158 research outputs found

    Effect of Corporate Governance on Firm Performance in Nigeria

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    The study examined the effect of corporate governance on firm performance in Nigeria. The study specifically investigate the extent to which board size affect firm performance; investigate the relationship between board independence and firm performance; ascertain the extent to which ownership structure influence firm performance; examine the relationship between board gender diversity and firm performance for the period of five years which covered 2013 to 2017. Data were sourced from Annual report and statement of financial accounts of the selected companies. Panel Data econometric technique which included least squares dummy variable (LSDV), random effect model and Hausman tests were employed. The model adopted return on asset (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) as the dependent variables while Ownership structure (OWNSTR), Board independence (BIND), Board size (BSIZE) and Board gender diversity (BGD) were used as the explanatory variables to capture corporate governance. The study found that board independence (BIND) has positive effect on return on asset while Ownership structure (OWNSTR), Board size (BSIZE) and Board gender diversity (BGD) on return on asset. The study further revealed that all the explanatory variables that is, Ownership structure (OWNSTR), Board independence (BIND), Board size (BSIZE) and Board gender diversity (BGD) have significant and positive effect on return on equity. The study concluded that corporate governance have significant effect on return on equity and it was recommended that size of the board (membership) should be increased but not exceeding the maximum number specified by the code of corporate governance for banks

    Variations pattern in selected mechanical properties of stem and branch woods of Khaya grandifoliola (Welw.) C. DC.

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    This study was conducted to evaluate variations pattern in selected mechanical properties of stem and branch woods of Khaya grandifoliola with a view to identifying its utilization potentials. Wood samples were collected from Khaya grandifoliola in the Department of Forest Resources Management, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Khaya grandifoliola tree was felled and sectioned into main boles, primary and secondary branch woods. Fifty centimetres (50cm) length bolts were obtained from the base, middle and top of the stem, two (2) primary branch woods and four (4) secondary branch woods. Bolts from the main bole were partitioned into innerwood, middlewood and outerwood sections of the radial and longitudinal positions at base 10, middle 50 and top 90% of the tree height. Planks were also obtained from the central portion of the bolts of primary and secondary branch and were further converted into test samples. Data obtained were analysed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA. The mean value of impact bending strength of stem wood was 1970.62 J/m2. Primary and secondary branch woods had mean values of 1778 J/m2 and 1812.93 J/m2, respectively. The mean value of maximum compressive strength parallel to the grain of stem wood was 43.13 N/mm2. Primary branch wood had mean value of 43.41N/mm2, while the secondary branch wood had mean value of 44.31N/mm2.The mean value of Modulus of Rupture of stem wood was 65.46 N/mm2. Primary branch woods were 66.57N/mm while the secondary branch woods were 62.88 N/mm2. The mean value of Modulus of Elasticity of stem wood was 11468.29 N/mm2. Secondary and Primary branch woods had mean values of 13599.76N/mm2 and 12069.82N/mm2 respectively. The study revealed that wood from tree branches had similar characteristics with stem wood; and would perform same functions in wooden structures.Keywords: Impact bending strength, maximum compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture, utilizatio

    Access and Utilization of Reproductive Health Services Among Market Women in Ijebu Ode Lga of Ogun State, Nigeria

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    Knowledge and utilization of sexual reproductive health services (SRHS) is an essential component and a link between prevention, care and support. It can empower an individual to make informed decisions about their sexual lifestyle that would otherwise predispose individuals to risky sexual life. SRHS research has been done mostly among the youths but the persistence of reproductive health problems among the married women in Nigerian makes this study pertinent.A convenient sampling technique was adopted for this study. A self-designed questionnaire was used for data collection, which was pilot-tested through test-re-test and yielded a reliability coefficient (index) of .781. Three research questions were formulated and tested. Analysis of data was done using descriptive statistics and regression analysis fixed at the .05 significant levels.A total of 130 participants were included in the study. The findings from this study showed that majority (59.2%) of the respondents had moderate knowledge of available reproductive health, and factors mostly influencing access to SRHS was peer influence (51.5%). Also, 66.2% never used any SRHS except being pregnant, 60.8% never utilized counseling services, and 78.5% never utilized it for prevention of STIs and unwanted pregnancy, while the study still found out that 67.7% were screened for STIs and HIV. Age (X2 = 13.280; P =.009), educational status (X2 = 22.007; P =.000), and years of marriage (X2 = 17.2765; P =.011) were associated with the utilization of SRHS among the market women.The study concluded that knowledge and utilization of sexual reproductive health services (SRHS) is poor among the market women. Based on the outcome of this study, it was recommended that any programme designed to access and utilise SRHS must include all women of reproductive age regardless their age, educational and socio-economic status. Keywords: Knowledge, Reproductive health services, market women, Utilizatio

