703 research outputs found

    Realizing live sequence charts in SystemVerilog.

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    The design of an embedded control system starts with an investigation of properties and behaviors of the process evolving within its environment, and an analysis of the requirement for its safety performance. In early stages, system requirements are often specified as scenarios of behavior using sequence charts for different use cases. This specification must be precise, intuitive and expressive enough to capture different aspects of embedded control systems. As a rather rich and useful extension to the classical message sequence charts, live sequence charts (LSC), which provide a rich collection of constructs for specifying both possible and mandatory behaviors, are very suitable for designing an embedded control system. However, it is not a trivial task to realize a high-level design model in executable program codes effectively and correctly. This paper tackles the challenging task by providing a mapping algorithm to automatically synthesize SystemVerilog programs from given LSC specifications

    Improving immersive experiences for visitors with sensory impairments to the aquarium of the pacific

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    This case study describes the development of a mid-air haptic solution to enhance the immersive experience of visitors who are deaf, blind or wheelchair users to the Aquarium of the Pacific's movie theatre. During the project we found that adding a sense of touch, using an innovative ultrasound technology, to an immersive experience can improve the sense of engagement users have with the content, and can help to improve agreement with the topics presented. We present guidelines on the design of haptic sensations. By describing how this project took place within the tight timelines of a commercial deployment, we hope to encourage more organisations to do similar work

    Acceptability of a prime vendor system in public healthcare facilities in Tanzania

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    BACKGROUND: Pharmaceutical supply chain management in low- and middle-income countries has received substantial attention to address the shortage of medicines at peripheral facilities. The focus has been on health system interventions, including the establishment of public-private partnerships (PPPs). In 2014, the United Republic of Tanzania began implementing the Jazia prime vendor system (Jazia PVS) with a contracted private wholesale supplier to complement the national medicines supply chain in public facilities. Few studies have investigated the acceptability of such a prime vendor system. This study analyses factors that contributed to the acceptability of Jazia PVS introduced in Tanzania. We used qualitative analytical methods to study experiences of Jazia PVS implementers in 4 districts in mid-2018. METHODS: Data were drawn from 14 focus group discussions (FGDs), 7 group discussions (GDs) and 30 in-depth interviews (IDIs) with a range of actors involved in Jazia PVS. The study analysed 7 acceptability dimensions as defined in the acceptability framework by Sekhon et al. Framework analysis was adopted to summarise the results using a deductive and an inductive approach. RESULTS: The findings show that participants' acceptability of Jazia PVS was influenced by the increased availability of essential medicines at the facilities, higher order fulfilment rates, and timely delivery of the consignment. Furthermore, acceptability was also influenced by the good reputation of the prime vendor, close collaboration with district managers, and participants' understanding that the prime vendor was meant to complement the existing supply chain. Intervention coherence, experienced opportunity cost and intervention burden, affective attitude and self-efficacy were also important in explaining the acceptability of the Jazia PVS. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the most critical factor contributing to the acceptability of the Jazia PVS was the perceived effectiveness of the system in achieving its intended purpose. Districts purchasing directly from the prime vendor have a policy based on the possibility to increase availability of essential medicines at peripheral facilities in a low income setting; however, it is crucial to select a reputable and competent vendor, as well as to abide by the contractual agreements

    Fluid mechanical modeling of the upper urinary tract

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    The upper urinary tract (UUT) consists of kidneys and ureters, and is an integral part of the human urogenital system. Yet malfunctioning and complications of the UUT can happen at all stages of life, attributed to reasons such as congenital anomalies, urinary tract infections, urolithiasis and urothelial cancers, all of which require urological interventions and significantly compromise patients' quality of life. Therefore, many models have been developed to address the relevant scientific and clinical challenges of the UUT. Of all approaches, fluid mechanical modeling serves a pivotal role and various methods have been employed to develop physiologically meaningful models. In this article, we provide an overview on the historical evolution of fluid mechanical models of UUT that utilize theoretical, computational, and experimental approaches. Descriptions of the physiological functionality of each component are also given and the mechanical characterizations associated with the UUT are provided. As such, it is our aim to offer a brief summary of the current knowledge of the subject, and provide a comprehensive introduction for engineers, scientists, and clinicians who are interested in the field of fluid mechanical modeling of UUT

    Informed consent procedure in a double blind randomized anthelminthic trial on Pemba Island, Tanzania: do pamphlet and information session increase caregivers knowledge?

