74 research outputs found

    El impacto de un programa de enfoque socioconstructivista en las actitudes de futuros profesores de primaria sobre el aprendizaje y la enseñanza en general y sobre las matemáticas en particular

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    Cognitive Acceleration programs have been successful in promoting reasoning skills in school students and in changing the pedagogy of the in-service teachers applying them. The novelty of this study is that it implemented, for the first time, that socio-constructivist approach with prospective teachers. The results suggest that the cognitive acceleration course promoted positive changes in their attitudes about teaching and learning in general and mathematics in particular.Los programas de Aceleración Cognitiva (AC) han logrado promover exitosamente el desarrollo de habilidades de razonamiento en estudiantes escolares y, al mismo tiempo, han cambiado las prácticas pedagógicas de los profesores en ejercicio que han implementado dichos programas en sus aulas. El aporte de este estudio es que utilizó por primera vez este enfoque socio-constructivista de enseñanza con futuros profesores durante su proceso de formación inicial docente. Los resultados encontrados sugieren que el programa de aceleración cognitiva impulsó cambios positivos en las actitudes de los participantes sobre el aprendizaje y la enseñanza en general y sobre las matemáticas en particular

    IMRT in nasopharyngeal cancer patients with skull base infiltration

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    La formetría aplicada a las deformidades de la columna.

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    La forma de la espalda es un factor importante en la evaluación clínica de varias afecciones de la columna, en particular de la escoliosis. Se describe un método de análisis de la forma de la superficie de la espalda que fue ideado para conocer la mayoría de los parámetros necesarios para evaluar el progreso de la enfermedad en tanto afecte a la forma del cuerpo. La medición de la forma de la superficie de la espalda y de las marcas anatómicas manuales se analizan a través de un sistema de ordenador-monitor en el que se escanea el plano de luz incidente sobre la espalda y desde topografía moiré. Las marcas anatómicas se llevan a cabo para definir los planos de referencia desde los cuales se comparan sucesivos análisis. Este método se emplea para estimar los ángulos de las vértebras límites y los ángulos de Cobb. Las secciones laterales muestran la cifosis y lordosis. Para los resultados se han llevado a cabo correlaciones de la asimetría lateral de la forma de la superficie con el ángulo de Cobb medido mediante radiografía. Las mediciones se llevaron a cabo en tres grupos de pacientes (47 pacientes en total). El rango osciló entre r=0.66 a r=0.88, para una p<0.001. El análisis de los resultados podría reducir en un futuro los exámenes con rayos X en el evolutivo, por lo evidenciado cuantitativamente y con inocuidad total tanto en la asimetría lateral como en la deformidad en el plano transverso.Peer Reviewe

    Vai lá e faz : um estudo de caso sobre a metodologia Experience Learning da escola de atividades criativas Perestroika

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    A Perestroika é uma escola de atividades criativas situada em Porto Alegre/RS. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo compreender como funciona o modelo de aprendizagem Experience Learning desenvolvido pela Perestroika bem como descrever e analisar a metodologia, a percepção da escola, professores e alunos sobre a aplicação da metodologia e descrever e analisar a escola como escola inovadora. A metodologia desenvolvida pela Perestroika é aberta e pública, trabalha com aprendizagem experiencial e é utilizada em cursos que envolvem temas da Administração como empreendedorismo, gestão, liderança e projetos. Por meio de um estudo de caso único, foi realizada a coleta de dados com entrevistas semiestruturadas em profundidade e questões abertas com a gestão da escola e professores e aplicação de questionário para os alunos com questões abertas e fechadas. Os dados também foram coletados a partir da pesquisa documental sobre a metodologia da Perestroika. Como resultado foi possível compreender a metodologia Experience Learning a partir do referencial teórico sobre ensino-aprendizagem e identificar a Perestroika como escola inovadora. Conclui-se que a metodologia é relevante e pode ser utilizada para trazer contribuições no ensino-aprendizagem de Administração.Perestroika is a creative activities school located in Porto Alegre / RS. This work aims to understand how Experience Learning methodology developed by Perestroika works as well as describe and analyze this methodology, school, teachers and students perception about methodology application and describe and analyze the school as an innovative school. The methodology developed by Perestroika is open and public, works with experiential learning and is used in courses that involve management topics such as entrepreneurship, management, leadership and projects. Through a single case study, the data collection was carried out with in-depth semi-structured interviews and open questions with the management of the school and teachers and questionnaire application for students with open and closed questions. Data were also collected from the documentary research on the Perestroika methodology. As a result, it was possible to understand the Experience Learning methodology from the theoretical reference on teaching-learning and to identify Perestroika as an innovative school. As a conclusion, the methodology is relevant and can be used to bring contributions in the teaching-learning of Administration