    Mother-Child Relationship: The Children’s Experiences

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    The purpose of this study was to examine mother-child relationship using children’s experiences. Two groups of children were examined using both structured and unstructured interviews as well as questionnaire. The groups consisted of 59 children between the age of 3 and 7 who were interviewed in their classrooms as well as 60 children between 8 and 11 who were given questionnaires to respond to. The first group of children were videotaped and their responses were categorized and analysed using qualitative method. Also the responses of the second group were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed the children‘s divers responses. The implications of these were discusses and further suggestion were made. Key words: Physical contact, Relationship, Social development, Physical reward

    Effects of Age and Sampling Position on Wood Property Variations in Nigerian Grown Gmelina Arborea

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    Wood properties of plantation grown (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) were evaluated in this study. Eighteen trees from 3 age classes namely: 18, 28 and 36 years were sampled at the butt, 50% merchantable length ML and 90% ML, and were radially partitioned into inner wood, middle wood and outer wood, on the basis of distance from pith. Result obtained was analyzed using ANOVA at 5%level. Mean SG were 0.33 for age 18, 0.41 for 28 and 0.46 for the 36 year old Gmelina. While SG varied inconsistently in 18 year old Gmelina, it decreased significantly from butt to 90% ML in 28 and 36 year old trees. MOR ,MOE and MCS// decreased generally from base to top for all age classes except in 28 year old, where variation in MOE was inconsistent. All properties studied increased from inner wood to outer wood. Axial uniformity in strength properties ranged between 0.50 and 0.64, 0.65 and 0.73, and from 0.49 to 0.82 in MOR, MOE and MCS respectively. Radial uniformity index also ranged between 0.69 and 0.78 in MOR, 0.78 and 0.85 in MOE and between 0.76 and 0.80 in MCS. For all the properties studied, wood uniformity was best in 36 year Gmelina along the radial plane, while 18 year Gmelina had the best uniformity index along the axial plane. Effect of age was highly significant on strength properties and its variation patterns. In particular, there was about 44.8% increase in strength properties from 18 to 28 years and 19.1% increase from 28 to36 years. Woods of Gmelina arborea varied significantly along and across the bole, and should be treated as such in their conversion and utilization strategies

    Effects of Taxation as an Alternative to the Dwindling Oil Revenue in Nigeria

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    The study investigated the effect of taxation as an alternative to the dwindling oil revenue in Nigeria for the period of 24 years covering 1994 to 2017; examine the effect of value added tax on economic growth in Nigeria; investigate the effect of petroleum profit tax on economic growth in Nigeria; determine the impact of company income tax on economic growth in Nigeria. The study employed Johansen cointegration and error correction model technique and specified real gross domestic product (RGDP) on petroleum profit tax (PPT), company income tax (CIT) and value added tax (VAT). The result of unit root test indicated that there is presence of stationarity among the variables at 2nd difference. The Johansen cointegration analysis indicated that there is a longrun relationship between tax variable and economic growth in Nigeria. However, the relationships between the variables were negatively related to economic growth in Nigeria. The ECM result was correctly signed and significant thereby incorporating the shortrun inconsistency in the model. However, the overparameterized error correction model result showed that the variables have short run association which effect can actually be felt in the long run. The result further showed that the short-run dynamics in the model has been corrected; giving the correctly signed and statistically significant ECM coefficient of about 48.73% increase. The result of parsimonious ECM showed that the ECM coefficients of the series is significant and correctly signed, thus validating the presence of long run relationship amidst the variables and that about 57.46% of the short run inconsistencies are corrected and incorporated into the long run dynamics, annually. Based on the result of the longrun cointegration, the study concluded that taxation have negative effects on economic growth in Nigeria but can impact positively if government give possible attention to it thereby serving as an alternative to the dwindling oil revenue. The study therefore recommended that government should ensure that taxation is properly managed in a manner that will accelerate economic growth, reduce inflation rate and generate employment in the country. The study further suggested that government should diversify the economy from being solely oil dependent, to other streams of income generation such as agriculture, solid minerals and gas, otherwise the ripple effect of our over reliance on crude export to the USA, will be devastating to the economy

    An Examination of The Distribution of Teachers’ Trust in Pupils and Parents in Nursery and Lower Primary Sections of Schools in Ibadan South-West Local Government Area of Oyo State.

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    This study investigated teachers’ trust in pupils and parents in the nursery and lower sections of   ten primary schools in Ibadan south west local government area of Oyo state (0-8years). Specifically, the study sought to know the level of trust teachers have in parents and pupils in their schools. It also attempted to find out the influence of teacher gender and class taught on the level of trust exhibited by the teachers to parents and pupils. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. Questionnaires whose reliability coefficient (using the Cronbach Alpha scale) was 0.73 were used to collect the data for the study. Two hundred teachers were randomly selected for the study.Results revealed that the level of trust teachers have in pupils and their parents is fairly high and that teacher gender and class do not influence the level of trust they have in parents and pupils in their respective schools. However, majority of teachers fear that pupils may cheat if they have the opportunity, which is an indication that teachers may not always trust pupils to do honest work. This is a reflection of the level of examination malpractices in the nation which teachers and parents really need to look into at this foundational level of education. Also, the study revealed that many parents do not attend Parent Teacher Association meetings. Attendance at Parent Teacher meetings is a very strong determinant of parental involvement in their children’s education and this also should be looked into by schools as it may be a tool for curbing dishonest traits in children early enough before they become serious examination malpractices and other delinquent behaviours. Keywords: teachers, trust, parents, pupils, distributio