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    Background In clinical research, obtaining informed consent from participants is an ethical and legal requirement. Conveying the information concerning the study can be done using multiple methods yet this step commonly relies exclusively on the informed consent form alone. While this is legal, it does not ensure the participant’s true comprehension. New effective methods of conveying consent information should be tested. In this study we compared the effect of different methods on the knowledge of caregivers of participants of a clinical trial on Pemba Island, Tanzania. Methods A total of 254 caregivers were assigned to receive (i) a pamphlet (n = 63), (ii) an oral information session (n = 62) or (iii) a pamphlet and an oral information session (n = 64) about the clinical trial procedures, their rights, benefits and potential risks. Their post-intervention knowledge was assessed using a questionnaire. One group of caregivers had not received any information when they were interviewed (n = 65). Results In contrast to the pamphlet, attending an information session significantly increased caregivers’ knowledge for some of the questions. Most of these questions were either related to the parasite (hookworm) or to the trial design (study procedures). Conclusions In conclusion, within our trial on Pemba Island, a pamphlet was found to not be a good form of conveying clinical trial information while an oral information session improved knowledge. Not all caregivers attending an information session responded correctly to all questions; therefore, better forms of communicating information need to be found to achieve a truly informed consent

    "Workhood"-a useful concept for the analysis of health workers' resources? an evaluation from Tanzania

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    International debates on improving health system performance and quality of care are strongly coined by systems thinking. There is a surprising lack of attention to the human (worker) elements. Although the central role of health workers within the health system has increasingly been acknowledged, there are hardly studies that analyze performance and quality of care from an individual perspective. Drawing on livelihood studies in health and sociological theory of capitals, this study develops and evaluates the new concept of workhood. As an analytical device the concept aims at understanding health workers' capacities to access resources (human, financial, physical, social, cultural and symbolic capital) and transfer them to the community from an individual perspective. Case studies were conducted in four Reproductive-and-Child-Health (RCH) clinics in the Kilombero Valley, south-eastern Tanzania, using different qualitative methods such as participant observation, informal discussions and in-depth interviews to explore the relevance of the different types of workhood resources for effective health service delivery. Health workers' ability to access these resources were investigated and factors facilitating or constraining access identified. The study showed that lack of physical, human, cultural and financial capital constrained health workers' capacity to act. In particular, weak health infrastructure and health system failures led to the lack of sufficient drug and supply stocks and chronic staff shortages at the health facilities. However, health workers' capacity to mobilize social, cultural and symbolic capital played a significant role in their ability to overcome work related problems. Professional and non-professional social relationships were activated in order to access drug stocks and other supplies, transport and knowledge. By evaluating the workhood concept this study highlights the importance of understanding health worker performance by looking at their resources and capacities. Rather than blaming health workers for health system failures, applying a strength-based approach offers new insights into health workers' capacities and identifies entry points for target actions

    Parasitic Worms: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices in Western Cîte d’Ivoire with Implications for Integrated Control

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    There is a need to better understand communities' knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of neglected tropical diseases to improve prevention and control efforts. We studied the socio-cultural aspects of parasitic worm infections in two villages (MĂ©lapleu and Zouatta II) of western CĂŽte d'Ivoire, where research and control activities have been implemented. Zouatta II was exposed to a community-based approach, while school-based interventions were implemented in MĂ©lapleu. KAP surveys were carried out using qualitative and quantitative methods. Although there was some knowledge of parasitic worm infections in both villages, we found important differences between the two villages regarding intestinal schistosomiasis: there was a better understanding of this disease in Zouatta II. However, even the community-based research and control efforts implemented in Zouatta II were ineffective in transforming the information conveyed into preventive behavior related to water contact. Our results suggest that KAP of parasitic worm infections conveyed by research and control activities targeting only school-aged children have shortcomings as older population groups are left out. Hence, for effective control of parasitic worms, children and adults must be educated and interventions should include access to deworming drugs, clean water and sanitation

    Above- and belowground plant mercury dynamics in a salt marsh estuary in Massachusetts, USA

