373 research outputs found

    Under-Five Mortality in Nigeria: Perception and Attitudes of the Yorubas Towards the Existence of "Abiku"

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    The paper examines the perception and attitudes of the Yorubas about the existence of abiku (children from the spirit world) and the mode of treatment given to such children. The study elicited information from 1695 women of reproductive age in Ondo and Ekiti state of Southwest Nigeria. The study shows (i) more than half of the respondents believe in the existence of abiku children; (ii) that abiku children can be identified from the evidence of past death, frequent indisposition, non-responsiveness of their illness to modern medical care as well as repeated death and verification from traditional healers; (iii) that causes of illness differ between abiku and non-abiku children; (iv) close to 71 percent of the respondents have faith in traditional methods of treatment for abiku children. The study, therefore, reiterate the need to integrate the people’s beliefs, attitudes and behavioural practices into health promotion programmes.Abiku, attitude(s), healers, perception, treatment

    Women's sexual control within conjugal union

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    This study attempts to examine the extent to which women have control over their sexuality within marriage and its implication for the spread of HIV/AIDS. The survey was carried out in metropolitan Lagos. The study shows that women have some control over their sexuality especially during certain occasions such as during menstruation, breastfeeding, pregnancy and when they are sick. However, only few women could negotiate with their husbands especially by insisting on safe sexual practices. The study therefore shows that women need to be educated on the need for safer sex practices, especially in this era of HIV/AIDS. They should also be economically empowered so as to practice safer sex. Again, men should be educated on the safer sex practices in other to control the spread of HIV/AIDS.conjugal, extramarital, menstruation, safe-sex, sex behavior, sexuality

    Exchange rates risk and equity portfolio diversification.

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    This thesis identifies and fills certain gaps in the empirical literature on the relationship between exchange rates and stock prices, and equity portfolio diversification, with the aim of providing useful information for academics, private investors, currency risk hedgers, and policy-makers. Firstly, it analyses granger-causal links between exchange rates and stock prices even at a level of stock market disaggregation not previously considered, taking into consideration a number of factors that may influence the lead/lag results. Secondly, the thesis considers whether exchange rate movements actually contribute to systematic or undiversifyable risks in national equity markets, particularly assessing the implications (thus far) of the single European currency (the euro) on the risk premiums of major equity markets, given the general perception that the EMU should reduce exchange rate and equity market risks. Several studies have advocated cross-border equity investments as a tool for reducing equity portfolio risks, despite inherent problems including exchange rate risks. Finally therefore, this thesis contributes to the literature on the diversification of equity portfolio risks by assessing the potential of home-based diversification in three developed European equity markets as an alternative to international portfolio diversification, and the potential benefits of eurozone diversification. The evidence suggests the existence of time-varying granger-causal links between exchange rates and stock prices in most countries, although the lead/lag structure for each country may differ when the stock market index is disaggregated, contradicting theoretical models. Although the EMU does not appear to have reduced the exchange rate risk premium in key member states, the same cannot be said about the equity market premium, which has reduced in three of the four member countries investigated. Finally, it appears that the potential of diversifying within the European equity market is such that any extra benefit from international equity acquisitions for diversification purposes is statistically and economically insignificant

    Religion and Human Security: The Christian Perspective

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    The prevalent security problems the modern state faces justify the current theme for discussion. In the academic circle such that we are witnessing, security or the state of being secured is a necessity for every human being and indeed every living organism. Each organization or group endeavours to provide security for its members be it financial, position, situation, moral, spiritual etc. Security is the most pertinent of all national priorities and plans. However, security as a national programme is not exactly the same in the religious sphere, especially in Christianity. This does not mean that security in Christianity completely runs a parallel line with the security of the nation. In times past people’s values were based upon traditional religion and moral principles. However, things are changing fast and despite the proliferation of churches all over the country, values are changing and much emphasis are now placed on the accumulation of physical wealth, injustice, corruption and very high competitive society with lesser religious values and principles especially Christian principles. These have greatly affected the people to the detriment of traditional moral values, resulting in insecurity and peace in our society. The study made use of analytical method for its findings

    A Macroeconomic Forecasting Model of Lesotho: Preliminary Estimates

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    Women and Religion in Nigeria

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    Ühisrahastus ja väiketalunikud Eestis