    Corporate Social Responsibility on the Performance of Private Telecommunication in Nigeria (A Study of Mtn)

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    The study examined the effect of corporate social responsibility on the performance of private telecommunication Nigeria (A study of MTN telecommunication Plc). Specifically, the study examine the relationship between economic expectation of corporate social responsibility and the performance of telecommunication industry; evaluate the relationship between legal expectation of corporate social responsibility and the performance of telecommunication industry; investigate the relationship between ethical expectation of corporate social responsibility and the performance of telecommunication and ascertain the relationship between discretional/ philanthropic expectation of corporate social  responsibility and the performance of telecommunication industry. The project work employed primary data instruments sourced through 40 self administered questionnaires of which all were collected and analysed using the Pearson Monument Coefficient Correlation Model. The result of finding established that there is statistical significant relationship between economic expectation of corporate social responsibility and performance of telecommunication industry (r-cal 0.564, P0.05). There is significant relationship between discretional/philanthropic expectation of corporate social responsibility and the performance of telecommunication industry (r-cal 515, P<0.05). The study concluded that corporate social responsibility significantly impact performance of telecommunication industry in Nigeria.  Based on the conclusion, the study recommended that CSR activities should be considered as a nation-wide initiative in order to support other initiatives and other regions and not just small groups of beneficiaries or customers for that matter. The study further suggested that organization in the community and the individuals should begins to see themselves as inclusive stakeholders in the wellbeing and welfare of the organization and thus less likely to do anything or take any action that may likely hurt the interest of the organization, thereby promoting corporate efficiency and serving as avenues to reach out to more market segment.

    Effect of leaf litters of selected nitrogen fixing albizia trees on the growth and yield of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)

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    There is paucity of quantified information on the plant based organic manuring of Zingiber officinale. In this light, a Completely Randomized Design&nbsp; with five replications was laid out to assess the effect of leaf litters of selected nitrogen fixing albizia trees (Albizia zygia, Albizia coriaria, Albizia ferruginea, Albizia lebbeck and Albizia saman) and control on the growth and yield of Zingiber officinale on the field of Federal College of Forestry Mechanization, Afaka, Kaduna State, Nigeria. The experiment consists of 6 treatments replicated five times. A propagule represented a replicate. The total number of thirty propagules of approximately equal weight (20 g) was involved in the experiment. The same quantity of leaf litters (100 g)was placed at 5 cm depth and 5 cm radius from planted propagule in the heap of about 3 kg of soil. Water (500 mL) was applied per heap before and after planting the propagule. Zingiber officinale growth parameters evaluated include height, girth, number of leaves, leaf area, leaf area index, total fresh and dry weight. Data collected was subjected to one way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and significant means were separated using Fischer’s Least Significant Difference (LSD). Leaf litters of nitrogen fixing albizia trees significantly (P&lt;0.05) influenced growth and yield of Z. officinale. The significant height (37.34 cm)., widest girth (2.68 cm), significant leaf area index (3.28)., significant total fresh weight (72.95 g) and total dry weight (3.86 g) were recorded from seedlings of propagules planted in leaf litters of A. saman between 4- 12weeks after planting (WAP) respectively. Significant fresh weight (69.75 g) and dry weight (3.60 g) were recorded for the roots (yield) of seedlings from propagules planted in the soil incorporated with leaf litters of A. saman. The use of leaf litters of A. saman on the soil enhanced the growth and yield of Z. officinale. Key words: Nitrogen fixing trees, Leaf litters, Manure, Amendment, Growth, Propagule

    Compressive strength in Heartwood Extract of Teak (HWE) treated hardwoods after exposure to white rot attack

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    Wood samples of Triplochiton scleroxylon and Gmelina arborea obtained from Omo Forest Reserve, South West Nigeria were treated with Heartwood Extract of Teak (HWE) and cuprinol-clear. The wood blocks were inoculated with two white rot fungi; Pleurotus squarrosullus and Lentinus subnudus for 12 weeks. Absorption of chemicals were determined at two concentration levels while resistance to decay was tested using Maximum Compressive Strength parallel to grain (MCS//). Data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA and descriptive statistics. Within wood blocks of the same species, absorption of both HWE and cuprinol-clear were not significantly different at both 4% and 8% concentrations. In both preservatives G.arborea test bocks produced higher MCS// than test blocks of T. scleroxylon. HWE was effective in reducing the impact of white rot in Gmelina arborea and Triplochiton scleroxylon.Keywords: Heartwood extract, Gmelina arborea, Triplochiton scleroxylon, White rot fungi, Compressive strength. 
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