193 research outputs found

    Model Studies Of The Interaction Of Base-Metal Containing Minerals With Some Biological Alteration Compounds In Ore-Bodied Environment

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    Studies dealing with the complex behaviors of some N-benzoyl and N-formyl amino acids, and dipeptides with base-metal containing compounds were carried out. The results indicate that coordination sites ofN-protected amino acids and dipeptides are different from those of the free amino acids and peptides. Complexes of Zn (II) with N-benzoyl derivatives of L-leucine, L-leucylglycine and N-formyl derivatives of DL-valine, .L-phcnylalanine, DL-valylglycine and Lphenylalanylglycine were prepared in the course of the studies. The possible stereochemistry of these compounds have been deduced with the help of analytical data, infrared spectra (lR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and ditlerential thermal analysis (DT A)

    Evaluation of a constructed wetland for removal of some physicochemical and microbiological contaminants from wastewater in a residential tertiary institution in Nigeria

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    Covenant University is a residential tertiary institution in Canaan land, a large faith based facility, whose population can be more than 75,000 during Sundays religious activities in Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria.  Sewage from this community is treated by a series of constructed wetland located in the University, with its effluent discharging into a canal that empties into River Iju.  This river is used by several hundreds of thousands of people downstream.  The effluent flows through six sets of constructed wetlands, each with four chambers and the treatment process in the wetlands was evaluated by its adequacy and efficiency.  Input and output of the system were monitored.  Results indicated that the series of wetland reduced the total dissolved solids (TDS) by only 8% and conductivity by 11%, while the pH was constant at 6.8.  The microbiological test results indicated a 99% reduction in the most probable number of coliforms (MPN) from 1,600 cfu/100 mL.  The constructed wetland achieved 85%, 79%, 52%, 79%, 66% and 83% reduction for coliform, staphylococcus, salmonella, salmonella and shigella, total viable count, and fungi, respectively.  Results of the colony units/mL, cfu/mL, for these parameters, obtained at both upstream and downstream and at the point of discharge into the canal compared with those at the effluent point showed adequacy of removal of contaminants by the constructed wetland series.  The efficiency of the wetlands can be enhanced further by slowing the flow rate and increasing the number of wetland chambers.  Further work is required to determine the rate of recovery of the polluted canal water.   Keywords: sewage, wastewater, influent, effluent, wetland, water hyacint

    Evaluation of a constructed wetland for removal of some physicochemical and microbiological contaminants from wastewater in a residential tertiary institution in Nigeria.

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    Covenant University is a residential tertiary institution in Canaan land, a large faith based facility, whose population can be more than 75,000 during Sundays religious activities in Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. Sewage from this community is treated by a series of constructed wetland located in the University, with its effluent discharging into a canal that empties into River Iju. This river is used by several hundreds of thousands of people downstream. The effluent flows through six sets of constructed wetlands, each with four chambers and the treatment process in the wetlands was evaluated by its adequacy and efficiency. Input and output of the system were monitored. Results indicated that the series of wetland reduced the total dissolved solids (TDS) by only 8% and conductivity by 11%, while the pH was constant at 6.8. The microbiological test results indicated a 99% reduction in the most probable number of coliforms (MPN) from 1,600 cfu/100 mL. The constructed wetland achieved 85%, 79%, 52%, 79%, 66% and 83% reduction for coliform, staphylococcus, salmonella, salmonella and shigella, total viable count, and fungi, respectively. Results of the colony units/mL, cfu/mL, for these parameters, obtained at both upstream and downstream and at the point of discharge into the canal compared with those at the effluent point showed adequacy of removal of contaminants by the constructed wetland series. The efficiency of the wetlands can be enhanced further by slowing the flow rate and increasing the number of wetland chambers. Further work is required to determine the rate of recovery of the polluted canal water

    Kaizen Cost Management Technique and Profitability of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Ogun State, Nigeria

