473 research outputs found

    Las relaciones de México con los países de América Central

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    Se reúnen en este libro seis ensayos sobre las poco estudiadas relaciones de México con los países centroamericanos, centrándose en el periodo 1978-1984, que vio surgir y agravarse diversos conflictos regionales, algunos de los cuales persisten aún hoy, y en el cual México ascendió a un importante puesto como protagonista político regional

    Modeling and Optimization of Quality Variability for Decision Support Systems in Biofuel Production

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    Biofuels are a promising alternative to fossil fuel depletion, due to their sustainable production from living or recently living organic matter (i.e., biomass). Biofuel production offers benefits that are not present in non-sustainable resources, like the reduction of air pollution. According to government agencies, biofuel production is expected to increase in the U.S. within the next few years because of government initiatives. In order to become a feasible alternative to satisfy market demand, biofuels require strategic improvements in areas such as supply chain management to deal with the variability within the biomass. Advanced analysis tools might be utilized to integrate biomass physical and chemical properties into the decision processes. This chapter introduces a principal component analysis (PCA) to determine significant factors that affect the operations within the supply chain and, later on, incorporates those factors in an optimization model for the decision analysis. The results show that incorporating quality-related properties has a significant impact in the solution of the optimization program

    Decay fungi associated with cavity excavation by a large South American woodpecker

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    In temperate systems of the Northern Hemisphere, wood-decay fungi are known to facilitate cavity excavation by woodpeckers. For South America, woodpecker–fungi interactions have not been explored. The aim of this work was to identify wooddecay fungi associated with the process of cavity excavation by the Magellanic woodpecker (Campephilus magellanicus), a large South American picid that excavates on living trees. The survey was conducted in old-growth Nothofagus pumilio forests of Patagonia. For freshly excavated cavities, wood condition was assessed, adjacent basidiocarps were collected, and fungal cultures were obtained from wood samples taken to the laboratory. All cavities exhibited softened wood. Four Agaricomycotina were isolated in cultures: Stereum hirsutum was the most frequent, followed by Postia pelliculosa, Nothophellinus andinopatagonicus and Aurantiporus albidus. Basidiocarps around cavities were of two species that did not develop in cultures: Laetiporus portentosus and Macrohyporia dictyopora. Excavations were slightly more frequent in white rot colonized than brown rot colonized wood, but this may be an artefact of differential success in fungal isolation and culturing, since several cavities that showed visual symptoms of brown wood rots did not yield mycelia of those wooddecay fungi. As shown by research elsewhere, basidiocarps underestimated heart rot on cavity walls and revealed additional wood-decay species living on the same trees; therefore, assessments of fungal diversity in substrates used for cavity excavation should be based on culturing and/or DNA extraction. Because fungal communities in the southern Andes are poorly known, decay fungi and their roles in ecosystem development should be studied across different forest areas, where samples from non-cavity-bearing (control) trees should also be taken in order to determine excavation-site selection.Fil: Pozzi, Carla Martina. Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable. Administración de Parques Nacionales. Parque Nacional "Nahuel Huapi". Departamento Conservación y Educación Ambiental; ArgentinaFil: Rajchenberg, Mario. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Ojeda, Valeria Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones En Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Subsede Junín de Los Andes-inibioma-centro de Ecología Aplicada del Neuquén (cean) | Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones En Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Subsede Junín de Los Andes-inibioma-centro de Ecología Aplicada del Neuquén (cean).; Argentin

    Mexico and the Spanish Republic. 1931-1939.

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    This thesis examines Mexico's relationship with the Second Spanish Republic, and analyses the rationale behind the Lazaro Cardenas government's (1934-1940) decision to provide military, diplomatic and moral support to the Republic during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). The Mexican government sent arms and ammunition to Spain when other nations refused to do so, constrained by the so- called Non-Intervention Pact. Moreover, Mexican diplomats organised a covert network to buy arms in third countries and then re-direct them to Spain. Mexico also lent the Spanish Republic its diplomatic backing at the League of Nations, where its delegates defended the Republican cause and denounced both the Axis intervention and the democracies' inaction. The thesis also interprets the repercussions that such policy had on internal Mexican politics, and for Mexico's international position, most particularly with regards to the United States. The Spanish War generated a backlash in Mexico, with the growth of a domestic Right, heavily influenced by European Fascism and Spanish Falangism. Conversely, Cardenas' position concerning Spain ultimately afforded his government the backing of the Roosevelt administration in the final showdown with that Rightist opposition. Extensive reference is made to primary sources, mainly diplomatic documentation and newspaper reports of the period

    Las relaciones entre México y la Unión Europea: una alternativa para la diversificación

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    El artículo aborda el proceso de integración europea, como una alternativa muy importante para la diversificación de nuestras relaciones exteriores. Nos ofrece un rápido recorrido desde la formación del Mercado Común Europeo, hasta la actual Unión Europea, señalando las principales características y contradicciones del mismo, así como las dificultades existentes entre sus miembros para el logro de sus objetivos. En la segunda parte se analizan las relaciones entre México y la Unión Europea y el modo cómo éstas, si bien están aún inexploradas, cuentan con grandes potencialidades para establecer nuevos marcos de cooperación, comercio, inversión y diálogo político.The anicle deals with the process of European integration as an important alternative for the diversification of Mexican foreign relations. It offers a birds eye view of the process entailing the creation of the European Common Market up to the establishment of the European Union. It underlines the latter's main traits and contradictions as well as the existing conflicts, among its members, for the accomplishment of its aims. The second part of the essay analyzes the relations between Mexico and the European Union which despite remaining still unexplored, have a vast potential in the establishment of frameworks for cooperation in the areas of commerce, investment, and political dialogue

    Optimización del proceso de abastecimiento de la empresa Contugas

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    El presente trabajo de investigación propone la implementación de proyectos, procedimientos y actividades que mejoren el desempeño de los procesos de planeamiento y abastecimiento de la cadena de suministros de Contugas. Está estructurado en tres capítulos: En el capítulo I, se describe el entorno en el cual se desarrolla la empresa Contugas y la situación del sector oil and gas, desde los panoramas macroeconómicos internacional, nacional y local; así como a empresa y a su cadena de suministros actual. En el capítulo II, se identifican a los principales problemas en los procesos de negocio de Contugas y se analizan los macroprocesos “abastecimiento” y “plan” de la cadena de suministros de Contugas, teniendo como marco teórico el modelo SCOR. El capítulo III, se presentan las propuestas de mejora en el proceso de abastecimiento: las actividades y procedimientos orientados a reducir y/o eliminar las brechas identificadas en el capítulo anterior; el análisis de portafolio de productos/servicios (matriz de Kraljic) y la gestión de relación con los proveedores (SRM). Finalmente, se muestran las conclusiones y recomendaciones del presente trabajo de investigación

    Formación de lectores en bachillerato mediante la lectura recreativa de textos narrativos tradicionales

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    Este artículo expone la pertinencia de utilizar narraciones tradicionales mexicanas como materiales para promocionar la lectura en públicos diversos. Después de hacer una revisión de antecedentes y dar una serie de pautas teóricas y metodológicas, se reporta una intervención que consistió en un taller de lecturas con adultos en una escuela de bachilleres en la ciudad de Xalapa, capital del estado de Veracruz, México. El trabajo se realizó durante ocho sesiones extracurriculares en el mismo plantel educativo. Se comentan los métodos de evaluación de la estrategia, así como los resultados de la intervención. Se trata de una experiencia afortunada de promoción de la lectura en un espacio educativo