    Manejo actual del abdomen abierto: Revisión bibliográfica de su indicación, clasificación y técnicas quirúrgicas.

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    El cierre temporal del abdomen es una estrategia quirúrgica que puede ser utilizada en numerosas situaciones, como son la cirugía de control de daños, el síndrome compartimental abdominal o una pancreatitis aguda severa, entre otras. En 2009 se realizó una clasificación del abdomen abierto, que fue revisada y modificada en 2015, para establecer unos parámetros universales que permitiesen clasificar el abdomen abierto en estadíos y de esta forma realizar comparaciones de eficacia entre las diferentes técnicas de cierre temporal abdominal. A lo largo de la historia de esta estrategia terapéutica, se han descrito numerosas técnicas quirúrgicas con el objetivo de realizar un cierre primario de la fascia y la piel intentando minimizar las tasas de morbimortalidad que conlleva el abdomen abierto; objetivo que todavía no se ha podido conseguir. A lo largo del trabajo se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de las diferentes técnicas y de la combinación de varias de ellas, en las que se explican sus ventajas y desventajas permitiendo hacerse al lector con una idea de cuáles deben ser utilizadas en el manejo del abdomen abierto

    BisoGenet: a new tool for gene network building, visualization and analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The increasing availability and diversity of omics data in the post-genomic era offers new perspectives in most areas of biomedical research. Graph-based biological networks models capture the topology of the functional relationships between molecular entities such as gene, protein and small compounds and provide a suitable framework for integrating and analyzing omics-data. The development of software tools capable of integrating data from different sources and to provide flexible methods to reconstruct, represent and analyze topological networks is an active field of research in bioinformatics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>BisoGenet is a multi-tier application for visualization and analysis of biomolecular relationships. The system consists of three tiers. In the data tier, an in-house database stores genomics information, protein-protein interactions, protein-DNA interactions, gene ontology and metabolic pathways. In the middle tier, a global network is created at server startup, representing the whole data on bioentities and their relationships retrieved from the database. The client tier is a Cytoscape plugin, which manages user input, communication with the Web Service, visualization and analysis of the resulting network.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>BisoGenet is able to build and visualize biological networks in a fast and user-friendly manner. A feature of Bisogenet is the possibility to include coding relations to distinguish between genes and their products. This feature could be instrumental to achieve a finer grain representation of the bioentities and their relationships. The client application includes network analysis tools and interactive network expansion capabilities. In addition, an option is provided to allow other networks to be converted to BisoGenet. This feature facilitates the integration of our software with other tools available in the Cytoscape platform. BisoGenet is available at <url>http://bio.cigb.edu.cu/bisogenet-cytoscape/</url>.</p

    Pixel classification through Mahalanobis distance for identification of grapevine canopy elements on RGB images

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    Vine vigour and fruit-cluster exposure to sunlight in a grapevine canopy fruiting zone has been shown to strongly correlate with key fruit composition and diseases incidence. In this framework, the use of automated image analysis for the identification of plant elements is an important issue to be addressed for vineyard assessment (Dunn and Martin, 2004). In addition, optimum segmentation method is strongly application dependent and thus needs to be tested for each particular case (Cheng et al., 2001). The objective of the present work is to propose and test a simple, rapid and practical method for the identification of two relevant elements of grapevines canopy: clusters and green leaves