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    The study examines the relationship that exists between Kaizen cost management technique and profitability of small and medium scale enterprise in Ogun State, Nigeria. It evaluates the nature of Kaizen cost management technique and how it can be adopted to reduce and control operational costs of SMEs. The study adopted primary data and a sample of 269 respondents consisting of small and medium scale enterprises were purposively chosen from Agro-allied, confectionery, general trading and transport business in Ogun State Nigeria. The study population comprised 2,685 enterprises obtained through a preliminary survey of SMEs in the three senatorial districts of Ogun States namely Ogun West, Ogun East, Ogun Central. A structured questionnaire was used to elicit information on relevant variables from respondents. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was adopted to analyze the questionnaire. The result of statistical test of hypothesis shows that there is a significant relationship between Kaizen cost management technique and profitability of SMEs. A further test of significant relationship between cost components and profitability of SMEs using Regression Analysis shows that only fixed cost reliably predicted the average annual profit by a factor of 0.099. Key-words-: Kaizen, cost management, technique and Profitabilit

    Gene-environment interplays between family chaos and emotional problems among Nigerian adolescents: A twin study

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    Gene-environment correlations and interactions for the relationship between emotional problems (EP) and family environment in adolescents in low- to middle-income countries (LMIC) have been rarely investigated. In total, 3207 adolescent twins aged 12–18 (Mean = 14.6 ± 1.73) years attending public schools in Lagos State in Nigeria completed measures of EP and Family Chaos (FC). Model-fitting analyses suggested that genetic and non-shared environmental influences on EP were 21% and 71%, respectively, and the corresponding estimates were 23% and 71% for FC. Shared environmental influences were not significant (8% and 6% respectively). Phenotypic correlation between EP and FC was .30 (95% CI = .27–.34), which was significantly influenced by genetic (A – 49%, 95% CI: 0.01–0.97) and non-shared environmental factors (E – 32%, 95% CI: 0.10–0.54). Shared environmental influences were not significant (C – 19%, 95% CI: −0.13 to 0.50). Moderation effects were significant whereby as FC increased, A on EP decreased (βA = −0.07, 95% CI: −0.12 to −0.02) while E increased (βE = 0.06, 95% CI: 0.03–0.09). Our findings indicate that genetic and non-shared environmental risk factors may mediate the relationship between EP and FC, and that as FC increases, protective genetic influences on EP may be attenuated, whereas environmental influences may become stronger in adolescents in LMIC

    Knowledge, Attitude and Preventive Practices about Ebola Viral Disease among Journalists in Osogbo, Southwest Nigeria

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    The West African subregion presently faces the Ebola viral disease (EVD) epidemic. In order to control this epidemic, journalists need to inform the public. This study assessed their knowledge, attitude and preventive practices. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 93 journalists working in Osun State who completed a self administered questionnaire. Data collected was analysed. Mean (SD) age was 26.4±8.2 years ranging 18 to 49 years. Mean (SD) duration in practising journalism was 7.6±6.7 years (range, 1-20 years). Most had tertiary education (87.1%), were singles (74.2%), Christians (51%) and Yoruba (92.5%).  Despite good knowledge (58.1%) of EVD, most had low risk perception (46.2%). The only statistical significant predictor of good knowledge was religion. In conclusion, most journalists have good knowledge but low risk perception. Efforts to improve the risk

    The Etiological and Predictive Association Between ADHD and Cognitive Performance From Childhood to Young Adulthood

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    Objective: Evidence about the etiology of the predictive associations between a diagnosis of ADHD and cognitive performance over time is scarce. Here, we examine these predictive and etiological patterns using a cross-lagged model design in a sample of 404 participants (74% males) from ADHD and control sibling pairs aged 6 to 17 years at baseline and 12 to 24 years at follow-up. Methods: Data included IQ, short-term and working memory measures, and response speed and variability from a four-choice reaction-time task. Results: ADHD and IQ predicted each other over time. ADHD at baseline predicted lower working memory performance at follow-up. Stable etiological influences emerged in the association between ADHD and cognitive variables across time. Conclusion: Whether early interventions can reduce negative interference with learning at school requires further study


