10 research outputs found

    Absence of miRNA-146a Differentially Alters Microglia Function and Proteome

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    Background: MiR-146a is an important regulator of innate inflammatory responses and is also implicated in cell death and survival. Methods: By sorting CNS resident cells, microglia were the main cellular source of miR-146a. Therefore, we investigated microglia function and phenotype in miR-146a knock-out (KO) mice, analyzed the proteome of KO and wild-type (WT) microglia by LC-MS/MS, and examined miR-146a expression in different brain lesions of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Results: When stimulated with LPS or myelin in vitro, microglia from KO mice expressed higher levels of IL-1尾, TNF, IL-6, IL-10, CCL3, and CCL2 compared to WT. Stimulation increased migration and phagocytosis of WT but not KO microglia. CD11c+ microglia were induced by cuprizone (CPZ) in the WT mice but less in the KO. The proteome of ex vivo microglia was not different in miR-146a KO compared to WT mice, but CPZ treatment induced differential and reduced protein responses in the KO: GOT1, COX5b, CRYL1, and cystatin-C were specifically changed in KO microglia. We explored discriminative features of microglia proteomes: sparse Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis showed the best discrimination when control and CPZ-treated conditions were compared. Cluster of ten proteins separated WT and miR-146a KO microglia after CPZ: among them were sensomes allowing to perceive the environment, Atp1a3 that belongs to the signature of CD11c+ microglia, and proteins related to inflammatory responses (S100A9, Ppm1g). Finally, we examined the expression of miR-146a and its validated target genes in different brain lesions of MS patients. MiR-146 was upregulated in all lesion types, and the highest expression was in active lesions. Nineteen of 88 validated target genes were significantly changed in active lesions, while none were changed in NAWM. Conclusion: Our data indicated that microglia is the major source of miR-146a in the CNS. The absence of miR-146a differentially affected microglia function and proteome, and miR-146a may play an important role in gene regulation of active MS lesions

    Advantages of use of the fused silica in coke oven battery brickwork repairs

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    Zak艂ady koksownicze planuj膮c renowacj臋 obmurza kom贸r koksowniczych zwracaj膮 szczeg贸ln膮 uwag臋 na czas trwania remontu, wynikaj膮ce st膮d zaburzenia eksploatacyjne a co za tym idzie straty produkcji koksu. Technologia klasycznego remontu masywu ceramicznego polegaj膮ca na odbudowie ca艂o艣ci 艣cian lub ich fragment贸w, bazuje od lat na wykorzystaniu standardowych kszta艂tek krzemionkowych a ich rozszerzalno艣膰 cieplna jest niezmiernie wa偶nym czynnikiem wp艂ywaj膮cym na czas trwania remontu. Istotnym innowacyjnym rozwi膮zaniem w zakresie prowadzenia remont贸w gor膮cych jak r贸wnie偶 remont贸w zimnych by艂o zastosowanie tzw. kszta艂tek o zerowej rozszerzalno艣ci (z krzemionki amorficznej). Jak wynika ze 艣wiatowych do艣wiadcze艅 zastosowanie tego typu materia艂u wp艂ywa korzystnie na rezultat prowadzonych remont贸w zar贸wno w aspekcie technicznym, ekologicznym jak i ekonomicznym.During repairs planning, the coke plants, points out special care on the production disturbances and production losses connected with coke oven battery brickwork renovation. The classic repairs techniques are based on the traditional silica bricks, which thermal expansion is a large factor for time of the repair. The very innovative step was to use during hot and cold repairs the fused silica, which has zero thermal expansion. As shows the wide world experiences, the use of the fused silica contributes in a very good technical, ecological and economical results of the repairs

    Lysosomal perturbations in human dopaminergic neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells with PARK2 mutation

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    Mutations in the PARK2 gene encoding parkin, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, are associated with autosomal recessive early-onset Parkinson鈥檚 disease (PD). While parkin has been implicated in the regulation of mitophagy and proteasomal degradation, the precise mechanism leading to neurodegeneration in both sporadic and familial PD upon parkin loss-of-function remains unknown. Cultures of isogenic induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines with and without PARK2 knockout (KO) enable mechanistic studies of the effect of parkin deficiency in human dopaminergic neurons. We used such cells to investigate the impact of PARK2 KO on the lysosomal compartment and found a clear link between parkin deficiency and lysosomal alterations. PARK2 KO neurons exhibited a perturbed lysosomal morphology with enlarged electron-lucent lysosomes and an increased lysosomal content, which was exacerbated by mitochondrial stress and could be ameliorated by antioxidant treatment. We also found decreased lysosomal enzyme activity and autophagic perturbations, suggesting an impairment of the autophagy-lysosomal pathway in parkin-deficient cells. Interestingly, activity of the GBA-encoded enzyme, 尾-glucocerebrosidase, was increased, suggesting the existence of a compensatory mechanism. In conclusion, our data provide a unique characterization of the morphology, content, and function of lysosomes in PARK2 KO neurons and reveal an important new connection between mitochondrial dysfunction and lysosomal dysregulation in PD pathogenesis

    Identification of bioactive metabolites in human iPSC-derived dopaminergic neurons with PARK2 mutation: Altered mitochondrial and energy metabolism

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    PARK2 (parkin) mutations cause early-onset Parkinson's disease (PD). Parkin is an ubiquitin E3 ligase that participates in several cellular functions, including mitochondrial homeostasis. However, the specific metabolomic changes caused by parkin depletion remain unknown. Here, we used isogenic human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) with and without PARK2 knockout (KO) to investigate the effect of parkin loss of function by comparative metabolomics supplemented with ultrastructural and functional analyses. PARK2 KO neurons displayed increased tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle activity, perturbed mitochondrial ultrastructure, ATP depletion, and dysregulation of glycolysis and carnitine metabolism. These perturbations were combined with increased oxidative stress and a decreased anti-oxidative response. Key findings for PARK2 KO cells were confirmed using patient-specific iPSC-derived neurons. Overall, our data describe a unique metabolomic profile associated with parkin dysfunction and show that combining metabolomics with an iPSC-derived dopaminergic neuronal model of PD is a valuable approach to obtain novel insight into the disease pathogenesis

    Perturbations in RhoA signalling cause altered migration and impaired neuritogenesis in human iPSC-derived neural cells with PARK2 mutation

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    Mutations in parkin, encoded by the PARK2 gene, causes early-onset familial Parkinson's disease (PD), but dysfunctional parkin has also been implicated in sporadic PD. By combining human isogenic induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) with and without PARK2 knockout (KO) and a novel large-scale mass spectrometry based proteomics and post-translational modification (PTM)-omics approach, we have mapped changes in protein profiles and PTMs caused by parkin deficiency in neurons. Our study identifies changes to several proteins previously shown to be dysregulated in brains of sporadic PD patients. Pathway analysis and subsequent in vitro assays reveal perturbations in migration and neurite outgrowth in the PARK2 KO neurons. We confirm the neurite defects using long-term engraftment of neurons in the striatum of immunosuppressed hemiparkinsonian adult rats. The GTP-binding protein RhoA was identified as a key upstream regulator, and RhoA activity was significantly increased in PARK2 KO neurons. By inhibiting RhoA signalling the migration and neurite outgrowth phenotypes could be rescued. Our study provides new insight into the pathogenesis of PD and demonstrates the broadly applicable potential of proteomics and PTMomics for elucidating the role of disease-causing mutations

    Perturbations in RhoA signalling cause altered migration and impaired neuritogenesis in human iPSC-derived neural cells with PARK2 mutation

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    Mutations in parkin, encoded by the PARK2 gene, causes early-onset familial Parkinson's disease (PD), but dysfunctional parkin has also been implicated in sporadic PD. By combining human isogenic induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) with and without PARK2 knockout (KO) and a novel large-scale mass spectrometry based proteomics and post-translational modification (PTM)-omics approach, we have mapped changes in protein profiles and PTMs caused by parkin deficiency in neurons. Our study identifies changes to several proteins previously shown to be dysregulated in brains of sporadic PD patients. Pathway analysis and subsequent in vitro assays reveal perturbations in migration and neurite outgrowth in the PARK2 KO neurons. We confirm the neurite defects using long-term engraftment of neurons in the striatum of immunosuppressed hemiparkinsonian adult rats. The GTP-binding protein RhoA was identified as a key upstream regulator, and RhoA activity was significantly increased in PARK2 KO neurons. By inhibiting RhoA signalling the migration and neurite outgrowth phenotypes could be rescued. Our study provides new insight into the pathogenesis of PD and demonstrates the broadly applicable potential of proteomics and PTMomics for elucidating the role of disease-causing mutations

    PARK2 mutation causes metabolic disturbances and impaired survival of human iPSC-derived neurons

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    The protein parkin, encoded by the PARK2 gene, is vital for mitochondrial homeostasis, and although it has been implicated in Parkinson's disease (PD), the disease mechanisms remain unclear. We have applied mass spectrometry-based proteomics to investigate the effects of parkin dysfunction on the mitochondrial proteome in human isogenic induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons with and without PARK2 knockout (KO). The proteomic analysis quantified nearly 60% of all mitochondrial proteins, 119 of which were dysregulated in neurons with PARK2 KO. The protein changes indicated disturbances in oxidative stress defense, mitochondrial respiration and morphology, cell cycle control, and cell viability. Structural and functional analyses revealed an increase in mitochondrial area and the presence of elongated mitochondria as well as impaired glycolysis and lactate-supported respiration, leading to an impaired cell survival in PARK2 KO neurons. This adds valuable insight into the effect of parkin dysfunction in human neurons and provides knowledge of disease-related pathways that can potentially be targeted for therapeutic intervention

    PARK2 Mutation Causes Metabolic Disturbances and Impaired Survival of Human iPSC-Derived Neurons

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    The protein parkin, encoded by the PARK2 gene, is vital for mitochondrial homeostasis, and although it has been implicated in Parkinson's disease (PD), the disease mechanisms remain unclear. We have applied mass spectrometry-based proteomics to investigate the effects of parkin dysfunction on the mitochondrial proteome in human isogenic induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons with and without PARK2 knockout (KO). The proteomic analysis quantified nearly 60% of all mitochondrial proteins, 119 of which were dysregulated in neurons with PARK2 KO. The protein changes indicated disturbances in oxidative stress defense, mitochondrial respiration and morphology, cell cycle control, and cell viability. Structural and functional analyses revealed an increase in mitochondrial area and the presence of elongated mitochondria as well as impaired glycolysis and lactate-supported respiration, leading to an impaired cell survival in PARK2 KO neurons. This adds valuable insight into the effect of parkin dysfunction in human neurons and provides knowledge of disease-related pathways that can potentially be targeted for therapeutic intervention