    Patient-ventilator asynchronies during mechanical ventilation: current knowledge and research priorities

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    Background: Mechanical ventilation is common in critically ill patients. This life-saving treatment can cause complications and is also associated with long-term sequelae. Patient-ventilator asynchronies are frequent but underdiagnosed, and they have been associated with worse outcomes.Main body: Asynchronies occur when ventilator assistance does not match the patient's demand. Ventilatory overassistance or underassistance translates to different types of asynchronies with different effects on patients. Underassistance can result in an excessive load on respiratory muscles, air hunger, or lung injury due to excessive tidal volumes. Overassistance can result in lower patient inspiratory drive and can lead to reverse triggering, which can also worsen lung injury. Identifying the type of asynchrony and its causes is crucial for effective treatment.Mechanical ventilation and asynchronies can affect hemodynamics. An increase in intrathoracic pressure during ventilation modifies ventricular preload and afterload of ventricles, thereby affecting cardiac output and hemodynamic status. Ineffective efforts can decrease intrathoracic pressure, but double cycling can increase it. Thus, asynchronies can lower the predictive accuracy of some hemodynamic parameters of fluid responsiveness.New research is also exploring the psychological effects of asynchronies. Anxiety and depression are common in survivors of critical illness long after discharge. Patients on mechanical ventilation feel anxiety, fear, agony, and insecurity, which can worsen in the presence of asynchronies. Asynchronies have been associated with worse overall prognosis, but the direct causal relation between poor patient-ventilator interaction and worse outcomes has yet to be clearly demonstrated.Critical care patients generate huge volumes of data that are vastly underexploited. New monitoring systems can analyze waveforms together with other inputs, helping us to detect, analyze, and even predict asynchronies. Big data approaches promise to help us understand asynchronies better and improve their diagnosis and management.Conclusions: Although our understanding of asynchronies has increased in recent years, many questions remain to be answered. Evolving concepts in asynchronies, lung crosstalk with other organs, and the difficulties of data management make more efforts necessary in this field

    Patient-ventilator asynchronies during mechanical ventilation : current knowledge and research priorities

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    Mechanical ventilation is common in critically ill patients. This life-saving treatment can cause complications and is also associated with long-term sequelae. Patient-ventilator asynchronies are frequent but underdiagnosed, and they have been associated with worse outcomes. Asynchronies occur when ventilator assistance does not match the patient's demand. Ventilatory overassistance or underassistance translates to different types of asynchronies with different effects on patients. Underassistance can result in an excessive load on respiratory muscles, air hunger, or lung injury due to excessive tidal volumes. Overassistance can result in lower patient inspiratory drive and can lead to reverse triggering, which can also worsen lung injury. Identifying the type of asynchrony and its causes is crucial for effective treatment. Mechanical ventilation and asynchronies can affect hemodynamics. An increase in intrathoracic pressure during ventilation modifies ventricular preload and afterload of ventricles, thereby affecting cardiac output and hemodynamic status. Ineffective efforts can decrease intrathoracic pressure, but double cycling can increase it. Thus, asynchronies can lower the predictive accuracy of some hemodynamic parameters of fluid responsiveness. New research is also exploring the psychological effects of asynchronies. Anxiety and depression are common in survivors of critical illness long after discharge. Patients on mechanical ventilation feel anxiety, fear, agony, and insecurity, which can worsen in the presence of asynchronies. Asynchronies have been associated with worse overall prognosis, but the direct causal relation between poor patient-ventilator interaction and worse outcomes has yet to be clearly demonstrated. Critical care patients generate huge volumes of data that are vastly underexploited. New monitoring systems can analyze waveforms together with other inputs, helping us to detect, analyze, and even predict asynchronies. Big data approaches promise to help us understand asynchronies better and improve their diagnosis and management. Although our understanding of asynchronies has increased in recent years, many questions remain to be answered. Evolving concepts in asynchronies, lung crosstalk with other organs, and the difficulties of data management make more efforts necessary in this field