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    Estuaries are a conduit of mercury (Hg) from watersheds to the coastal ocean, and salt marshes play an important role in coastal Hg cycling. Hg cycling in upland terrestrial ecosystems has been well studied, but processes in densely vegetated salt marsh ecosystems are poorly characterized. We investigated Hg dynamics in vegetation and soils in the Plum Island Sound estuary in Massachusetts, USA, and specifically assessed the role of marsh vegetation for Hg deposition and turnover. Monthly quantitative harvesting of aboveground biomass showed strong linear seasonal increases in Hg associated with plants, with a 4-fold increase in Hg concentration and an 8-fold increase in standing Hg mass from June (3.9 ± 0.2 ”g kg−1 and 0.7 ± 0.4 ”g m−2, respectively) to November (16.2 ± 2.0 ”g kg−1 and 5.7 ± 2.1 ”g m−2, respectively). Hg did not increase further in aboveground biomass after plant senescence, indicating physiological controls of vegetation Hg uptake in salt marsh plants. Hg concentrations in live roots and live rhizomes were 11 and 2 times higher than concentrations in live aboveground biomass, respectively. Furthermore, live belowground biomass Hg pools (Hg in roots and rhizomes, 108.1 ± 83.4 ”g m−2) were more than 10 times larger than peak standing aboveground Hg pools (9.0 ± 3.3 ”g m−2). A ternary mixing model of measured stable Hg isotopes suggests that Hg sources in marsh aboveground tissues originate from about equal contributions of root uptake (∌ 35 %), precipitation uptake (∌ 33 %), and atmospheric gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) uptake (∌ 32 %). These results suggest a more important role of Hg transport from belowground (i.e., roots) to aboveground tissues in salt marsh vegetation than upland vegetation, where GEM uptake is generally the dominant Hg source. Roots and soils showed similar isotopic signatures, suggesting that belowground tissue Hg mostly derived from soil uptake. Annual root turnover results in large internal Hg recycling between soils and plants, estimated at 58.6 ”g m−2 yr−1. An initial mass balance of Hg indicates that the salt marsh presently serves as a small net Hg sink for environmental Hg of 5.2 ”g m−2 yr−1.</p

    Social and cultural aspects of 'malaria' and its control in central CĂŽte d'Ivoire

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    Background. A sound local understanding of preventive measures and health-seeking behaviour is important for the effective control of malaria. The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes, practices and beliefs of 'malaria' and its control in two rural communities of central CĂŽte d'Ivoire, and to examine associations between 'malaria' and the households' socioeconomic status. Methods. A cross-sectional household survey was carried out, using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. People's socioeconomic status was estimated, employing a household asset-based approach. Results. Malaria was identified as djĂškouadjo, the local folk name of the disease. Although people were aware of malaria-related symptoms and their association with mosquitoes, folk perceptions were common. In terms of treatment, a wide array of modern and traditional remedies was employed, often in combination. Individuals with a sound knowledge of the causes and symptoms of malaria continued to use traditional treatments and only a few people sleep under bed nets, whereas folk beliefs did not necessarily translate into refusal of modern treatments. Perceived causes of malaria were linked to the household's socioeconomic status with wealthier individuals reporting mosquitoes more frequently than poorer households. Bed nets were more frequently used in wealthier social strata, whereas other protective measures - perceived to be cheaper - were more prominent among the poorest. Conclusion. Equitable access to resources at household, community and health system levels are essential in order to enable community members to prevent and treat malaria. There is a need for community-based approaches that match health care services with poor people's needs and resources

    Equivalent roles of marine subsidies and island characteristics in shaping island bird communities

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    AimSpecies distributions across islands are shaped by dispersal limitations, environmental filters and biotic interactions but the relative influence of each of these processes has rarely been assessed. Here, we examine the relative contributions of island characteristics, marine subsidies, species traits, and species interactions on avian community composition.LocationCentral Coast region of British Columbia, Canada.TaxonTerrestrial breeding birds.MethodsWe observed 3610 individuals of 32 bird species on 89 islands that spanned multiple orders of magnitude in area (0.0002–3 km2^{2}). We fit a spatially explicit joint species distribution model to estimate the relative contributions of island physical characteristics, island‐specific inputs of marine subsidies, species' traits, and biotic interactions on species distributions. Biogeographic characteristics included island area, isolation, and habitat heterogeneity, while marine influence was represented by forest‐edge soil ή15^{15}N, wrack biomass, shoreline substrate, and distance to shore. This approach also allowed us to estimate how much variation in distributions resulted from species' biological traits (i.e. body mass, feeding guild, feeding height, and nesting height).ResultsBird species distributions were determined almost equivalently by island biogeographic characteristics (23.5% of variation explained) and marine influence (24.8%). We detected variation in species‐specific responses to both island biogeographic characteristics and marine influence, but no significant effect of any biological trait examined. Additionally, we found evidence that habitat preferences were a more important driver than competitive interactions.Main ConclusionsAlthough most island biogeographic studies focus only on islands' physical characteristics, we found evidence for an equivalent role of marine subsidy in structuring island bird communities. Our study suggests that for small islands, disentangling the effects of island biogeographic characteristics, marine inputs, and biotic interactions is a useful next step in understanding species distributions
