5,823 research outputs found

    Searching for Very High Energy Emission from Pulsars Using the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory

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    There are currently over 160 known gamma-ray pulsars. While most of them are detected only from space, at least two are now seen also from the ground. MAGIC and VERITAS have measured the gamma ray pulsed emission of the Crab pulsar up to hundreds of GeV and more recently MAGIC has reported emission at 2\sim2 TeV. Furthermore, in the Southern Hemisphere, H.E.S.S. has detected the Vela pulsar above 30 GeV. In addition, non-pulsed TeV emission coincident with pulsars has been detected by many groups, including the Milagro Collaboration. These GeV-TeV observations open the possibility of searching for very-high-energy (VHE, > 100GeV) pulsations from gamma-rays pulsars in the HAWC field of view.Comment: Presented at the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. See arXiv:1508.03327 for all HAWC contribution

    Additional Dimensions to the Study of Funnels in Combinatorial Landscapes

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    The global structure of travelling salesman's fitness landscapes has recently revealed the presence of multiple `funnels'. This implies that local optima are organised into several clusters, so that a particular local optimum largely belongs to a particular funnel. Such a global structure can increase search difficulty, especially, when the global optimum is located in a deep, narrow funnel. Our study brings more precision (and dimensions) to the notion of funnels with a data-driven approach using Local Optima Networks and the Chained Lin-Kernighan heuristic. We start by exploring the funnel 'floors', characterising them using the notion of communities from complex networks. We then analyse the more complex funnel 'basins'. Since their depth is relevant to search, we visualise them in 3D. Our study, across a set of TSP instances, reveals a multi-funnel structure in most of them. However, the specific topology varies across instances and relates to search difficulty. Finally, including a stronger perturbation into Chained Lin-Kernighan proved to smooth the funnel structure, reducing the number of funnels and enlarging the valley leading to global optima

    A Microservice Infrastructure for Distributed Communities of Practice

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    Non-formal learning in Communities of Practice (CoPs) makes up a significant portion of today’s knowledge gain. However, only little technological support is tailored specifically towards CoPs and their particular strengths and challenges. Even worse, CoPs often do not possess the resources to host or even develop a software ecosystem to support their activities. In this paper, we describe a distributed, microservice-based Web infrastructure for non-formal learning in CoPs. It mitigates the need for central infrastructures, coordination or facilitation and takes into account the constant change of these communities. As a real use case, we implement an inquiry-based learning application on-top of our infrastructure. Our evaluation results indicate the usefulness of this learning application, which shows promise for future work in the domain of community-hosted, microservice-based Web infrastructures for learning outside of formal settings

    The bile duct ligated rat : a relevant model to study muscle mass loss in cirrhosis

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    Muscle mass loss and hepatic encephalopathy (complex neuropsychiatric disorder) are serious complications of chronic liver disease (cirrhosis) which impact negatively on clinical outcome and quality of life and increase mortality. Liver disease leads to hyperammonemia and ammonia toxicity is believed to play a major role in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy. However, the effects of ammonia are not brain-specific and therefore may also affect other organs and tissues including muscle. The precise pathophysiological mechanisms underlying muscle wasting in chronic liver disease remains to be elucidated. In the present study, we characterized body composition as well as muscle protein synthesis in cirrhotic rats with hepatic encephalopathy using the 6-week bile duct ligation (BDL) model which recapitulates the main features of cirrhosis. Compared to sham-operated control animals, BDL rats display significant decreased gain in body weight, altered body composition, decreased gastrocnemius muscle mass and circumference as well as altered muscle morphology. Muscle protein synthesis was also significantly reduced in BDL rats compared to control animals. These findings demonstrate that the 6-week BDL experimental rat is a relevant model to study liver disease-induced muscle mass loss

