249 research outputs found

    Endoscopic Mucosal Resection of Primary Anorectal Malignant Melanoma:A Case Report

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    Anorectal melanoma is a rare malignant tumor with a poor prognosis. However, several studies have reported cases of long-term survival. In this report, we present a patient with anorectal melanoma who has survived for 9 years after endoscopic mucosal resection. An 85-year-old man was referred to our hospital for further examination and treatment of an anal tumor 2cm in size. Endoscopic ultrasonography revealed that the depth of tumor invasion was confined to the submucosal layer. Endoscopic mucosal resection was performed, and the tumor was diagnosed as a malignant melanoma. The patient was followed without any additional treatment, which was per his wishes. Although melanoma recurred 4 times thereafter, endoscopic mucosal resection was performed for each recurrent lesion. Thus, he has been alive for 9 years since the first endoscopic mucosal resection without distant metastases. If the depth of tumor invasion is shallow, endoscopic mucosal resection is a useful option among other therapeutic modalities.</p

    Convenient Estimation for Counterion Dissociation of Cationic Micelles Using Chloride-Sensitive Fluorescence Probe

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    Chloride-sensitive fluorescence probe provides a new approach to studying the degree of micellar counterion dissociation (α). The fluorescence of N-ethoxycarbonylmethyl-6-methoxyquinolinium bromide (MQAE) is quenched by chloride ion with linear Stern–Volmer plots. Thus the fluorescence intensity can be used to monitor the concentration of free chloride ion in micellar solutions. The Stern–Volmer plot gave a distinct break at critical micelle concentration (CMC) due to the counterion binding to micelles. The estimated α and CMCs of cationic surfactants including fluorocarbon ones were in fair agreement with the reported experimental values. The MQAE has greater sensitivity to bromide ion of CTAB than chloride ion of CTAC. The α of 0.16 for CTAB micelles was almost constant up to 0.2 M CTAB at 35°C. The α values of CTAB micelles decreased with increasing the concentrations of CTAB and NaBr along with micellar growth

    Use of imaging plates at near saturation for high energy density particles

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    Copyright 2008 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Review of Scientific Instruments, 79(10), 10E910, 2008 and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.298767

    Krafft temperature and enthalpy of solution of N-acyl amino acid surfactants and their racemic modifications: Effect of the amino acid residue

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    金沢大学工学部The Krafft temperatures and the enthalpies of solution of six kinds of N-hexadecanoyl amino acid surfactant (Gly, Ala, Val, Leu, Ile, and Phe) were obtained from both solubility measurements and differential scanning calorimetry. It was shown that the Krafft temperature of N-hexadecanoyl amino acid surfactant increased with decreasing size of the amino acid residue except for the case of phenylalanine. On the other hand, the enthalpy of solution was endothermic and increased with decreasing size of the amino acid residue except for the cases of glycine and phenylalanine. It was found from these results that the D-L interaction was superior to the L-L interaction in solid state of N-hexadecanoyl amino acid surfactant salt for both the alanine and phenylalanine systems. It was suggested by ab initio calculations that the difference of the magnitude of the peptide-peptide hydrogen bonding was the dominant factor for the chiral effect

    FPGA for High-Performance Bit-Serial Pipeline Datapath

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    Abstract | In this paper, we introduce our work on the chip design of a new FPGA chip for highperformance bit-serial pipeline datapath which is customized both in the logic architecture and routing architecture. The chip consists of 200k transistors on 3.5mm square substrate (excluding the IO pad area) using 0.5 2-metal process technology. The estimated clock frequency is 156MHz

    Effect of the side chain of N-acyl amino acid surfactants on micelle formation: An isothermal titration calorimetry study

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科物質情報解析The enthalpy of micelle formation, critical micelle concentration (CMC), and aggregation number of micelles for seven amino acid type surfactants, sodium N-dodecanoyl-glycinate (C12Gly), -l-alaninate (C12Ala), -l-valinate (C12Val), -l-leucinate (C12Leu), -l-phenylalaninate (C12Phe), -l-glutaminate (C12Gln), and -l-threoninate (C12Thr), were obtained at three temperatures ranging from 288.15 to 308.15 K by isothermal titration calorimetry. The enthalpies of micelle formation for these surfactants were positive at 288.15 K and decreased with increasing temperature to ultimately become negative above 308.15 K. The CMC of the amino acid surfactants decreased monotonously with increasing hydrophobicity of the amino acid residue without exception, while with the exception of the C12Phe system, the enthalpy of micelle formation increased. The micellization behavior of C12Phe also deviated from that of other amino acid systems in terms of the heat capacity and the aggregation number. These results suggest the presence of a strong intra-micelle interaction between the side chains of phenylalanine. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Krafft temperature and enthalpy of solution of N-acyl amino acid surfactants and their racemic modifications: Effect of the counter ion

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    金沢大学工学部The Krafft temperatures and enthalpies of solution of N-hexadecanoyl alaninate and valinate, and N-tetradecanoyl phenylalaninate were obtained from differential scanning calorimetry. The Krafft temperature of N-acyl amino acid surfactant increased with decreasing size of the counter ion, with some exceptions. The enthalpy of solution was endothermic and increased with decreasing size of the counter ion except for the cases of lithium salt. The results showed that the L-L interaction in the solid state of N-hexadecanoyl amino acid surfactant salt was superior to the D-L interaction for both the alanine and valine systems when the counter ion size increased. However, the D-L interaction was still advantageous for the phenylalanine system with Cs+ as a counter ion. Both Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy studies and theoretical calculations suggested that the difference in magnitudes of the interactions between peptide and counter ion was a dominant factor for the chiral effect

    A case of rhinocerebral mucormycosis with brain abscess drained by endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery

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    A 70-year-old Japanese man undergoing remission induction therapy for acute monocytic leukemia (AML-M5b) developed fever and headache, and was started on antibiotics and liposomal amphotericin B (L-AMB). There was no improvement, and computed tomography and contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging revealed acute rhinosinusitis and brain abscess. Successful endoscopic endonasal surgery was performed at this point, providing drainage for the rhinosinusitis and abscess. Histopathological findings showed the mucormycosis