19 research outputs found

    Enhanced production yields of rVSV-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine using Fibra-Cel® macrocarriers

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to high global demand for vaccines to safeguard public health. To that end, our institute has developed a recombinant viral vector vaccine utilizing a modified vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) construct, wherein the G protein of VSV is replaced with the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 (rVSV-ΔG-spike). Previous studies have demonstrated the production of a VSV-based vaccine in Vero cells adsorbed on Cytodex 1 microcarriers or in suspension. However, the titers were limited by both the carrier surface area and shear forces. Here, we describe the development of a bioprocess for rVSV-ΔG-spike production in serum-free Vero cells using porous Fibra-Cel® macrocarriers in fixed-bed BioBLU®320 5p bioreactors, leading to high-end titers. We identified core factors that significantly improved virus production, such as the kinetics of virus production, the use of macrospargers for oxygen supply, and medium replenishment. Implementing these parameters, among others, in a series of GMP production processes improved the titer yields by at least two orders of magnitude (2e9 PFU/mL) over previously reported values. The developed process was highly effective, repeatable, and robust, creating potent and genetically stable vaccine viruses and introducing new opportunities for application in other viral vaccine platforms

    Exportation of Monkeypox Virus From the African Continent.

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    BACKGROUND: The largest West African monkeypox outbreak began September 2017, in Nigeria. Four individuals traveling from Nigeria to the United Kingdom (n = 2), Israel (n = 1), and Singapore (n = 1) became the first human monkeypox cases exported from Africa, and a related nosocomial transmission event in the United Kingdom became the first confirmed human-to-human monkeypox transmission event outside of Africa. METHODS: Epidemiological and molecular data for exported and Nigerian cases were analyzed jointly to better understand the exportations in the temporal and geographic context of the outbreak. RESULTS: Isolates from all travelers and a Bayelsa case shared a most recent common ancestor and traveled to Bayelsa, Delta, or Rivers states. Genetic variation for this cluster was lower than would be expected from a random sampling of genomes from this outbreak, but data did not support direct links between travelers. CONCLUSIONS: Monophyly of exportation cases and the Bayelsa sample, along with the intermediate levels of genetic variation, suggest a small pool of related isolates is the likely source for the exported infections. This may be the result of the level of genetic variation present in monkeypox isolates circulating within the contiguous region of Bayelsa, Delta, and Rivers states, or another more restricted, yet unidentified source pool

    Evaluation of a Frozen Micro-Agar Plates of MAPt Antibiotic Susceptibility Test for Enhanced Bioterror Preparedness

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    There is an urgent need for rapid antibiotic susceptibility tests to improve clinical treatment and to support antibiotic stewardship, especially concerning the emergence of multi-drug-resistant bacteria. Nowadays this need is even more profound due to progress in synthetic biology procedures that may facilitate the malicious preparation of engineered antibiotic-resistant pathogens. We recently described a novel, rapid, simple, specific, and sensitive method named a Micro-Agar-PCR-test (MAPt) and showed its performance on clinical as well as environmental samples. The method does not require any isolation or purification steps and is applicable to a wide range of bacterial concentrations, thus allowing a short time to respond within a bioterror event (5–7 h for B. anthracis, 10–12 h for Y. pestis, and 16 h for F. tularensis). Ready-to-use reagents for this assay may add a level of preparedness. We examined the option of freezing pre-prepared MAPt agar plates and thawing them upon need. Our results show that adequate minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values are obtained with the use of thawed 6- and 12-month frozen agar plates. The ability to store MAPt micro-agar plates at −70 °C for a year, together with all other reagents required for MAPt, holds a great advantage for bioterror preparedness

    Rapid Phenotypic Antibiotic Susceptibility Profiling of Clinical <i>Escherichia coli</i> and <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i> Blood Cultures

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    Bloodstream infections (BSI) are defined by the presence of viable bacteria or fungi, accompanied by systemic signs of infection. Choosing empirical therapy based solely on patient risk factors and prior antibiotic susceptibility test (AST) may lead to either ineffective treatment or unnecessarily broad-spectrum antibiotic exposure. In general, Clinical & Laboratory Standards Institute guideline-approved ASTs have a turnaround time of 48–72 h from sample to answer, a period that may result in a critical delay in the appropriate selection of therapy. Therefore, reducing the time required for AST is highly advantageous. We have previously shown that our novel rapid AST method, MAPt (Micro-Agar-PCR-test), accurately identifies susceptibility profiles for spiked bioterrorism agents like Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis and Francisella tularensis directly from whole-blood and blood culture samples, even at low bacterial levels (500 CFU/mL). This study evaluated the performance of MAPt on routine bloodstream infection (BSI), focusing on Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from clinical cultures, including resistant strains to some of the six tested antibiotics. Notably, MAPt yielded results exceeding 95% agreement with the standard hospital method within a significantly shorter timeframe of 6 h. These findings suggest significant potential for MAPt as a rapid and reliable BSI management tool

    Specific and Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Identification Based on LC-MS/MS Analysis

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    This study describes the development of a novel assay for SARS-CoV-2 identification using LC-MS/MS analysis. A multi-step procedure for the rational down-selection of a set of markers has leaded to the discovery of six SARS-CoV-2 specific and sensitive markers, enabling the reliable identification of the virus. A rapid and simple assay was developed, successfully applied to clinical nasopharyngeal samples. The assay may potentially serve as a complementary approach for SARS-CoV-2 identification

    Global transcriptomic analysis of Francisella tularensis SchuS4 differentially expressed genes in response to doxycycline or ciprofloxacin exposure

