43 research outputs found

    Concomitant drugs with buprenorphine user deaths

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    Background: Buprenorphine is abused in several countries notwithstanding its benefits as an analgesic and as an opioid agonist treatment medication. Benzodiazepines and alcohol have previously been associated with buprenorphine toxicity. This study elucidates the role of emerging concomitant drugs in different groups of buprenorphine user deaths. Methods: All cases in the Finnish national post-mortem toxicology database from 2016-2019 in which buprenorphine or norbuprenorphine was a laboratory finding in any post-mortem specimen and age at death of 15-64 years were investigated for cause and manner of death, concurrent drug and alcohol findings, age, and gender. Results: There were 792 deaths with a buprenorphine finding, of which buprenorphine was implicated in poisoning without other opioids in 271 cases (34 %). In this group of buprenorphine poisoning deaths, concomitant benzodiazepines were found in 94 % (clonazepam 53 %), illicit drugs in 63 %, gabapentinoids in 50 % (pregabalin 41 %), alcohol in 41 %, antidepressants in 32 %, and antipsychotics in 28 % of cases; only three deaths showed no benzodiazepines, alcohol, or gabapentinoids. Polydrug use was common regardless of the cause of death. In the age group 15 to 24 years, concomitant use of benzodiazepines and illicit drugs, and buprenorphine poisoning were more prevalent than in the age group 25-64 years. Conclusions: The unprecedentedly high concomitant use of benzodiazepines in buprenorphine user deaths obscures other possible pharmacological risk factors for buprenorphine poisoning that could be relevant for prevention. Higher mortality in the younger age group suggests particularly unsafe drug use patterns that should be addressed.Peer reviewe

    Alkoholimyrkytyskuolemat ovat vähentyneet, huumekuolemat eivät

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    VertaisarvioituLÄHTÖKOHDAT Suomessa tehdään paljon oikeuslääketieteellisiä ruumiinavauksia ja niihin liittyviä oikeuskemiallisia tutkimuksia. Tämä mahdollistaa alkoholin, lääkkeiden, huumeiden ja palokaasujen aiheuttamien myrkytyskuolemien luotettavan seurannan. MENETELMÄT Tulokset koottiin kuolemansyyn selvittämiseen liittyvästä laboratorioaineistosta ja asiakirjoista keskittyen vuosiin 2014–2017. TULOKSET Alkoholimyrkytyskuolemat vähentyivät ajanjaksolla 279:stä 229:ään (18 %). Lääke- ja huumemyrkytykset vähenivät vuosina 2014–2016, mutta lisääntyivät jälleen vuonna 2017. Opioidimyrkytysten osuus lääke- ja huumemyrkytyksistä pienentyi tasaisesti 38 %:sta 31 %:iin. Buprenorfiinikuolemat olivat edelleen yleisiä. PÄÄTELMÄT Myrkytyskuolemien kokonaismäärä on vähentynyt tasaisesti vuoden 2006 jälkeen. Alkoholimyrkytyskuolemien määrän myönteinen kehitys heijastaa alkoholin kulutuksen vähenemistä. Suomessa opioidit eivät tällä hetkellä aiheuta vastaavaa uhkaa kuin monissa muissa maissa.Peer reviewe

    Quantitative Estimation of 38 Illicit Psychostimulants in Blood by GC-APCI-QTOFMS with Nitrogen Chemiluminescence Detection Based on Three External Calibrators

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    A method was developed for quantitative estimation of illicit psychostimulants in blood, with an emphasis on new psychoactive substances, based on gas chromatography nitrogen chemiluminescence detection coupled with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-NCD-APCI-QTOFMS). Quantitative estimation relied on the NCD's N-equimolar response to nitrogen, using amphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and methylenedioxypyrovalerone as external calibrators for prim-, sec- and tert- amines, respectively. After spiking with 38 stimulants at 3 concentration levels, the donor blood samples were submitted to liquid-liquid extraction at a basic pH followed by acylation with trifluoroacetic anhydride. All but 3 psychostimulants could be analyzed with a limit of quantification (LOQ) of 0.05 mg/L. At LOQ, the coefficient of variation (CV) values for between-day accuracy was 62.3-143.3% (mean, 93.5%; median, 88.5%) and precision 6.6-22.4% (mean, 15.8%; median, 16.1%). In addition, 11 post-mortem blood samples, containing 0.08-2.4 mg/L of amphetamine (n = 5), methamphetamine (n = 4) or MDMA (n = 4), were analyzed by the GC-NCD-APCI-QTOFMS method, and the results were compared with an established electron ionization GC-MS method with appropriate calibration. The agreement between the 2 methods was 62.5-117.3%. Regarding identification, the APCI source permitted detection of the intact precursor ion, or the respective acylation product, for all of the measured compounds. The GC-NCD-APCI-QTOFMS method developed here enables instant quantitative estimation of illicit psychostimulants in blood at reasonable accuracy, without the necessity of possessing the true reference standards for each analyte.Peer reviewe

