146 research outputs found

    Las bibliotecas comunales como estrategia preventiva y educativa: Experiencia de CEDRO

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    It analyzes importance of the communitarian library and its role in the society. It exposes case of the communitarian libraries and other experiences developed by the Information and Education Center for the Prevention of Drug Abuse (CEDRO) on Peru

    Las bibliotecas comunales como estrategia preventiva y educativa: Experiencia de CEDRO

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    It analyzes importance of the communitarian library and its role in the society. It exposes case of the communitarian libraries and other experiences developed by the Information and Education Center for the Prevention of Drug Abuse (CEDRO) on Peru

    The Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis Heart Shunt Part I: The French Paradox, Heart Disease and the Microbiota

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    It has been well established that a vegetarian and polyphenol-rich diet, including fruits, vegetables, teas, juices, wine, indigestible fiber and whole grains, provide health-promoting phytochemicals and phytonutrients that are beneficial for the heart and brain. What is not well-characterized is the affect these foods have when co-metabolized within our dynamic gut and its colonizing flora. The concept of a heart shunt within the microbiota-gut-brain axis underscores the close association between brain and heart health and the so-called French paradox offers clues for understanding neurodegenerative and cerebrovascular diseases. Moreover, oxidation-redox reactions and redox properties of so-called brain and heart-protective foods are underappreciated as to their enhanced or deleterious mechanisms of action. Focusing on prodromal stages, and common mechanisms underlying heart, cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, we may unmask and understanding the means to better treat these related diseases

    Evaluación de las bibliotecas comunitarias multiculturales del VRAEM promovidas por CEDRO

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    El documento digital no refiere asesorSe incluye estructura orgánico funcional de CEDRO, especialmente se reseñan las actividades relacionadas con las bibliotecas comunales que promueven en todo el Perú. Se hace énfasis en las bibliotecas comunitarias del VRAEM (parte central del informe) y se presentan los resultados obtenidos a partir de la aplicación de los criterios de evaluación que se elaboraron a partir de los manifiestos y directrices de la IFLA para bibliotecas multiculturales. Finalmente, presenta la propuesta para la mejora de los servicios multiculturales y actividades de la biblioteca en el VRAEM; se exponen las conclusiones y se incluyen las referencias bibliográficas correspondientes.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    The GRK2 Overexpression Is a Primary Hallmark of Mitochondrial Lesions during Early Alzheimer Disease

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    Increasing evidence points to vascular damage as an early contributor to the development of two leading causes of age-associated dementia, namely Alzheimer disease (AD) and AD-like pathology such as stroke. This review focuses on the role of G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) as they relate to dementia and how the cardio and cerebrovasculature is involved in AD pathogenesis. The exploration of GRKs in AD pathogenesis may help bridge gaps in our understanding of the heart-brain connection in relation to neurovisceral damage and vascular complications of AD. The a priori basis for this inquiry stems from the fact that kinases of this family regulate numerous receptor functions in the brain, myocardium and elsewhere. The aim of this review is to discuss the finding of GRK2 overexpression in the context of early AD pathogenesis. Also, we consider the consequences for this overexpression as a loss of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) regulation, as well as suggest a potential role for GPCRs and GRKs in a unifying theory of AD pathogenesis through the cerebrovasculature. Finally, we synthesize this newer information in an attempt to put it into context with GRKs as regulators of cellular function, which makes these proteins potential diagnostic and therapeutic targets for future pharmacological intervention

    Single-particle characterization of SARS-CoV-2 isoelectric point and comparison to variants of interest

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    SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, is a new, highly pathogenic coronavirus, which is the third coronavirus to emerge in the past 2 decades and the first to become a global pandemic. The virus has demonstrated itself to be extremely transmissible and deadly. Recent data suggest that a targeted approach is key to mitigating infectivity. Due to the proliferation of cataloged protein and nucleic acid sequences in databases, the function of the nucleic acid, and genetic encoded proteins, we make predictions by simply aligning sequences and exploring their homology. Thus, similar amino acid sequences in a protein usually confer similar biochemical function, even from distal or unrelated organisms. To understand viral transmission and adhesion, it is key to elucidate the structural, surface, and functional properties of each viral protein. This is typically first modeled in highly pathogenic species by exploring folding, hydrophobicity, and isoelectric point (IEP). Recent evidence from viral RNA sequence modeling and protein crystals have been inadequate, which prevent full understanding of the IEP and other viral properties of SARS-CoV-2. We have thus experimentally determined the IEP of SARS-CoV-2. Our findings suggest that for enveloped viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, estimates of IEP by the amino acid sequence alone may be unreliable. We compared the experimental IEP of SARS-CoV-2 to variants of interest (VOIs) using their amino acid sequence, thus providing a qualitative comparison of the IEP of VOIs

