223 research outputs found

    Aspects of Garcina kola Toxicity to a Wild Strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae from a Brewery Environment

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    Bitter cola (Garcinia kola) powder and its ethanolic extract were assessed for their ability to inhibit the growth of a wild strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from a brewery environment. The iso-alpha acid contents of the G. kola powder, G. kola extract and hop extract were determined as 5.85 mg/l, 6.34 mg/l and 7.65 mg/l, respectively, showing that the iso-alpha acid contents of G. kola extract and G. kola powder compared relatively well with that of hop extract. The antimicrobial activity of both agents, using Humulus lupulus ethanolic extract as control, showed a high dependence on the temperature of assay. At most of the temperatures evaluated (30 – 45 oC), the rates of antimicrobial activity differed. Garcinia kola ethanolic extract and hops extract displayed total inhibition of the wild yeast growth at temperature of 40 oC at concentrations of about 0.039 mg/ml and 0.078 mg/ml respectively. Humulus lupulus extract (hops) had the highest generation time at 450C at a concentration of 0.078 mg/ml. The complete inhibition of the yeast growth by G. kola extract at 40 oC indicated that it had higher antimicrobial activity against this yeast than hops extract. In all the temperatures evaluated both G. kola ethanolic extract and powder compared favourably with hops extract with respect to antimicrobial activity against a wild strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae at various concentrations. These results revealed that the antimicrobial activity of these hopping agents were temperature and concentration dependent

    The effects of malting conditions on the diastatic power of three malted Nigerian sorghum cultivars

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    The effects of malting conditions on the diastatic power of three malted sorghum cultivars (SK 5912, ICSV 400 and KSV 8) were investigated. The three Nigerian sorghum cultivars were steeped in 0.01M NaOH, 0.01M Ca(OH)2 and distilled water, respectively, under air-rest and continuous steeping regimes. SK 5912 steeped in Ca(OH)2 gave higher hot water and cold water extract values than when steeped in NaOH and distilled water. KSV 8 when steeped in distilled water gave peak values for cold water extract during air-rest and continuous steeping regimes. For hot water extract, KSV 8 had peak values when steeped in NaOH whereas SK 5912 gave the least values when steeped in distilled water. Cold water soluble-carbohydrate gave peak values for ICSV 400 when steeped in Ca(OH)2 and the least values were recorded in NaOH steeped grains. The diastatic power of the three sorghum cultivars improved with increase in germination time except for ICSV 400-steeped in Ca(OH)2 and KSV 8 steeped in distilled water which showed decrease in activity on the 4th day in continuous steeping regime. The results show that steeping in dilute alkali solutions gave higher values than distilled water while air-rested steeping regime gave better values than continuous steeping regime. The results from this study suggest that increase in germination time enhanced the diastatic power of the malted grain.Keywords: Sorghum varieties, Malting, Diastatic power, Cold water extract, Hot water extrac

    The haemoglobin regeneration potential of fermented and unfermented Telfaira occidentalis and Gnetum africanum leaves in iron deficient albino rats

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    The effect of 10% supplementation of fermented and unfermented Telfaira occidentalis and Gnetum africanum leaves for 21 days on haemoglobin-iron, haematological parameters and serum ferritin was investigated to determined if the leaves could replenish haemoglobin in iron deficient rats. Iron deficiency significantly (p<0.05) decreased the relative weight gain, haemoglobin-iron, serum ferritin, haemoglobin (Hb), and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), when compared to the iron sufficient control rats. Rats fed with T. occidentalis had a significantly (p<0.05) increased serum ferritin compared to those fed with G. africanum leaves. The levels of haematological parameters of rats in the iron deficient group were not significantly (p>0.05) different from the iron sufficient and leaves supplemented groups. However, haemoglobin concentration of rats on iron sufficient diet, fermented and unfermented T. occidentalis leaves and those treated with FeSO4 were significantly (p<0.05) higher than that of rats in the iron deficient, fermented and unfermented G. africanum groups respectively. Percentage change in Haemoglobin-iron was lower for rats supplemented with the fermented forms of both leaves. This study shows that T. occidentalis has a significant (p<0.05) haemoglobin regeneration potential compared to G. africanum, and fermentation did not significantly (p>0.05) enhance the haemoglobin regeneration potential of both leaves.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Haematological parameters, nutritional anaemia, serum ferritin, vegetable