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    Recently, large amounts of waste polymers are being generated in Nigeria. One of the waste polymers is plastic bottles. Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) are produced at high temperatures with high energy consumption and environmental hazard. The purpose of using Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) is to reduce the production and laying temperature and emission of greenhouse gases. Therefore, this research investigated the effect of Dissolved Plastic Bottle (DPB) on the rheological, rutting and fatigue resistance properties of warm bitumen blend thereby reducing the environmental hazard associated with the Waste Plastic Bottles (WPB) disposal and consequently improving pavement service life. WPB was obtained from different waste generation points in Adeleke University, Ede, Nigeria. The obtained WPB was shredded and converted to dissolved form using pyrolysis machine @ 4500C. 500g of 60/70 penetration grade bitumen was heated in an oven with 3% (15g) sasobit until it becomes fluidal. The bitumen was modified with 0 - 17% by weight of the bitumen at 2% interval. Mixing was continued for 1hour to produce homogenous bituminous mixtures. Rheological tests were then conducted on the prepared samples using the Brookfield programmable rheometer. The results indicated that addition of DPB improves the rheological properties of absolute viscosity, phase angle, complex shear modulus, rutting and fatigue resistance of modified binder at both 135°C and 165°C. Therefore, DPB can be used to improve bitumen rheological properties and subsequently resist rutting and fatigue on traffic roads. This can best be achieved upon 7% and 5% modification levels at 135°C and 165°C respectively

    Dealing with impact of COVID-19 on transportation in a developing country: Insights and policy recommendations

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    While developed nations have established policy frameworks for dealing with various macroeconomic shocks, developing countries respond to the influx of COVID-19 on heterogeneous scales, borne out of varying institutional bottlenecks. These inadequate transport facilities are not diversified enough to deal with an impending public health crisis. With the growing divergence in public transport management procedures and societal responses and willingness to adjust to a "new normal" transport procedures in time of COVID-19 and postpandemic, it becomes expedient to learn evidence-based policy responses to transport service delivery. Qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with commuters and operators were thematically analysed to understand the impact of COVID-19 on transportation in Lagos Nigeria. The analysis revealed that increased cost of transportation, financial sustainability, changes in travel needs and loss of revenue were the significant impacts of the pandemic. This study contributes such that transport stakeholders can better understand how to navigate their transportation needs at this time of global uncertainty. The understanding of these impacts advances policy recommendations that are most inclined to the development objectives of developing nations in the time of COVID-19 and beyond. The limitations and suggestions for further research were discussed

    Beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acid on dyslipidemia in organs of alloxan-induced diabetic rats

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    Diabetes Mellitus is one of the heterogeneous metabolic disorders associated with dyslipidemia, a major risk factor contributing to cardiovascular disease. This metabolic abnormality affects virtually all organs. Over the years, antidiabetic drugs which majorly aim at the hyperglycemic aspect of the disease have been used. Therefore, to address this dyslipidemia, omega-3 fatty acid (O3FA) supplement was employed. Its effects on lipid metabolism in the organs (heart, liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen and brain) of alloxan-induced (150mg/kg body weight, intraperitoneally) diabetic male rats were investigated. O3FA (0.4g/kg b.wt/day) was administered as pre- and posttreatment for 2 weeks. The lipid levels were significantly increased (p<0.05) in diabetic rats. O3FA administration significantly reduced (p<0.05) the levels of cholesterol, phospholipids, triacylglycerol by varying extents, in the examined organs without affecting hyperglycemia in the diabetic rats. The ratio of HMG CoA/mevalonate decreased in the liver of the diabetic rats by 28% indicating increased activity of HMG-CoA reductase. This diabetes-induced dyslipidemia was accompanied by a 28% increase in the activity of hepatic HMG-CoA reductase. Administration of O3FA to the diabetic rats however resulted in 10% and 17% decrease in the activity of this enzyme in the pre- and post-treated groups respectively. Also, lipid peroxidation was significantly reduced (p<0.05) by O3FA suggesting that it has protective effect against oxidative damage. This study reveals that O3FAsupplement has beneficial effects in attenuating dyslipidemia observed in diabetes mellitus and could be beneficial as an adjunct in the management of diabetes mellitus
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