236 research outputs found

    The Significance of Teaching Practice in Pre-service Science Teacher Education: Focusing on the Integration of Theory and Practice

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    Teaching practice is a core part of pre-service teacher education/training, however, in Japan it is not regarded as an important activity compared with foreign countries because of the short period of teaching practice in Japan. The aim of this study is to explore what is the significance of teaching practice for science teacher education. For this purpose, first, the author analyzed previous literatures about teaching practice. Second, the author investigated how to integrate theory and practice from the international perspectives. As a result, the author found that integration of theory and practice has been emphasized coherently since the early 1950s, and the integration in teaching practice was important for prospective teachers to learn how to enhance their own teaching competencies toward continuing professional development. In addition, the author pointed out that CoRe, which is developed to explicit teacher’s knowledge, is quite effective to conduct teaching practice using pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) as a framework.本研究の基盤となる考えは,日本理科教育学会第65回全国大会,日本理科教育学会第68回全国大会,および日本科学教育学会第42回年会において発表した。また,本研究で分析に用いた教育実習生のデータは,越智拓也『理科の教育実習生の教師知識の獲得と発達に関する研究』(広島大学大学院教育学研究科2015年度修士論文)の一部を加筆修正したものである

    How Do Pre-service Science Teachers Develop Their Teacher Knowledge? : A Qualitative Study Focusing on Teaching Practice in Schools

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    This study aimed to explore the facts of what knowledge student teachers acquired/developed through teaching practice in schools, along with the primary factors behind this. First, a framework for interpreting teacher knowledge was stipulated through analysis of previous studies. Next, one teaching-practice group that trained student teachers in Lower Secondary School B Attached to National University A was selected to perform field work as a case. And also, we observed lessons, participated in reflective meeting/conference, and conducted interview survey. Then, the data that was gathered through the interview survey was analysed qualitatively with SCAT (Otani, 2008b, 2011). The results gained through analysis were classified from three viewpoints: the influence of the mentor, observations on other student teachers’ lessons, and reflection on their own practice. Discussing with the model of teacher professional knowledge and skill by Gess-Newsome (2015), the followings were pointed out: (1) knowledge base is acquired/developed by capturing reflectively their own classroom practice, reflective meeting/conference and observations of other student teachers based on their view of (science) lessons, which is begun to construct through educative mentoring and observations lessons by the mentor; and (2) collaboration with other student teachers enables to conduct teaching practice more reflectively.This article translated into Japanese is published in the journal Gakushu Shisutemu Kenkyu, Vol.3

    How Do Pre-service Science Teachers Develop Their Teacher Knowledge? : A Qualitative Study Focusing on Teaching Practice in Schools

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    本稿では,教育実習生が教育実習を通じて獲得・発達させた知識の内実とその要因を考察することを目的とした。まず,先行研究の分析によって教師知識を解釈するための枠組みを規定した。次に,国立A大学B中学校において教育実習を行ったひとつの教育実習班を事例としてフィールドワークを実施し,授業観察,批評会への参加,およびインタビュー調査を行った。そして,インタビューに調査よって得られたデータを,SCAT(大谷,2008b,2011)を用いて質的に分析した。 分析によって得られた結果を,メンターの影響,他者の授業観察,自身の実践に対する省察の3つの視点から整理し,Gess-Newsome(2015)の教師知識モデルを用いて,①メンタリングや師範授業の観察によって(理科)授業観を形成し始め,その(理科)授業観に基づいて自身の授業実践や批評会,他者の授業観察を省察的に捉えることで,知識基礎を獲得・発達させている点,②他の教育実習生との協働によって,より省察的に教育実習を行うことが可能になっている点の2点を考察した。This study aimed to explore the facts of what knowledge student teachers acquired/developed through teaching practice in schools, along with the primary factors behind this. First, a framework for interpreting teacher knowledge was stipulated through analysis of previous studies. Next, one teaching-practice group that trained student teachers in Lower Secondary School B Attached to National University A was selected to perform field work as a case. And also, we observed lessons, participated in reflective meeting/conference, and conducted interview survey. Then, the data that was gathered through the interview survey was analysed qualitatively with SCAT (Otani, 2008b, 2011). The results gained through analysis were classified from three viewpoints: the influence of the mentor, observations on other student teachers’ lessons, and reflection on their own practice. Discussing with the model of teacher professional knowledge and skill by Gess-Newsome (2015) , the followings were pointed out: (1) knowledge base is acquired/developed by capturing reflectively their own classroom practice, reflective meeting/conference and observations of other student teachers based on their view of (science) lessons, which is begun to construct through educative mentoring and observations lessons by the mentor; and (2) collaboration with other student teachers enables to conduct teaching practice more reflectively.本稿は,第64回日本理科教育学会中国支部大会において発表した内容を大幅に加筆・修正したものである

    Man, Communication, Being

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    Power Symposium, 2008. NAPS '08. 40th North American, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, Sept 28th to 30th, 2008Hybrid system reachability is applied to verification of fault release control in a power system. Fault release control is one strategy in emergency control and aims to mitigate an electrical stress of power system caused by disturbances. We introduce practical data in a fault release control of double machine-infinite bus (DMIB) system. The data is obtained using the RTDS and describes that the control is effective for prevention of transient instability in the DMIB system. By modeling of swing dynamics of the DMIB system as a hybrid automaton and reachability analysis of the automaton, we show that the control is correct for the prevention of transient instability

    An Empirical Study of Electric Power Demand Control by Real-time Feedback of Consumption Levels: Case of Nushima Island Households

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    AbstractElectric power demand management will play an important role in the creation of smart-energy communities. We are conducting a field experiment on the real-time feedback of electric power consumption via smart meters and tablet PCs with the participation of 51 households on Nushima Island, one of Japan's remote islands. Our estimate of the effect of feedback in reducing power demand by panel data analysis has revealed that such feedback achieves a saving of 7.6 percent in electric power demand

    Transfer RNA Modification Enzymes from Thermophiles and Their Modified Nucleosides in tRNA

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    To date, numerous modified nucleosides in tRNA as well as tRNA modification enzymes have been identified not only in thermophiles but also in mesophiles. Because most modified nucleosides in tRNA from thermophiles are common to those in tRNA from mesophiles, they are considered to work essentially in steps of protein synthesis at high temperatures. At high temperatures, the structure of unmodified tRNA will be disrupted. Therefore, thermophiles must possess strategies to stabilize tRNA structures. To this end, several thermophile-specific modified nucleosides in tRNA have been identified. Other factors such as RNA-binding proteins and polyamines contribute to the stability of tRNA at high temperatures. Thermus thermophilus, which is an extreme-thermophilic eubacterium, can adapt its protein synthesis system in response to temperature changes via the network of modified nucleosides in tRNA and tRNA modification enzymes. Notably, tRNA modification enzymes from thermophiles are very stable. Therefore, they have been utilized for biochemical and structural studies. In the future, thermostable tRNA modification enzymes may be useful as biotechnology tools and may be utilized for medical science