248 research outputs found

    Digital alloy interface grading of an InAlAs/InGaAs quantum cascade laser structure studied by cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy

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    We have studied an InGaAs/InAlAs quantum cascade laser structure with cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy. In the quantum cascade laser structure digital alloy grading was used to soften the barriers of the active region. We show that due to alloy fluctuations, softening of the barriers occurs even without the digital gradin

    Direct magneto-optical compression of an effusive atomic beam for high-resolution focused ion beam application

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    An atomic rubidium beam formed in a 70 mm long two-dimensional magneto-optical trap (2D MOT), directly loaded from a collimated Knudsen source, is analyzed using laser-induced fluorescence. The longitudinal velocity distribution, the transverse temperature and the flux of the atomic beam are reported. The equivalent transverse reduced brightness of an ion beam with similar properties as the atomic beam is calculated because the beam is developed to be photoionized and applied in a focused ion beam. In a single two-dimensional magneto-optical trapping step an equivalent transverse reduced brightness of (1.0+0.80.4)(1.0\substack{+0.8-0.4}) ×106\times 10^6 A/(m2^2 sr eV) was achieved with a beam flux equivalent to (0.6+0.30.2)(0.6\substack{+0.3-0.2}) nA. The temperature of the beam is further reduced with an optical molasses after the 2D MOT. This increased the equivalent brightness to (6+52)(6\substack{+5-2})×106\times 10^6 A/(m2^2 sr eV). For currents below 10 pA, for which disorder-induced heating can be suppressed, this number is also a good estimate of the ion beam brightness that can be expected. Such an ion beam brightness would be a six times improvement over the liquid metal ion source and could improve the resolution in focused ion beam nanofabrication.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Совершенствование региональных целевых программ – инструмента управления социально-экономическим развитием Одесского региона и его конкурентоспособностью

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    Розглянуто регіональні цільові програми розвитку Одеського регіону; виявлено недоліки діючого підходу до розробки й оцінки програм на регіональному рівні; подано рекомендації щодо загальних підходів до програмного управління, експертизи проектів; запропоновано експертний метод оцінки ефективності цільових програм із точки зору управління процесом розробки та реалізацією програм, своєчасного прийняття рішень. Ключові слова: регіональні цільові програми, соціально-економічний розвиток, регіон, управління, конкурентоспроможність.Рассмотрены региональные целевые программы развития Одесского региона; выявлены недостатки действующего подхода к разработке и оценке программ на региональном уровне; даны рекомендации по общим подходам к программному управлению, экспертизе проектов; предложен экспертный метод оценки эффективности целевых программ с точки зрения управления процессом разработки и ходом реализации программ, своевременного принятия решений. Ключевые слова: региональные целевые программы, социально-экономическое развитие, регион, управление, конкурентоспособность.The paper considers the regional target programs of Odessa region development. Shortcomings of the present approach to the development and evaluation of programs at the regional level are shown, recommendations on common approaches to program management and project appraisal are given; expert method for evaluating target programs is proposed from the view of managing the process of development and implementation of programs, timely decisions. Keywords: regional target programs, socio-economic development, region, management, competitiveness

    Atomic-scale structure of self-assembled In(Ga)As quantum rings in GaAs

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    We present an atomic-scale analysis of the indium distribution of self-assembled In(Ga)As quantum rings (QRs) which are formed from InAs quantum dots by capping with a thin layer of GaAs and subsequent annealing. We find that the size and shape of QRs as observed by cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy (X-STM) deviate substantially from the ring-shaped islands as observed by atomic force microscopy on the surface of uncapped QR structures. We show unambiguously that X-STM images the remaining quantum dot material whereas the AFM images the erupted quantum dot material. The remaining dot material shows an asymmetric indium-rich crater-like shape with a depression rather than an opening at the center and is responsible for the observed electronic properties of QR structures. These quantum craters have an indium concentration of about 55% and a diameter of about 20 nm which is consistent with the observed electronic radius of QR structures.This work was partially supported by the GOA BOF UA 2000, IUAP, FWO-V projects G.0274.01N, G.0435.03, the WOG WO.035.04N (Belgium), the Spanish MCYT under NANOSELF project TIC2002-04096-C03-03 (Spain), the European Commission GROWTH Programme, NANOMAT project, contract No. G5RD-CT-2001-00545, and the European Commission SANDiE Network of Excellence, contract No. NMP4-CT-2004-500101.Peer reviewe

    Hybrid sol–gel double metal cyanide catalysts for the copolymerisation of styrene oxide and CO<sub>2</sub>

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    Hybrid sol–gel catalysts of zinc hexacyanocobaltate and SiO2 were prepared by co-precipitation of the double metal cyanide with silica. Hybrid catalysts prepared at moderately acidic conditions showed the best performance with respect to activity, selectivity and stability. The hybrid sol–gel materials displayed high catalytic activity for the copolymerisation of styrene oxide and carbon dioxide (up to 650 molSO (molZn h)−1) and high productivity (575 gPolymer gCatalyst −1). They also displayed good selectivity to the polymeric product (80–87%), while only little cyclic styrene carbonate was formed as side product. A detailed electron microscopy study of the hybrid sol–gel materials showed that the active phase consisted of thin platelets containing the metals in a molar ratio nZn/nCo = 2.1, whereby the double metal cyanide was closely associated with silica

    70-річчя члена-кореспондента НАН України М.І. Портенка

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    OBJECTIVE:: To study the association between occupational asbestos exposure and pleural mesothelioma, lung cancer, and laryngeal cancer, specifically addressing risk associated with the lower end of the exposure distribution, risk of cancer subtypes, and the interaction between asbestos and smoking. METHODS:: Using the Netherlands Cohort Study (n = 58,279 men, aged 55 to 69 years), asbestos exposure was estimated by linkage to job-exposure matrices. After 17.3 years of follow-up, 132 pleural mesothelioma, 2324 lung cancer, and 166 laryngeal cancer cases were available. RESULTS:: The multivariable-adjusted model showed overall positive associations between all levels of asbestos exposure and mesothelioma, lung cancer, and laryngeal cancer. Lung adenocarcinoma and glottis cancer showed only a positive association after prolonged higher asbestos exposure (hazard ratio per 10 years increment, 1.43 [95% confidence interval, 1.06 to 1.93] and 1.95 [95% confidence interval, 1.36 to 2.80], respectively). There was no statistically significant interaction between asbestos and smoking. CONCLUSIONS:: Asbestos levels encountered at the lower end of the exposure distribution may be associated with an increased risk of pleural mesothelioma, lung cancer, and laryngeal cancer. © 2013 by American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine