58 research outputs found

    Democracy and good governance: ingredients for socioeconomic development in Nigeria

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    This paper is a discourse on the state of the nation, Nigeria, in terms of its status on democracy, good governance and socio-economic development. Democracy is being embraced across the globe by most civilized and developing nations. Nigeria joined the trend with the inception of democratic rule in May 29, 1999. The paper aims at exploring these concepts in the context of Nigeria with a view to establishing the need for true democracy and good governance to prevail in Nigeria. The paper discusses the synergy of democracy and good governance while identifying them as basic ingredients for the actualization of socio-cultural and economic development of Nigeria. The paper ends with some recommendations and conclusion. Keywords: Democracy, Good governance, Ingredients, Socio-economic development

    Effective Parenting and Socialization for Value Re-Orientation in Contemporary Nigeria

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    Nigeria is a country that many right thinking individuals agree has serious value crises that have contributed to her poor economy, bad national image and falling standards etc. Value reorientation aimed at inculcating good value can help Nigeria out of her numerous predicaments which can refocus the nation towards greatness. This impact can be achievable if and when Nigerians embrace good values which have the potential to change the attitude and behavior of Nigerians and bring about significant reduction in corruption, indiscipline, immorality, terrorism, kidnapping, poverty and other social vices. The paper discusses the meaning/concept and nature of parenting, effective parenting, some problems of parenting in Nigeria, socialization as a medium of value inculcation and value reorientation. The paper believes that value reorientation in Nigeria is a feasible project that can only be attained through the enforcement of effective parenting and socialization in contemporary Nigeria (particularly on children and youths), through orthodox mechanisms of social control, reform of school system, control/censor of the media, strengthening of democratic principles and the immediate return of missionary schools to the original owners (Churches) etc.Keywords: Effective Parenting, Socialization, Value-Reorientation, Contemporary NigeriaInternational Journal of Development and Management Review (INJODEMAR) Vol. 7 June, 201

    Multilateral organizations and global inequality: A focus on IMF, World Bank and World Trade Organizations

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    The paper examines issues relating to multilateral organizations, taking a particular look at the three multilateral organizations viz IMF, World Bank and WTO. It establishes that institutional and structural variables in the multilateral organizations are skewed in favour of the developed countries and this tends to entrench their hegemony in the global scene. This has crystallized in global inequality. More so, the analysis which relies on the theory of political realism with dependency theory as a complementary theory explores the power play and dominance of interests in global affairs as a defining characteristic of relations at the global level. Again, the paper establishes that a dialectical relationship exists between development in the developed North and underdevelopment in the developing South and that the multilateral organizations are veritable instruments for perpetuating the hegemony of the developed countries, which ensures the continuation of global inequality. The paper therefore puts forward a range of recommendations that could help the developing countries in their quest for development and by so doing bridge the inequality gap.Keywords: Multilateral, Organizations, Global, Inequality, Underdevelopment, Developmen

    Incorporating patient preference into the management of infertility in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a heterogeneous condition characterized by anovulation, hyperandrogenism, and polycystic ovaries. Because of the heterogeneous nature of PCOS, women affected by the condition often require a customized approach for ovulation induction when trying to conceive. Treating symptoms of PCOS in overweight and obese women should always incorporate lifestyle changes with the goal of weight-loss, as many women with PCOS will ovulate after losing 5%–10% of their body weight. On the other hand, other factors must be considered including the woman’s age, age-related decline in fertility, and previous treatments she may have already tried. Fortunately, multiple options for ovulation induction exist for women with PCOS. This paper reviews specific ovulation induction options available for women with PCOS, the benefits and efficacy of these options, and the related side effects and risks women can anticipate with the various options that may affect treatment adherence. The paper also reviews the recommended evidence-based strategies for treating PCOS-related infertility that allow for incorporation of the patient’s preference. Finally, it briefly reviews emerging data and ongoing studies regarding newer agents that have shown great promise as first-line agents for the treatment of infertility in women with PCOS

    The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Problem of Policy Implementation in Nigeria

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    Nigeria is one United Nations member state that is increasingly working on achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which took off at the turn of this century. The MDGs are eight goals and targets to be attained within 2015. Giving the available time, it is obvious that it is a major challenge to Nigeria because of its requirements for actualization in the country. Among the requirements is ensuring effective policy implementation. However, poor policy implementation is believed by some analysts to be the bane of development in Nigeria. The paper therefore, seeks to highlight the need for proper and effective policy implementation while identifying some impediments to be tackled if Nigeria is to ensure that policies, particularly those relating to the MDGs, are effectively and timely implemented. These impediments include, among others: corruption, badleadership, political instability, slow public service structures, ethnicity etc. The paper posits some sustainable development measures for Nigeria, such as effective use of political will, eschewing social vices (like ethnicity, favouritism, nepotism and mediocrity), continuity of policies between governments, eradication of corruption etc.Keywords: Policy, Implementation, Millennium Development Goals, NigeriaInternational Journal of Development and Management Review (INJODEMAR) Vol. 7 June, 201

    Morale, Productivity and Sustainable Industrial Development in Nigeria

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    This paper is an analytical discourse on the interface and relationship between morale and productivity and how these have impactful influence on sustainable industrial development in Nigeria. Nigeria is a developing economy that direly needs a strong root and drive for productivity and economic development. This may not be feasible except if the drivers of the economy, particularly the human factor in the production process are not appropriately motivated to energize their morale. This paper that dwelt more on library and secondary sources of materials identified that morale and productivity, though related to each other in many facets, are at the lowest ebbs in Nigeria to essentially drive sustainable industrial development akin to competitive global integrated market economy. It also observed, among others, that certain government truncated policies and poor economic environment within which the human element as factor of production do their work challenge the morale of the operators of the economy. It therefore, recommended, among others, that government policies and work environment should be employees friendly in order to adequately energize them for global practices and to ensure the steady forward movement and progression towards sustainable industrial development in Nigeria. Keywords: Morale, Productivity, Sustainable industrial development, Government policies. DOI: 10.7176/DCS/10-8-03 Publication date:August 31st 202

