64 research outputs found

    The Organizational Strategies Of School Management In Japan: Focus On Primary School Principals

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    The study examines the organizational strategies of Japanese principals in school management. One hundred principals of primary schools in Hiroshima Prefecture were surveyed in 2007. The samples comprised of the differences between the two groups aged 51-55 and 56-60 in terms of how competency level should be exerted in school. The study was conducted to clarify how principals apply specific organizational tasks in schools. The study used a questionnaire developed to measure the school management skills. The questionnaire composed of a 3 points scale for principal competencies, indicating assessment with the following: low competency, moderate competency and high competency. The principals were considered to be high competent in the area of vision for the organization because of their knowledge of the tasks, the materials to be learned, and their strategies for learning to influence academic success. It recommends that skills must be acquired in order to manage the outcomes of instruction in accomplishment of school objectives. Application of professional responsibilities and leadership in addition to some other tasks can add to the teaching quality. The results provide important information about the relevance of organizational strategies to principals’ work, and issues to consider in implementing standard-based school organizational strategies. These strategies have been adopted in school system in the form of formal teacher training (konai kenshu) and effective leadership

    Assessment of male involvement in emergency contraception in the University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State

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    Background: Emergency contraception (EC) refers to the use of drugs or a device as an emergency measure to prevent pregnancy. Lack of awareness and appropriate use of emergency contraception after unprotected sexual intercourse can lead to unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions. Male involvement in contraceptive practices could help reduce these sequelae. This study assessed the knowledge, attitude and practice of emergency contraception and extent of partners’ communication with each other on pregnancy prevention among male students in the University of Benin, Benin City.Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out on 400 male students of the University of Benin selected by multistage sampling technique. Data was obtained with pretested interviewer administered questionnaire. Data was analyzed with SPSS version 20 and statistical significance was determined using Chi square and Fishers exact with p value set at < 0.05.Results: Three hundred and thirty-four (95.4%) of the respondents, had incorrect knowledge of Emergency Contraception (EC) while 293 (83.7%) respondents had a good attitude toward EC. One hundred and seventy-five (80.3%) of the respondents’ partners have used emergency contraception and only 93 (43.1%) respondents discussed pregnancy prevention with their partners.Conclusion: The knowledge of emergency contraception among respondents was poor. However, most respondents had positive attitude towards its use and majority of their partners had used EC. Therefore, health education program on pregnancy prevention methods is recommended to improve respondents’ knowledge.Keywords: Emergency contraception, Male involvement, Knowledge, Attitude, Pregnancy prevention

    Management of Teacher Education (3) : A Study of the Relationship between the Professional Graduate School and In-service Teacher Education

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze the problems of the relationship between Professional Graduate School and in-service teacher education, and to propose the policies of establishment new Professional Graduate School. The in-service teacher education in Professional Graduate School aims to acquire the higher quality of the professional competency through the integration of the related theories and practices. The Education Faculty of Hiroshima University has the good traditional educational system. Therefore, The new system needs to be established on the traditional system. However, in the new system, there are many outreach activities of teachers of graduate school to enhance the school outcomes

    Management of Teacher Education (1) : Through the experience of instruction on "introduction to teaching profession"

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the ideal method of contents constitution, teaching, and evaluation of the lecture, in a charge of a new lesson subject. Author report the following supplementary contents that present and felt in the lesson called "introduction to teaching profession". 1. Educational environment is changing as follows : 1) The number of student / children whom many teachers cannot understand are increasing. 2) Society is changing from a value system emphasizing "equality" to emphasizing "freedom" into a value system. Vitalization of education is planned by stimulating of such a social "competition". 3) "Latitude" is invented through careful selection of school curriculum, but it does not lead to life with latitude even for the child. 4) Information technology makes progress, but utilizing it in a classroom has not progressed yet. 5) Although the view of scholastic ability is changed, it is fidgety "ability to live". 2. The relationship between the educational reform and school administration is changing as follows : 1) There is necessity to develop independent and autonomous management. 2) The performance problem of teaching staff are increasing. 3) Teaching/learning activities corresponding to each of the children are requested. 4) The crisis called "scholastic ability decline" is appearing. 5) The new problem action of the children is appearing. 6) The parents that are non-educational and critical to school education are increasing. 3. Contradictions that author felt in the lectures : 1) The difficulty of the cultivating of the sense of duty, sense of responsibility as a teacher. 2) The difficulty that impresses the service order. 3) The severity of recruitment situation. 4) The need of relation making with the student. 5) The non-opportunity of the capacity formation corresponding to the school scene. 6) The need of creative practice competence. 4. Keywords that author always emphasized in the lectures. 1) A teacher is a person of integrity. 2) A teacher is a supporter of learning. 3

