191 research outputs found

    The PASS Effect How Peer Assisted Study Sessions Contribute to a Computing Community

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    Computing at UCLan introduced Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) across all their courses in 2016, a scheme which has been identified as 'Best Practice' by the British Computer Society. Pairs of higher-year students (PASS Leaders) facilitate a group of lower year students to discuss and resolve problems during informal weekly sessions which are, in addition to the normal teaching events, scheduled sympathetically with the students' timetables. The sessions offer students extra support, tailored to their needs by identifying topics that they would like to explore further. The PASS Leaders facilitate group discussions or exercises designed to enhance the students' understanding of those topics in engaging and fun sessions. The participants benefit by having a greater understanding of the topics, enhancing their friendship with their peers and Leaders, providing a wider informal support network. Moreover, because of discussions with higher year students, attendees have a greater understanding of what their course is about and where topics fit into the wider context of their degree. There is a weekly debrief of PASS Leaders with a member of staff (PASS Supervisor) to discuss issues raised and offer ongoing support to the PASS Leaders. Troublesome topics are reported to the teaching team, so they can be addressed for future classes. The PASS Leaders benefit as much from the scheme as the students they support. Leaders say that participating in PASS has increased their confidence and has improved their organisational and interpersonal skills, amongst other things. Revisiting topics from previous years can also enhance their understanding of the material. From an academic perspective, the scheme is working well, embedding into the culture of student life. It has fostered the creation of a community across all courses and years, which increases inclusivity and brings a greater sense of belonging to our student body


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    Pasar Raya Amahami, merupakan salah satu pasar tradisional yang berada Kota Bima. Pasar Raya Amahami dari segi konstruksinya sudah sangat bagus dan lahan parkirnya sudah ada, namun dengan pengunjungnya pasarnya sangat cukup tinggi, tentunya ruang parkir pasar tersebut menjadi sempit dengan pengunjung pasar yang cukup tingginya. Untuk menunjang pengunjung pasar yang cukup tinggi ruang parkir yang tersedia harus dapat menampung kendaraan pengunjung maupun pedagang pada pasar. Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui karakteristik parkir Pasar Raya Amahami dan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan ruang parkir apakah dapat menampung atau tidak. Pengumpulan data diperoleh dengan survai di lapangan dan investigasi pada 3 (tiga) titik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, Akumulasi tertinggi pada hari Selasa kendaraan roda dua / sepeda motor area parkir titik 1 yaitu sebesar 117 kendaraan dan untuk kendaraan roda empat / mobil area parkir titik 3 sebesar 7 kendaraan. Sedangkan, Volume parkir tertinggi terjadi pada hari Sabtu area parkir titik 1 yaitu sebesar 330 kendaraan sepeda motor, dan untuk kendaraan roda empat pada hari minggu area parkir titik 3 sebesar 55 kendaraan. Indeks parkir maksimal tertinggi pada hari Selasa area parkir titik 1 yaitu sebesar 0.41%. dengan Indeks parki rata-rata sebesar 0.16%, untuk kendaraan roda dua atau sepeda motor dan untuk kendaraan roda empat atau mobil indeks parkir maximal tertinggi pada hari minggu area parkir titik 3 sebesar 0.29% dengan indeks parkir rata – rata sebesar 0.14%. Kebutuhan Ruang Parkir (KRP) Untuk kendaraan sepeda motor kebutuhan ruang parkir dalam areal parkir Pasar Raya Amahami pada hari Senin titik 1 sebesar 103.5 m2 , titik 2 sebesar 66 m2 dan untuk kendaraan roda empat / mobil pada area parkir titik 3 sebesar 37.5 m2, pada hari Selasa titik 1 sebesar 175.5 m2 , titik 2 sebesar 76.5 m2 untuk kendaraan sepeda motor dan titik 3 sebesar 75 m2 untuk kendaraan roda empat, pada hari Sabtu titik 1 sebesar 106.5 m2 , titik 2 sebesar 79.5 m2 untuk kendaraan sepeda motor dan titik 3 sebesar 87.5 m2 untuk kendaraan roda empat, dan pada hari Minggu titik 1 sebesar 105 m2 , titik 2 sebesar 54 m2 untuk kendaraan sepeda motor dan titik 3 sebesar 87.5 m2 untuk kendaraan roda empat. Sehingga Kapasitas parkir Pasar Raya Amahami dapat menampung Kendaran Roda Dua / Sepeda Motor dan Kendaraan Roda empat, di karenakan kebutuhan ruang parkir lebih kecil dari pada luas area parkir yang tersedia

    Effects of environmental temperature on oviposition behavior in three blow fly species of forensic importance

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    A number of factors are known to affect blow fly behavior with respect to oviposition. Current research indicates that temperature is the most significant factor. However temperature thresholds for oviposition in forensically important blow flies have not been well studied. Here, the oviposition behavior of three species of forensically important blow fly species (Calliphora vicina, Calliphora vomitoria and Lucilia sericata,) was studied under controlled laboratory conditions over a range of temperatures (10 to 40°C). Lower temperature thresholds for oviposition of 16°C and 17.5°C were established for C. vomitoria and L. sericata respectively, whilst C. vicina continued to lay eggs at 10°C. C. vomitoria and L. sericata both continued to lay eggs at 40°C, whilst the highest temperature at which oviposition occurred in C. vicina was 35°C. Within these thresholds there was considerable variation in the number of surviving pupae, with a general pattern of a single peak within the range of temperatures at which eggs were laid, but with the pattern being much less distinct for L. sericataN/