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    Master thesis Curriculum of Economics and Social SciencesThe low accessibility to credit facilities has been devastating the small scale farmers business in Estonia. Therefore, the small scale farmers in Estonia are encountering difficulties as these farmers cannot directly access credit facilities to boom and develop their farm business activities, this has led to agricultural business upset in the country. The aim of the master’s thesis is to gauge the opinion of small scale farmers on their attitude and perception about the crowdfunding in Estonia. To achieve the purpose, qualitative research method was used, as a result of social distancing for protection under Covid-19 lockdown telephone interview was adopted with the use of semi structured research questions among small scale farmers in Estonia. The thematic analysis results showed that only 22% of respondents attest having awareness about crowdfunding, 7% of the respondents attest having read or heard about crowdfunding, but are not familiar with its workings and how it functions effectively as an alternative financing mechanism. 71% of the respondents affirm that they know nothing about crowdfunding. However, 100% of the respondents had subscribed to use of personal savings at various stages of the farm activities and all the respondents mentioned that there is constant need for finance to sustain agricultural operation, while they have sourced from various alternative sources of finance aside crowdfunding. Meanwhile 32% of respondents showed positive interest to utilise crowdfunding as alternative source of finance. The findings revealed that small scale farmers have low knowledge of the crowdfunding, and would resolve funding issues they encounter sourcing for funds from financing institutions. Crowdfunding campaigns can boost demand in the market by formation of a direct link with customers.Vähene juurdepääs krediidivõimalustele on teinud väiketalude pidamise Eestis keeruliseks. Seetõttu on Eesti väikepõllumeestel raskusi talupidamise edendamisel, kuna neil ei ole võimalik põllumajandustegevuste arendamiseks lihtsaid krediidivõimalusi kasutada. Selline olukord on toonud kaasa põllumajandusettevõtete vähenemise. Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärk on hinnata väikepõllumeeste arvamust ja suhtumist ühisrahastuse kohta Eestis. Eesmärgi saavutamiseks kasutati kvalitatiivset metoodikat ja andmekogumise meetodiks valiti poolstruktureeritud telefoniintervjuu. Telefoniintervjuu valiti koroonapandeemia tõttu. Analüüsi tulemused näitasid, et ainult 22% vastanutest kinnitab, et on teadlik ühisrahastusest, 7% vastanutest kinnitab, et on ühisrahastusest lugenud või sellest kuulnud, kuid pole kursis selle toimimisega alternatiivse rahastamismehhanismina. 71% vastanutest kinnitab, et ei tea ühisrahastusest midagi. Kõik intervjueeritavad kinnitasid , et on kasutanud oma põllumajandusettevõtte edendamiseks isiklikke. Samuti mainisid kõik vastajad, et põllumajandustegevuse jätkamiseks on pidev vajadus rahaliste vahendite järele aga nad on kasutanud ühisrahastuse asemel teisi rahastusallikaid. 32% vastanutest näitas üles positiivset huvi ühisrahastuse kui alternatiivse rahastamisallika vastu põllumajanduses. Tulemused näitasid, et väikepõllumeestel on ühisrahastusest aga see võiks lahendada nende probleemid, mis on seni finantsallikaid otsides tekkinud. Ühisrahastuskampaaniad võivad suurendada nõudlust turul, luues otsese sideme klientidega

    The Effect of Frustration on an Employee’s Earned Salary: National Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission v. Johnson in Perspective

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    This paper adopts analytical methodology in interrogating the effect of frustration of contract on an employee’s earned salary under Nigeria’s labour jurisprudence analysing the Supreme Court of Nigeria (SCN) decision in National Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission & Ors. v. Ajibola Johnson & Ors. The paper examines the rationale, effect and extent of applicability of frustration of contract on a vested right under an employment contract. It also discusses the nature of the employer’s duty to provide work as well as the legal effect of failure to do so especially when an employee reports to work and is willing to and able to work. The paper examines the impact of this decision on employment relationship in Nigeria especially the manner in which courts should reconcile split interests. The paper observed that the SCN in the judgment, has laid down a rule to guide courts in balancing accrued rights of individuals and directives of government to engender a mutually beneficial outcome. Keywords: Employee, Contract of employment, Frustration of contract, Right to work, Remuneration DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/133-08 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Socio-Economic Importance of Fuelwood Production in Gambari Forest Reserve Area, Oyo State, Nigeria

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    Fuelwood apart from meeting domestic energy need of the people around forest areas provide a means of livelihood as a source of income. The socio-economic analysis of fuelwood collectors in Oyo State, Nigeria, was investigated with a view to determine its potentials and impact on the income of the rural communities in Gambari forest reserve area. Data for the study were obtained from a total sample of 119 randomly selected respondents through interviews schedules, application of structured questionnaires and personal observations. Descriptive statistical tools such as frequencies, percentages and tables were used to analyze variables of interest such as age, gender, family size, education, income and type of enterprise. Cash analyses were made to determine the profitability of the enterprise. Multiple regressions were also employed to find out the relationship between income generated from fuelwood and some selected socioeconomic factors (independent variables).Result showed that the industry is profitable with an average Gross margin of N82, 130.00 and Net return of N81, 055.00. There was a positive and strong relationship between income generated from fuelwood sales and the gender, family size, level of education and amount paid to labour; with coefficient of determination (R2=0.67556). A negative relationship was noted between income generated from fuelwood sales and amount paid to government. The study indicated that income generated from fuelwood sales within the period of study increased with increasing number of households, level of education and amount paid to labourers with little revenue generation into the State treasury. Uncontrolled collection of fuelwood leads to the destruction of forest resources. It therefore recommended that the state forestry department should educate the collectors on the importance of rational exploitation, tree planting, and the value of maintaining the existing trees on their farm plots. Fuelwood will continue to be indispensible for a variety of local industries and craft: restaurants, bakeries, curing tobacco, brick burning and barbecue, to name few.Keywords: Non-timber forest products, fuelwood, economic assessment, livelihoodJournal of Agriculture and Social Research (JASR) Vol. 11, No. 1, 201

    Women and Religion in Nigeria

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