    Management of Teacher Education (1) : Teacher education for meeting the reform of school organization

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the ideal teacher education for meeting the reform of school organization. It seems that the main role of school principal has been changing from the administrative leadership to the instructional leadership. However, the work-load of school principal has been increasing for the new additional roles. This condition needs the division of the total labor in school. The following policies are needed to solve these problems : 1) Teacher education should breed and equip the middle leader with successful instructional leadership. 2) It is needed to introduce the teacher evaluation system or merit rating system. The salary and personnel administrative system must change to meet the right or wrong of an individual teacher's instructional ability. It is the purpose for introduction of a merit rating system to raise a teacher's ability, to raise educational "quality", and to raise student's academic ability. 3) Independent and autonomous teacher training is important for improveing student's academic ability. This is one of independent and autonomous Management By Objective. 4) Teacher selection and adoption in personnel administration should be the objects of administration evaluation. 5) Principal should contact teachers and students every day, and his/her participating in creation of knowledge should become the nucleus-work. It is the principal's important jobs to make teacher into the creative staff, and to enhance their instructional leadership

    The Meanings of "Networking" in In-Service Teacher Education

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    The purposes of this paper are threefold; the first is to analyze the educational problems in the economic globalization, information and internet society. The second is to examine the relationship between professional knowledge and bureaucratic control. The third is to clarify to relationship between "network organization" and "networking" and to examine the application of "networking" for in-service education. Imai and Kaneko proposed the micro-macro -loop of the meaning of information. This proposition seems to have the same dimension with Okatos' culture change theory at micro level. The meanings of "networking" are to understand and interpret the exchanges of the meaning of information. These processes expand the common idea and community at macro level

    Management of Teacher Education (2) : Focusing on student's ambition to be a teacher and evaluation of teaching competence of "Introduction to teaching profession (Kyosyoku-Nyumon)"

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine teaching competence of "Kyosyoku-Nyumon". It is examined by analyzing two questionnaires about student's ambition to teacher and evaluation of teaching, and one student's report on "did you wish to be a teacher by taking this lesson?" The major purpose of "Kyosyoku-Nyumon" is to teach the significance of teaching. In teacher education curriculum, "Kyosyoku-Nyumon" is the initial subject. So, it is considered that it highly impacts on student's ambition to be a teacher. The results of this paper are as follows : 1. knowing the current situation of teachers (employ standard of conduct, teacher's burnout and school non-attendance), some students are worried about being teachers. But most of them do not care that situation. 2. Most of students need a teacher of "Kyosyoku-Nyumon" to admonish students who have a poor attitude in class. It is necessary to improve teaching competence of "Kyosyoku-Nyumon". To improve their teaching competence, the class size of "Kyosyoku-Nyumon" has to be smaller


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    はしがき 1 / 岡東 壽隆 (理論編) 第1章 学級経営と学校経営 / 岡東 壽隆  第1節 教育経営の概念 2  第2節 学校経営の役割 7  第3節 学級経営のコンテクスト 17  第4節 教育改革と学級経営 24  第5節 学級の統合を図る主任のリーダーシップ 32  第6節 学級経営研究の課題 36  参考文献 第2章 学級経営に関する先行研究の検討 / 諏訪 英広・別惣 淳二  第1節 本章の目的 42  第2節 教育経営学 42  第3節 教育社会学 44  第4節 教育心理学 44  第5節 教育方法学 45  第6節 教育工学 55 (実証縮) 第3章「学校経営と学年経営と学級経営との関係」に関する自由記述分析 / 諏訪 英広  第1節 本章の目的 62  第2節 調査の概要 62  第3節 分析の方法 63  第4節 カテゴリーの特徴と記述内容例 63  第5節 分析の結果および考察 68 第4章 学校経営と学級経営の連続性に関する一考察 : 学校のまとまり度に注目して / 河口 陽子  第1節 問題設定 71  第2節 分析方法 72  第3節 分析結果 73  第4節 成果と今後の課題 85  参考文献 86  付録 87 第5章 教育理念 / 曽余田 浩史  第1節 教育理念の有無 : 学校群の類型化 96  第2節 教育理念についての自由記述 97  第3節 教育理念と学校(教職員)の様子 99 (付録編)  付録1 基礎集計結果 104  付録2 学級経営に関する先行研究一覧 140 (執筆者一覧)研究期間:平成8-9年度 ; 研究種目:基盤研究C ; 課題番号: 0861026