425 research outputs found

    The nitrogenase system of Spirillum lipoferum

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    A methodology to obtain accurate potential energy Functions for diatomic systems: mathematical point of view

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    The mathematics used in physical chemistry has changed greatly in the past forty years and it will certainly continue to change more quickly. Theoretical chemists and physicists must have an acquaintance with abstract mathematics if they are to keep up with their field, as the mathematical language in which it is expressed changes. Thinking about it, in this article, we want to show some of the most important concepts of Mathematical Analysis involved in obtaining analytical functions to represent the potential energy interaction for diatomic systems. A basic guide for the construction of a potential based on Dunham's coefficients and an example of a new potential obtained from this methodology is also presented

    Illegals abortions and utero-digestives lesions: retrospective study of 12 cases in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Treichville teaching hospital (Abidjan, Cote D’ivoire)

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    Background: Traumatic intestinal digestive damage after abortion by endo-uterine manoeuvres are not uncommon. The purpose of this study is to describe the diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic aspects of these lesions.Methods: This is a retrospective study of 3 years on patients with a uterine lesion associated with a digestive traumatic injury during illegal abortions endo-uterine manoeuvres.Results: 12 patients with a median age of 23, 9 are included. The clinical manifestations are not specific: impairment of the general condition 33.3%; hyperthermia 83.3% (or 10 cases); digestive disorders such as diarrhoea 25%, vomiting 33.3%; abdominal pain 100%; occlusive syndrome 16.7%; acute abdominal syndrome 75%. The seat of traumatic injuries is variable. The lesions were for hail alone in 4 cases (33.3%), colon alone for 2 cases (16.7%), rectum 1 case and epiploon 2 cases. In these 3 cases, the lesions were associated, sitting on both the hail and the colon at a time. All these lesions were associated with uterine perforation of variable siege. The therapeutic management consisted of a small bowel resection with ileostomy in 5 cases or 41.7%; colon resection with colostomy 3 cases or 25%; suture lesions after beveling beiges 5 cases either 41, 7 in 2 cases, we performed haemostasis on the bleeding epiploon. Treatment of the uterine lesion was conservative 75% of the time. The evolution on the 10 patients was favorable, 83.3%. Two patients died early in the operative course after septic shock.Conclusions: The digestive lesions are a factor aggravating the prognosis of post-abortion uterine manoeuvres. Their management must be rapid and requires close collaboration between the digestive surgeon and the Gynecologist

    Mars Science Laboratory Drill

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    This drill (see Figure 1) is the primary sample acquisition element of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) that collects powdered samples from various types of rock (from clays to massive basalts) at depths up to 50 mm below the surface. A rotary-percussive sample acquisition device was developed with an emphasis on toughness and robustness to handle the harsh environment on Mars. It is the first rover-based sample acquisition device to be flight-qualified (see Figure 2). This drill features an autonomous tool change-out on a mobile robot, and novel voice-coil-based percussion. The drill comprises seven subelements. Starting at the end of the drill, there is a bit assembly that cuts the rock and collects the sample. Supporting the bit is a subassembly comprising a chuck mechanism to engage and release the new and worn bits, respectively, and a spindle mechanism to rotate the bit. Just aft of that is a percussion mechanism, which generates hammer blows to break the rock and create the dynamic environment used to flow the powdered sample. These components are mounted to a translation mechanism, which provides linear motion and senses weight-on-bit with a force sensor. There is a passive-contact sensor/stabilizer mechanism that secures the drill fs position on the rock surface, and flex harness management hardware to provide the power and signals to the translating components. The drill housing serves as the primary structure of the turret, to which the additional tools and instruments are attached. The drill bit assembly (DBA) is a passive device that is rotated and hammered in order to cut rock (i.e. science targets) and collect the cuttings (powder) in a sample chamber until ready for transfer to the CHIMRA (Collection and Handling for Interior Martian Rock Analysis). The DBA consists of a 5/8-in. (.1.6- cm) commercial hammer drill bit whose shank has been turned down and machined with deep flutes designed for aggressive cutting removal. Surrounding the shank of the bit is a thick-walled maraging steel collection tube allowing the powdered sample to be augured up the hole into the sample chamber. For robustness, the wall thickness of the DBA was maximized while still ensuring effective sample collection. There are four recesses in the bit tube that are used to retain the fresh bits in their bit box. The rotating bit is supported by a back-to-back duplex bearing pair within a housing that is connected to the outer DBA housing by two titanium diaphragms. The only bearings on the drill in the sample flow are protected by a spring-energized seal, and an integrated shield that diverts the ingested powdered sample from the moving interface. The DBA diaphragms provide radial constraint of the rotating bit and form the sample chambers. Between the diaphragms there is a sample exit tube from which the sample is transferred to the CHIMRA. To ensure that the entire collected sample is retained, no matter the orientation of the drill with respect to gravity during sampling, the pass-through from the forward to the aft chamber resides opposite to the exit tube

    A methodology to obtain accurate potential energy Functions for diatomic systems: mathematical point of view

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    The mathematics used in physical chemistry has changed greatly in the past forty years and it will certainly continue to change more quickly. Theoretical chemists and physicists must have an acquaintance with abstract mathematics if they are to keep up with their field, as the mathematical language in which it is expressed changes. Thinking about it, in this article, we want to show some of the most important concepts of Mathematical Analysis involved in obtaining analytical functions to represent the potential energy interaction for diatomic systems. A basic guide for the construction of a potential based on Dunham's coefficients and an example of a new potential obtained from this methodology is also presented

    Closed-form analytical expressions for the potential fields generated by triangular monolayers with linearly distributed source strength

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    The solution of the mixed boundary value problem of potential theory involves the computation of the potential field generated by monolayer and double layer source distributions on surfaces at which boundary conditions are known. Closed-form analytical expressions have been described in the literature for the potential field generated by double layers having a linearly distributed strength over triangular source elements. This contribution presents the corresponding expression for the linearly distributed monolayer strength. The solution is shown to be valid for all observation points in space, including those on the interior, edges and vertices of the source triangle

    Exact solutions of κ-dependent Schrödinger equation with quantum pseudo-harmonic oscillator and its applications for the thermodynamic properties in normal and superstatistics

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    The effects of the curvature parameters on the energy eigenvalues and thermodynamic properties of quantum pseudoharmonic oscillator are investigated within the framework of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. By employing Nikiforov-Uvarov method, the energy spectra are obtained and used to study the ordinary statistics and q-deformed superstatistics as a function of temperature in the presence and absence of the curvature parameters. It is shown that the q-deformed supertatistics properties of the quantum pseudoharmonic oscillator reduce to the ordinary statistical properties in the absence of the deformation parameter. Finally, our results are illustrated graphically to show the behaviour of the energy spectra and thermodynamic properties for the three curvature parameters:κ=−1,κ=1andκ=0
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