14,096 research outputs found

    Species, Distribution, and Host Records of the Braconid Genera Microctonus and Perilitus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)

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    Author Institution: Department of Zoology and Entomology, The Ohio State University, Columbus 1

    A Study of the Tenebrionidae of Southeastern Iowa

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    In his study of the Iowa Tenebrionidae the writer has classified specimens collected throughout the state both by students of Iowa Wesleyan College and by himself. These specimens are in the collection of Iowa Wesleyan College

    Identifying space use at foraging arena scale within the home ranges of large herbivores.

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    An intermediate spatiotemporal scale of food procurement by large herbivores is evident within annual or seasonal home ranges. It takes the form of settlement periods spanning several days or weeks during which foraging activity is confined to spatially discrete foraging arenas, separated by roaming interludes. Extended by areas occupied for other activities, these foraging arenas contribute towards generating the home range structure. We delineated and compared the foraging arenas exploited by two African large herbivores, sable antelope (a ruminant) and plains zebra (a non-ruminant), using GPS-derived movement data. We developed a novel approach to specifically delineate foraging arenas based on local change points in distance relative to adjoining clusters of locations, and compared its output with modifications of two published methods developed for home range estimation and residence time estimation respectively. We compared how these herbivore species responded to seasonal variation in food resources and how they differed in their spatial patterns of resource utilization. Sable antelope herds tended to concentrate their space use locally, while zebra herds moved more opportunistically over a wider set of foraging arenas. The amalgamated extent of the foraging arenas exploited by sable herds amounted to 12-30 km2, compared with 22-100 km2 for the zebra herds. Half-day displacement distances differed between settlement periods and roaming interludes, and zebra herds generally shifted further over 12h than sable herds. Foraging arenas of sable herds tended to be smaller than those of zebra, and were occupied for period twice as long, and hence exploited more intensively in days spent per unit area than the foraging arenas of zebra. For sable both the intensity of utilization of foraging arenas and proportion of days spent in foraging arenas relative to roaming interludes declined as food resources diminished seasonally, while zebra showed no seasonal variation in these metrics. Identifying patterns of space use at foraging arena scale helps reveal mechanisms generating the home range extent, and in turn the local population density. Thereby it helps forge links between behavioural ecology, movement ecology and population ecology

    Spatially nested niche partitioning between syntopic grazers at foraging arena scale within overlapping home ranges.

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    Niche separation among species with similar resource requirements can be expressed at various spatiotemporal scales, from the resource components selected at feeding sites to habitat and home range occupation and ultimately geographic distribution ranges. African large herbivores present a challenge to niche theory because multiple species commonly overlap both spatially and in vegetation components consumed. Aided by GPS telemetry, we investigated the space use patterns of two large grazers that are frequently associated in mixed-species aggregations. Specifically, we compared a generalist grazer with hindgut fermentation (plains zebra) with a similar-sized grazing ruminant (blue wildebeest) in west-central Kruger National Park, South Africa. We found that herds of the two species overlapped substantially in the home ranges that they occupied, but exploited spatially distinct foraging arenas for periods lasting several days or weeks within these ranges. Moreover, wildebeest and zebra differed in duration of settlement, extent of areas occupied during settlement, consequent exploitation intensity per unit area, proportion of time spent within foraging arenas relative to roaming interludes, and movement rates while within these arenas. In particular, wildebeest herds concentrated within small areas for prolonged periods, while zebra herds used more foraging arenas but exploited them for briefer periods. Both species overlapped substantially in habitat use, although wildebeest more strongly favored gabbro uplands and sodic sites presenting short grass lawns while zebra made greater use of areas with a taller grass cover. Hence resource partitioning was expressed mainly through behavioral distinctions in patch exploitation at foraging arena scale rather than in home range or habitat separation. Although zebra may have been partially excluded from the grasslands kept short by wildebeest, these sites formed only a small part of the wider ranges utilized by zebra, thereby restricting the competitive consequences. Hence spatially nested resource partitioning of this form contributes to the coexistence of these two grazers, and may be a mechanism enabling niche separation among other species

    Polygenic risk for schizophrenia and season of birth within the UK Biobank cohort

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    Background: There is strong evidence that people born in winter and in spring have a small increased risk of schizophrenia. As this ‘season of birth’ effect underpins some of the most influential hypotheses concerning potentially modifiable risk exposures, it is important to exclude other possible explanations for the phenomenon. Methods: Here we sought to determine whether the season of birth effect reflects gene-environment confounding rather than a pathogenic process indexing environmental exposure. We directly measured, in 136 538 participants from the UK Biobank (UKBB), the burdens of common schizophrenia risk alleles and of copy number variants known to increase the risk for the disorder, and tested whether these were correlated with a season of birth. Results: Neither genetic measure was associated with season or month of birth within the UKBB sample. Conclusions: As our study was highly powered to detect small effects, we conclude that the season of birth effect in schizophrenia reflects a true pathogenic effect of environmental exposure

    Coping with spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability in resources and risks: Adaptive movement behaviour by a large grazing herbivore.

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    Movement is a key mean for mobile species to cope with heterogeneous environments. While in herbivorous mammals large-scale migration has been widely investigated, finescale movement responses to local variations in resources and predation risk remain much less studied, especially in savannah environments. We developed a novel approach based on complementary movement metrics (residence time, frequency of visits and regularity of visits) to relate movement patterns of a savannah grazer, the blue wildebeest Connochaetes taurinus , to fine-scale variations in food availability, predation risk and water availability in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Wildebeests spent more time in grazing lawns where the grass is of higher quality but shorter than in seep zones, where the grass is of lower quality but more abundant. Although the daily distances moved were longer during the wet season compared to the dry season, the daily net displacement was lower, and the residence time higher, indicating a more frequent occurrence of area-concentred searching. In contrast, during the late dry season the foraging sessions were more fragmented and wildebeests moved more frequently between foraging areas. Surprisingly, predation risk appeared to be the second factor, after water availability, influencing movement during the dry season, when resources are limiting and thus expected to influence movement more. Our approach, using complementary analyses of different movement metrics, provided an integrated view of changes in individual movement with varying environmental conditions and predation risk. It makes it possible to highlight the adaptive behavioral decisions made by wildebeest to cope with unpredictable environmental variations and provides insights for population conservation

    A Comparison of U. S. and European University-Industry Relations in the Life Sciences

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    We draw on diverse data sets to compare the institutional organization of upstream life science research across the United States and Europe. Understanding cross-national differences in the organization of innovative labor in the life sciences requires attention to the structure and evolution of biomedical networks involving public research organizations (universities, government laboratories, nonprofit research institutes, and research hospitals), science-based biotechnology firms, and multinational pharmaceutical corporations. We use network visualization methods and correspondence analyses to demonstrate that innovative research in biomedicine has its origins in regional clusters in the United States and in European nations. But the scientific and organizational composition of these regions varies in consequential ways. In the United States, public research organizations and small firms conduct R&D across multiple therapeutic areas and stages of the development process. Ties within and across these regions link small firms and diverse public institutions, contributing to the development of a robust national network. In contrast, the European story is one of regional specialization with a less diverse group of public research organizations working in a smaller number of therapeutic areas. European institutes develop local connections to small firms working on similar scientific problems, while cross-national linkages of European regional clusters typically involve large pharmaceutical corporations. We show that the roles of large and small firms differ in the United States and Europe, arguing that the greater heterogeneity of the U. S. system is based on much closer integration of basic science and clinical development