66 research outputs found
Two Books on the Victorian Interest in Hellenism
In the 1980s there appeared two books about the Victorian attitude towards the ancient Greeks, or about how the Victorians felt about incorporated the ancient Greek culture. The two books are Richard Jenkyn, The Victorians and Ancient Greece (Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1980) and Frank M. Turner, The Greek Heritage in Victorian Britain (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984). Although they deal with the same subject, their approaches toward the subject are quite different from each other. In this paper, I will pick up two themes from each book-- "Greek Gods and Mythology" and "Plato and his Philosophy" --and see the difference in their approaches
Introducing E-learning to Lower Level Learners of English: A Preliminary Study
本稿は大学の授業における下位英語学習者へのe-learning 教材導入の有効性及びその効
学習アンケート結果を、統制群を用いて比較検証した。その結果、distance learning モデ
ルである実験群では、TOEIC スコアに大きな伸びがみられたが、GTEC テストを用いた統
アンケート結果から「意識要因」のMotivation とIdeal-Self の値が微増していることが分
かった。本研究は学内COE 教育支援経費を受けての予備調査であるものの、教員の適切な
指導と助言があれば、下位英語学習者へのdistance learning モデルにおいて効果的に
The Importance of Using Things Students Have Already Known : Effective Methods for Teaching Unmotivated Students in English Education and Piano Training
Extensive Reading and Intensive Reading: Their Merits and Demerits Reconsidered
近年まで大学の教養英語の読解の授業は、精読中心に行われてきた。しかし最近、主に日本人以外の英語教員によって多読の授業が展開されてきている。それは、Graded Readers 等の平易な英語で書き直された本を、学生が自分の英語能力のレベルに応じて自由に選択して読むという授業形態だが、学生にもおおむね好評のようである。しかし、英文を正確に読むという点では、精読も欠かせない。多読と精読の議論は以前から行われているが、本論ではもう一度、多読と精読の有効性と課題について整理し、1)英語嫌いに悩む学生、2)英語嫌いではないが英語を苦手とする学生、3)英語にある程度の自信を持つ学生に効果的な授業および学習方法を考察する
Another thought on “No worst, there is none”
worst, there is none”の表現方法について分析する。ホプキンズは、20歳の頃イギリス国教
The Survey Results about English Curriculum in 2014: Students’ Awareness of their English Improvement and Motivation
A Case Study on How to Teach English at University Adopting TOEIC
We tried an experiment to see whether or not it was possible to teach English considering the rising emphasis on TOEIC. Each of the three of us was in charge of five lessons out ot fifteen. One taught a section in listening in a language laboratory, another taught a section in grammer and vocabulary, the third taught a section in reading. There was no exam at the end of the semester, but mini-TOEIC tests were administered, and taking the TOEIC was mandatory. Students were evaluated on both their mini-tests and their TOEIC scores. Student evaluations reflected a positive attitude toward the course. Most students favored the standard of TOEIC as a test of course evaluation. Although we realize there are aspects to be improved (i.e., students' listening ability, class-time efficiency), we should continue to develop English ability focusing on the internationally established medium, TOEIC
A Case Study on How to Teach English at University Adopting TOEIC (2) -Evaluation after three years-
Three years ago, we wrote an essay about our new English-teaching program that adopted TOEIC. We gave out questionnaires to the students with questions ranging from what they thought of English in general to what they thought of our new program. In the essay, we discussed some of the results. Even though students' response was relatively positive in this initial survey, we wrote in our conclusion that we would like to renew and reform our classes. Receiving feedback from students periodically would help us improve their English ability. In order to see the change of students' attitude toward English and also toward our program, we conducted the same research last February. This time the results were not as favorable. For example, the number of students who thought their English ability was poor increased and those who showed a positive attitude toward our program decreased. We discussed and wrote what we learned from those results. We raised the question whether there was a gap between what we tried to teach to the students and what they wanted from us. Possible reasons were discussed on why we could not succeed in stimulating the students into studying English further. In April 2003 Okayama University started a new English curriculum, in which the classes for proficiency tests including TOEIC were opened. Similar classes have been set at many other universities. This survey will be a help to the further development of English education adopting TOEIC
Exploring the dynamics of change in students’ English proficiency and self-evaluations: The analysis of GTEC scores and Okadai CAN-DO List across required English courses
本稿は,2つの必修英語カリキュラム(6単位コースと8単位コース)についてリーディングとスピーキングの2技能に焦点を当て,GTECスコアおよびCAN-DOリストによる自己評価を指標として量的分析を行った報告である。GTECテストの結果は,6単位コース(約580名調査協力)の平均値が,8単位コース(約450名調査協力)よりも,2技能ともコース修了時に統計的に高い数値を示した。一方,CAN-DOリストの回答では,コースに関わらず,難易度が低いリーディング項目で平均値が入学時よりも下降したのに対して,難易度の高いCAN-DO項目では,修了時に平均値が上がっていた。対照的に,スピーキング項目では,CAN-DO難易度に関わらず,両コースともほぼすべての項目で,平均値の上昇が見られた。調査結果は,今後の英語カリキュラム改善の資料として使用される。This paper presents a quantitative analysis of two compulsory English curricula—a 6-credit course and an 8-credit course—with a focus on the skills of reading and speaking. The analysis utilizes GTEC scores and self-assessments on a CAN-DO list as indicators. The results of the GTEC test showed that the mean of the 6-credit course (about 580 survey participants) was statistically higher than that of the 8-credit course (about 450 survey participants) for both skills at the end of the course than at the time of entering university. On the other hand, in the CAN-DO list responses, regardless of the course, the mean values for the less difficult Reading items fell below the mean values at the time of entering university, whereas the mean values for the more difficult CAN-DO items increased at the end of the course. In contrast, Speaking items showed an increase in mean values for almost all items in both courses, despite the difficulty of the CAN-DO items. The results of the study will be used to improve the English curriculum in the future
Surveys on English language learning among Japanese university students: motivation, language use, learning content, target communication skills and overseas Experience
本稿では、岡山大学の2023年度入学生(約2300名)を対象に実施した2つのアンケート調査の結果報告とその考察を行う。大学英語カリキュラム改革や科目内容のアップデート、学習環境の整備を検討するための基礎資料の提供を目的として、入学時点での、学習動機、言語使用環境、学びたい授業内容、目標とする英語コミュニケーション能力、海外体験等について調査した。結果として、学習動機は「スコア取得志向」と「コミュニケーション志向」が高いことが示された。また約9割の学生は日常的英語使用の機会がほとんどないことがわかった。一方、約6割の学生が「話す」スキルを優先して学びたいと考えており、半数程度の学生はより高い目標を持てるような意識付けが必要であることなどが示された。This paper reports on two questionnaire surveys conducted at Okayama University on students who entered the university in 2023 (approximately 2,300 students). With the aim of providing basic data for considering reform of the English language curriculum, updating course content and improving the learning environment on campus, the surveys were conducted on students' motivations for learning, daily language use, course content they would like to study, target English communication skills, duration and programs of overseas experience. The results of the survey showed that the students' motivations for learning were highly 'score-oriented' and 'communication-oriented.’ Approximately 90% of students had few opportunities to use English on a daily basis, and approximately 60% wanted to prioritize 'speaking' skills in their studies. The results also showed that about half of the students need more awareness of their English communication skills so that they can have higher goals
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