    Recovery of Total Chromium from Tannery Wastewater by Carbonization Application

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    A carbonization process was carried out for the recovery of chromium from wastewater by chemical treatment with sodium hydroxide as a basic solution in contact with the precursor material at different concentrations [1:0.15 (%w/w) - 1:0.20 (%w/w)]. The physical treatment was carried out with carbonization at 700∘C for a period of 2 hours. The obtained samples were characterized by elemental analysis, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), atomic absorption spectroscopy, and surface area analysis (BET) to validate the evidence of metal recovery. The results indicate that the percentage of total chromium recovery was 47.62% with respect to the uncarbonized material, establishing that the best carbonization variables are at 700∘C and concentration 1:0.20% w/w for 2 hours. Keywords: tannery industry, carbonization, recovery, total chromium. Resumen Se realizó un proceso de carbonización para la recuperación de cromo a partir de aguas residuales mediante un tratamiento químico con hidróxido de sodio como solución básica en contacto con el material precursor a diferentes concentraciones [1:0,15 (%p/p)- 1:0,20 (%p/p)], el tratamiento físico se realizó con la carbonización a 700∘C por un lapso de 2 horas. Las muestras obtenidas se caracterizaron mediante análisis elemental, análisis termogravimétrico (TGA), espectroscopia infrarroja por transformada de Fourier (FT-IR), espectroscopia de absorción atómica y análisis de área superficial (BET) para validar la evidencia de la recuperación del metal. Los resultados indican que el porcentaje de recuperación de cromo total es de 47,62% respecto del material sin carbonizar estableciendo que las mejores variables de carbonización son 700 ∘C y concentración 1:0.20 %p/p por 2 horas. Palabras Clave: Industria curtiembre, carbonización, recuperación, cromo total

    Electron spin relaxation in graphene with random Rashba field: Comparison of D'yakonov-Perel' and Elliott-Yafet--like mechanisms

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    Aiming to understand the main spin relaxation mechanism in graphene, we investigate the spin relaxation with random Rashba field induced by both adatoms and substrate, by means of the kinetic spin Bloch equation approach. The charged adatoms on one hand enhance the Rashba spin-orbit coupling locally and on the other hand serve as Coulomb potential scatterers. Both effects contribute to spin relaxation limited by the D'yakonov-Perel' mechanism. In addition, the random Rashba field also causes spin relaxation by spin-flip scattering, manifesting itself as an Elliott-Yafet--like mechanism. Both mechanisms are sensitive to the correlation length of the random Rashba field, which may be affected by the environmental parameters such as electron density and temperature. By fitting and comparing the experiments from the Groningen group [J\'ozsa {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 80}, 241403(R) (2009)] and Riverside group [Pi {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 104}, 187201 (2010); Han and Kawakami, {\it ibid.} {\bf 107}, 047207 (2011)] which show either D'yakonov-Perel'-- (with the spin relaxation rate being inversely proportional to the momentum scattering rate) or Elliott-Yafet--like (with the spin relaxation rate being proportional to the momentum scattering rate) properties, we suggest that the D'yakonov-Perel' mechanism dominates the spin relaxation in graphene. The latest experimental finding of a nonmonotonic dependence of spin relaxation time on diffusion coefficient by Jo {\it et al.} [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 84}, 075453 (2011)] is also well reproduced by our model.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, to be published in New J. Phy

    Perturbation strength and the global structure of qap fitness landscapes

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    We study the effect of increasing the perturbation strength on the global structure of QAP fitness landscapes induced by Iterated Local Search (ILS). The global structure is captured with Local Optima Networks. Our analysis concentrates on the number, characteristics and distribution of funnels in the landscape, and how they change with increasing perturbation strengths. Well-known QAP instance types are considered. Our results confirm the multi-funnel structure of QAP fitness landscapes and clearly explain, visually and quantitatively, why ILS with large perturbation strengths produces better results. Moreover, we found striking differences between randomly generated and real-world instances, which warns about using synthetic benchmarks for (manual or automatic) algorithm design and tuning