232 research outputs found

    Engaging Students Early by Internationalizing the Undergraduate Calculus Course

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    Today\u27s world is global. However, despite increasing numbers and diversity of participants in Study Abroad programs, only 10% of U. S. college students get that experience. There is an ever-growing need for students to become aware of and experience other cultures, to understand why others think and act differently. Internationalization is the conscious effort, begun nearly 40 years ago, to integrate an international, intercultural, and global dimension into the purpose, functions, and delivery of post-secondary education. Albany State University began a Global Program Initiative in the 1990s. In 2016, we extended into mathematics the curriculum innovations of this program. The result has engaged students in a serious way, both in mathematical modeling and in cultural research. We have introduced students to new skills of research and presentation. For the past few years we have offered one section of Calculus II in traditional mode and one in internationalized mode, and we have compared results. In this article, we give details of the process and highlight the success of the program. We end with more recent examples from Spring 2020

    Trade, Aid and Human Rights: China’s Africa Policy in Perspective

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    This paper looks at China’s aggressive hunt for resources in Africa, reviews thecriticisms levelled against China regarding its involvement in the contine examines continuities,changes and the dynamics of China’s Africa policy, and evaluates the prospects of integratinghuman rights into China’s foreign policy. Given growing trade and investment relationship betweenChina and Africa, what is the role of human rights in hina’s Africa policy? Can China integratehuman rights into its foreign policy considerations? Drawing on the history of US’ attempt tointegrate human rights into the United States’ foreign policy, what are the prospects of andchallenges to integrating human rights into China’s Africa policy? Instead of ‘human rights’, mightthe concept of ‘development’ be a more useful but no less effective paradigm for infusing peopleoriented values into China’s Africa policy calculations

    The investigation of succinic and malic dehydrogenases in serum.

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston UniversityThe aim of the experiment is to search for malic and succinic dehydrogenases in normal plasma or serum. The role which these two enzymes play in cellular metabolism, the unique way in which plasma reflects many cellular metabolic changes, the discovery of so many cellular enzymes in plasma, and the vagueness of knowledge about the relation of cellular enzymes to plasma proteins in general, seem to justify the search. [TRUNCATED

    Trade, Empires, and Subjects--China-Africa Trade

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    Since 2000, the interest of the People\u27s Republic of China (China) in Africa has grown steadily. Trade between China and Africa has grown exponentially. China-Africa trade volume increased from 10billionto10 billion to 18 billion between 2000 and 2003. In 2005, total trade between Africa and China surged to 40billion,andin2006ChinaAfricatradewasvaluedat40 billion, and in 2006 China-Africa trade was valued at 55.5 billion. A third of China\u27s crude oil imports come from Africa. In the West, reaction to China\u27s involvement in Africa has bordered on suspicion and paranoia. Policy makers and analysts are concerned that China could gain control over Africa\u27s vast and untapped natural resources. The current struggle over Africa\u27s resources evokes worrying memories of an earlier scramble for pieces of the continent. This Article examines the opportunities and pitfalls that Sino-African trade relations present for Africa. Instead of paranoia, this Article calls for guarded optimism regarding the deepening relationship. While there is much that Africa could gain from the relationship, African leaders and Africans must guard against imperialism of any sort and shy away from arrangements that threaten sustainable development or undermine respect for human rights. Most important, African leaders must push past Beijing\u27s rhetoric of anti-hegemonism and develop clear policies to guide the continent\u27s engagement with China. Drawing on the rich but sad lessons from the scramble for Africa in the nineteenth century, African leaders must avoid the economic, political, and legal pitfalls of the past and position the continent to benefit from strategic relations with countries that could become future partners

    Correlates of Project Success in the Nigerian Real Estate Construction Sector

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    Project managers in the Nigerian real estate construction sector are facing challenges in delivering real estate projects profitably. The purpose of this correlational study was to examine how comprehension, motivation, skills, resources, and communication can predict project success in the real estate construction sector in Nigeria. Understanding these elements was necessary for developing project management strategies aimed at optimizing profitability. The population of the study was project management practitioners in the Nigerian real estate construction sector who are facing challenges in delivering real estate construction projects profitably. The duck alignment theory served as the theoretical framework for the study. Data collection was through a survey instrument questionnaire called the Project Implementation Profile. Multiple linear regression analysis confirmed a significant relationship between each of the 5 independent variables and the dependent variable, F(5, 70) = 216.704, p = .000, R2 = .939 upholding all the alternative hypotheses. The regression model results showed that each independent variable is a significant predictor of the dependent variable, project success at p \u3c 0.05 and C.I. = 95% criteria. Project managers may use the findings of this study to increase the profitability of the real estate construction sector, which would translate to a business expansion resulting in an increased production of houses and housing services. The implications for positive social change may include the generation of employment for skilled and unskilled workers and the multiplier effects, which support the stimulation of sustainable economic activities in the developing economy of Nigeria