    Gameficação na Educação - O Quizz Socrative como processo maiêutico nos logradouros soteropolitanos

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    Pretende-se com este artigo, compartilhar e refletir sobre o novo paradigma que se apresenta na história da educação do Brasil e do mundo. Realizar-se-á uma breve análise fenomenológica da transição de passagem do século XX para o XXI e sua implicação ontológica, epistemológica e pedagógica em um momento histórico ou um intervalo temporal ímpar na história da humunidade a demonstrar o “conflito” de gerações com “ETHOS” distintos, identificando-as, além de conceituá-las sob o viés antropológico e tecnológico. É notória e angustiante a falta de interesse dos jovens para com a sala de aula, atividades cognitivas e ao que se refere em ensino aprendizagem no “âmbito escolar”, além do que a indiferença aos professores; vislumbra-se o fenômeno do niilismo e a apatia, não obstante, inversamente proporcional às tecnologias de comunicação e informação, a cada inovação tecnológica, surge uma multidão de jovens ávidos em obter o objeto de desejo, o” fetiche da mercadoria”, que causa um prazer indescritível e imensurável. Em especial “games” ou jogos, que a cada instante a oforecer novidades. Dentro deste contexto analisar-se-á o “relacionamento” professor e alunos com a possibilidade de utiização dos games na educação. Separou-se aplicativo “SOCRATIVE” e a maiêutica de Sócrates da filosofia clássica, como propostas pedagógicas e ontológicas, além da mediação e empatia entre professores alunos no processo de aprendizagem. O “quizz” como um convite para uma “tentativa” de “intersecção” de gerações, não apenas uma ferramenta, mais um elo entre interesses e perspectivas

    Coenzyme A levels influence protein acetylation, CoAlation and 4'-phosphopantetheinylation:Expanding the impact of a metabolic nexus molecule

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    Coenzyme A (CoA) is a key molecule in cellular metabolism including the tricarboxylic acid cycle, fatty acid synthesis, amino acid synthesis and lipid metabolism. Moreover, CoA is required for biological processes like protein post-translational modifications (PTMs) including acylation. CoA levels affect the amount of histone acetylation and thereby modulate gene expression. A direct influence of CoA levels on other PTMs, like CoAlation and 4'-phosphopantetheinylation has been relatively less addressed and will be discussed here. Increased CoA levels are associated with increased CoAlation, whereas decreased 4'-phosphopantetheinylation is observed under circumstances of decreased CoA levels. We discuss how these two PTMs can positively or negatively influence target proteins depending on CoA levels. This review highlights the impact of CoA levels on post-translational modifications, their counteractive interplay and the far-reaching consequences thereof

    Thermosensory perception regulates speed of movement in response to temperature changes in <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>

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    Temperature influences physiology and behavior of all organisms. For ectotherms, which lack central temperature regulation, temperature adaptation requires sheltering from or moving to a heat source. As temperature constrains the rate of metabolic reactions, it can directly affect ectotherm physiology and thus behavioral performance. This direct effect is particularly relevant for insects whose small body readily equilibrates with ambient temperature. In fact, models of enzyme kinetics applied to insect behavior predict performance at different temperatures, suggesting that thermal physiology governs behavior. However, insects also possess thermosensory neurons critical for locating preferred temperatures, showing cognitive control. This suggests that temperature-related behavior can emerge directly from a physiological effect, indirectly as consequence of thermosensory processing, or through both. To separate the roles of thermal physiology and cognitive control, we developed an arena that allows fast temperature changes in time and space, and in which animals' movements are automatically quantified. We exposed wild-type and thermosensory receptor mutants Drosophila melanogaster to a dynamic temperature environment and tracked their movements. The locomotor speed of wild-type flies closely matched models of enzyme kinetics, but the behavior of thermosensory mutants did not. Mutations in thermosensory receptor dTrpA1 (Transient receptor potential) expressed in the brain resulted in a complete lack of response to temperature changes, while mutation in peripheral thermosensory receptor Gr28b(D) resulted in diminished response. We conclude that flies react to temperature through cognitive control, informed by interactions between various thermosensory neurons, whose behavioral output resembles that of enzyme kinetics

    Specific protein homeostatic functions of small heat-shock proteins increase lifespan

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    During aging, oxidized, misfolded, and aggregated proteins accumulate in cells, while the capacity to deal with protein damage declines severely. To cope with the toxicity of damaged proteins, cells rely on protein quality control networks, in particular proteins belonging to the family of heat-shock proteins (HSPs). As safeguards of the cellular proteome, HSPs assist in protein folding and prevent accumulation of damaged, misfolded proteins. Here, we compared the capacity of all Drosophila melanogaster small HSP family members for their ability to assist in refolding stress-denatured substrates and/or to prevent aggregation of disease-associated misfolded proteins. We identified CG14207 as a novel and potent small HSP member that exclusively assisted in HSP70-dependent refolding of stress-denatured proteins. Furthermore, we report that HSP67BC, which has no role in protein refolding, was the most effective small HSP preventing toxic protein aggregation in an HSP70-independent manner. Importantly, overexpression of both CG14207 and HSP67BC in Drosophila leads to a mild increase in lifespan, demonstrating that increased levels of functionally diverse small HSPs can promote longevity in vivo