    Bacterial contamination in a special care baby unit of a tertiary hospital in Jos, Nigeria

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    Background: Nosocomial infections pose a great challenge on healthcare systems. Although surfaces in neonatal wards, umbilical stump wounds and catheter are responsible for a high number of nosocomial infections due to bacteria. The aim of this study was to determine the bacterial profile of air and surface contamination in the special care baby unit of a tertiary hospital in Jos, Nigeria.Methods: Surface and air samples were cultured and antibiotic susceptibility of isolated bacteria were determined.Results: The bacterial profile of air and surface samples showed that Klebsiella was the most common bacteria followed by Staphyllococcus; while the least was Escherichia. Most of the bacteria were isolated from the out-born term area of the special care baby unit. All the bacteria isolated were susceptible to ceftriaxone and meropenem.Conclusion: This study showed that all areas of the special care baby unit of the hospital have bacterial, indicating that these are a potential source of cross-infection from healthcare workers to the neonatal patients.Keywords: Nosocomial, bacteria, special care baby unit, neonat

    Application of High-Voltage, Precision, Low-Power Max9943/Max9944 Operational Amplifier in Industrial Process Control Using ±20ma OR 4-20ma Current-Loop Systems

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    This article explains how to apply a high-voltage, high-current-drive operational amplifier to convert a voltage signal into a ±20mA or 4–20mA current signal for use in process-control industrial applications. The MAX9943 op amp a family of high-voltage amplifiers that offers precision, low drift, and low power consumption device was used as case study]. Experiments are described and test results presented. Current loops are known for their high immune to noise compare to voltage-modulated signals, a feature that makes it ideal for use in a noisy industrial environment. This signal can travel over a long distance, sending or receiving information from remote locations. A current loop typically includes a sensor, transmitter, receiver, and an ADC or a micro-controller (figure 1). The sensor measures a physical parameters such as pressure or temperature and provides a corresponding output voltage. The transmitter converts the sensor's output into a proportional 4mA-to-20mA current signal, while the receiver then converts the 4mA-to-20mA current into a voltage signal output. This receiver's output is then received, interpreted and converts into a digital signal output by an ADC or a micro-controller. Experiment performed using the relationship the relationship stated in equation 5, shows that if the input voltage level rise above or fall below ±2.5v, the op amp device attains its saturation point and its output voltage can no longer increase. As shown in figure 3, where the curve flatten and no longer follow the ideal linearity characteristics that was supposed

    Pterodactyl: Trade Study for an Integrated Control System Design of a Mechanically Deployable Entry Vehicle

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    This paper presents the trade study method used to evaluate and downselect from a set of guidance and control (G&C) system designs for a mechanically Deployable Entry Vehicle (DEV). The Pterodactyl project was prompted by the challenge to develop an effective G&C system for a vehicle without a backshell, which is the case for DEVs. For the DEV, the project assumed a specific aeroshell geometry pertaining to an Adaptable, Deployable Entry and Placement Technology (ADEPT) vehicle, which was successfully developed by NASAs Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) prior to this study. The Pterodactyl project designed three different entry G&C systems for precision targeting. This paper details the Figures of Merit (FOMs) and metrics used during the course of the projects G&C system assessment. The relative importance of the FOMs was determined from the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), which was used to develop weights that were combined with quantitative design metrics and engineering judgement to rank the G&C systems against one another. This systematic method takes into consideration the projects input while simultaneously reducing unintentional judgement bias and ultimately was used to select a single G&C design for the project to pursue in the next design phase

    Analysis of Electrical Porcelain Insulators from Local Clays

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    This paper focused on the chemical analysis of electrical porcelain insulators based on local clays. Test samples were made by conducting some chemical composition test using the Atomic Assumption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The clay samples were also tested for linear shrinkage and apparent porosity. Based on the results obtained, the linear shrinkage values recorded range from 7.29% to 14.29% for Iva Valley formulations, 5.14% to 14.71% for Nawfija and 7.74% to 10.29% for Ekwulobia. It was observed that linear shrinkage decreases as the content of non-plastic materials increases and increases as clay content increases. Iva Valley formulation recorded porosity values ranging from 8.84% to 20.80%. For Nawfija formulation, porosity values range from 10.81% to 17.30% while Ekwulobia formulations gave porosity values ranging from 9.52% to 16.82. Porcelain insulators that constitute the above results were found to have requisite properties that make them suitable for domestic production of porcelains insulators from the clay samples studied

    Stability of candida albicans over long and short term storage in a resource-limited setting

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    BACKGROUND: Candida albicans are widely isolated fungal yeast agents from clinical samples. Several storage methods for fungi have evolved overtime and they are not without setbacks. Preservation method is critical for research,training and teaching.In resource–poor setting,the method to employ must be cheap and easy to maintain with minimal risk of contamination as well as degeneration of the organisms.We thus,set out to study the stability of Candida albicans over long and short term storage in a resource-limited setting.METHODS: One hundred Candida albicans strains isolated from patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis and oral candidiasis were preserved in triplicates using sterile distilled water,Chromagar plate,mineral oil overlay and brain heart infusion broth plus 10% glycerol at -20OC.Recovery rates were determined at six months,12 months and 18 months by sub-culturing onto sabouraud dextrose agar.RESULT: The recovery rate of C. albicans was 100% for all the preservation methods used during the six months storage,mineral oil overlay and brain heart infusion broth plus 10% glycerol for the 12months storage,and only the brain heart infusion broth plus 10% glycerol during the 18months storage.CONCLUSION: Candida albicans can be preserved over long period of time in resource- limited setting where power supply is erratic using brain heart infusion broth plus 10% glycerol at -20OC and mineral oil overlay technique whereas for short term preservation, sterile distilled water and taped culture plates technique can be used. Preservation of Candida albicans isolates in resource- limited setting over short or long term period is possible and affordable depending on the technique employed.KEYWORDS: Candida albicans, preservation, sterile distilled water, Chromagar plate, mineral oil overlay, brain heart infusion broth

    Customizable Ceramic Nanocomposites Using Carbon Nanotubes

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    A novel tweakable nanocomposite was prepared by spark plasma sintering followed by systematic oxidation of carbon nanotube (CNT) molecules to produce alumina/carbon nanotube nanocomposites with surface porosities. The mechanical properties (flexural strength and fracture toughness), surface area, and electrical conductivities were characterized and compared. The nanocomposites were extensively analyzed by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) for 2D qualitative surface morphological analysis. Adding CNTs in ceramic matrices and then systematically oxidizing them, without substantial reduction in densification, induces significant capability to achieve desirable/application oriented balance between mechanical, electrical, and catalytic properties of these ceramic nanocomposites. This novel strategy, upon further development, opens new level of opportunities for real-world/industrial applications of these relatively novel engineering materials

    Serotypes and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolated from Adults with Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Jos, Nigeria

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    Background: Streptococcus pneumoniae causing lower respiratory tract infection remains a global challenge, particularly when it involves drug resistant isolates. It is a cause of morbidity and mortality in developing countries including Nigeria. Several studies documented the prevalence, serologic and molecular types, antibiotic susceptibility patterns; as well as the herd effect following vaccination. This study thus determined the prevalence of the Heptavalent vaccine serotype of Streptococcus pneumoniae in adult patients and the antibiotic susceptibility pattern. Methods: A cross sectional study involving 91 adult patients with clinical features of lower respiratory tract infection were recruited for this study. Serologic typing as well as antibiotic susceptibility testing were carried out on the Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates. Results: Four (4.4%) of the 91 patients had Streptococcus pneumoniae isolated from their clinical samples. Only one (14.3%) of the heptavalent vaccine serotype (serotype 23F) was found. All the four Pneumococci were susceptible to Ceftriaxone, Levofloxacine, Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid but varying susceptibility to Erythromycin and Tetracycline. Conclusion: Heptavalent vaccine serotype of Streptococcus pneumoniae causes infection in adults. Early detection and appropriate antibiotic susceptibility will enhance proper management of patient. Vaccination of children will reduce infection due to the vaccine serotypes in adult population
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