31 research outputs found


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    In this study, the effect of motivation of participation in sports on various variables according to disability types of national athletes with disabilities and disabled amateur athletes has been examined. The sample of the study consisted of 159 male (127 amateurs, 32 national) who played sports in the sports clubs of the Physically Disabled Federation, the Hearing Impaired Federation, the Federation of the Visually Impaired Federation in the 2018-2019 season and played sports nationally (N = 47) in the relevant federations and 60 female (45 amateurs, 15 nationals) disabled athletes. In the research, “Sports Participation Motivation Scale in Disabled Persons” (SPMSDP) developed by Tekkurşun, Demir, İlhan, Esentürk and Kan (2018) was used as a data collection tool. In the analysis of the data obtained in the research; frequency, arithmetic average, standard deviation; Pearson Moment Correlation Test, Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used. According to the research result; internal motivation scores of nationally visually impaired athletes from the scores of visually impaired athletes engaged in amateur sports; internal motivation scores of national athletes with disabilities are the scores of athletes with visual impairments who do amateur sports; from the scores of the physically disabled athletes' intrinsic motivation scores, participation of visually impaired and hearing impaired athletes; Among the scores of the male motivated and visually impaired athletes, the average of the intrinsic motivation points of the male athletes with physical disabilities; the mean score of the athletes with low economic status, hearing, and physical disability athletes with a low average economic status; It was found that the score average of a motivational of the athletes with disabilities in primary school graduates was significantly higher than the average scores of athletes with high school and secondary school graduates. Article visualizations

    Determination of spatial changes caused by liquefaction and fault movements by means of photogrammetric methods.

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    Deprem sonrası ortaya çıkan sıvılaşma ve fay hareketlerinin neden olduğu hasarların ve konumsal değişimlerin belirlenmesinde, fotogrametri ve uzaktan algılama veri ve yöntemleri de kullanılmaktadır. Uzaktan algılama görüntüleri ile değişim belirlemede etken faktörler; zamansal, konumsal ve spektral ayırma gücü ile radyometrik çözünürlüktür. Yani, görüntü çiftlerinin yılın aynı zamanlarında, aynı daimi bakış açısıyla, aynı algılayıcı ile aynı çözünürlükte temin edilmiş olması elde edilecek sonuçların güvenilirlik düzeyini etkileyen konulardır. Bu çalışmada; 17 Ağustos 1999 tarihinde meydana gelen depremden sonra, Sapanca Bölgesinde oluşan konumsal değişikliklerin ve Gölcük Bölgesinde çöken binaların, hava fotoğrafları ve Landsat 7 uydu görüntülerinden belirlenmesi hedef alınmıştır.  Anahtar Kelimeler: Fotogrametri, sıvılaşma, uydu görüntüsü. Liquefaction is a process by which sediments below the water table temporarily lose strength and bearing because of rapidly applied loading and behave as a viscous liquid rather than a solid. The actions in the soil which produce liquefaction are seismic waves and primarily shear waves. Liquefaction occurs in saturated soils, that is, soils in which the space between individual particles are completely filled with water. Damages and three dimensional changes on the ground and structure which are caused by liquefaction and fault movements after an earthquake can be determined by using photogrammetry and remote sensing data and methods. Temporal, spatial and spectral resolutions are the effective factors to change detection by means of remote sensing imagery. That means, reliability of the obtained results are directly effected by the image pairs which are preferred to be taken by the same instantaneous field of view, the same sensor, same resolution and the same time of the year. In this study, it is aimed to determine using aerial photographs and Landsat-7 satellite images the spatial changes (displacements) in the area of the lake Sapanca and also the buildings collapsed due to the earthquake of 17 August 1999. Keywords: Photogrammetry, liquefaction, satellite image

    Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV in patients with hemoglobinopathy hatients

