3,916 research outputs found

    The Geometry of Single-Qubit Maps

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    The physically allowed quantum evolutions on a single qubit can be described in terms of their geometry. From a simple parameterisation of unital single-qubit channels, the canonical form of all such channels can be given. The related geometry can be used to understand how to approximate positive maps by completely-positive maps, such as in the case of optimal eavesdropping strategies. These quantum channels can be generated by the appropriate network or through dynamical means. The Str{\o}mer-Woronowisc result can also be understood in terms of this geometry.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, REVTeX

    Generalized spectroscopy; coherence, superposition, and loss

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    We analyze single particle coherence and interference in the presence of particle loss and derive an inequality that relates the preservation of coherence, the creation of superposition with the vacuum, and the degree of particle loss. We find that loss channels constructed using linear optics form a special subclass. We suggests a generalized spectroscopy where, in analogy with the absorption spectrum, we measure a "coherence loss spectrum" and a "superposition creation spectrum". The theory is illustrated with examples

    Equilibrium temperature anisotropy and black-hole analogues

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    When long-range interactions are present the usual definition of temperature implies that two systems in thermal equilibrium can be at different temperatures. This local temperature has physical significance, if the sub-systems cease to interact, each system will be at their different local temperatures. This is formally related to redshifting of temperature in general relativity. We propose experiments to test this effect which are feasible using current microfabrication techniques. It is also possible to display thermodynamical analogues to black-hole space-time

    A minimum control ancilla driven quantum computation scheme with repeat-until-success style gate generation

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    Some two qubit interactions are singly sufficient for universal quantum computation but not without the use of an ancilla. Recent schemes for universal quantum computation have focused on hybrid physical systems using ancillae. In them, the application of resources is shifted to the ancilla system. We consider which 2-qubit interactions are universal in ancilla schemes where direct connections between main register qubits are forbidden. By the use of ancilla driven operations and repeat-until-success style random gates, a single fixed symmetric gate can be universal be control of the number of repetitions alone

    Entangling unitary gates on distant qubits with ancilla feedback

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    By using an ancilla qubit as a mediator, two distant qubits can undergo a non-local entangling unitary operation. This is desirable for when attempting to scale up or distribute quantum computation by combining fixed static local sets of qubits with ballistic mediators. Using a model driven by measurements on the ancilla, it is possible to generate a maximally entangling CZ gate while only having access to a less entangling gate between the pair qubits and the ancilla. However this results in a stochastic process of generating control phase rotation gates where the expected time for success does not correlate with the entangling power of the connection gate. We explore how one can use feedback into the preparation and measurement parameters of the ancilla to speed up the expected time to generate a CZ gate between a pair of separated qubits and to leverage stronger coupling strengths for faster times. Surprisingly, by choosing an appropriate strategy, control of a binary discrete parameter achieves comparable speed up to full continuous control of all degrees of freedom of the ancilla.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Fidelity and coherence measures from interference

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    By utilizing single particle interferometry, the fidelity or coherence of a pair of quantum states is identified with their capacity for interference. We consider processes acting on the internal degree of freedom (e.g., spin or polarization) of the interfering particle, preparing it in states ρA or ρB in the respective path of the interferometer. The maximal visibility depends on the choice of interferometer, as well as the locality or nonlocality of the preparations, but otherwise depends only on the states ρA and ρB and not the individual preparation processes themselves. This allows us to define interferometric measures which probe locality and correlation properties of spatially or temporally separated processes, and can be used to differentiate between processes that cannot be distinguished by direct process tomography using only the internal state of the particle

    Measuring Nothing

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    Measurement is integral to quantum information processing and communication; it is how information encoded in the state of a system is transformed into classical signals for further use. In quantum optics, measurements are typically destructive, so that the state is not available afterwards for further steps - crucial for sequential measurement schemes. The development of practical methods for non-destructive measurements on optical fields is therefore an important topic for future practical quantum information processing systems. Here we show how to measure the presence or absence of the vacuum in a quantum optical field without destroying the state, implementing the ideal projections onto the respective subspaces. This not only enables sequential measurements, useful for quantum communication, but it can also be adapted to create novel states of light via bare raising and lowering operators.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental Hamiltonian identification for controlled two-level systems

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    We present a strategy to empirically determine the internal and control Hamiltonians for an unknown two-level system (black box) subject to various (piecewise constant) control fields when direct readout by measurement is limited to a single, fixed observable

    Controlled phase gate for solid-state charge qubits

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    We describe a mechanism for realizing a controlled phase gate for solid-state charge qubits. By augmenting the positionally defined qubit with an auxiliary state, and changing the charge distribution in the three-dot system, we are able to effectively switch the Coulombic interaction, effecting an entangling gate. We consider two architectures, and numerically investigate their robustness to gate noise.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables, RevTeX