    Propranolol and metoprolol : Two comparable drugs with very different post-mortem toxicological profiles

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)Propranolol is a widely used beta-blocker mainly prescribed for the treatment of hypertension and other cardiac conditions. This medicine is also a frequent finding in drug screens, but little is known about its post-mortem toxicological profile. Our aim was to examine all post-mortem toxicology cases positive for propranolol in a three-year period, between 2016 and 2018 in Finland, and to compare these cases to those positive for metoprolol, another beta-blocker commonly used to treat cardiac diseases. There were 179 cases positive for propranolol and 416 for metoprolol in the study period. In the majority of propranolol cases (53%), the drug concentration in the blood was above the typical therapeutic range, but among the metoprolol cases this proportion was 18%. Propranolol was significantly more common than metoprolol in fatal poisonings, suicides and in cases with a history of drug abuse. Alcohol, benzodiazepines, antipsychotics and antidepressants were significantly more often detected in propranolol cases than in metoprolol cases. The deceased positive for propranolol were significantly younger than those positive for metoprolol. Cardiovascular diseases as the underlying cause of death were significantly more common among the metoprolol cases than among the propranolol cases. Our results showed significant differences between the propranolol group and the metoprolol group in post-mortem toxicology cases. The two drugs were used by two very different groups of people, with propranolol use being associated with psychiatric conditions.Peer reviewe

    Toxic lifespan of the synthetic opioid U-47,700 in Finland verified by re-analysis of UPLC-TOF-MS data

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    U-47,700 is a synthetic opioid that emerged on the novel psychoactive substance market a few years ago. After incorporating the substance into the urine UPLC-TOF-MS screening used in post-mortem toxicology, the drug was detected in 10 autopsy cases within routine case work. In all cases, the cause of death was accidental poisoning by U-47,700 alone or in combination with other psychoactive substances. The concentration of U-47,700 in the blood samples ranged between 0.15-2.0 mg/L with a median of 0.30 mg/L. In one of the cases with a U-47,700 concentration of 0.27 mg/L, no other psychoactive substances were detected. The stored TOF-MS analytical data from the year preceding the incorporation of U-47,700 into the screening was reprocessed in order to search for more positive cases. The data-independent acquisition of the original screening allowed for retrospective re-analysis of the full-scan data without additional experiments on the actual sample. The retrospective data-analysis revealed two additional cases positive for U-47,700. The first mention of U-47,700 on a Finnish internet discussion forum was in March 2015. After having been detected in several death cases, the drug was put under national control in November 2016 and the last fatality occurred in 2017. The toxic lifespan of U-47,700 thus lasted for approximately 2 years in Finland. Forensic and clinical laboratories need to rapidly adjust their screening procedures in order to adapt to the continuously expanding field of novel psychoactive substances. Retrospective data-analysis is a practical tool for monitoring the emergence of new substances onto the market. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Femoral blood concentrations of flualprazolam in 33 postmortem cases

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    Flualprazolam is a novel designer benzodiazepine, structurally related to alprazolam, flubromazolam and triazolam. In the last couple of years, it has been frequently detected in seizures and in forensic cases in Sweden and Finland. However, there is a lack of published blood concentrations for the drug, which presents difficulties when assessing its relevance for the cause of death. A quantitative method for the determination of flualprazolam in post-mortem blood was developed and validated, and subsequently used to analyse samples from 33 deaths previously screened as testing positive for flualprazolam in Sweden and Finland. Most of the cases in the study were accidental deaths (61 %) or suicides (18 %). The median (range) flualprazolam concentration was 18.0 (3.0-68) ng/g. The majority of the deceased were male (82 %) and the median age was 30 years. The median age in the Swedish cases was significantly higher (35 years) than in the Finnish cases (23 years) (p <0.05). Poly-drug use and particularly the concomitant use of flualprazolam and opioids were very common in the study population. Most of the cases that were positive for flualprazolam were fatal poisonings by a drug (N = 23), and in 13 cases, flualprazolam was implicated in the cause of death. Combining the resources of two countries in which all post-mortem toxicology is centralised provided a more comprehensive insight into the toxicology of flualprazolam. Research on novel psychoactive substances, such as flualprazolam, is required in order to be able to provide scientific evidence on the risks of these new substances for drug administration and potential users. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe