31 research outputs found

    Finite-size effects in bismuth nanowires

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    Arrays of semimetallic Bi nanowires, fabricated by electrodeposition, exhibit strong finite-size effects in transport properties as the carrier mean-free path is limited by the wire dimensions. We have observed a resistivity enhancement, a very large positive magnetoresistance, and a resistance maximum that depends on the strength and orientation of the magnetic field and the nanowire diameter. These results demonstrate electrodeposited Bi nanowires as a new medium for studying the intricate physics in Bi nanostructures. © 1998 The American Physical Society

    Temperature dependence of the absorption of magnetostatic spin waves in ferrite-BiSrCaCuO structures

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    Attenuation of spin waves in a structure with a strongly anisotropic bismuth-containing high-temperature superconductor (HTSC) is studied experimentally in the temperature range from 60 to 120 K. A correlation in the behavior of the temperature dependence of the attenuation and resistance is discovered. The explanation of the obtained results is based on the evaluation of the hf surface impedance of the structure within the frames of the model of thermally activated motion of vortices of the magnetic flux.</p

    Temperature dependence of the absorption of magnetostatic spin waves in ferrite-BiSrCaCuO structures

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    Attenuation of spin waves in a structure with a strongly anisotropic bismuth-containing high-temperature superconductor (HTSC) is studied experimentally in the temperature range from 60 to 120 K. A correlation in the behavior of the temperature dependence of the attenuation and resistance is discovered. The explanation of the obtained results is based on the evaluation of the hf surface impedance of the structure within the frames of the model of thermally activated motion of vortices of the magnetic flux.</p

    Temperature dependence of the absorption of magnetostatic spin waves in ferrite-BiSrCaCuO structures

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    Attenuation of spin waves in a structure with a strongly anisotropic bismuth-containing high-temperature superconductor (HTSC) is studied experimentally in the temperature range from 60 to 120 K. A correlation in the behavior of the temperature dependence of the attenuation and resistance is discovered. The explanation of the obtained results is based on the evaluation of the hf surface impedance of the structure within the frames of the model of thermally activated motion of vortices of the magnetic flux.</p

    Size quantization in metal films

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    Quantum size effect, predicted by I.M. Lifshits and A.M. Kosevich [Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, seriya fiz. 19, 395 (1955)], was investigates in a many works. In the basis of analysis of quantum size oscillations of thermodynamics and kinetic characteristics of metal films lies the quasiclassical quantization of component of momentum for isotropy model and quantization [S.S. Nedorezov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 51, 868 (1966) [Sov. Phys.-JETF 24, 578 (1967)]] of chord of constant-energy surface in the case of anisotropy energetic spectrum. In the given work the research of quantum size levels of energy of electrons in metal films is carried out by the method of J.M. Luttinger–W.Kohn. The exact conditions of size quantization are got