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    Abstract Objective As part of a research aiming at presenting an alternative approach for rapid determination of antimicrobial susceptibility by quantification of changes in expression levels of specific marker genes and gene sets, cultures of the virulent bacterial strain Francisella tularensis SchuS4 were grown in the presence of inhibitory/sub-inhibitory concentrations of either ciprofloxacin or doxycycline and their transcriptomic profiles were elucidated using differential expression analysis followed by functional annotation. Data description RNA sequencing was performed to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in response to exposure of F. tularensis SchuS4 to either ciprofloxacin or doxycycline, the antibiotics of choice for Tularemia therapy. Accordingly, RNA samples were collected 2 h post antibiotic exposure and subjected to RNA sequence analysis. Transcriptomic quantification of RNA representing duplicated samples generated highly similar gene expression data. Exposure to sub-inhibitory concentration [0.5 x MIC (minimal inhibitory concentration)] of doxycycline or ciprofloxacin modulated the expression of 237 or 8 genes, respectively, while exposure to an inhibitory concentration (1 x MIC) resulted in the modulation of 583 or 234 genes, respectively. Amongst the genes modulated upon doxycycline exposure upregulation of 31 genes encoding for translation-functions could be distinguished, as well as downregulation of 14 genes encoding for functions involved in DNA transcription and repair. Ciprofloxacin exposure impacted differently the RNA sequence profile of the pathogen, resulting in upregulation of 27 genes encoding mainly DNA replication and repair functions, transmembrane transporters and molecular chaperons. In addition, 15 downregulated genes were involved in translation processes

    Rapid Amplicon Nanopore Sequencing (RANS) for the Differential Diagnosis of Monkeypox Virus and Other Vesicle-Forming Pathogens

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    As of July 2022, more than 16,000 laboratory-confirmed monkeypox (MPX) cases have been reported worldwide. Until recently, MPX was a rare viral disease seldom detected outside Africa. MPX virus (MPXV) belongs to the Orthopoxvirus (OPV) genus and is a genetically close relative of the Variola virus (the causative agent of smallpox). Following the eradication of smallpox, there was a significant decrease in smallpox-related morbidity and the population’s immunity to other OPV-related diseases such as MPX. In parallel, there was a need for differential diagnosis between the different OPVs’ clinical manifestations and diseases with similar symptoms (i.e., chickenpox, herpes simplex). The current study aimed to provide a rapid genetic-based diagnostic tool for accurate and specific identification of MPXV and additional related vesicle-forming pathogens. We initially assembled a list of 14 relevant viral pathogens, causing infectious diseases associated with vesicles, prone to be misdiagnosed as MPX. Next, we developed an approach that we termed rapid amplicon nanopore sequencing (RANS). The RANS approach uses diagnostic regions that harbor high homology in their boundaries and internal diagnostic SNPs that, when sequenced, aid the discrimination of each pathogen within a group. During a multiplex PCR amplification, a dA tail and a 5′-phosphonate were simultaneously added, thus making the PCR product ligation ready for nanopore sequencing. Following rapid sequencing (a few minutes), the reads were compared to a reference database and the nearest strain was identified. We first tested our approach using samples of known viruses cultured in cell lines. All the samples were identified correctly and swiftly. Next, we examined a variety of clinical samples from the 2022 MPX outbreak. Our RANS approach identified correctly all the PCR-positive MPXV samples and mapped them to strains that were sequenced during the 2022 outbreak. For the subset of samples that were negative for MPXV by PCR, we obtained definite results, identifying other vesicle-forming viruses: Human herpesvirus 3, Human herpesvirus 2, and Molluscum contagiosum virus. This work was a proof-of-concept study, demonstrating the potential of the RANS approach for rapid and discriminatory identification of a panel of closely related pathogens. The simplicity and affordability of our approach makes it straightforward to implement in any genetics lab. Moreover, other differential diagnostics panels might benefit from the implementation of the RANS approach into their diagnostics pipelines

    ATM-dependent phosphorylation of Mdm2 on serine 395: role in p53 activation by DNA damage

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    The p53 tumor suppressor protein, a key regulator of cellular responses to genotoxic stress, is stabilized and activated after DNA damage. The rapid activation of p53 by ionizing radiation and radiomimetic agents is largely dependent on the ATM kinase. p53 is phosphorylated by ATM shortly after DNA damage, resulting in enhanced stability and activity of p53. The Mdm2 oncoprotein is a pivotal negative regulator of p53. In response to ionizing radiation and radiomimetic drugs, Mdm2 undergoes rapid ATM-dependent phosphorylation prior to p53 accumulation. This results in a decrease in its reactivity with the 2A10 monoclonal antibody. Phage display analysis identified a consensus 2A10 recognition sequence, possessing the core motif DYS. Unexpectedly, this motif appears twice within the human Mdm2 molecule, at positions corresponding to residues 258–260 and 393–395. Both putative 2A10 epitopes are highly conserved and encompass potential phosphorylation sites. Serine 395, residing within the carboxy-terminal 2A10 epitope, is the major target on Mdm2 for phosphorylation by ATM in vitro. Mutational analysis supports the conclusion that Mdm2 undergoes ATM-dependent phosphorylation on serine 395 in vivo in response to DNA damage. The data further suggests that phosphorylated Mdm2 may be less capable of promoting the nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling of p53 and its subsequent degradation, thereby enabling p53 accumulation. Our findings imply that activation of p53 by DNA damage is achieved, in part, through attenuation of the p53-inhibitory potential of Mdm2