6 research outputs found

    Intentional Work Group Experiences: A Pedagogical Tool for Counselor Educators

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    Work groups “promote efficient and effective accomplishment of group tasks among people who are gathered to accomplish group goals” (ASGW, 2000, p. 3). Due to the prevalence of use in actual counseling settings, counselor educators frequently use work groups as a pedagogical tool in educating counselors-in-training. This article introduces a classroom intervention designed to help counseling students develop self-awareness and skills pertaining to participating in work groups. Using constructivist pedagogy as our theoretical basis we will describe the intervention and the qualitative approach we incorporated to evaluate the intervention’s impact in the classroom. Results and discussion including contextualization, limitations, implications, and suggestions for future research will follow in the remainder of this article

    Cultivating an Environment Inclusive of Students with Varying Developmental, Emotional, and Learning Needs

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    The learning needs of students today represent a unique shift in the way we think about student preparedness for the academic experience and our duty to create the optimal learning environment for them. This presentation provides different ways Department Chairs have led faculty to help students with varying needs find success in higher education

    An Experiential Approach to Mentoring Academic Leaders: Review, Practice, Report

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    This session presents a leadership development program where new department chairs discuss best practices and realistic challenges with seasoned chairs, helping all to improve their leadership skills through a supportive group process. The program includes a summer book study, monthly meetings, a department chair handbook, and leadership resources

    Interim Leadership Positions: The Kobayashi Maru of Academia?

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    Leading a department through a transition such as reorganization or restructuring is difficult. When the unit leader is in an interim position, this is even more complicated. This presentation will be led by faculty who were all in interim leadership positions during major transitions in leadership, restructuring, and staff layoffs

    Higher Education in the Age of COVID-19: Leadership Challenges and Strategies

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    Reduced state appropriations and academic program prioritization compounded the pressure on institutions of higher education while responding to COVID-19. This situation has put leaders in uniquely challenging positions. This article, drawing on autoethnographic approaches, summarizes the first-person experiences of women leaders in this setting. Particularly, their reflections regarding the experiences of planning and implementing their COVID-19 responses will be discussed. Recommendations to address the challenges faced will also be illuminated

    Intentional Work Group Experiences: A Pedagogical Tool for Counselor Educators

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    Work groups “promote efficient and effective accomplishment of group tasks among people who are gathered to accomplish group goals” (ASGW, 2000, p. 3). Due to the prevalence of use in actual counseling settings, counselor educators frequently use work groups as a pedagogical tool in educating counselors-in-training. This article introduces a classroom intervention designed to help counseling students develop self-awareness and skills pertaining to participating in work groups. Using constructivist pedagogy as our theoretical basis we will describe the intervention and the qualitative approach we incorporated to evaluate the intervention’s impact in the classroom. Results and discussion including contextualization, limitations, implications, and suggestions for future research will follow in the remainder of this article