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    Amaç: Talasemi ve orak hücreli anemi hastaları sık transfüzyon almaktadır. Hepatit B (HBV), hepatit C (HCV) ve insan immün yetmezlik virüsü (HIV) kanla geçmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı hemoglobinopati hastalarımızda bu enfeksiyonların sıklığını belirlemektir. Materyal ve Metod: Dört yüz on hemoglobinopati hastasını inceledik.Viral serolojiler "ikinci jenerasyon enzim bağlantılı immün absorban tahlil" metoduyla incelendi. Dört yüz on hastanın (116 talasemi major, 16 talasemi intermedia, 12 hemoglobin H, 222 orak hücreli anemi, 43 orak-beta talasemi ve 1 Hb E) 258'i erkek, 152'si kadındı. Bulgular: HBV sıklığı %1,2, HCV %3,2 ve HIV %0 bulundu. Sonuçlarımız göstermektedir ki transfüzyon ilişkili viral enfeksiyon sıklığı literatüre kıyasla daha yüksek değildir. Sonuç: Peryodik olarak duyarlı tarama testlerinin kullanılması ve doğru verici seçimi yüksek risk altındaki hemoglobinopati hastalarının bu enfeksiyolarda korunmasında çok önemlidir.Purpose: Thalassemia and sickle cell anemia patients have frequent transfusions. Hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are tramsmitted infections with blood. The objective of this study is to determine frequency of these infections in our hemoglobinopathy patients. Material and Methods: We investigated 410 hemoglobinopathy patients. Viral serologies were detected with secondgeneration enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. In 410 patients (116 thalassemia major, 16 thalassemia intermedia, 12 hemoglobin H, 222 sickle cell anemia, 43 sickle-beta thalassemia and 1 Hb SE), there were 258 males and 152 females. Results: The rate of HBV is 1,2%, HCV is 3,2% and HIV is 0%. Our results shows that transfusion transmitted viral infection prevelance is not high compared to the literature. Conclusion: Using sensitive screening tests with periodically and right donor selection are very important for preventing these infections in hemoglobinopathy patients who are under high risk


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    Aim: To compare hematological parameters between children with steady-state sickle cell disease (SCD) and those with vaso-occlusive crisis. Materials and methods: Forty-seven patients (under 18 years of age) , 23 in the steady state and 24 in crisis were in this study. Control group included 24 age-matched children without chronic disease. Hematological parameters were recorded. Complete blood counts were measured by automated analyzer. Results: In crisis group, white blood cells (WBC), red cell distribution width (RDW), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), platelet (PLT), neutrophil and monocytes mean values (17045 /mm3, 21.62 %, 28.12 pg, 34.96 gr/dl, 432 x 109/L, 10858 /mm3, 1676 /mm3) were higher than control (7429 /mm3, 14.66 %, 26.49 pg, 33.65 gr/dl, 288 x 109/L, 3883 /mm3, 508 /mm3), (

    Türkiye'nin güneyinde Hatay'da hemoglobinopati tarama sonuçları

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    Amaç: ?-Talasemi ve hemoglobinopatiler yaygın genetik bozukluklardır. Bu nedenle evlilik öncesi çiftler ya da her anemik kişi rutin hemoglobinopatiler açısından incelenmelidir. Bu retrospektif çalışmada amacımız, ?-Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Edirnetalasemi ve hemoglobinopati sıklığını Türkiye'nin güney kesiminde bulunan Hatay'da, saptamaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada veriler, Ocak 2006 ve Ekim 2012 tarihleri arasında anemi nedeni ile ve evlilik öncesi araştırma için Hatay Antakya Devlet Hastanesi Hemoglobinopati Merkezi'ne başvuran 70226 bireyden alınmıştır. Kan örnekleri EDTA'lı tüplere alınmış ve hematolojik parametreler bir Sysmex XT-2000i Hematology Analyzer kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Yüksek performanslı sıvı kromatografisi tekniği hemoglobin tiplerini belirlemek için kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Hemoglobinopati sıklığı ?-Talasemi taşıyıcılığı % 6, orak hücre anemisi taşıyıcılığı %6,3, ?-talasemi taşıyıcılığı? %12,9 ve diğer anormal hemoglobinopatili varyantları % 4,2 idi. Homozigot ?-talasemi 49 olguda, homozigot hemoglobin S 60 olguda, HbH hastalığı (bir talasemi intermedia) 33 olguda tespit ettik. Tartışma: ?-talasemi taşıyıcılığı ve diğer hemoglobinopati sıklığının Hatay'da Türkiye'de diğer iller ile karşılaştırıldığında oldukça yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur.Aim: ?-Thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies are common genetic disorders in Turkey. Because of this reason, either anemic people or couples before marriage are investigated for hemoglobinopathies routinly. In this retrospective study, our aim was to determine the frequency of ?-thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies in Hatay, which is located in the southern part of Turkey. Material and Method: In this study, data from 70226 individuals, admitted to Antakya State Hospital Hemoglobinopathy Center in Hatay, both for the reason of anemia and before marriage investigations, were evaluated between January 2006 and October 2012. The blood samples were collected into EDTA-containing tubes and hematological parameters were analyzed using a Sysmex XT-2000i Hematology Analyzer. High performance liquid chromatography technique was used to determine the type of hemoglobin. Results: The frequency of hemoglobinopaties were 6% ?-Thalassemia trait, 6.3% sickle cell trait, 12.9% ?-thalassaemia trait? and 4.2 % other abnormal hemoglobinopaties variants. We detected 49 cases with homozygot ?-thalassaemia, 60 cases with homozygot haemoglobin S, 33 cases with HbH disease (thalassaemia intermedia) among all. Discussion: The frequency of ?-thalassemia trait and other haemoglobinopathies in Hatay is found to be quite high as compared with other provinces in Turkey