    The Transformative Possibilities of the Microbiota and Mycobiota for Health, Disease, Aging, and Technological Innovation

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    The gut microbiota is extremely important for the health of the host across its lifespan. Recent studies have elucidated connections between the gut microbiota and neurological disease and disorders such as depression, anxiety, Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD), autism, and a host of other brain illnesses. Dysbiosis of the normal gut flora can have negative consequences for humans, especially throughout key periods during our lifespan as the gut microbes change with age in both phenotype and number of bacterial species. Neurologic diseases, mental disorders, and euthymic states are influenced by alterations in the metabolites produced by gut microbial milieu. We introduce a new concept, namely, the mycobiota and microbiota-gut-brain neuroendocrine axis and discuss co-metabolism with emphasis on means to influence or correct disruptions to normal gut flora throughout the lifespan from early development to old age. These changes involve inflammation and involve the permeability of barriers, such as the intestine blood barrier, the blood-brain barrier, and others. The mycobiota and microbiota-gut-brain axis offer new research horizons and represents a great potential target for new therapeutics, including approaches based around inflammatory disruptive process, genetically engineered drug delivery systems, diseased cell culling kill switches , phage-like therapies, medicinal chemistry, or microbial parabiosis to name a few

    Neurological, Psychiatric, and Biochemical Aspects of Thiamine Deficiency in Children and Adults.

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    Thiamine (vitamin B1) is an essential nutrient that serves as a cofactor for a number of enzymes, mostly with mitochondrial localization. Some thiamine-dependent enzymes are involved in energy metabolism and biosynthesis of nucleic acids whereas others are part of the antioxidant machinery. The brain is highly vulnerable to thiamine deficiency due to its heavy reliance on mitochondrial ATP production. This is more evident during rapid growth (i.e., perinatal periods and children) in which thiamine deficiency is commonly associated with either malnutrition or genetic defects. Thiamine deficiency contributes to a number of conditions spanning from mild neurological and psychiatric symptoms (confusion, reduced memory, and sleep disturbances) to severe encephalopathy, ataxia, congestive heart failure, muscle atrophy, and even death. This review discusses the current knowledge on thiamine deficiency and associated morbidity of neurological and psychiatric disorders, with special emphasis on the pediatric population, as well as the putative beneficial effect of thiamine supplementation in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other neurological conditions

    DNA damage in children and adolescents with cardiovascular disease risk factors

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    The risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) is related to lifestyle (e.g. diet, physical activity and smoking) as well as to genetic factors. This study aimed at evaluating the association between CVD risk factors and DNA damage levels in children and adolescents. Anthropometry, diet and serum CVD risk factors were evaluated by standard procedures. DNA damage levels were accessed by the comet assay (Single cell gel electrophoresis; SCGE) and cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus (CBMN) assays in leukocytes. A total of 34 children and adolescents selected from a population sample were divided into three groups according to their level of CVD risk. Moderate and high CVD risk subjects showed significantly higher body fat and serum CVD risk markers than low risk subjects (PO risco de desenvolver doença cardiovascular (DCV) está relacionado ao estilo de vida (por exemplo, dieta, atividade física e tabagismo), bem como a fatores genéticos. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a associação entre fatores de risco cardiovascular e os níveis de danos ao DNA em crianças e adolescentes. Antropometria, dieta e fatores de risco para DCV foram avaliados através de procedimentos padrão. Níveis de danos no DNA foram avaliados através do ensaio cometa (eletroforese de célula única; EC) e do teste de micronúcleos em leucócitos. Um total de 34 crianças e adolescentes, selecionados a partir de uma amostra populacional, foram divididos em três grupos, de acordo com seu nível de risco de DCV. Indivíduos com níveis moderado e alto risco para DCV apresentaram de forma significativa maiores níveis de gordura corporal e de marcadores séricos de risco cardiovascular que indivíduos de baixo risco (P <0,05). Indivíduos de alto risco também mostraram um aumento significativo de danos ao DNA, de acordo com o EC, mas não de acordo com o teste de micronúcleos, do que indivíduos de risco baixo e moderado. A vitamina C consumida foi inversamente correlacionada com os danos ao DNA avaliados pelo EC, e o número de micronúcleos foi inversamente correlacionado com a ingestão de ácido fólico. Os resultados obtidos indicam um aumento de danos no DNA que pode ser consequente do estresse oxidativo em indivíduos jovens com fatores de risco para DCV, indicando que o nível de danos no DNA pode auxiliar na avaliação do risco de DCV