    The Effect of Alcohol Intoxications on Hematological Parameters of Adult Albino Wistar Rats

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    Due to the accessibility of alcohol, people around the world become readily intoxicated with it and in turn, it produces protease devastating effects in the human system. This study investigates the hematological effects of alcohol in albino rats grouped into three (A, B and C). Group A and B served as test while C served as control. For 14 days, 3ml/kg and 9 ml/kg of alcohol was administered to group A and B respectively. At the end of the experiment, blood samples were collected from the rats, and the changes in PCV, RBC, Hb, platelets, WBC, and differential counts, were accessed. The results showed no significant (P >0.05) increase in Hb, RBC count, WBC count, but a significant decrease (P <0.05) in platelet count of group B rats. Similarly, there was no significant increase in Hb, but a significant increase in PCV (P<0.05) of group A rats when compared with the control. The results suggest therefore, that chronic ingestion of alcohol in a dose dependent fashion, can induce hematoxicity and hence the need to curb excessive consumption of alcohol.Keywords: Haematology, Bone marrow, Alcohol, Platelet

    Occurrence of a Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Congener in Surface Water, Sediments and Blackchin Tilapia (Sarotherodon melanotheron) from Ologe Lagoon, Nigeria

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    Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are persistent organochlorine chemicals that are toxic to aquatic organisms and humans. PCBs levels were assessed in surface water, sediments and fish from Ologe Lagoon, a major water body receiving treated effluents from Agbara Industrial Estate, using Gas Chromatograph-Electron Capture Detector (GCECD). 2,4,4’-Trichlorobiphenyl (2,4,4’-TCB) was the only PCB congener detected in the assessed matrices. Sediment 2,4,4’-TCB levels ranged from 0.0033±0.00333 to 0.0430 ± 0.00351ng/g. There was a significant (p < 0.05) seasonal variation in the levels in sediments and surface water. The level in surface water from Zone 3 was above USEPA’s safe limit (0.0005 mg/L) in the rainy season. There was no significant (p > 0.05) seasonal difference in the mean concentrations of 2,4,4’-TCB in fish, and the levels were lower than WHO’s safe limit (0.2 mg/kg). Based on the negligible to low levels of 2,4,4’-TCB in S. melanotheron inhabiting the lagoon, the fish was considered safe for consumption. Levels of 2,4,4’- TCB found in the sediments and surface water in this study indicate that levels may change with season, therefore, we recommend that the concentrations of the compound are regularly monitored in order to timely avert toxic levels of bioavailable 2,4,4’-TCB in the water body.Keywords: Polychlorinated biphenyls, Sarotherodon melanotheron, Sediments, Surface water

    Food and vices in south-eastern Nigeria: implications for poverty

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    This study focused on food and vices in South-Eastern Nigeria: implication for poverty. One hundred and sixty (160) respondents, adult male and female, were selected from 8 local government areas in Imo and Abia States. A purposive sampling technique was employed. The objectives include among others an examination of the nature of poverty in South-Eastern Nigeria; an investigation to ascertain whether or not, poverty results in hunger, etc. The following were the findings: Hunger seems to have ravaged our society. This is because majority of our people are poor and are unable to solve the hunger problem. As a result of inability to provide food, which is a basic necessity of life, the poor have employed all sorts of measures to put food on the table for their families. Unfortunately, most of these measures have been negative; as people are engaged in vices like armedrobbery, prostitution, pick pocketing, over-profiteering, etc. Others, because of poverty, have engaged in begging, constituting nuisance in the society. This paper sought solutions that would improve the lot of the poor and have them properly engaged in activities other than these vices, which can help them provide food for their families. The following were recommended: There should be the provision of gainful employment through the setting up of industries, factories and other establishments. This employment should be made to incorporate both educated and uneducated people based on merit and according to their area of competence; Skill’s Acquisition Centers should be widely set up so that those who cannot cope can learn trades that would help them to face life’s challenges, etc. Keywords: Hunger, Food, Vices, Armed-Robbery, Prostitution, Pick-Pocketing, Over- Profiteering, Poverty, Begging, Nuisanc

    Effects of Aluminium–Magnesium Silicate on Newcastle Disease Virus and on recovery of infected chicks

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    Effect of a synthetic Aluminium – Magnesium Silicate (AMS) on Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) was tested. Equal amounts, of the AMS and of NDV, on a volume to weight (v/w) basis, were incubated for one hour at room temperature, and then centrifuged. The supernatant was tested for NDV titre. Portions of a virulent NDV were similarly incubated with the AMS, and their supernatants tested for morbidity rates on infected chicks. Also, two groups of chicks were infected with virulent NDV intramuscularly (I/m), and by introduction of infected chicks, respectively. Their subgroups were treated by administering AMS through drinking water, to assess its effect on mortality. Incubating NDV with AMS, reduced the viral titre from mean HA, 613 ±86 to 4. 5 ±0.72 (P < 0.05). Also, incubating virulent NDV with the AMS, reduced its morbidity rate from 100% to 20% (P< 0.05) when incubated once, and from 100% to zero, when incubated twice. NDV- infected chicks treated with AMS, had same 100% mortality as the controls, when route of infection was I/m (P > 0.05) but when infection was by introduction of infected chicks, mortality reduced from 20% to zero (P < 0.05).These results suggest AMS as NDV’s antiviral agent
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