5 research outputs found

    Characterization of diploid and triploid Heterobranchus bidorsalis using morphometric, meristic and haematological parameters

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    The study investigates comparative changes in morphometric, meristic and haematological values of triploid and diploid strain of Heterobranchus bidorsalis with a view to establishing differences and comparative adaptability between the two strains. The experiment was carried out inside net hapas submerged inside 1 × 1 × 1.2 m2 concrete tank where diploid (2n) and triploid (3n) fish were reared. Each hapa net contain 45 post fingerlings of the same genetic makeup. 10 post fingerlings of diploid and triploid strains of H. bidorsalis with average total length between 11.2 and 12.8 cm and 12.2 and 14 cm respectively were collected for morphometric and meristic parameters. Blood samples were also collected and analyzed packed cell volume (PCV), haemoglobin (Hb), white blood cell count (WBC), red blood cell count (RBC), mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), platelet, and mean cell volume (MCV) values of triploid and diploid fish were analyzed. This study shows the superiority of the triploid H. bidorsalis over the diploid strain. It also indicated that morphometric and meristic indices are the best parameters to characterize post juvenile diploid and triploid H. bidorsalis while haematological indices is not a better indices for characterization of juvenile diploid and triploid H. bidorsalis.Key words: Heterobranchus bidorsalis, diploid, triploid, morphometric, meristic, heamatology

    Additive potentials of Zingiber officinale on the aflatoxin secreted in wastemould feed fed to Clarias gariepinus (burchell, 1822)

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    The growth and pathological effect of aflatoxin in waste-mould feeds fed to juvenile Clarias gariepinus and the additive nature of Zingiber officinale was studied. Clarias gariepinus juveniles (58.19±1.8 g) were distributed at the rate of 10 per happa net in earthen ponds. There were 5 Treatments with 3 replicates – control diet TRT 1 (Good feed, without mould), TRT 2 (Mould feed only), TRT 3 (60 g of Z. officinale + 1 kg of mould feed), TRT 4 (30 g of Z. officinale + 1 kg of mould feed), and TRT5 (10 g of Z.  officinale + 1 kg of mould feed). The fish were fed to satiation at 5% body weight twice per day for 8 weeks (56 days) and the fish growth parameters measured. There was significant increase (P<0.05) in mean weight gain of  TRT 1, TRT 3, and TRT 4 compare to TRT 2 and TRT 5. The experimental fish at TRT1, TRT 3, TRT 4 and TRT 5 were significantly different (P<0.05) compared to TRT 2 in weight gain, protein efficiency ratio (PER), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and specific growth rate (SGR). The gills and liver  of the control group (TRT1) of fish appeared with single layer of epithelial cells covering the secondary lamellae and uniform distribution of the hepatocytes respectively. In the TRT 2 and TRT 5, there was haemorrhage  of the capillaries in the interlamellar space of the gills. Kidney of the fish in the TRT 1, TRT 3 and TRT 4 had normal glomeruli which are not the same with the TRT 2 and TRT 5. These findings showed that Z. officinale has the capacity to suppress the toxic effects of the aflatoxin (secondary  metabolites) secreted by the mould feeds on the growth and vital organs of C. gariepinus. © 2013 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Aflatoxin, Clarias gariepinus, mould feed, Zingiber officinale, treatments

    Length-weight Relationship of Heterobranchus bidorsalis (Geoffroy st. Hilaire 1809) Diploid and Triploid Progenies raised under the same Environmental condition

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    Twenty specimens of triploid with weight and length ranging from 207-300g and 29 32cm; diploid 150-200g and 23-28cm Heterobranchus bidorsalis (Geoffroy St. Hilaire 1809) were subjected to morphometric and meristic characterization, length-weight relationship and condition factor evaluation. Triploid specimens had the higher values in all the parameters examined and were significantly different (P<0.005). Regression analysis of diploid and triploid show the ranges of values (K) of 0.802 1.453 and 0.838 0.906 respectively, for condition factor (k) while the relative condition factor values (Kn) ranged between 0.869 1.087 and 0.968 1.038 respectively. Weight increases directly as the total length increases for both diploid and triploid indicating isometric growth. The R2 in triploid was higher (96.8%) than in diploids (42.4%). In diploid progenies, the length by weight was significantly different (P<0.05) in triploid. Triploid progenies need no special adaptive environment or technique for rearing. Therefore, diploid and triploid progenies can be successfully cultured simultaneously under the same environmental condition. Keyword: Diploid, Triploid, Progenies, Morphometric, Meristic, Condition factor, Characterizatio

    Growth performance and nutrient utilization of post fingerlings Clarias gariepinus fed varied levels of biscuit waste

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    A feeding trial was conducted to determine the effect of biscuit waste meal on the growth performance and utilization of Clarias gariepinus juveniles. A total of 300 juveniles of average weight 8.85g were randomly divided into five Treatments, each Treatment had three replicates. Twenty juveniles were distributed into each happa (0.7m3). The happa were suspended to ¾ of their volume using kuralon ropes carefully tied round the bamboo poles across the concrete tanks. Five diets containing 40% crude protein were formulated in which maize was replaced with biscuit waste meal at treatment; Diet 1 (TD1) 0%, 25% (TD2), 50% (TD3), 75% (TD4), 100% (TD5) levels. The fish were fed at 3% body weight per day for 10weeks. The results showed that biscuit waste was most suitable as an energy supplement when incorporated at 25% replacement (TD2) with maize. TD1 had the highest weight gain followed by TD2, TD3, TD4 and TD5 respectively. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in the growth response in TD1 (0%), TD2 (25%) and TD3 (50%). It is therefore concluded that biscuit waste meal is a cheap source of non conventional energy source which can be used favorably to replace maize (25% inclusion level) as an energy source in the diets of C. gariepinus.Keywords: Treatment, Biscuit waste, Net hapa, Juveniles, Crude protei