serious public health problem that comes with a debilitating toll on women, their families and the immediate environment in which they reside. Research, mostly conducted in developed countries, has identified some likely factors responsible for violence and has also explored attitudes that could be supportive of abuse. However, developing countries around the world, especially those in Africa, are still far behind in making tangible impact on exploring these issues. Considering this paucity of information and with the aim of contributing to the IPV knowledge base in the developing world, a cross-sectional population-based survey involving 719 Nigerian women (aged 18 years and above, currently or previously in cohabiting or non-cohabiting relationships) was conducted using a detailed pretested questionnaire to solicit data on demographics, socioeconomic, attitudinal and behavioral characteristics, as well as those pertaining to experiences of IPV. On performing relevant descriptive statistical analyses on the data collected, the results show that life-time and current prevalence of IPV are 25.5% and 16.7%, respectively. There is also an indication that women across urban and rural areas have a relatively high level of acceptance towards IPV (wife-beating). Results from logistic regression analysis to identify the predictors of violence show that factors such as women’s and partners’ educational attainments, partnership age and educational disparities, partnership discord, among others, are predictive of violence

    Spatial Interpolation of Air Pollutants in Bangalore: 2010-2013

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    Air pollutants and their ill effects on the environment and health of populations are well known. However for informed decisions on the protection of the health of populations from elevated levels of air pollution, an understanding of spatial-temporal variance of air pollutant patterns is necessary. Bangalore and other similar developing cities do not have an adequate number of fixed monitoring stations that could provide a complete coverage of the air pollution levels for the entire city. This can be overcome by using geospatial interpolation techniques that provide a complete coverage of the levels of pollutants. The aim of this study is to locate sample points, characterise distribution patterns, map air pollutant distributions using interpolation techniques, highlight areas exceeding standard levels and in doing so determine spatial and temporal patterns of the levels of air pollutants. An air pollution map indicating levels of the variability of the pollutants will aid in the analysis of effects on health in populations due to elevated levels of pollutants

    Air Pollution in Bangalore, India: A Six-Year Trend and Health Implication Analysis

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    Air pollution is increasingly becoming a global concern and is believed to be amongst the leading causes of death in the world today. Developing countries, with rapidly growing economies, are struggling between the focus on economic development and curbing air pollution emissions. Bangalore is one of India’s fastest growing metropolises and, although benefiting economically due to its rapid development, has a rapidly deteriorating environment. This paper provides a critical analysis of the air pollution trend in the city over the period 2005-2011 at 6 specific locations where measurements have been consistently recorded. It also discusses the potential health implications pertaining to exceeding levels of pollutants where these are applicable

    Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Effects of Air Pollution Hazards on Cardiovascular Health Outcomes in Bangalore, India

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    Recent research has established a link between exposure to certain pollutants and exacerbation or onset of cardiac diseases. Diseases have a spatial context and the evolution of computer applications, such as Geographical Information Systems (GIS), has favoured the studies of environment and their effects on health and populations. To aid in understanding the extent of air pollution and cardiac diseases in the city of Bangalore (India), this research explores the data requirements and GIS analysis tools that could be used to undertake a spatio-temporal analysis by developing a web based GIS application. The ultimate goal is to identify hotspots of air pollution, explore the relationships between environmental pollution hazards and cardiovascular diseases, integrate the available data to enable sharing among decision makers and disseminate information

    Perspectives on the Clinical Development of NRF2-Targeting Drugs

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