    Emerging Market Economies and International Investment Law: Turkey-Africa Bilateral Investment Treaties

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    This Article offers a critical and penetrating insight into the bilateral investment treaties (BITs) between Turkey and countries in Africa. Since 2003, Turkey has concluded BITs with twenty-eight countries in Africa. This Article seeks answers to some very important questions. In the BITs between Turkey and countries in Africa, is Turkey merely conforming to the norms and standards established by Western countries, or is Turkey changing these norms in fundamental ways? Compared to BITs between Western nations and countries in Africa, are Turkey-Africa BITs more oriented towards sustainable development and, if so, in what respects? In what ways are emerging market economies such as Turkey transforming the global economic landscape and international economic law? This Article fills an important gap in the literature on international investment law and the role of emerging market economies in the global economic system. Thus, although focused on Turkey-Africa investment relations, this Article sheds important light on three broader issues. First, this Article offers a glimpse into the way emerging market economies are using and sometimes transforming international economic law. Second, this Article takes on one of the most important issues in international economic law today--the crisis in the international investment law--and examines how different stakeholders are grappling with this crisis. Third, this Article sheds important light on the dynamics of South--South economic relations and how countries in Africa are moving beyond traditional (Western) partners and are engaging or attempting to engage with new partners in Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. Although emerging market economies and emerging market multinationals are playing an incredibly significant role in the global economy and are changing global economic governance in significant ways, their involvement in the making and unmaking of international economic law is frequently ignored or misunderstood. This Article addresses this by offering critical insight into how emerging market economies are using, adapting, and sometimes abandoning established international economic norms

    ESTCube-2 asendi kontrolli režiimide disain ja võrdlus

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    This thesis presents the attitude control problem of ESTCube-2. ESTCube-2 is a 3U CubeSat with a size of 10 x 10 x 30 cm and a weight of about 4 kg. It is the second satellite to be developed by the ESTCube Team and will be equipped with the E-Sail payload for the plasma break experiment, Earth observation camera, a high speed communication system, and a cold gas propulsion module. The satellite will make use of 3 electromagnetic coils, 3 reaction wheels and the cold gas thruster as actuators. The primary purpose of this work was to develop and compare control laws to ful ll the attitude control requirements of the ESTCube-2 mission. To achieve this, the spacecraft dynamics and environmental models are derived and analyzed. PD like controllers and LQR optimal controls are designed to ful ll the pointing requirements of the satellite in addition to the B-dot detumbling control law. Angular rate control law to spin up the satellite for tether deployment is also derived and presented. Simulations of the di erent controllers shows the performance with disturbances also added to the system. Finally recommendations and optimal control situations are presented based on the results

    Africa-China Bilateral Investment Treaties: A Critique

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    The purpose of this Article is to draw attention to, raise questions about, and generate discussions regarding the emerging norms, legal context, and long-term development-implications of South-South foreign direct investment (“FDI”) and South-South bilateral investment treaties (“BIT”). This Article seeks to refocus the discourse about FDI and BITs on developing countries in their role as exporters of capital and in the context of the much-touted new geography of investment. Can South-South BITs play a positive role in promoting development in sub-Saharan Africa any more than the Africa-North BITs? Is China concluding development-focused BITs with countries in Africa? The Article identifies the BITs between China and countries in Africa, analyzes the main provisions and the development-dimension of these BITs, and examines the extent to which they differ from model BITs used by Western countries

    Potentials of Treculia Africana Decne – An endangered species of Southern Nigeria

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    Treculia africana Decne is an important multipurpose indigenous tree species in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. The species is best known for the edible seeds and oil it produces. In addition, it has numerous environmental, socio-economic, traditional and industrial uses. However, the species is declining at an alarming rate and thus, needs priority conservation. This decline is due to a number of factors of which are high rate of deforestation, increased population pressure, non-improvement and non-cultivation of the species. Urgent conservation measures are required to save the species. The conservation strategies could include; mass propagation and plantation establishment of the species, development of early-maturing and dwarf varieties as well as introduction of ‘Ukwa’ trade fair

    Current trends in library patronage by faculties in Nigerian universities: A study of Ladoke Akintola University, Ogbomosho, Nigeria

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    The study, through a questionnaire survey, investigates library patronage by faculties of Ladoke Akintola University, Ogbomosho, Nigeria. Three hundred and fifty (350) respondents were selected using stratified random sampling out of a total population of 700 from six faculties. The study revealed that there was significant relationship between library patronage of lecturers and level of awareness. The study also found out that majority of respondents used the library very frequently and most of the respondents used the library daily for class preparation, to seek information for general knowledge and specific interest. The study identified unavailability and inaccessibility of current information materials, poor reference and document delivery services etc as barriers to library patronage